

9084 Uppsatser om Service design - Sida 11 av 606

Metoder och design av visionärt personbilskoncept

I projektet, som är ett examensarbete från programmet högskoleingenjör i teknisk design vid Luleå tekniska universitet, har ett koncept på en delvis förarlös bil tagits fram. Arbetet har utförts mot instutitionen för arbetsvetenskap och har givit värdefull erfarenheter inför fortsatta studier vid Umeå Institute of Design. Resultatet är en lyxig fyradörrars kupé med tänkt lansering omkring år 2020. Bilen sköter till största delen av tiden körningen på egen hand men tillåter även manuell körning på ett nytt och revolutionerande sätt. Fordonet är även en social mötesplats där passagerarna får uppleva en ny dimension av att resa med bil..

Att öka värdet på varumärket i tjänsteföretag: en fallstudie
av Källan Hotell Spa Konferens AB

The purpose of this study has been to find out how service companies work to increase the value of their trademark. A case study with personal interviews was chosen as data collection method and as case study object a service company was chosen. The result of the study shows that service companies strategically work with increasing the value of their trademark. To achieve this, agreement between the company product and the image of the trademark is required..

Prototyping of a mobile, Augmented Reality assisted maintenance tool

The purpose of this thesis work is to create a prototype for an augmented reality application that isaimed to support service technician when performing service and maintenance of machines andengines. The prototype will be used for investigating what technical limitations there is and toestablish basic usability for the user interface. The method that is used is user studies and analysis toevaluate use cases and user stories. An iterative work process is then applied for design and theprototype is continuously user tested.The resulting prototype uses a Samsung Galaxy Tab 2 running on Android operating system. Theframework used for augmented reality is NyARToolkit which handles marker recognition andconnections to Android.

Service recovery i praktiken : En kvalitativ studie av användandet av service recovery-teorier i ett tjänsteföretag

Denna studie har undersökt den praktiska användbarheten av befintliga teoretiska ramverk inom service recovery-området som utgångspunkt för att utvärdera och utveckla recovery-arbetet i tjänsteföretag. En datainsamling på ett större svenskt tjänsteföretag har genomförts med ett fokus baserat på befintliga teorier om service recovery. Det insamlade materialet har sedan bearbetats av nyckelpersoner på företaget och funnits leda till en inte oansenlig mängd insikter och åtgärdsförslag relaterat till organisationens recovery-verksamhet. Detta leder till slutsatsen att de teoretiska ramverk som beskriver service recovery-processen framgångsrikt kan användas för att styra utvärdering och utveckling av en organisations recovery-verksamhet. Information som insamlats med befintliga teorier som lins har visats vara relevant för en organisations insikter om det egna recovery-arbetet samt bidragit till utveckling av recovery-verksamheten..

Kommer boken? : uppsökande verksamhet för funktionshindrade på Uddevalla stadsbibliotek ? en organisationsstudie

The purpose of this Master Thesis is to investigate the quality of the library service at the City Library of Uddevalla. In particular this thesis will examine the quality of the library service to people who are disabled. This applies particularly to the service to people with reduced ability to move or to see, which also includes people with infirmities due to old age. We also have investigated how well the library itself is adapted to the disabled. In order to get more information about the library service to people who are disabled, we have studied literature on this subject and the Master Thesis contains a summary of those documents.

"... människan kan förändras om man ger den verktyg" - En kvalitativ studie av elva frivårdsinspektörers synsätt på kontraktsvårdsutredningar för drogmissbrukare

The object of this essay was to illustrate and analyse what determines that a contract treatment investigation for a drug addict is initiated and what factors influence the investigation itself, from the probation service officer's perspective.We selected the following two questions:- What does the probation service officer see as being the deciding factor for a contract treatment investigation to be initiated?- What questions appear in a contract treatment investigation and how do they influence the investigation, according to the probation service officer?To find answers to these questions we conducted interviews with 11 probation service officers, during November and December 2005, at three different locations across Skåne. We decided to use the qualitative method for collecting the data we needed.In our essay we came to the conclusion that the will and motivation of the client is a deciding factor whether or not a contract treatment investigation is to be initiated. An important collaborator in this process is the social services. According to the probation service officers, many of the problems that may appear in the co-operation are due to the tough economic constraints experienced by the social services.

Värdeskapande och värdefångade i mobila applikationer

Development of services that?s provided through mobile application technology in today's modern IT society has become a full-fledged market where numerous players trying to make themselves heard in everything from innovative new services to the further development of existing services. In these services actors wants to find new areas of use by taking advantage of the mobile technology.We have investigated how value is created and how the value is captured in the services provided through mobile applications. Through this, we wanted to identify the critical success factors in how a newly developed service should be designed to create value. This has been done through a thorough literature review, together with an indepth evaluation of existing applications.

Responsiv Design ? Möjlighet att implementera utan testning

Responsiv design syftar till att en webbsida ska anpassa sig efter anva?ndarens enhet, oavsett enhetens ska?rmstorlek. Arbetet har ga?tt ut pa? att ta reda pa? om man kan utveckla en framga?ngsrik responsiv design som fungerar pa? ma?nga typer av enheter enbart med en persondator som utvecklingsplattform, och pa? sa? sa?tt undvika att beho?va genomga? en stor process med testning. Resultaten visar att det a?r fullt mo?jligt. .

e-infrastruktur som stöd för hemtjänsten

The annual cost of home care services of transport in Falun/Borlänge, is now at 31 million kronor. It is clear from previous research that it is possible to reduce these costs through a restructuring of the existing home-help service. The restructuring aims to have a higher proportion of older people, who are in need of care, to live in special accommodation, in order to reduce transport costs. Therefore there is a need for systems that allow home-help service to plan their operations in such a way that transport is working as efficiently as possible. Through better planning, there are profits to be done.

Design Perception in Sweden and Turkey: A Comparison of Two Culturally Different Countries

The purpose of current paper is to identify the differences (ifany) between Swedish and Turkish consumers in terms ofproduct design perception and to identify the differences toproduct design in relating the four dimensions / characteristics:1.Aesthetical attractiveness, 2.Functionality, 3.Value and4.Quality.The findings of the study indicate the existence of a universal perception of design. Despite the culturally different countries that are examined the empirical material consistently display similarities between the two countries. Both the quantitative and qualitative data point to a very similar perception in terms of design. The possibilities of global design are discussed for companies as well as managerial implications and future research..

Gränsöverskridande Ljuddesign

Transcending sound design is possible. There are unseen possibilities and a great potential for improvement and development in sound and music design ? but there is a great difficulty penetrating the obstacles that lies in the way for such development to take place and to exist. The difficulties in being negotiable and productive lies more within the limits of the audience it has to gain, than in itself. It is as though music and sound design has to evolve very slowly, in an almost evolutionary style; one step at a time, to be accepted.

Ekosystemtjänstbedömningar : Utvärdering av metodik för att synliggöra värdet av naturen inom stadsplanering

The purpose of this study was to analyze and develop a workflow for assessing and representing the value of ecosystems to professionals involved in municipal planning. A thorough literature review was conducted and supplemented by interviews and observations. Frameworks for ecosystem service assessments were analyzed and combined with methods in urban planning in order to assess social and ecological conditions. A workflow was set up and methods were evaluated by applying them to a case study in the area Åstråket in Uppsala. Experience from the case study was compiled in order to improve the workflow.Complex assessments were identified and simplified for the method to be useful for practitioners.

Grafiskt tilltal i offentliga miljöer

Graphic design is an integrated part of the public spaces we move through in our daily lives. This thesis explores the emotional aspects of graphic design, with a focus on environmental graphics for the public space. The goal is to find ways in which the emotional aspects of a design solution can be varied without compromising the practical aspects, i.e. affect the conveyance of information. This goal is pursued through an analysis of historical and contemporary literature as well as by design practise.

Designteori i praktiken : En undersökande fallstudie om hur designteori manifesterar sig i praktiken

New technologies and new consumer behaviors are having a large impact on mediacompanies. The biggest change is in the behavior of the younger demographic whereold platforms like television are abandoned for new online platforms. In this newworld, media companies and organizations need new tools and business models tostay competitive. One such tool is Design Thinking, a term used to describe a cognitivedesign-specific set of activities used during a design process. It has been popularizedin commercial areas and there the term is used to describe an applicable workflowused to promote the skills required to use Design Thinking.

DDoS : -Vad är det och går det att skydda sig?

This paper will expose the serious phenonomen Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS). Businesses without a good security policy are easy targets for attackers. We will cover why its hard to protect yourself, present previous attacks and ways for individuals and businesses to secure themselves. We have based our paper on previous cases and done intervjues with companies who specialize in dealing with these kind of threats. Then come up with guidelines wich will be helpful for businesses when they want to strengthen there security against Distributed Denial of Service-attacks..

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