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Slaget vid Sekigahara 1600 : En historiografisk undersökning
The purpose of this master thesis is to use marketing theory on the library?s activities. The marketing theory used is the 4Ps; product, price, promotion and place, as it's presented by Philip Kotler. Because the library can be seen as a service oriented organization Christian Gronroos theory of marketing in the service industry also has been used. A case study of the public library in Broby was made to illustrate how the public libraries? activities can appear in the light of marketing theory.
Ett internetbaserat bokningssystem för hotellrum
Berghs Företagshotell i Ockelbo hyr bland annat ut övernattningsrum och lägenheter likt ett vandrarhem. Problemet är att de använder sig av ett enkelt ?excel-ark? och enstaka ?post-it? lappar för att hålla koll på sina bokningar och är i behov av ett bättre system. Ägaren har länge funderat på att ordna detta själv då han har gott om databas- och programmeringskunskaper, men precis som alla andra småföretagare har han tyvärr för lite tid. Av den anledningen tyckte vi att detta skulle vara ett perfekt examensarbete för oss.
?Det finns inga genvägar? En fallstudie av Södra Älvsborgs Sjukhus verksamhetschefers upplevelse av strategisk internkommunikation
Communication is essential for the survival of an organization. The management formulates strategies to ensure thatthe organization will get to where they want it to go. The strategy is then communicated to the co-workers through the line manager. But who is to say that the co-worker experience the message the same way as the line manager or the management for that matter? The purpose of this study is toinvestigate how the middle managers at Southern Älvsborg Hospital experience strategic internal communication andfurther how they communicate with their co-workers.Through a case study approach, the case being the communication of the hospitals research strategy, I conducted 13 interviews.I analyzed the material from the interviews using a hermeneutical approach and I used an interpretative approach to get a deeper understanding.
Konstruktion av current conveyors via makromodellering
A current conveyor is an active building block that can be used to implement most active and passive components. It differs from the operation amplifier in that it uses current instead of voltage. The current conveyor also has significantly higher voltage gain over a broader frequency range. To simplify the construction of analogue circuits and increase the construction efficiency it is desirable to use a top-down methodology. This means that the whole system is partitioned into a hierarchy of subsystems.
Abstract The purpose of this project is to develop a modular processor card which is intended to work as a platform for Kitron Development Karlskoga. The modular processor card is meant to be used as a control system in development projects, mainly in medical and industrial products. The processor card will consist of a central unit with the basic functions for a control system. Furthermore there will be complete modules with machine commodity and programming, to pick exactly the necessary functions for a specific application. With consideration to the specification of the development and the main unit, I chose an adequate microprocessor (AT90CAN32) as core and interface circuits to stated border areas. The construction is first completed in the program MultiSim and then remade in the program OrCAD Capture. The programming language C was used in the software model.
Migration av distribuerad relationsdatabas för lagring i webbläsare
An increasing amount of companies and organizations are starting to implement the use of cloud computing in their business. This trend results in that software, which was previously sold and distributed to the customers whom then had to install the software on their own computers, now is being replaced with Software as a Service (SaaS). SaaS makes software available through the customers? browsers, which results in that the service providers only have to administer a single application. The process to migrate a distributed application to a service delivered as a SaaS lacks sufficient investigation; this paper will provide some guidelines for conducting such a pro- cess.
Omslagsbilder till DVD-filmer : Exempel på visuell kommunikation
This thesis is about cover illustrations of DVD movies as examples of visual communication. I have studied the cover illustrations of the three movies Gran Torino, Secret Window and As White As Snow. My research assignment has been to find out how the cover illustrations of DVD movies communicate in relation to the story. I have also been looking for what makes a cover illustration interesting and if the interest in itself is individually considered or if there are certain general rules regardless of the observer.To reach a conclusion I have been studying components in advertising pictures, visual communication and how the commercial producers use advertising to communicate with the observer. Semiotics, advertising and comparisons between the cover illustrations have been my method for analyze.I have come to the conclusion that cover illustrations are meticulously produced, and that every single part of them is important for the observers? over all impression and interpretation of the cover illustration.
Är HTML 5 redo för användning? : - Fokus på funktionalitet gällande utvecklingsspråkets nya taggar och attribut
Det här arbetet innefattar html 5 i avseendet beträffande användning av dess nya taggar/attribut redan nu, även fastän år som 2022 eller 2014 har nämnts av vissa när det gäller utvecklingsspråkets färdigställande. Intresset bakom arbetet uppstod baserat på några olika saker. Först och främst vid studerandet inom kursen "Webbteknisk Introduktion" (som läses i samband med Webbprogrammerare-programmets första år (hösten 2009), hos Linnéuniversitet) där användning av nya taggar, och påståenden avseende att språket redan då kunde börja användas, samt även utvecklingsspråkets namn (eftersom innefattningen av språket består av mycket mer än taggar/attribut) bidrog. Av de nytillkomna taggarna/attributen, har automatiska tester (via Javascript) gentemot de senaste versionerna av webbläsarna (Maj 2011 samt Augusti 2011) bestående av Internet Explorer, Opera, Mozilla Firefox, Apples Safari och Google Chrome genomförts. Operativsystemen webbläsarna körts under består av Mac OS X Server 10.6.7 och Windows 7 Professional (x86).
Riskanalys inom intrångsäkerhet på webbplatser
Attacker och intrång på webbservrar är idag vanligt förekommande. Webben gör det lätt för hackare, knäckare och andra inkräktare att hitta sårbara servrar, och det finns gott om tips att hämta för den som vill lära sig hur man gör intrång. Det finns ett flertal olika intrångsmetoder som utnyttjar olika typer av svagheter i datorsystemen. Denna uppsats inriktar sig på svagheter i webbplatsernas serverskriptsystem, dess skriptkod och konfiguration. Syftet är att undersöka huruvida intrång kan göras med endast en webbläsare via webbplatsens offentliga webbsidor.
?Lever vi inte i ett fritt land kanske?? : analys av normer och normbrott i böckerna om Pippi Långstrump och Tusen gånger starkare
The purpose of this essay is to examine the construction of the norm-breaking characters Saga from the young adult novel Tusen gånger starkare written by Christina Herrström and Pippi Longstocking from the books written by Astrid Lindgren. In order to do this I have applied queer theory as well as theories of narrative in my analysis.To be able to study the breaking of norms, it has been essential to first examine the way the norm itself is manifested in the books. Because of this I have chosen to begin my analysis with an examination of two other characters who by their normative behavior contrasts against Pippi and Saga, namely Signe and Annika. The understanding of the normative discourse that Signe and Annika represent is crucial in understanding the way Saga and Pippi later turn against it.After that I examine in which ways Saga and Pippi breaks prevalent norms and how they as characters are constructed as being different. Subsequently I study the effects of Saga?s and Pippi?s norm-breaking, taking focus on how it influences Signe and Annika.Finally I discuss the view of Saga and Pippi as subversive characters, and however the books can be said to have a subversive effect.
Höga trähus : Befintliga trähusproducenters förutsättningar och intresse att bygga flerfamiljshus med bärande trästomme med fler än två våningar
Syftet med uppsatsen är att undersöka befintliga trähusproducenters förutsättningar och intresse att bygga flerfamiljshus med bärande trästomme med fler än två våningar. För att nå vårt syfte har vi satt oss in i marknaden för höga trähus. Detta har vi gjort genom att initialt betrakta dels marknaden ur olika intressenters perspektiv, dels genom att undersöka företagen som finns på marknaden idag och placera in deras respektive byggsystem i en produktlivscykel. Vi har därefter satt oss in i marknaden för trähus och fokuserat på tio företag som vi har djupintervjuat. Vi beskriver sedan de samband vi ser mellan förutsättningarna på marknaden för höga trähus och intervjuresultaten.
Jag vill! Jag törs! Jag kan! : En essä om pedagogers bemötande och gränssättning i förskolan
My essay is an attempt to describe how complicated it can be to follow the rules and maintain boundaries without obstructing the children in their creative development. The aim is to highlight my approach and emphasize the importance of growing up in a kindergarten with standards and values which may not always coincide with their own opinion.I begin my essay with two stories about Emil five years, defying the rule of not climb up the climbing frame roof and Emma for three years, who are keen to spin on the swing, but followour rule and refrain. I wonder what it is that drives some kids to go against the rules and stretch the limits while others do not have any problem doing that we decided? I also tell about the time I as a newly-qualified nanny was rebuked by a colleague when I acted "recklessly". I would handle the situation differently today? In the last story, I praise a child for being "mischievous", which makes me proud.
Är hälsa orange? : En kvalitativ studie av Norrbottens Läns Landstings byte av färg på Vårdcentralers logotyper i Norrbotten
Colours have been proven to have both a great physical and psychological impact on human beings. This essay investigates the rebranding of 37 Health Care Centers, located in Norrbotten, Sweden, and how 10 interviewees have experienced the new choice of colour on the logotypes of these Health Care Centers.The theoretical framework used in this research process, consists of theories related to rebranding, the communication process, encoding/decoding and Goethe?s Theory of Colours.To gather information about how the 10 inhabitants have experienced the new choice of colour, a semistructured form of interview was used. In addition to these interviews, three people employed by Norrbotten County Council (NLL) were interviewed, to get to know more about the rebranding process and the message behind the chosen colours of the logotype.Results show that the inhabitants had an overall positive reaction to the new colour choices, but that younger target groups lacked information about the new logotype and the rebranding.Due to these results, recommendations were made that NLL should expand the quantity of media channels to reach these younger target groups, and thereby be able to attract more patients to their Health Care Centers. NLL would also profit from investigating the inhabitants experiences related to the new colour choices themselves, but in a larger scale, to achieve greater knowledge of how to proceed with colour choices in the future..
Krav som hjälper eller stjälper?: En studie om hur varumärkens samexponering med ekomärkningen KRAV påverkar konsumenters köpbeteende i butik
The behaviour of consumers has changed rapidly during the last decade, and a healthy lifestyle and an environmental mindset has become part of everyday life. This is also something that has become prominent in the supermarkets, where the organic products are increasingly winning shelf space. Several consumer behaviour studies have shown that the attitudes towards organic products and labels are predominantly positive. According to traditional marketing theory, these kind of attitudes should affect consumers? purchase intentions in a positive manner, as well as the actual purchase behavior.
Vård & Omsorg - Mer än ett jobb? : En undersökning av hur väl vård- och omsorgsförvaltningens kampanj lyckats - enligt teori och empiri
Today?s society has become a society of information were communication has become more important to manage, both for companies and for the person as an individual. If you want your message to be successful you have to plan your communication and also evaluate the result. The administration of health and care in Karlstad had already planned and performed an information campaign, ?Vård & omsorg ? Mer än ett jobb? (translation ?Health & care ? More than a job?), and therefore we got the assignment to investigate the rate of success.The investigation is based on both theory and empiric.