1250 Uppsatser om Self-destructive behaviour - Sida 31 av 84
Riskupplevelser hos trafikanter : sett ur ett förarperspektiv
The primary aim of the current study was to gain increased knowledge about drivers' risk experiences. The study was based on questionnaires answered by 30 private drivers and 30 bus drivers, with 50% men and 50% woman in each group. The study revealed no differences, either between men and women drivers with regard to their experience of risk, or between the groups of private and bus drivers. Gambling is common within the private drivers group. Mistakes are common in all groups.
Tack för kaffet! : - en analys av konsumentbeteende hos Premium Coffees potentiella kunder
Hur resonerar potentiella kunder kring inköp av produkten som ens företag tillhandahåller? En av de främsta frågorna hos en marknadsförare, men också en fråga som är aktuell i vår marknadsekonomi i stort. Konsumentbeteende är därför ett givet fält inom företagsekonomin. Men hur går det till när konsumenten är ett företag? Vilka aspekter är viktiga och varför? Vilka marknadsföringsinsatser bör genomföras utifrån denna adderade förståelse? Det är utgångspunkten för denna uppsats.
På gränsen - en undersökning av ungdomsverksamhet på Skara stifts- och landsbibliotek
This master deals with the theme youth and public libraries. The essay is based on observationsand qualitative interviews with young people at the ages of 13 to 16 years old, whovisited the public library of Skara, employees at the library, and politicians in the community.The main issue in the study is; what is and what can be done to increase youth utilization ofpublic libraries. I have emphasized on the media stock, the organization of books, theenvironment and the staff of the library, marketing, specific target group, activities, andcooperation with both internal and external forces.Theories about youth culture and some projects concerning young peoples behaviour in librariesare also presented..
Ett hem eller två hem: hur vuxna skilsmässobarn tolkar och beskriver sin uppväxt mot bakgrund av den boendeform de vuxit upp i efter familjeupplösning
The break up of the family unit leads to new living arrangements and significant changes for children. This can be an extremely upsetting experience for a child, especially if the child is old enough to understand what is happening. New living arrangements can effect a childs fundamental sense of security as well as having consequences later on in life. The object of this research paper was to examine how a group of seven people (children from split families who are now adults), interpreted and described their childhood in relation to the living arrangements they grew up with after the breakdown of the family unit. The main question areas we have examined are: How have the interviewee's living arrangements during childhood affected their understanding of themselves today? In what way has the adult's present day lifestyle been influenced by the split up of the family that they grew up with - using their own words? How do the children from split families describe and interpret concepts such as family and marriage, based on their own experiences? Our research was conducted with the help of seven people from split families who are now adults and who experienced different types of split family arrangements as a child ? permanent residence with mother/father or alternate living with both parents.
Genetisk och etologisk analys av vallningsbeteende hos border collie :
The ability of a dog to perform some kind of practical work, for example hunting or herding, depends among other things on its behavioural characteristics. In animal breeding it is not always easy though to select for behavioural traits. It may, for example, be difficult to identify traits that are not only heritable but also of importance for the dogs' ability to perform the practical work of interest. Moreover, it is often difficult to accomplish accurate measurements of behavioural traits. When selecting dogs for breeding, it is usually preferable to evaluate them using an objective and standardized bahavioural test, rather than results from field trials.
Vårvetesorters effektivitet i användningen av kväve under den huvudsakliga tillväxtperioden
Crop efficiency in utilizing available nutrients is an important factor in increasing produc-tivity and reducing the environmental impact of agriculture. Nitrogen is the nutrient that plants need in the largest quantity and wheat, along with maize and rice, is the world's most cultivated crop. In this work, the Nitrogen Use Efficiency, NUE, during the major growth period, HTP, of twelve different spring wheat varieties, were examined. The NUE was calculated as the product of uptake efficiency of nitrogen, UN, and the conversion effi-ciency of nitrogen to biomass, EN. The purpose of this work was to find if there are varietal differences in NUE and its components among the twelve varieties and to link a high NUE to specific characteristics of the varieties.
Information som inspiration : en studie av yrkesverksamma konstnärers behov och användning av information
The main purpose of this essay is to investigate professional artists experience of the need and use of information in their creative work. I have collected the material through qualitative interviews with four professional artist working with different materials and techniques. One of the results of the study is that the artists first of all used information as a source of inspiration in their creative work. They gathered their information from various scources, for example; pictures, exhibitions, visual arts, books and novells, depending on what project they are working with. Other important information scources were colleges, especially for the technical information need.
Är Folkhälsoinstitutet paternalistiskt? : ? en undersökning av Folkhälsoinstitutets alkoholpublikationer
The aim of this study was to investigate whether the Swedish Institute of public health care uses paternalistic information in their alcohol publications. My intention has also been to examine to what extent the paternalistic information is being used. This is determined simply by how frequently paternalistic information is found in the publications. I chose to analyse five publications that contain alcohol related information and had a clear motive. My results show that all five publications use paternalistic methods with the intention to change readers, or people in their surroundings, alcoholic behaviour. Though this is quite a small essay, I have suggested extended research of the subject ? preferably of all 176 alcoholic publications presented by the Institute of public health care..
Den aggregativa demokratin : Hur Jürgen Habermas, John Dryzek och Stephen Elstub använder termen liberal demokrati
?Liberal Democracy? is a common term in political theory, and it is used as if it had a commonly accepted referent, with both normative and descriptive content. This is certainly the case in democratic theory, where it on the one hand seems to refer to a normative democratic model; on the other hand it is used descriptively, to refer to real-life democracies. The deliberative democratic sub-field is not an exception; on the contrary, the term is frequently used albeit rarely defined; yet the concept it refers to is supposedly developed enough to allow detailed propositions about its citizens?s political behaviour.This essay is an attempt to analyze how Liberal Democracy is used by three deliberative democrats (Jürgen Habermas, John Dryzek and Stephen Elstub), in order to understand the democratic model (or models), whether normative or descriptive, they refer to.
Laglig rätt men på olika sätt
I have investigated how municipalities support children with ADHD. I have interviewed persons responsible in five different municipalities. The persons have had the authority to decide how the support funds are to be shared in the municipality. Mostly I was interested to know if the support was the same in all these municipalities and if the children with ADHD really got the help and support they were entitled to. I discovered that the support varied; in some the children were correctly diagnosed but in others municipalities I was not convince.
Manipulation av kassaregister : Ett omfattande samhällsproblem
Den svarta marknaden kostar staten ca 70 miljarder kr eller ca 4% av bruttonationalprodukten. Ekonomisk brottslighet i sin helhet är ett omfattande och aktuellt problem. Kontantbranschen är den bransch som främst berörs av detta. Restaurangbranschen är en av de omtalade branscherna där manipulation av kassaregister pågår. Detta brott sker på många olika sätt, vilket dels kan bero på att det idag inte existerar någon regel som innebär att samtliga ska ha ett kassaregister.Syftet med denna uppsats har varit att ur empiriskt underlag öka kunskapen om del mängden av manipulation av kassaregister.
Validering av Casmo-5M / Simulate-3
The objective of this M. Eng. Diploma work was to validate the new version, CASMO-5M, and compare the results with CASMO-4E, by using the same input in both programs. The tasks that were included in this work was to compare TIP-measures, k-effective curves (warm), k-effective curves (cold), the effect of void on k-effective, the isothermal temperature coefficient (ITC), the moderator temperature coefficient (MTC), damping ratio calculations, internal effect in a fuel bundle of a BA-rod, the speed of BA-out burn, impact of xenon, falling control rod, margins and isotopes.The TIP-measures showed that the differences were small for all reactors, at most, 6% nodal improvement by C5M (Casmo-5M) for Oskarshamn 3. The warm measurements of k-effective showed that C5M had a higher value for all cycles of Oskarshamn 1, 2 and 3 in comparison to C4E (Casmo-4E).
Point of Purchase TV-Screens - An Analysis of Gender and Generations in the In-Store Retail Environment
Title: Point of Purchase TV-screens - An analysis of Gender and Generations in the In-store-Retail-EnvironmentDate of Seminar: May 29th 2007 Course: BUS 809, Master Thesis in International Marketing and Brand Management.Authors: Søren Berg Jørgensen, Daniel McCartney and Ben Wallenborn.Supervisors: Karin Alm and Ulf Johansson Keywords: In-store Marketing, Point-of-Purchase, In-store TV, Gender, Generations. Thesis Purpose: The purpose of the thesis is to contribute to a greater understanding as to how consumers react to and perceive PoP TV-screens within the in-store retail environment. More specific, the aim of the study is to investigate if gender and generations react and feel differently towards the use of PoP TV-screens. From a practical standpoint, the study will aid marketers in how they can communicate more effectively with their target-market inside the store. In addition to this, the study will provide retailers with an insight into the overall atmospheric effect that the placement of TV screens has on stores.
En kunskapsöversikt över psykologiska interventioner till föräldrar med cancersjuka barn
The purpose of this essay is to compile interventions for parents of children with cancer in a literature review based on 13 peer-reviewed articles. The objective is twofold: to describe the aim of the interventions, and to investigate their effectiveness. Results indicate that the aim is to reduce stress, prevent the development of posttraumatisk stress, improve problem-solving skills, improve coping behaviour or increase parents? knowledge of childcancer. Some of the interventions have intended effect, others have effect but not intended effect, and finally some show no effect at all.
Opion leaders and word-of-mouth - A Case Study of Masai Barefoot Technology
This research aims at identifying the opinion leaders in order to study their behaviour, characteristics, their role within the word of mouth process, and what importance they have upon another consumers purchase decision. Also, to investigate the content of the message being spread. The results from the study show that opinion leaders are strong in spreading word of mouth. Messages were adapted by opinion leaders to suite their target audience. The results further contribute to the discussion about Watts? ?influentials?..