

3247 Uppsatser om Service och tjänster. - Sida 25 av 217

Vem de vill att du ska vara : Enhetschefer om brukares önskemål gällande kön och etnicitet hos hemtjänstpersonal

The purpose of this study was to assess which basic principles collide when home care service users have requests about how their help is going to be performed. The requests involve gender and ethnicity of the personnel. The study is based on the experiences and reflections of the managers regarding this issue.As the study is focused on the reflections of the managers, I have used a qualitative research method based on interviews. I have also used two case examples as a compliment (vignettes).I was interested to explore how the managers reasoned and argued about gender and ethnicity of the personnel, and their importance in home care situations. I have investigated whether it is considered to be appropriate that the service users chose if a man or a woman helps them in intimate situations (such as showers), and if they are entitled to refuse to receive home care services from people with a different ethnic background.

Relationsmarknadsföring : En fallstudie av ett företag i hemelektronikbranschen

Syftet med uppsatsen är att undersöka och klarlägga relationsmarknadsföring som ett verktyg i ett företag inom hemelektronikbranschen, samt ta reda på betydelsen av CRM, service management och relationsbildningar för företaget. Vi har valt att använda oss av det kvalitativa tillvägagångssättet där intervjuer med företagets anställda har gjorts. Studien är baserad utifrån ett abduktivt angreppssätt.Eftersom studien är kvalitativ har forskningsfrågorna inte kunnat besvaras med konkreta svar utan snarare bredare svar med djup som gett oss förståelse över hur relationsmarknadsföring, CRM, relationer och service management rent praktiskt går till väga. Studien har visat att det förekommer relationer mellan säljare och kund i hemelektronikföretaget men att det inte ses som något direkt marknadsföringsverktyg. Studien har visat att de teoretiska begreppen använts praktisk sätt men inte i de teoretiska termerna.

En riktig kvinna En studie om traditionell kvinnlig genusidentitet, vad som befäster den samt kvinnans roll inom staten och nationen

This thesis is an attempt to understand how the traditional female gender identity is constructed and what kind of structures that are maintaining it. I also study how this identity is reflected in young women's conception of themselves and in their views upon whether they should sign in to the military service or not.The theoretical framework that I use mainly consists of theories about gender construction, male dominance and the woman's role in the nation-state.The purpose of using this theoretical approach is to illustrate that the traditional female gender identity consists of characteristics that are in opposition to the male ones. The woman should be weaker, less aggressive and more caretaking than men- in sum she is defined as the Other. The structures that constructs this identity is the male dominance, also known as the gender system and the patriarchy.This traditional female gender identity and citizenship role that historically has been allotted to women in the nation-state is still today very vivant in Sweden and is reflected in the fact that the military service is optional for women. Certain parts of this identity is also reflected in the young women that I interview, in their sense of probably not fitting in to the military service, because of their sex and the characteristics discussed above, that are associated with it..

Visionen & Entreprenören : Framtiden för det framgångsrika entreprenörsföretaget

Leaders have many tools in their toolbox when it comes to managing their firms, assuring that they are moving in the right direction. One of these tools is vision. Vision can be a powerful tool for steering a company. But to be able to use it fully, you must also understand how vision is best conveyed to employees and followers. If you understand the vision as a tool, you can fully utilize it.

Suicidal patients? feelings and experiences of the meeting with nursing staff in residential psychiatric care

Background: Suicidal patients feelings and experiences of the psychiatric service can be a decisive moment of the following treatment. Although suicide is a common problem all over the world we know very little about the feelings that the patients are feeling in residential psychiatric care. Purpose: The aim of this litterature studie was to describe suicidal patients feelings and experiences of the psychiatric service. Method: Literature study was conducted through a search of articles in different databases. The data has been done as an overview and the data has been analysed with content analysis.

Implementation av prototyp för inomhuspositionering

Utveckling av teknik skapar ständigt nya möjligheter men innebär också stora förändringar för företag och organisationer. Mobiltelefoner, surfplattor, bärbara datorer, mobilkommunikation och molnteknik gör det möjligt idag att inte längre vara bunden av tid, plats eller en enhet för att kunna arbeta. Förändringen innebär att en ny typ av flexibla och yteffektiva kontor med inga fasta arbetsplatser blir allt vanligare. Problemet med de så kallade flexkontoren är att veta var eller när en kollega befinner sig på kontoret är inte lika självklart, framförallt om det är stort kontor med flera våningsplan.Målsättningen med detta arbete är att ta fram och implementera en inomhuspositioneringstjänst eller en så kallad Location-Based Service, till företaget Connecta AB. Tjänsten ska göra det möjligt för användare att med hjälp av sin mobiltelefon dela med sig av sin nuvarande arbetsplats i en kontorsmiljö.Resultatet av arbetet är en Location Based Service som gör det möjligt för en användare att med hjälp av en Androidtelefon med stöd för kortdistanskommunikationstekniken Near Field Communcication att dela med sig av sin nuvarande arbetsplats.

Bredbandstjänsternas framtid - En fallstudie av Sydkraft Bredband

Vi fann att hushållen i Norrköping har nytta av flertalet tjänster som i framtiden kan komma att erbjudas via Stadsnet.com. Dock är det är svårt att ta betalt för tjänster som tidigare erbjudits gratis via Internet. Vi ser också att Stadsnet.com som nätverk ger kunden ett mervärde om det i framtiden fortsätter att växa, med både fler bredbandsanvändare och fler Service Providers. I undersökningen med Service Providers fann vi att de intervjuade företagen vill använda sig av portaler så som Stadsnet.com istället för att driva egna portaler..

Kundservice - En omotiverad kostnadspost? : En studie av IKEA Jönköping

Kundservice har på senare år blivit ett allt viktigare sätt att differentiera sig på konkurrensutsatta marknader. Heminrednings-företaget IKEA har insett detta, men går det att kombinera god service med vad som är deras främsta konkurrensmedel, det låga priset?Det är därför av intresse att utreda om service bidrar till kundlojalitet. Frågeställningar som väckts är; Bidrar IKEA:s serviceaktiviteter till kundlojalitet? Föreligger det skillnader mellan hur mycket de olika serviceaktiviteterna bidrar till kundlojalitet?Syftet med denna uppsats är att undersöka om IKEA:s kundservice spelar en betydande roll för kunderna eller om det endast är en omotiverad kostnadspost, samt att utreda vilken typ av service IKEA bör prioritera i framtiden.En kvantitativ tvärsnittsstudie med surveyansats har gjorts genom en enkätundersökning bland 200 IKEA kunder För att få insikt i serviceaktiviteternas funktion gjordes även en mindre kvalitativ undersökning.Samtliga serviceaktiviteter har ett positivt samband med lojalitet och påverkar därför köpbeslutet till en viss grad.

Likviditetsgaranti ur ett företagsperspektiv

The aim of this paper is to investigate the underlying motifs leading to the decision to appoint a supplemental liquidity provider and how they vary between companies. As the first study of its kind to take on an internal company perspective, the goal was to broaden the knowledge base of the field and lay ground for further studies. The study has been conducted by interviewing companies providing the service, their customers and the stock exchanges which they are traded on. The results show that there are two main motifs for appointing a liquidity provider, 1) Creating conditions for increased trade and 2) Improving the pricing of the stock. There was also a supplemental group 3) Other motifs consisting of the observations that would not fit in any of the main categories.

Service till alla? : Folkbibliotekens roll i de små och medelstora företagens informationsförsörjning - en granskning av tre företagsserviceprojekt

The purpose of this study is to examine and explain why three Swedish public libraries failedin their ambition to act as information services for small and medium-sized firms (SMF). To support this purpose two major assumptions are made:1) Public libraries who plan to run this kind of "business" must act with the same means as "professional" services.2) The service must be adjusted to the information needs of the customer.Based on these assumptions sixteen factors which are crucial to the "success" for this kind of service are presented.Applied to the information services of Lidkoping, Sölvesborg and Västervik, these factors reveal a number of shortcomings and mistakes made by the libraries.To understand this result these information services are seen as parts of a traditional Swedish public "library-thought". It is shown that, fundamental ideas in the way the public libraries are defined, like the responsibility to act in a neutral and democratic way, also characterised the three information services.These ideas together with the opinion of SMF as a "rational" information-consumer resulted in information services who did not meet the information-needs and information-behaviour of SMF..

Från dykbåtar till ubåtar : Ubåtsvapnets utveckling 1945-1960

From underwater boat to submarine ? The development of the Swedish submarine service 1945-1960 The scope of this essay is the development of the Swedish submarine service during the period 1945-1960. The aim is to answer the following questions:- What kind of new technology did Sweden acquire when salvaging the German type XXI submarine off Gothenburg at the end of World War II?- In what respect did this technology differ from that of the Royal Swedish Navy and did it subsequently contribute to the tactical and operational development?- What tactical and operational development was accomplished between 1945-1960?The timeframe, 1945-1960, was chosen since this is when the analysis of the salvaged type XXI submarine and related effects was conducted. Furthermore, it is also during this time that the Swedish submarine service is beginning to evolve as a result of the new knowledge mentioned above and the experiences made by both the allies and the Germans during World War II.The theoretical framework primarily refers to the theories on naval warfare by Sir Julian Corbett.

Implementeringsarbete i den svenska grundskolan

The study has shown that retailers in the mid-price segment differentiate their brand through developing a strong company identity around the brand. The personality involves store atmosphere, merchandise and advertising. Larger companies have chosen to lay the responsibility on management level, which facilitates on store level. By controlling the strategies on a central level the company can make sure that the stores are steered in the direction that the company wants them to be steered in, and also that they follow the positioning-concept. The company can also devote its efforts to working with its core value, which is service.

Robin Hood och Hemtjänsten : En förstudie om Företagshälsovårdens arbete med arbetsmiljöfrågor inom hemtjänstbranschen

Occupational Health Service (OHS) has an important role in society. It is designed to prevent illness and strengthen the health of workers. OHS operations and development are currently being studied at the School of Technology and Health at the Royal Institute of Technology in Sweden. One of the industries studied is the home maker service. During the 2010s were such employees one of the most ill groups in Sweden.This master's thesis in occupational environment development and change management focus on examining the special knowledge an OHS and its clients in one home maker service need to strengthen the workers of the industry and find out how the interaction between OHS and home maker service works and how it could be evolved.A qualitative study was conducted in a Swedish city on the basis of an organizational perspective.

Kvalitetssäkring av tjänsteinköp

Quality Assurance in Service Procurement --- Total Quality and Total Quality Management refer to popular management philosophies in organizations these days. The purchasing department has an important part in the strive for organizational quality as several studies show corporate spend is significant and increasing. In this master thesis I study the actions companies take to ensure quality in service procurement. I argue that managing quality when sourcing services is particularly tricky, because of the special characteristics that belong to services. The purpose of the study is to examine whether different actions are taken to ensure the quality of different kinds of services.

Hotellverksamheter på Makarska rivieran : en undersökning av dess kvalitet, servicenivå och tillgänglighet

Background and problem: In Croatia, the hotel industry has undergone difficult and unstable conditions since the 90s. Since 2001, however the results in the sector has improved due to increased investment in the renovation of facilities and construction of new hotels.Purpose: The study aims to examine hotel operations on the Makarska Riviera on the basis of tourist business perspective, and examine its quality, service and accessibility.Method: In this study we used a qualitative approach. The survey was conducted through structured interviews and a non-participant observation.Result and conclusions: Satisfied and fulfilled employees, in turn that the hotels will have satisfied customers and may have profitable operations. Many hotels aim at constantly working to improve profitability and customer satisfaction. When measuring customer satisfaction, many hotel owners felt that the service is good and that they have received a good response from their guests.

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