

4107 Uppsatser om Service-Oriented Architecture - Sida 36 av 274

Case Pöyry Sweden AB : Miljöprestandaindikatorer för ett tjänsteföretag

The world's natural resources are constantly being reduced, which increases the pressure on companies to actively engage themselves in environmental activities. Meanwhile, stakeholders focus is being broadened and it is now important not only to supply a particular product or service but also show that they are actively pursuing an environmental agenda. Companies can use various tools to aid in environmental efforts, but also to demonstrate to the world that the company is actively engaged in environmental activities. One such tool is the environmental standard ISO14001 which provides the company with guidance and support on how the business must manage its environmental efforts. To show a business' progress in environmental performance, it is advantageous to use environmental performance indicators as they enable stakeholders to easily understand how the business works with environmental issues.Authors in the field explain that the environmental management system propagation is limited in service organizations.

Bedömningsgrunder för boendestöd : en intervjustudie med biståndshandläggare i Uppsala kommun

This bachelor thesis aims to investigate how social workers in Uppsala describe their procedure when investigating applications for housing assistance (i.e. boendestöd). Boendestöd is a specific type of services for people with disabilities, which aim to assist them in their lives. This welfare service is one of many regulated by the framework legislation that is the social services act (SoL 2001:453). Previous research indicates that civil servants who make decisions based on goal-oriented framework legislations like SoL, have a great freedom to act when they make judgments and decisions.

Internationella studenter och referensarbete: En fenomenografisk studie av högskolebibliotekariers uppfattningar av referensarbete gentemot internationella studenter

The purpose of this Master?s thesis is to investigate how academic librarians experience reference work aimed at international students. International students are a growing usergroup in Swedish academic libraries. The study?s main research question is:- How do academic librarians experience reference work aimed at international students?The study was performed with a phenomenographic methodological approach where seven qualitative interviews with academic librarians were conducted.

?Vi gör ett försök? : en analys av SVT:s Mediemagasinet som ett mediekritiskt uttryck

In year 2000 the Swedish Public Service television started a new series of programmes named Mediemagasinet. The purpose was to expose the work of journalism through the eyes of a journalist. The programme showed different types of tasks and problems that have to do with journalistic reporting. The form of Mediemagasinet wasn?t anything new but the content was presented as the very first of its kind.

"Är ditt pass köpt i Botkyrka?" : En kvalitativ fallstudie av Public Service digitala nyhetsrapportering om "Jakten pa? papperslo?sa"

The study examines medias impact on every day racism through Agenda Setting and Framing. Prior studies on the subject are either conducted from an American perspective, or are several years of age. In this study we highlight how todays media depicts our society and how it affects the concept of the world on an individual level. The study is a content analysis of the case study on the news stories ?The hunt for the unregistered immigrants?, which have been analyzed through critical discourse analysis.

Informationssystem för service av truckar och städmaskiner

This paper describes the evolutionary development of an information system for a small company. The company performs overhaul of forklifts and cleaning machines. The company has already an information system that handles the reports from these overhauls but it needs a supplementary tool that assist the chief planner to plan forthcoming overhauls.It should be able to display coming overhauls in a timetable and eventually print them, either to a PDF file or to a document. The timetables this function produces will help the chief planner and the assemblers to get a good overview of their day-to-day work.The tool needs to be intelligent in that way that it takes into consideration were in the country different assignments will be performed. So that time consuming travels over great distances can be avoided.

Praktiska effekter av begreppsförvirring för en databas konceptuella design : En fallstudie om databas- och begreppsmodellering

Company X develops a laboratory information system (LIS) called System Y. The informationsystem has a two-tier database architecture consisting of a production database and a historicaldatabase. A database constitutes the backbone of a IS, which makes the design of the databasevery important. A poorly designed database can cause major problems within an organization.The two databases in System Y are poorly modeled, particularly the historical database. Thecause of the poor modeling was unclear concepts.

I sanningens ögonblick : berättelser om hur frontlinepersonal levererar service

 Titel: I sanningens ögonblick: berättelser om hur frontlinepersonal levererar service. Bakgrund: Service definieras som något som levereras men resulterar inte i ägande av något. Service levereras av frontlinepersonal till turister. Frontlinepersonalen har betydelse för hur servicen levereras. Jag har inte funnit någon detaljerad inventering vad serviceleveranser innehåller. Däremot finns det teorier som berättar hur företagsledningar ska leda personalen som levererar service.

Valfrihet genom kundval : en studie av kundvalsmodellen inom hemtjänsten

This essay is a qualitative study on quasimarkets in the field of home-help service. The main purpose of the study was to describe and analyze the function of costumers choice from elderly persons point of view. The quasimarket in home-help service of Solna stad has served as an example. The questions raised in the study concerned the elderly costumers opinion of the information about the different producers, what had influence on their choice, their attitude towards the freedom of choice, and their ability to act as consumers on a quasimarket.The method used was qualitative semi structured interviews. A majority of the elderly consumers appreciated the possibility to choose producer of home-help service.

Gestaltning och förverkligande av Icehotels utemiljö säsongen 2009/2010

This paper constitutes graduate work at the landscape architecture program at the Department of Urban and Rural Development at the Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, Uppsala. The main purpose of this paper is to create a project from an idea to reality. The place for the project is the environment of Icehotel in Jukkasjärvi in the north of Sweden. Icehotel is a unique hotel concept and each winter a hotel, a church and a bar is built at the area of only ice and snow, and each spring it all melts down and returns to the Torne river. During the project a plan for the environment, in ice and snow, will be made and then a part of it will be built in January 2010. The purpose is to improve the outdoor environment with landscape architecture to enhance the experience of Icehotel and create an exciting entrance to the area.

En jämförande analys av privat- och företagssidan gällande relationer och kundlojalitet på Swedbank i Sandviken

 Abstract  Titel: En jämförande analys av privat- och företagssidan gällande relationer och kundlojalitet på Swedbank i SandvikenNivå: D-uppsats i ämnet företagsekonomiFörfattare: Karolin Karlström och Hanna Mattila                           Handledare: Aihie OsarenkhoeDatum: Januari 2011Syfte: Vårt syfte med studien är att studera skillnader i service vad gäller kundrelationer och kundlojalitet på privat- och företagsavdelningen på Swedbank i Sandviken. Vi undersöker om det förekommer skillnader mellan relationer och service till kunderna samt jämför lojaliteten mellan bank och kund på privat- respektive företagssidan. Studien har genomförts då vi författare inte funnit någon tidigare studie om jämförelser mellan privat- och företagssidan, dess service och relationer till kunder.Metod: En kombination av kvalitativ och kvantitativ metod har används i denna studie. Data till studien har insamlats genom intervjuer av medarbetare på kontoret i Sandviken, samt en enkätundersökning riktad mot kunderna. Data har analyserats med hjälp av statistikprogram och redovisats i form av tabell och en sammanställning av uttalanden från intervjuerna.Resultat & slutsats: Vi har uppmärksammat att ett fåtal skillnader förekommer mellan privat- och företagssidan gällande service på Swedbank i Sandviken.

The Co-Creative Network

The purpose of this thesis is to explore the co-creation process and how value is created based on a service orientation using a network perspective. The thesis is studied from a social-constructionist philosophy, using a qualitative approach of data collection and the theoretical framework includes network theories, theories of service-orientation and co-creation. We have conducted semi-structured interviews with a small firm and its network, which consists of a customer, a supplier and a partner. We found that Håkansson?s ARA framework combined with Ballantyne and Varey?s triangulation of value-creating activities help to acquire an understanding of the actors? bonds, the resources? ties and the activity links that exist in a network.

Utborgaren -en studie om SVT:s roll för den sociala sammanhållningen i en svensk demokrati

Sveriges Television kallar sig en TV i allmänhetens tjänst och har en erkänd roll som viktig aktör i den svenska demokratin. I sin roll som public service-företag har SVT en mängd uppgifter att fylla genom sitt programutbud. Public service uppgifter som alla tillsammans skall främja ett demokratiskt samhälle. I takt med att medielandskapet och samhället har förändrats så står SVT:s ar-bete med dessa uppgifter och mål inför nya utmaningar. Vi har i denna upp-sats anammat teorin om att TV-utbudet för public service idag börjat efterlikna de mer nöjesanpassade TV-kanalerna i fråga om programutbud.

Analysis of Quality of Service of Wireless LAN for IEEE 802.11e

Nowadays Wireless LAN is playing a more and more important role in network systems. After 1999, in which the IEEE organization published its Wireless Local Network standard 802.11[1], many people saw the advantages of the standard but also the lack of support for multimedia streaming. A lot of research work has been done on the proposed IEEE 802.11e standard draft during the past 4 years. It is supposed to be able to fully support Quality of Service. The final version will be published early in 2004.

Re-design of Toledo Riverfront : from industrial past to sustainable biodiverse future

Effects of climate change, urbanization and global homogenization are resulted in the degradation of land and losses of natural habitats. Ecological design integrates nature into urban environment by respecting natural ecological principles and processes and creating resilient urban biotopes which also can be used by local urban communities. The aim of the thesis is to answer the research questions: How ecological design principles can be applied for re-design of Toledo Riverfront (with requirements of the design competition)? and What is the ecological design in landscape architecture? I participated in the USA design competition with the aim to create a vision and redesign of Toledo Riverfront in Ohio State, USA. The site is located in the south point of Lake Erie. As a result of a long industrial activity, riverfront of Toledo had been transformed into inaccessible and abandoned brownfields. In my proposal I applied ecological design principles on three scales: the city of Toledo by reinforcing of ecological connection and creating green corridors along the river; the intermediate scale by suggesting public parks along the river front and on the fine level by proposing detailed design including remediation of the site and use of dredged material.

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