1250 Uppsatser om Self-destructive behaviour - Sida 34 av 84
Sex som ett självskadebeteende
Denna kvalitativ intervjustudie, söker en förståelse kring fenomenet sex som självskadebeteende. Självskadebeteende har studerats och definierats, men sex som ett självskadebeteende är inte inkluderat som ett begrepp i dessa vetenskapliga studier (Zetterqvist, 2014; Nock, 2014; Klonsky 2009). Däremot har psykologer, organisationer och andra professionella tolkat och definierat fenomenet som att det existerar (Sjöström, 2012; Landgren 2015; Jonsson och Mattson, 2013; Tjejouren 2015; MUCF, 2013).
Genom intervjuer med tre olika personer som kommer i kontakt med sex som självskadebeteende, kombinerat med tidigare forskning, visar denna studie att sex kan användas som självskadebeteende och att det görs i syfte att hantera (coping) ångest och andra negativa känslor. Tidigare trauman och/eller en dysfunktionell familjedynamik kan leda till att en individ utvecklar icke fungerande strategier för att hantera potentiella dåliga känslor. Individerna vänder sig till sexuella destruktiva beteenden som en affektregleringstrategi.
Effekten av fear appeals : en studie om marknadsföringsstrategin fear appeals och dess påverkan på mottagaren
The purpose of this thesis is to study if there are any relations between the perceptions of a fear appeal message in relation to the individual experiences of the area. Furthermore to give a general view over research made on fear appeals. The research is made in a qualitative approach were the case study is used. Interviews were used to get relevant information from the chosen respondents. The results if the thesis indicates that there is a relation depending on individual experiences during the perception of a fear appeal message.
Distriktssköterskors informationsanvändning - en studie av informationsanvändning i förhållande till arbetsuppgifters komplexitet
This study is an attempt to examine the information needs and use in everyday tasks inthe work environment of community health nurses. The purpose of this paper is double toexamine the information need and use of the community health nurses and to test and validatea method and a theory for the studying of information need and use in workers everydaytasks adapted from Byström and Järvelin (1995). Most of the data were collected throughdiaries kept by the informants in close relationship to the problem situations and were analysedqualitatively. Furthermore a literature survey was made in nursing infomatics and informationscience and it showed that there is no absolute common ground between the disciplinesin the way they use the information concept.The theory and method were validated in a broad outline and were very useful in the study ofcommunity health nurses' information needs and use. The study also shows that the contextof community health nurses plays an important role in the nurses information behaviour..
Invandrarungdomar utan sysselsättning : en studie av arbetslösa invandrarungdomars attityd gentemot sig själva och den svenska arbetsmarknaden
The purpose of this study was to increase knowledge about what the lives of the unemployed youth of immigrant background looks like, and what the views of the unemployed young people are about work and employment. The study is a qualitative study where the empirical material is based on interviews with seven unemployed immigrant youth between the ages of 19 and 25 years. A study where the central questions was to explore how the informants' living conditions and identity are affected by being unemployed. The other issues aimed at how informants background affected their ability to enter the labour market, and the job expectations the informants had about the future and the Swedish labour market. Empirin have been analyzed with regard to methodology tool based theory, as well as theoretical starting points, such as social capital, formal and informal channels, ethnicity and stigma theory.
Företagsportalen: morgondagens arbetsplats
Today we see a fast developing of the market for mobile communication, both in an increased and changed mobile use, but also in the development of new technologies and services. Much that can be performed on Internet/Intranet today with a PC will in some years also be possible to do with a mobile terminal. Mobile Internet will probable take place when new technologies as GPRS, EDGE and UMTS will be in use. These technologies in combination with the development of new terminals and services will bring new capabilities for both companies and private users. This report describes how a portal should be designed in order to meet the needs on the market.
Är dagens studenter morgondagens företagare? : En studie om studenters attityd till företagande
In this paper I study how the repeal of the Swedish wealth tax (1 of January 2007) has affected people´s labour supply behaviour. This particular issue is relevant because it may help us understand some of the effects of the earnings tax changes that have taken place in Sweden. Accoring to standard economic theory a repealed wealth tax is similar to an income effect for the persons who previously paid the tax. That means that they theoretically will want to consume more leisure, that is decrease their labour supply. The method I am using to test this hypothesis is a difference-in-difference approach where the treatment group consists of persons who previously paid the tax and the control group of comparable persons who did not pay the tax.
Mätning av axiella magnetiska läckflöden i vattenkraftsgeneratorer
This thesis describes a method of measuring axial magnetic leakage flux in an operational hydropower generator. Axial magnetic leakage flux is the magnetic flux at the ends of a rotating generator, which goes through the stator parallel to the rotor axis. This flux can cause circulating currents in the stator iron, giving rise to losses, and can in the worst case overheat a generator, causing it to melt down. To measure the axial flux, and how it affects the generator temperature, a measurement system was constructed on behalf of Vattenfall. The system consists of search coil sensors and a signal-processing unit with amplifiers and active filtering. To confirm the behaviour of the axial leakage flux and the functionality of the measurement system, a test installation was made.
Minskande andelar kraftfoder i foderstaten under betesperioden : effekt på mjölkavkastning och betesbeteende hos mjölkkor
Feed costs constitute a large part of the expenses of dairy farmers. Pasture is a high quality feed with a low cost. However, feeding with concentrates has been shown to enhance milk yield (Leaver, 1985; Bargo et al., 2003; Stockdale, 2004). The purpose with this study was to investigate how milk yield and milk composition were affected as the concentrate proportion in the diet decreased. Pasture behaviour was examined to see if the different concentrate levels affected the time cows spent grazing and ruminating.
Leverantörens varumärkesstrategi : En studie om hur konsumenters beteende kan påverka leverantörers varumärkesstrategi gällande private label och national brands
Uppsatsens titel: Leverantörens varumärkesstrategi ? En studie om hur konsumenters beteende kan påverka en leverantörs varumärkesstrategi gällande private label och national brandsKurs: Examensarbete, Civilekonomexamen, Marknadsföring, 30hp (4FE62E)Lärosäte: Ekonomihögskolan vid Linnéuniversitetet, KalmarFörfattare: Amanda Andersson och Rebecca DanielssonHandledare: Christine TidåsenExaminator: Bertil HulténDatum: 2014-05-26Nyckelord: Private Label, National Brands, Varumärkesstrategi, Leverantör, Konsumentbeteende, Attitydslojalitet, Beteendelojalitet Bakgrund: Varumärkesutbudet på hyllorna i dagligvaruhandeln har förändrats. Denna uppsats fokuserar på hur en konsuments beteende gällande varumärkena private label och national brands ser ut. Vidare utgår uppsatsen från hur konsumentens beteende kan påverka leverantörens varumärkesstrategi gällande private label och national brands. Syfte: Examensarbetets syfte är att beskriva hur konsumenters köpbeteende och tankar kan påverka en leverantörs varumärkesstrategi gällande private label och national brands. Vidare avser uppsatsens författare generera slutsatser gällande hur leverantörer kan hantera sin varumärkesstrategi.
Fichtelius-affären och public service-ideologin
With this master thesis I wanted to find out whether Erik Fichtelius, an SVT employee, interview project with prime minister Göran Persson is acceptable according to the public service ideology. In order to do that I used Swedish newspaper articles to analyse the so called Fichtelius affair. I also gathered material on SVT and the public service ideology. The master thesis is based on sociologist Manuel Castells theories on mass media and television as presented in the Information Age. Castells claims that in our time different areas, such as politics and television, are melting together.
Mode, platser och varumärken : En studie om betydelsen av försäljningsplatser för modeföretag och deras varumärken
In this paper I study how the repeal of the Swedish wealth tax (1 of January 2007) has affected people´s labour supply behaviour. This particular issue is relevant because it may help us understand some of the effects of the earnings tax changes that have taken place in Sweden. Accoring to standard economic theory a repealed wealth tax is similar to an income effect for the persons who previously paid the tax. That means that they theoretically will want to consume more leisure, that is decrease their labour supply. The method I am using to test this hypothesis is a difference-in-difference approach where the treatment group consists of persons who previously paid the tax and the control group of comparable persons who did not pay the tax.
Självmord och självskadebeteende : en studie om självmord och självskadebeteende inom Svensk kriminalvård 2002- 2012.
During the period 2002-2012, 74 people committed suicide within the Swedish judicial system. During the same period of time 702 self-destructive actions and suicide attempts were reported. The purpose of this work was to investigate and illuminate the causes which are responsible for individuals committing suicide while in custody or in prison. The theory of this work is an ethnographic study of a special social context. A study of literature, statistics and earlier scientific research was used in this study.
Metoder som stöd vid livsstilsförändringar hos patienter med typ-2 diabetes
Syfte: Syftet med litteraturstudien var att söka evidens för metoder som kan stödja patienter med typ-2 diabetes till livsstilsförändringar. Metod: En litteraturstudie, som innehåller 16 kvantitativa och kvalitativa vetenskapliga artiklar, som var publicerade mellan 2000-2010. Databasen som användes var Cinahl och sökmotorn Elin@Dalarna. Sökorden som använts var: diabetes type 2, type 2 diabetes, lifestyle changes, patient education, empowerment, health behaviour och self-management. Resultat: I resultaten kom uppsatsförfattarna fram till olika kategorier som visar olika åtgärder till livsstilsförändringar.
Transformativt ledarskap - en förutsättning för produktivt teamklimat och egeneffektivitet?
In the faster growing pace of changes and competition in the global economy, factors promoting group effectiveness are of interest. How do components of leadershipstyle, especially transformational, team climate and selfefficacy correlate? To answer this question 3 questionnaires regarding leadershipstyle (MLQ), team climate (TCI-Short) and selfefficacy (self developed) were distributed to employees of a Swedish installation company (108 participants). Moderate positive correlations were found between climate and selfefficacy and between varying elements of leadership and selfefficacy. The leadership behaviour Contingent Reward correlated moderately with all climate dimensions and strongly with selfefficay.
Vilka stereotypier finns hos brunbjörn (Ursus arctos), lodjur (Lynx lynx) och varg (Canis lupus) i djurpark och vilka berikningar finns? : förslag och rekommendationer om berikningar utifrån djurens beteendeekologi
The purpose of this work was that with the help of a literature review have a single document with information on how the various species: brown bear (Ursus arctos), lynx (Lynx lynx) and the wolf (Canis lupus) living in the wild. The aim was also to show which stereotypic behaviours these different species have in zoos and the enrichments that is already being used and to make suggestions and recommendations on enrichment based on animal behaviour ecology. In zoos, some species thrive well while others have propositions to propagating problems, poor health and stereotypic behaviors. The brown bear, lynx and wolf, live both in the wild and in zoos in Sweden. As these animals have different ways of living in the wild, it is important to accommodate to each species, the way they are kept in zoos in accordance with their behavioural ecology.Brown bears are omnivorous and solitary living species with large energy needs so that they spend most of their day to actively feeding but also rest.