890 Uppsatser om Server Message Block - Sida 23 av 60
System för direktsända diskussioner : System for live discussions
Genom detta examensarbete har ett webbaserat system utvecklats för hantering av ämnesinriktade diskussioner i realtid. Systemets funktioner skapades med hjälp av PHP som ett serverspråk medan JavaScript användes som ett klientspråk. HTML och CSS användes för att skapa systemet grafiska gränssnitt. Samt att datalagring uppnåddes med hjälp av en MySQL-databas. Författaren använde sig av olika verktyg för att utveckla systemet.
De dolda sjukdomarna : osteoporos och artros kvarteret Banken 1 i Visby
This Bachelor paper deals with skeletal diseases like osteoporosis and osteoarthritis. 24 medieval individuals from the block Banken 1 in Visby, Gotland were chosen for an osteological analysis. Osteoporosis affects the bone with low bone mineral density and can lead to possible fractures and Osteoarthritis is a degenerative joint disease. A DEXA reading was done at Dr. Roland Alvarssons Doctorial practice in Visby and the results from the DEXA reading showed that none of the individuals suffered from osteoporosis, but one suffered from osteopenia.
Den psykosociala arbetsmiljöns påverkan på motivationen : En kvalitativ studie av medarbetare på Myndigheten för Samhällsskydd och Beredskap
Syftet med undersökningen är att få förståelse för faktorer som påverkar motivationen hos personalen på MSB (Myndigheten för Samhällsskydd och Beredskap). Undersökningen belyser dels den psykosociala arbetsmiljöns påverkan och dels ledningens betydelse för de anställdas motivation. I teoriavsnittet behandlas tre olika block: Motivation, Psykosocial arbetsmiljö och slutligen Management. Dessa tre block ligger således till grund för undersökningen och själva uppsatsen. För att få en djupare förståelse om ämnet har en kvalitativ metod valts, med intervju som datainsamlingsmetod.
Opion leaders and word-of-mouth - A Case Study of Masai Barefoot Technology
This research aims at identifying the opinion leaders in order to study their behaviour, characteristics, their role within the word of mouth process, and what importance they have upon another consumers purchase decision. Also, to investigate the content of the message being spread. The results from the study show that opinion leaders are strong in spreading word of mouth. Messages were adapted by opinion leaders to suite their target audience. The results further contribute to the discussion about Watts? ?influentials?..
Hur förmedlas bilden av Svea? : - en studie om hur ESN, IKEA och UD förmedlar svenskhet
The purpose of this essay is to show how ESN, IKEA and the Ministry for Foreign Affairs (UD) mediated swedishness. This will be done by illustrate and analyse the methods the research fields use to create and spread pictures and message about Sweden, Swedes and Swedish cultures. The essay use the method of represented informants and show three field where the meeting between people and cultures is conspicuously. Hopefully, this essay can be seen as a contribution to the research of identity (identity research). I have chosen to focus on three fields of research, which do not belong to the classic field of research to show how swedishness is mediated..
Datorstött samarbete : kunskaper och förväntningar
Datorstött samarbete (Computer Supported Co-operative Work) är ett växande område idag, både bland användare och inom forskningen. Det omfattar tekniskt stöd för människor som samarbetar i grupper för att uppnå fastställda mål. Mitt arbete har omfattat en undersökning på Institutionen för datavetenskap vid Högskolan i Skövde. Syftet med undersökningen har varit att fastställa användares åsikter om vilka förväntningar, risker och framtidsutsikter som de tror att området datorstött samarbete innebär. Arbetet har genomförts dels via en enkätundersökning och dels via en intervjuundersökning.Användare kan ha teoretisk och/eller praktisk kunskap i ämnet datorstött samarbete, där kunskaper i det ena inte garanterar kunskaper i det andra.
Sportswear of Sweden - I strävan efter autenticitet : Ett företags strävan att repositionera sig autentiskt
This paper aims to study the Armenakis´ theory of readiness, "are they ready?", which consists of five key components affecting the outcome of an organizational change. In this case study, the intention is to investigate if any component is important; alternatively if it is possible to discern a pattern between components, i.e. how they correspond to each other. During the past 30 years have a research group lead by Armenakis has studied organizational change and how resistance to change can be avoided by preparing employees in the introductory phase of change. The main object for Armenakis is the question "what determines whether the employees (change recipients) adopt and support, or reject and resist a change".
Marknadskommunikation : en studie hos Skara Näringslivsoffensiv
The purpose of this thesis is through a case study and a survey; to examine the most appropriate communication channels between a sender and a receiver. It also aims to make this relationship more effective.The following questions are to be answered:1. Which communication channels ought to be used to optimize the message from Skara Näringslivsoffensiv to its target group?2. Which communication channels is Skara Näringslivsoffensiv planning to use?3.
Att så ett frö: alkoholinformation till ungdomar i Helsingborg
Our essay is about alcohol information given to youths in Helsingborg. It is a research to find out how the message is communicated and how it is presented. The purpose of our study is to find out, why inform about alcohol and if it is taken in a preventive aim. To investigate weather there is any talermade information in the community for youths between 12-18 years old. We also want to know if the given information is destined for a special group/groups or is it for young people in general? Our intention is to find out the meaning of prevently information about alcohol and if it is possible to reach a change in attitudes and behaviour.We use a qualitative method and have interviewed twelve persons with different occupations within medical service, local authorities, public and private schools and voluntary organizations..
Munhälsan hos äldre på ett serviceboende i Kristianstad - en munhälsobedömning samt en enkätstudie
The aim of our study was to examine the oral health status using an oral assessment guide, ROAG, among elderly people in a block of service. Another aim was to evaluate the elderlys perception of there own oral health using a questionnaire. The study were undertaken at a ward in Kristianstad, with 39 caretakers. 21 caretakers participated in the study. The assessment of the oral health status was done on the same individuals (n=21) who answered the questions in the questionnaire.
Det kommer inte alltid att vara så här. En undersökning om mönster och förgänglighet
The purpose of this project was to to find a way for textile patternsto talk about its own, and our, inevitable death. By doing so I hopedto incorporate questions about transience into daily life.I assumed that from a decentralized background position, patternson everyday objects have a unique ability to pose complexquestions that can be interpreted over time. The investigation wasinspired by how russian constructivists looked at everyday objectsas equals, and let them carry the spirit of the revolution.In the process I tried to find out how, and if, a philosophicalmessage can be transmitted through design and how differentcomponents of a pattern can work together to express that message.Resulting in two textile patterns with textile motifs, my workshowed that design definitely can raise metaphysical questions andmay as well have an advantage over art when trying to reach peoplein their own reality..
Personlig_Bankman - En kvantitativ undersökning om bankers kommunikation på Twitter
Banks and their products are traditionally characterized as high involvement, informational purchases and as such there is a need to shape the market communication to be logical and catering to the need for information that customers are bound to have. With the advent of social media and web 2.0 a company can no longer opt out of the online discourse regarding their company. As social medias are characterized by being an active media, tailored to personal exchanges and opinions, the match with the high involvement approach that banks usually have to employ is not always ideal. We have examined what happens when banks use different degrees of personal message content and sender profiles on Twitter. Our findings suggest that while some strategies generate higher WOM intentions, others may provide a greater level of sender credibility..
Optimering av batterianvändning för platsbaserade applikationer på Android-enheter
Denna rapport är inriktad på batteribesparing för platsbaserade applikationer i Android. Rapporten kommer att analysera och ge konkreta förslag på hur man på ett batterisnålt sätt implementerar lokalisering av Androidenhetersgeografiska position (latitud- och longitudkordinater) samt frekvent hämtning av data via HTTP från en back-end server. De lösningar som tas upp i den här rapporten är specifikt tillämpade för applikationen MyWorld men kan anpassas för vilken platsbaserad applikationen som helst med liknande behov. Målet är att förbättra och optimera utvalda områden som tidigare implementerats i den här applikationen. De nya optimerade lösningarna har genomgått två olika testscenarion där mätningarna visar att batteriförbrukningen har reducerats med 4,2% för applikationen då den aktivt körs och används samt 14,8% för applikationen då den är icke aktiv och enheten inte aktivt används..
Förändring som styrmedel : En studie av implementering av nya rutiner på IKEA Örebro
This paper aims to study the Armenakis´ theory of readiness, "are they ready?", which consists of five key components affecting the outcome of an organizational change. In this case study, the intention is to investigate if any component is important; alternatively if it is possible to discern a pattern between components, i.e. how they correspond to each other. During the past 30 years have a research group lead by Armenakis has studied organizational change and how resistance to change can be avoided by preparing employees in the introductory phase of change. The main object for Armenakis is the question "what determines whether the employees (change recipients) adopt and support, or reject and resist a change".
Att marknadsföra politik i Sverige : En fallstudie av tre svenska politiska partiers marknadsföringsstrategi gentemot yngre väljare
BackgroundPolitics in some ways has always been about communication and marketing. In Sweden some people believe that communication and meaningful relations with the voters are of no value, instead it is the political content that is of importance. Media evolution has changed the conditions of political marketing; this has meant that the choices of the right communication channels in political marketing have become more important today than ever. Political competition in Sweden has become more even in recent years, this has called for political communication and marketing to be more planed and well thought out. Political parties have therefore begun to spend millions on marketing themselves.