

8373 Uppsatser om Selling process - Sida 5 av 559

Effektivisering av kravspecifikationsprocessen

The goal of this project was to make the requirement process at the Swedish Coastguard more effective. The first step to achieve this was done by locating bottle necks in the process with value stream mapping method. The result of this study showed that the biggest restriction in the requirement process was while examining older requirement documents to understand what elements were suitable for the particular project. This was followed by a study of literature, interviews and theory of Lean Production with the ambition to investigate how the requirement process was handled on other companies and how to improve the process on the Swedish coast guard. This led to a number of potential enhancements of the process which later was evaluated. Requirements written by different people in different organizations were analyzed in order to sort out if there were some similarities? which could be used as standard elements in a future standardization of the process.

Lönsam energieffektivisering : Ett samarbete mellan ÅF och kund

This thesis project has focused on studying ÅF?s business concept Energy Collaboration, which is their way of selling energy efficiency services. Thereforeongoing projects have been analyzed. The purpose was to determine achieved energy efficiency, costs and profitability for the studied projects. It was concluded that the Energy Collaboration is a good way of selling energy efficiency services, since the customer takes no risk and energy savings of about 15-25 % can be achieved with simple measures.

Vindkraftens framtida scenarier

In several countries that have been early in the development of wind farms, there is today a second hand market for the used wind turbines. The European Union (EU) has established a waste hierarchy in order to minimize throwaway mentality. The second hand market is a part of this as the steps are to minimize, reuse, recycle, extract energy and landfill.In order to promote the development of renewable energy, there are energy certificates for the producers that provide it, wind power being one type of renewable energy. After 15 years the energy certificates for a specific wind turbine are no longer paid, and after that there are several different scenarios for the wind turbine. The scenarios investigated in this bachelor?s thesis are export of the wind turbine to countries that are not as far along as Sweden in their development towards renewable energy, selling in Sweden to individuals, and recycling of the wind turbine, as it mostly consists of metals and therefore is recyclable.

Vem sa att det ska vara fint? : En studie om tre bildlärares syn på process och produkt i bildundervisningen

Denna studie behandlar begreppen process och produkt. Syftet är att genom ett hermeneutiskt perspektiv undersöka några bildlärares syn på begreppen process och produkt i bildundervisningen på högstadiet. Tidigare har fokus legat på elevers färdiga produkt men idag är bedömningen i bildämnet mer fokuserad på elevers process (Skolverket, 2012:3). Undersökningen genomfördes genom  kavlitativa intervjuer. Intervjufrågorna är förankrade i Lindströms (2002:4-5) process- och produktkriterier.

Goodwill. IFRS3 & IAS36  - ?Big Bang? utifrån en revisors utgångspunkt.

The study aims to illustrate how women victims of male violence in intimate relationships are treated during the legal process and with professional perspective describe what women?s experiences considered to be in the legal process. The study also aims to draw attention to the interventions for abused women during the legal process.The results are based on interviews with professionals in the justice system, and on observations in the courtroom. Overall our results show that abused women are in need of a great quantity of help and support before, during and after the negotiation. The legal process is very stressful for the women.

Kartläggning och visualisering av riggkonstruktionsprocessen : Fallstudie från Scania

Mapping a process enables a greater understanding of the work, and is standard to evaluate and improve a process. This thesis is conducted at Test Bed Mechanical Design at Scania in Södertälje. Test Bed Construction is a complex process, characterized by a large amount of creative work, technical challenges and coordination between different people and different organizational functions.The aim of the thesis was to identify the Test Bed Construction Process and to develop a visual model of the workflow that also served as support for the engineers in their daily work. During the mapping process, comparisons were made with previous research in lean product development to identify process improvement.A literature review on process mapping and process visualisation resulted in a method for process mapping. The study showed that research on process visualisation is neither structured nor well defined.

Den övertygande reklamen? : En analys av Pripps Blå och Norrlands Gulds reklambilder

Modern societies are generally becoming increasingly capitalist in nature and economies of these societies are thus likely to become more focused on consumer consumption. Advertising plays a vital role in contemporary society where we, as consumers and citizens, are surrounded by it everywhere we look and everywhere we go. This puts pressure on advertisers to become more creative and to explore new ways of marketing their products and services in an already saturated environment. We believe that the added pressure and the already established role of marketing in society make advertisements an interesting and telling object for analysis. This is particularly the case with regards to the concept of selling and marketing products that have qualities that are known to be less than beneficial for our health.This paper analyzes four commercial advertisements marketing beer; a product that we argue has qualities that can be seen as potentially bad for the health of individuals and for societies.

Att datorisera ett bibliotek: datoriseringen av skolbiblioteket på Sunnerbogymnasiet i Ljungby

The purpose of this paper is to describe methods to computerize a library and to compare theory with a process in a school library. The case study is based on a school library called Sunnerbogymnasiet which is situated in Ljungby. My questions are;- Which methods are parts of the process to computerize a library?- Which methods are used in the process in Sunnerbogymnasiet?- What does the practical process look like compared to the methods described in theory?In the paper I present the methods in the process according to the studied literature and compare these with a process at Sunnerbogymnasiet. The most significant result is that cooperation between the school library and the community library was the most important reason for the choice of library computer system.

GMO Food Products - The issue of marketing and selling them in Europe.

Title: GMO Food ProductsThe issue of marketing and selling them in Europe - A Business and Legal Perspective.Author: Shane KingSupervisors: Anneli Carlsson and Ewa RabinowiczProblemThe European Unions regulations in regard to GMO?s and the approval process for both release into the environment, and onto the market, has been under fire by the USA along with Canada and Argentina. The WTO has ruled on this issue in favour of USA et al.The problem that was identified was in regard to consumer opinion in the EU. How could the EU meet its numerous international trade obligations while at the same time meetingthe needs of the citizens of the Union? Added to that was the issue of whether or not the?EU? perspective was indeed an EU perspective or rather the perspective of a fewMember States.

Industriellt köpbeteende av utlandsresetjänster

The purpose of this thesis is to examine the organizational buying behaviour in the purchase of travels abroad. We have conducted a case study of two companies, one medium sized and one larger. Our empirical studies have shown that the companies? buying process is divided into two types, the process of recruit a new travel supplier and the process of a straight rebuy of a regular travel service. In the recruiting process we found that the evaluation process of the purchase is an ongoing process that contradicts estab-lished theories.

Jag vill, men hur? Ett utforskande av den kreativa processen.

I want to, but how? My work is a research of the creative process. I have asked myself how ideas take form and how materials can become bearers of ideas. The work has been treated as an action rather than an object. The result shows my research and my interpretation: the process and result are the same..

Det förstärkta laglottsskyddet : Vid generationsskifte

When a person of the older generation in a family owned company wish to transfer his ownership to a person in the younger generation this can be done through a succession of generation. Different methods can be used to proceed with such a matter, selling the company shares for a price below the market value is one example of this.When the owner transfers shares to a person in the younger generation, either as a gift or by selling them to a price below the market value, the provision in the 7th chapter 4 § ÄB can be applicable. This provision establish that; when a gift that has been given during the grantors lifetime and when the purpose of this gift is to be equivalent to a testament, the gift shall be returned to the receiver if this action confines with the direct heirs statutory portion.A gift is to be equivalent to a testament when the giver had the intention to arrange the succession when the gift was given away, and when this gift did not amount to any economical sacrifice for the giver. There are two situations which causes a gift to be equivalent to a testament. The first situation arises when the gift is given by the giver right before his death, on his deathbed so to speak.

Det nya bokförlaget: Att skapa en roll på marknaden

As more and more book publishers are starting up in Sweden, despite of tough competition, this thesis aims to understand the necessary resources required by new publishing houses in order to create a long-term role on the national publishing market. This is a market characterized by a high level of cultural interests, where success is not always measured in economic profit. Four new publishing houses have been chosen, whose start-up phases and entry processes are described in order to determine what factors have been essential in creating a role. In addition, relevant actors such as other publishers, distributors, and retailers have been interviewed with the purpose of acquiring the complete picture of how the new publishers? can create a role within the industry.

Utvärdering av installationsverktyg för Windows

A customer of Sekonden IT is to replace the current setup authoring process for a program called PropCalc with a new process based on a setup authoring tool with high quality and usability.The report aims at present a suitable setup authoring tool for PropCalc by making use of a structured evaluation process evaluate the setup authoring tools on the market.Olof Næssén presents a process for evaluating web frameworks for Java in his thesis Utvärdering av webbramverk för Java. The evaluation process is adapted in the report to generally suit evaluation of software. After adjustment to the evaluation process an evalutaion is performed evaluating the currently available setup authoring tools.The evaluation will show that the most suitable candidate for PropCalc is InstallShield Premier but that the candidate that is finally chosen is WiX..

Friskis&Svettis London : ? en studie i internationalisering, entreprenörskap och organisationskultur

This thesis aims at; describing and creating an understanding of how Friskis&Svettis internationalization process, at the start-up in England, can be seen as entrepreneurial, to describe and analyze how various cultural factors can be identified and the impact they have on the internationalization process. The empirical data were obtained through two interviews and it appears that both the organizational culture and national cultural differences can be identified and that these affected the process. The results show that the entrepreneur is both a starting point and a key driver of the process and because of this it can be considered entrepreneurial..

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