

536 Uppsatser om Self-compacting concrete - Sida 22 av 36

Skolsköterskors erfarenheter av att samtala med barn om våld i hemmet- med stöd av hälsoenkät

Thirteen percent of the Swedish children declare that they have been beaten by their parents or other adults. While interviewing these children it has been discovered that they want adults to talk to them more about the violence they have experienced. Through intense research the understanding of the importance of asking patients about violence has deepened, during the last years and this year a new Swedish law has been instituted about the matter. The Swedish school nurses work shall be health promoting and preventive, due to the Swedish law about schooling. In this work the school nurses have an institutionalized task in performing health consultations with every one of the Swedish children.

Kartläggning av order- och leveransprocessen för höghastighetsseparatorer hos Alfa Laval Tumba AB

The project description is to draw an extension or annex to the existing Nationalmuseum building from 1866.The annex is designed to complement Nationalmusems activities and contain internal and public functions. Artentering the building must not be crossed by public visitors. Art and staff must be able to seamlessly move betweenthe extension and the main building. The new building includes a public study room for scholars working withthe collection of art on paper, workshops, conservation studios, art spaces and warehouses. Additionally, theannex is designed to host a large number of office spaces.With the renovation of Nationalmuseum they intend to open up the today built in south atrium.

Folkbibliotekens förmedling av Internetresurser: En undersökning av två mångkulturella länksamlingar.

The purpose of this Masters thesis is to investigate the role of link collections in Swedish public libraries mediation of Internet resources. The study is focusing on the effects on the contents and the structure in the link collections when the target group is immigrant users. This is done through literature studies completed with an examination of two link collections containing multi-cultural and multi-lingual material and qualitative interviews with the two librarians who are in charge of the collections. The major questions raised in this study are: What function do the link collections have for the public libraries? What is the difference in working with traditional, printed material compared to the work with Internet resources? And how are the selection of Internet resources and the structure of the link collections affected when the collection is intended for immigrant users? The main results are that link collections in public libraries can give a concrete form to political guidelines.

Gräv där du står och ända ner till Kina :   En studie av två grundskolors omvärldsrelationer med fokus på hållbar utveckling

The aim of the study was to analyse relations between the school and the surrounding world and how these relations affects the schools? work for sustainable development. This was mainly an interview study but teachers? self-valuations have also been used. Totally six teachers at two primary schools has been interwied.

Identitet, image och profil. En diskursiv studie av Malmö stadsbibliotek

The aim of this master?s thesis is to examine the discourses about Malmö public library that can be identified in several documents published by the library, articles, and various WebPages. Furthermore, our intention is to study the relation between the library?s identity, image and profile. The questions posed in the study are: Which identity discourses are Malmö public library giving expression for? What kind of conflicts between these discourses can we find? How is the identity, image and profile of the library in relation to one another? How does Malmö public library profile and market itself as a non-profit organization? Our theoretical and methodological building ground is in the discourse analytical field, with Enesto Laclau?s and Chantal Mouffe?s theories about discourse and society, as a starting-point.

Hur kan mikroföretag bygga upp varumärken? : En studie av vilka faktorer ett mikroföretag kan använda vid uppbyggandet av sitt varumärke.

The purpose with this essay is to study how a micro enterprise builds a brand. This because the current situation makes it difficult to stand out from the vast amount of marketing messages available in the market without having an extensive marketing campaign. Small companies do not have the opportunity to put a lot of recourses as money into marketing as the large companies do. Neither do they afford to repair a brand failure.Brand building is a process that constantly is in progress in a company, large or small. To make this process concrete we have chosen to study the four factors; brand awareness, perceived quality, brand associations and brand loyalty.

Dimensionering av vägens bärlager : Hur påverkar asfaltbetongblandningen och hur effektiv är svensk dimensioneringsmetod?

Det här arbetet handlar om asfaltbetongblandningar och hur variationen av dessa vid projektering påverkar vägarnas dimensionering i överbyggnaden mer specifikt bärlagret. Arbetet är baserat på litteraturstudier av den senaste teorin kring dimensionering av asfaltbetongblandningar i väglager samt tillhörande kravskrifter både från svenska och amerikanska myndigheter. Den inledande delen i examensarbetet omfattar bakgrunden till vägdimensionering. Inledningsvis behandlas materialet asfaltbetong och derss egenskaper för att sedan gå vidare till allmänt om vägar, hur de utformas, vägens funktionella egenskaper och skador som kan uppstå. Detta ska ge läsaren tillräckligt med bakgrund för att följa med i resten av arbetet där man kan läsa mer ingående om deformationsskador och vilka parametrar som är till stor vikt när man studerar skador som uppstår i asfaltbetongen samt relationen till dem egenskaper bitumen har. Rapporten avslutas med att resonera kring eventuella problem kring dimensioneringsmetoder samt betydelsen av blandningens hållfasthetsegenskaper och hur de påverkar vägarnas tjocklek. Slutsatsen i rapporten är att asfaltbetongblandningen har en betydelse för dimensionering av bärlager och att det kan vara någonting att beakta oftare vid vägdimensionering speciellt vid blandningar som skiljer sig mycket från standardvarianterna..

Vad skulle få en lantbrukare att ställa om från konventionell till ekologisk mjölkproduktion? :

The Swedish government has proposed that 20 % of the cultivated land in Sweden should be organic by the year 2010 (The Swedish Board of Agriculture, 2008). In addition to this the production of organic food like milk, meat and egg should increase considerably. To reach the government?s goal it is necessary that the Swedish farmers get motivated to convert their production from conventional to organic. Milko is a dairy association that has chosen to focus on organic products, they want to be the leading organic dairy association, and therefore they have a large need for organic milk (Milko, 2008).

Förbättrad Kravhantering med hjälp av Lösningsinriktad Pedagogik

Abstract The purpose of writing this thesis was to improve methods during requirements engineering phase. Usercentred system engineering has some problem areas, which are examined and verified to create a new guideline for developers. This guideline tends to make requirements engineering more effective and help developers create more concrete requirements. It is not uncommon that system development projects ends up with unsatisfied users or delay in deliveries. The reasons are different kinds of communication problems between users and developers during verification of requirements. There is a therapy model, called solution-focused therapy, used in family and individual therapy. The model focuses on solutions for the future instead of problems in the past.


Because of the currently large recruitment needs within the Swedish nuclear powerindustry, it is necessary to recruit trainers from other recruitment groups than that ofexperienced operators at nuclear power plants. The foundation for a trainingprogram regarding these recruitment groups, here called ?aspirants?, has in this thesisbeen prepared. It contains a suggestion for main topics in the program. It also includesdiscussion on the balance between forms of education and a concrete example ofhow a lesson could be performed.These suggestions has been developed through analysis of interviews and surveyresponses from student groups most suited for the propositioned trainee program,and individuals with service as a trainer or closely linked to training activities withinthe industry.The analysis suggests that the candidates gets, besides the opportunity to practice asoperating staff before the theoretical training begins, a training program, tightly boundto the power plant with multiple instances of practice and the chance of going intothe power plant and see how things that are being raised in theory, look in real life.The practice, in addition to helping to create an understanding of the plant, it will facilitate networking with the operations staff to build a relationship and trust.Candidates should have plenty of opportunity to educate and see both other aspirantsand experienced trainers train.

Enhetstestning: Kostnad mot kvalitet

Unit testing is a type of testing technique which is becoming quite fashionable to the developers and companies that are in the business of creating and managing software. Alas there are seldom any concrete data to support the positive claims of the authors in unit testing methodology books. These claims are instead based on empirical studies and the experience of the authors. The problem that arises from this situation is that it becomes problematic for managers and also the developers themselves to convince both customers and their own management to use this type of testing as there is no exact return of investment model. This essay examines this problem from two points, the first point is from the literature itself and interviews conducted with a number of developers at a software company located in Umea, Sweden.

?Man får inte vatten i stövlarna på en gång? : En undersökning om miljöbevakningen i Rapport och Dagens Nyheter i samband med IPCC:s klimatrapporter

The purpose of the study was to find out whether the interaction between mentally disabled individuals and pet positively affects the individual and gives a feeling of well-being to the extent that this might be implicated in the psychologically disabled people?s everyday life in some form of rehabilitation measure. The study is qualitative and builds on an ethnographic design. Data collection was performed through six observations, six interviews and reflections. Interviews were also conducted with relatives and assistants for greater opportunity for follow-up questions, and descriptions of the situation.

Hellre sjuk och mager än frisk och fet : En litteraturbaserad studie av kvinnors upplevelser under behandlingen för anorexia nervosa

BackgroundAnorexia nervosa is a growing problem in society and it is most common among women. It is a complex disease that affects both the mental and the physical health. The disease expresses itself differently from person to person, therefore, treatment should be individualized. Nurses need to gain insight into how patients feel about the treatment in order to understand their experience. Previous studies use statistical research to evaluate treatment.

Entreprenörskapsutbildning för framtiden

Increasing innovation and entrepreneurship has been identified as a key target for sustained growth and welfare, both in Sweden and abroad. Therefore, many countries have recognized the need to equip students with entrepreneurship education and to integrate skills associated with entrepreneurship into the various curricula.To shed light on entrepreneurship education within business curricula, a case study focusing on the first two years of the Bachelor program at the Stockholm School of Economics (SSE) was conducted. The study was based on interviews with students, alumni and scholars with a background of entrepreneurship. Insights from respondents were compared with leading research on entrepreneurship education, to evaluate the program's approach.Primary findings from the qualitative analysis showed an overall lack of entrepreneurship education in the early stages of the program. Entrepreneurial "know-how" knowledge was an insufficient component of the SSE program and a barrier for why more students did not pursue a career in entrepreneurship.

Någon måste göra något! Institutionsplacering: en konkret och för-givet-tagen åtgärd för att hantera ungdomar med beteendeproblem

The purpose of this study was to increase the understanding of the phenomenon that there are so many young people placed in institutions in Sweden despite the valuable knowledge regarding the problems and risks of doing so. The questions that follow in the essay were what guided the social workers to choose institutional placement for youngsters. It went on to also ask if this knowledge could contribute to an increased understanding of why there were so many young people placed in institutions despite the criticism from scientists. To accomplish the goal of the essay, former science in the subject was reported and six social workers within social services were interviewed. The material of the interviews was analyzed with help from the theory of human service organizations, street-level bureaucrats work situation and the new institutionalism.The result of the investigation showed that the social workers choices to place young people in institutions is guided by specific work and organizational factors connected with a belief in the helping function of the surroundings.

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