

9597 Uppsatser om Service Management - Sida 2 av 640

Rädda, varna, larma, släck! - En studie om förhållningssätt till varumärke inom den kommunala räddningstjänsten

This study examines how the local rescue services relate to the brand of the rescue service and the concept of brand management. To understand the attitudes against the brand and brand management, empirical data, theoretical modelling of brand and current laws have been discussed together in a try to get an overview how the rescue services practically works with the brand. The study results are based on a questionnaire survey and qualitative semi-structured interviews. The survey was sent to employees working with the communication of the rescue service. The interviews were held with two employees working with the communication of the rescue service and two fire chiefs.

Hundratusen rullar fram i Sverige : Det enda som stoppar rörelsehindrade är omgivningen

Service Design is a relatively new, unexplored and exciting phenomenon that through an interdisciplinary work methodology designs services. A discussion has been going on for a long time regarding whether there is a difference between products and services. Services are often classified as immaterial, heterogeneous, non-storable and inseparable in relation to products. A question that arises is if something specific characterises the work methodology used regarding service design. The aim with this paper is thus to explain the work methodology when working with service design.

Förändring av styrning inom en offentlig stödverksamhet: En studie över hur styrningen förändras inom en offentlig serviceenhet påverkas av en privatisering

The purpose of this study is to perform an in-depth analysis of what effects a privatization of a service organization has on the management control system within the organization. The paper studies a service organization which provides service for the county council in Östergötland, Sweden. The result is based on interviews with several people, both within the acquiring private company and also within the county council in Östergötland, and analyzed using Samuelson?s (2005) framework from his study ?Organizational, Governance and Control ?. The major finding in the thesis is that the factors that have had the largest impact on the changes in management control are the new owner demands and the degree of operationalization of the overall goal..

Nedskrivning av goodwill : I vilken utsträckning redovisas upplysningar om koncerngoodwill i enlighet med IAS 36 p134?

Service Design is a relatively new, unexplored and exciting phenomenon that through an interdisciplinary work methodology designs services. A discussion has been going on for a long time regarding whether there is a difference between products and services. Services are often classified as immaterial, heterogeneous, non-storable and inseparable in relation to products. A question that arises is if something specific characterises the work methodology used regarding service design. The aim with this paper is thus to explain the work methodology when working with service design.

The rescindment of cash management in the Swedish bank industry : a study of how to maintain the customer satisfaction while reducing the overall service offer

Sweden is going through big changes within the bank sector. Increasing card usage, decrease of cash acceptance in the society, an attempt to reduce money laundering, and a possible increase in profitability has lead to the rescindment of cash management among three of the four major banks. This has lead to a big debate in the society, a lot of frustration from customers, and a drop in customer satisfaction for every bank that started the process of removing cash management. The purpose of this study is to find out how the banks could keep their customer satisfaction when removing cash management. When doing the study, the rescindment of cash was a deduction of a part of the service, compared to the normal adding or starting of a service. The study was done through a focus group that was the base of a questionnaire that got answered by 125 respondents.

Social Construction of Crisis: The Constructed Realities of SAS Ground Service Employees Regarding the Preparatory Period of Strategy 2011 Organizational Development Program.

The thesis explores an ongoing dialectical process between different levels of employees including top management to workers of Scandinavian Airline Service (SAS) regarding a new change program and to find out the possible social construction among them. In particular, it searches for the constructed reality of SAS ground service employees at Malmö Airport with regard to the preparatory stage of SAS Strategy 2011. A possible ambiguity in dialectical process is explored as it relates to an organization?s ability to effectively influence the understanding and identity of its employees through discourse.

Den dynamiska hotellverksamheten som ett enat varumärke

The purpose of this study is to analyze and specify the characteristics of servicescapes in the hotel industry and its role when building a brand. Further, the aim is to put forward how Management in this sector strategically utilizes the location to manage the staff in order to help build a strong lasting brand. To fulfill our purpose we have targeted one overall question - What purpose does servicescape have when building a solid brand name in the hotel sector?In today?s society brands play an integral part in influencing our buying behavior and are now considered to be a new business tool to communicate a business trough. Also services have become a widespread phenomenon, which is seen as a competitive tool not only for companies in the service sector.

Models of Service Marketing - A Study on the Marketing Functions of Project Workers in Knowledge-Intensive Companies

The purpose of my study is to question the model service marketing triangle and propose an alternative ways of looking at service marketing. The study is based on a deep, qualitative research. In the research of the material an abductive approach has been used. The primary information sources are interviews with project workers, which are being analyzed together with the theoretical background in part argumentations in the course of the thesis. In the last chapter they are unified.

Införande av IT Service Management med hjälp av IT Infrastructure Library

I en allt mer krympande värld, måste organisationer lära sig att snabbt reagera på marknadsförändringar. Medan organisationer blir bättre på att införa nya affärsprocesser, kvarstår problemet med en tungrodd och svårföränderlig IT?miljö. Det hela görs inte bättre av att organisationer blir mer och mer beroende av sin IT?infrastruktur.

Kvalitetssäkring i tjänsteföretag : En jämförande studie mellan Ving och SIQ:s riktlinjer för kvalitetssäkring

When managing the quality of a service producing industry?s products, the industry faces greater challenges than the manufacturing industries do. Today?s globalization puts further pressure on service producing companies around the world to work at their absolute maximum. So, how do service producing companies work to manage quality? In this essay the writers take a deeper look at the travel agency Ving, part of My Travel Northern Europe.

Kvalitetssäkring i tjänsteföretag : En jämförande studie mellan Ving och SIQ:s riktlinjer för kvalitetssäkring

When managing the quality of a service producing industry?s products, the industry faces greater challenges than the manufacturing industries do. Today?s globalization puts further pressure on service producing companies around the world to work at their absolute maximum. So, how do service producing companies work to manage quality? In this essay the writers take a deeper look at the travel agency Ving, part of My Travel Northern Europe.

Service och biståndsorganisationer - en kvalitativ studie av ideella organisationers verksamhet och serviceperspektiv

SammanfattningUtbildning och kurs: Magisterprogrammet i Service Management, kandidatkurs SMT302 Handledare: Magnus Jirström och Veronica Åberg Syfte och frågeställningar: Vår intention med denna uppsats är att analysera om de ideella organisationer som vi har undersökt överhuvudtaget reflekterar kring service gentemot medlemmar. Skulle så vara fallet ämnar vi kartlägga på vilket sätt detta görs. Slutligen är vår förhoppning att uppsatsen ska kunna resultera i några förslag på områden där ideella organisationer skulle kunna praktisera Service Management. Vårt syfte utmynnar således i följande frågeställningar: hur arbetar ideella organisationer med service och vårdandet av relationer i dagsläget?, på vilket sätt kan Service Management tillämpas i ideella organisationer? och vilka styrkor och svagheter finns det i det allmänna arbetssätt inom ideella organisationer och vad beror de på? Metod: För att kunna besvara våra frågeställningar har vi framförallt använt oss av en kvalitativ analys av litteratur inom relevanta ämnesområden, såsom NGO, bistånd, Service Management, Gemeinschaft och Gesellschaft.

Managing IT Costs with ABC - An empirical study av Toyota Industries IT Supply Europe

The purpose of this essay is to apply Activity Based Costing on a Service and Support function in order to identify and allocate costs for providing support for IT deliverables..

Public Service Begreppets olika ideal och tolkningar

With this master thesis we wanted to find out in which way the concept of public service is connected to different perspectives, ideals, visions of the future and forms of organizations. The purpose with our thesis was to do an analysis of different concepts regarding to public service. To the analysis of concepts we used Swedish newspapers and analysed the issue of public service that had been discussed in articles written during the last five years. From this material and other papers about public service we developed a model of public service ideals. We wanted to find out what the different perspectives thought about the Swedish television and their commission.

Personalkostnadsbesparingens påverkan på arbetsmotivationen

Frågeställningar:På vilket sätt påverkas personalens arbetsmotivation av personalkostnadsbesparingar?Vilken betydelse har arbetsmotivationen vid personalkostnadsbesparingar för det finansiella resultatet på kort och lång sikt?.

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