

9084 Uppsatser om Service design - Sida 44 av 606

Utveckling av 300 kg HD Lightlift för belysning och liknande laster

The company LightLift Esystems AB manufactures patented motorized lift systems for the illumination of halls with high ceilings. The company wants a new design for singular heavy lights in order to be more competitive.This project consists of the development of the new design under the requirements and specifications imposed by the company. The new design must support lights up to 300kg and keep the overall dimensions as low as possible without modifying the driving unit.This document contains all the designing steps followed to reach the final solution as well as the material selection, manufacturing process and assembly of all the parts that form it.The solution obtained shows to be very competitive with other alternative products, since this new design triples their maximum load capacity while the dimensions are very similar.In this context, the optical appearance was also very important to the company and so it was another main objective of this project. From an aesthetical point of view, the final solution proves to be very compact and versatile since it can either be hidden behind a false ceiling or covered by a plastic case that gives the design a very nice look.Finally, the solution achieved fulfils all the requirements and specification previously imposed. It is reliable, compact, cheap to manufacture, easy to assembly and it has a good optical appearance. .

Vikten av prestationsmätning : En utvärderingsstudie av P2P-processen på IKEA AB, Finance Services

Bakgrund: Prestationsmätning syftar till att implementera ett företags strategi. För att lyckas med det krävs tillgång till relevant information för att ta rätt beslut. Nya alternativa organisationsformer som shared service centres har lett till en ökad efterfrågan på ny anpassad ekonomistyrning. En förfrågan om att utvärdera P2P-processens prestationsmätningssystem på IKEA AB, Finance Services ledde till utvärderingsstudien.Syfte: Syftet med utvärderingsstudien är att utveckla en modell med dimensioner, för att analysera prestationsmätningssystem på shared service centres. Analysmodellen kommer appliceras på P2P-processen inom IKEA AB, Finance Services.

Kommunikation, uppföljning och tidsplanering inom detaljprojekteringen : Hur projekteringsprocessen kan effektiviseras med små medel

Producing a building is a long and complex process. It consists of several parts, from the feasibility study and design stage onto the construction and finally the management of the building. The design process is a critical part of the process where construction plans are made. The quality of the plans affect the production phase in great extent and faulty plans can pose a risk for extra costs for all parts in the process. The cost of producing dwellings has increased the last years and the detail design process is one of many phases where improvements can mean cost savings within the whole building process.This report aims to point at parts within the detail design process which could be more efficient, regarding communication, follow-up and time planning, and to give suggestions for improvements.

Framgångsfaktorer i e-handelssektorn

The customer behavior is constantly changing along with the developement of new technical improvements. Together with knowledge and higher demands the physical store has received a viral competitor. Purpose: The purpose of this study is to examine the phenomenon e-commerce and how it has developed in recent years. The study will focus on identifying different success factors relevant for this field of interest. Furthermore the purpose is to analyze how relationships, service and value in the e-commerce sector and how they are connected to each other.

Leanbana till toppen - En studie om Lean-implementering i skidsystem

The ski resort is a business unlike any other. While providing the customer with a service, it produces the service in a manner that in many respects resemble the traditional producing company. Therefore, since the challenges facing the ski resort are a mixture of what can be found in these different environments, this study aims to investigate the applicability of Lean principles in this context. With a qualitative approach based on direct observation, combined with survey data from 2819 respondents, we evaluate the expected effects on customer value of ten commonly defined Lean principles. The study finds that although Lean theory can help disseminate customers throughout the resort and provide greater transparency, the nature of the operations calls for caution.

Visualisering av anläggningsinformation för underhåll

This project has created a web-application for the service technicians at the paper plant Gruvön. The project was outsourced to the IT-company Sogeti.The application visualizes information about reparation-work of the equipment at the paper plant. The displayed information is work-orders, the status of the work-orders and errors. It is also possible to see the costs and hours spent on reparation-work.. The work-orders and related information is stored in a relational database.The application is created mainly for web-browsers in mobile-phones and tablets.

Design och Produktutveckling : En fallstudie om hur företag med hjälp av design kan skapa mervärde till konsumenten i produktutvecklingen

In today?s competitive market, design is an important element for the companies. They must succeed with delivering an increased value and an experience for the consumer to be able to survive. The Swedish company?s have become better in the design area, the higher standards the consumer?s demands forces the company to invest more in design.

Planteringar på Marieholm med 1800-tals växtmaterial och tillhörande skötselplan

Uppsats för avläggande av filosofie kandidatexamen iKulturvård, Trädgårdens hantverk och design, 22,5 hp, 2014.

Design and Analysis of an All-optical Free-space Communication Link

Free Space Optics (FSO) has received a great deal of attention lately both in the military and civilian information society due to its potentially high capacity, rapid deployment, portability and high security from deception and jamming. The main issue is that severe weather can have a detrimental impact on the performance, which may result in an inadequate availability. This report contains a feasibility study for an all-optical free-space link intended for short-range communication (200-500 m). Laboratory tests have been performed to evaluate the link design. Field tests were made to investigate availability and error performance under the influence of different weather conditions.


Banking systems in India is quite popular and it needs some more changes to reach all the customers. Lack of the service is main problem in Indian baking system. If the common person wants to open the account, it take?s little bit high cost and banks are not near the people location. Due to the Lack of service, people do not want to be a customer of the bank.

Strokekedjan från början till slut : En etnografisk studie om farlighet och tid i en akut vårdkedja

Varje år drabbas 30 000 svenskar av stroke, vilket innebär stora personliga omställningar och stora kostnader för samhället. Den mest effektiva behandlingen, trombolys, måste ges så snart som möjligt för att ha god effekt.  Samtidigt som det är av största vikt att ta reda på om patienten har några differentialdiagnoser som gör behandlingen riskfylld.Den här studien undersöker hur strokekedjan går till och vilka faktorer som påverkar beslutsfattandet. Studien är baserad på etnografiska fältstudier på fyra svenska sjukhus och materialet är analyserat med metoder från sammansatta kognitiva system och målorienterad design. Resultaten visar att trots olika organiserade strokekedjor på de olika sjukhusen är processerna desamma och direkt kommunikation är mest framgångsrik för att effektivt sprida information mellan dem. Neurologjouren är viktig roll som, liksom resten av aktörerna i strokekedjan, ständigt balanserar sitt beslutsfattande mellan effektivitet och grundlighet.

?Det ?r vad hela jobbet g?r ut p?? Motivation, Motivation? - En kvalitativ intervjustudie om hur st?dassistenter arbetar p? boende med s?rskild service f?r att fr?mja motivation och delaktighet hos personer med psykiska funktionsneds?ttningar.

Bakgrund Personer med en psykisk funktionsneds?ttning och som bor p? boende med s?rskild service har l?gre energi, motivation och sj?lvf?rtroende ?n personer utan en psykisk funktionsneds?ttning. De har en l?gre delaktighet i sociala, fysiska och meningsfulla aktiviteter ?n ?vrig befolkning. St?dassistenter st?ttar personer med en psykisk funktionsneds?ttning i vardagliga aktiviteter som st?dning, handla mat, f?lja med p? l?karbes?k eller n?gon fritidsaktivitet.

Elecronic Wallet - Utveckling av en digital plånbok sett ur ett användarperspektiv

This essay is a product of our examination work on candidate level in Interaction Design. The aim in this project was to design a digital wallet integrated into a cellular phone and make it as an electronic payment tool. In our project the goal has been to create a digital wallet not just for payment, but also develop it into a complete digital wallet, replacing visa, membership card, student cards, id card and receipt. Our ambition is to take care of current qualities of today's wallet and improve where it is possible so that can be replaceable with the digital wallet..

Den nya svenska kroppen

Detta examensarbete är en undersökning i kommunikation genom konst och design.Det är ett gränsöverskridande samarbetsprojekt vars syfte är att skapa en diskussion kring ett fortfarande tabubelagt ämne. Genom ett gestaltande arbete i textila material undersöks hur vi på ett kreativt sätt kan bidra till samhällsdebatten runt övervikt och fetma. Projektet resulterade i två textila verk som gestaltar den nya svenska kroppen. En textil skulptur i form av en överviktig dalahäst och en folkdräkt för den nya svenska kroppen. I vår gestaltning använder vi oss av dalahästen och folkdräkten som symboler för svensken.

Intern marknadsföring: en fallstudie av Malmia hotell AB

Internal marketing is according to the theories especially important in the service industry. The purpose of this thesis was to study how service companies work with internal marketing and especially motivation. Our case study, based on interviews conducted on Malmia hotel in Skellefteå, showed that internal marketing plays a vital part in the companie´s success, and that internal marketing is an ongoing process at Malmia hotel. Our study also showed that Malmia hotel works with internal marketing according to the recommendations of the theories..

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