

10342 Uppsatser om Self management support - Sida 7 av 690

Anhörigstöd i samband med internationella insatser : Om behov och stöd till dem som lämnas hemma

In addition to all our soldiers and officers who do military services abroad there are a lot of people who are affected by their choice to contribute, namely their next of kin. This report deals only with those who are next of kin to those who perform service abroad. The purpose of this study is to investigate the relatives' need for emotional and social support as well as practical and economical support. The main question is What kind of practical/economical and emotional/social support do close relatives require when a relative does military service abroad? The method used in this paper is a qualitative research interview.

Får vårdpersonalen bästa tänkbara IT-stöd? : Kartläggning och analys av informationsflödet mellan EPJ systemförvaltning och vårdpersonal

In health care today at Uppsala County Council the daily work involves spending time at the computer. IT-systems were implemented to support and aid the care givers in their work. Around these systems there is a support organization to support the users in using the system. The aim of this thesis is to investigate this organization in terms of how well it works and how successful it is in helping the users. This has been done by investigating the flow of information trough the organization and by focusing at the role of IT-coordinators with responsibility for support, process development, education and statistics.

Psykosocial arbetsmiljö bland chefer vid kommunala vård - och omsorgsboenden : - en intervjustudie

Introduction: First line managers in the public sector, are under a great pressure from both senior management, leadership, politicians and often from a large group of employees. Few studies have been made on the first-linemanagers psychosocial work environment, even though in the studies found that the manager affects their employees work environment.Aim: How first line managers in municipal elderly describes the psychosocial work environment on the basis of demand-control - support model.Methods: The study was conducted through individual interviews with six first line managers. Respondents were recruited through a strategic selection in a medium-sized municipality in Västernorrland. The interviews were conducted using an interview guide. Qualitative content analysis with an deductive approach was used as a method of interpretation of the results.Results: First line managers point out the difficulty in balancing the requirements and several managers also mentioned the importance of having clear role descriptions and objectives.

Att dela eller inte dela kunskap - En multipel studie om utmaningar med Knowledge Management på svenska advokatbyråer

The law firm industry has during the last years met new demanding conditions and one tool to handle these new conditions has been to implement a Knowledge Management system. Large investments have been made in these Knowledge Management systems but the implementations have met many challenges from within the organizations.With a multiple study, based on interviews with Knowledge Management Managers included in a Knowledge Management network, this thesis aims to study the challenges with Knowledge Management and the underlying causes. The result, based on McDermott's theories shows challenges within technical, personal, social and management areas where the law firm need to shift a focus from Information to Knowledge Management, create a culture of trust and integration and use the informal powerbase.The causes for these challenges are found in the base of Mintzbergs theories of Professional bureaucracy where the Knowledge Management is affected by strong self-regulated individualist, a divided organizational structure and industry conditions..

Tid är dyrbart och det gäller att göra det bästa möjliga av det man har : Utvärdering av en ledningsgrupp baserad på intervjuer, enkätundersökning och observationer.

The purpose of this study was to identify the positive and negative aspects of the work and dynamics of a management team and from that recommend how the team can improve. The aim was also to investigate whether there was a gap between how the members of the management team comprehend themselves and how the project, section and team managers comprehend the management team. The management team contains of seven core team members and is the head function of a research and development site in central Sweden. The results are based on interviews with the present members of the management team and three former members, a survey among the project, section and team managers and by participating observation on meetings with the team. The results show that the management team is an overall well-functioning team that with some changes and improvements, especially concerning communication and information, can reach even further.

Kundsupport : en studie om tillämpningen av IT för supporthantering

Effektiv kundsupport har blivit allt viktigare och studier visar på att de kunder som lämnar företag gör det till följd av dålig service. Anledningen till att uppsatsgruppen valt Customer Relationship Management (CRM) som ämnesområde är på grund av egna erfarenheter och upplevelser av dålig och opersonlig kundsupport. På grund av detta finner uppsatsgruppen att det är intressant att undersöka hur företag hanterar kundsupport och hur informationsteknik (IT) kan stödja denna verksamhet. Uppsatsen är skriven ur ett deduktivt angreppssätt som kännetecknas av att empirisk data testas mot befintlig teori. Det empiriska materialet samlades in genom att intervjua fem företag som bedriver support med stöd av IT.

Vem ser barnet? : En kvalitativ studie om psykosocialt stöd till familjen när en förälder lider av en livshotande sjukdom

The purpose of this study has been to investigate how psychosocial support for families where a parent suffers from a life threatening illness can be constructed. The intent was also to explore how the child's perspective is protected and what barriers and opportunities there are for family oriented support. The study has a qualitative approach and includes interviews with four social workers. The interviews were analyzed with a systems theory and attachment theory. The conclusions are that the whole family suffers psychological and social pressures when a parent is sick.

De ensammas sjukdom : tankar och önskemål kring stöd vid viktreducering

Obesity and overweight is the worst public health related disease today, and it is a constantly increasing problem in societies all over the world. In Sweden the number of overweight persons has been doubled in the last 20 years. Today about 500 000 persons suffer from obesity and overweight.The aim of this study was to investigate obese and overweight people´s thoughts and wishes regarding what support they would like, in order to be able to successfully manage a weightreduction. The study is qualitative and conducted through six interviews, the material was analysed with content analysis. The result of the analysed interviews led to four categories:offered support, wished support, are you strong enough to find support by your own and mental wellbeing.The conclusion of this study is that overweight person?s biggest wish is to get continuous and personal support from the health care system.

Läsfrämjande på gymnasieskolan ? hur samarbetar bibliotekarier och lärare?

This thesis investigates collaboration between teachers and librarians concerning reading support activities in senior high schools in Sweden. The following questions were posed: 1. How do the teachers and school librarians cooperate when it comes to promoting reading? 2. To what degree of cooperation is that? And how is the level of cooperation perceived? 3.

Sexuallivet efter en radikal prostatektomi - upplevelser, information och stöd hos opererade män och deras partner

The aim was to describe the experiences of couples where the male partner had undergone radical prostatectomy due to prostate cancer. Furthermore, the study explored how the operation had affected their sexual life, whether the couples had received enough post surgical support and information concerning these issues, and to describe the kind of support and information these couples desired. Twenty men and ten partners participated. All the men experienced a varying degree of post surgical erectile dysfunction and only five men had received support concerning their sexual life. Eleven men desired professional visiting support activities.

Hur upplevs datorrelaterad support från extern serviceleverantör?

Vid tillfällen då det uppstår driftsstörningar i ett informationssystem (IS) kan personalen som ansvarar för drift och förvaltning av IS vara i behov av externt teknikstöd för att eliminera dessa störningar och därmed säkerställa verksamhetens tillgänglighet till IS (Brandt, 1998). Det som är av intresse i detta arbete är att undersöka hur personal i drifts- och förvaltningsorganisationen upplever datorrelaterad support från en extern serviceleverantör samt vilka faktorer som påverkar denna upplevelse.Undersökningen har genomförts som en fallstudie med intervjuer som informationssamlande teknik. Resultatet visar på att kunderna i stort sett är nöjda med den support de erhåller men att det finns delar av dervicen som inte är helt tillfredsställande..

Insatsen kontaktperson vid umgängestvister : fyra kontaktpersoners och två samordnares upplevelser kring rollen kontaktperson vid umgängestvister

The purpose of this essay was to enhance the understanding and knowledge about phenomenon access support. Access support means that a third person (contact person) must be present during access visits between a child and its parent, if it is necessary for the child?s security or because the child needs support. The study was based on qualitative interviews with four contact persons and two professional social workers, whose main task have been to support and, partially, coordinate the work of contact persons. During the interviews I put the focus on participant?s experiences and thoughts about the phenomenon access support.

Ingen riktig feminist : Om bilders betydelse för bloggar och bloggare

The main aim of this bachelor thesis is to describe through a quantitative study the extent of support received by foster families, their opinion of the support and any areas that might need improvement. The foster families receive foster care support through a private agency. We concentrated on the following areas of support; education, health, contact with the children?s biological relatives and behavioral difficulties. These four areas have, in previous research, shown to be problematic for foster children.

Pedagogers syn på socialt samspel i grundsärskolan

The purpose of my study is to contribute with knowledge about three teachers? view on the possibilities and difficulties to support students with intellectual disabilities insocial interaction.to get answers to my research questions in the analysis I have in my qualitative study used the theory of Fleck's model about thinking styles rooted in a socio-cultural perspective. In the study, I have used semi-structured interviews. My study shows that teacher?s way of thinking affect students' opportunities to practice social interaction. An important finding in the study was that the school management?s attitude, is of great importance for educator?s opportunities to support the students with intellectual disability in social interactions.

Human attitudes toward large carnivores bear, wolf, lynx and wolverine : a case study of Västerbotten County

Management of large carnivores involves more than just the management of animals, people also have a large influence. The Swedish parliament decided in 2009 that the county boards should use co-management to a greater extent in management. This shows how important human dimensions are.We know from previous research that the majority of people in Västerbotten are positive toward large carnivores and the management done by the state, however there is a negative minority which should not be neglected. This paper contributes with an examination of attitudes toward large carnivores, wolf, bear, lynx and wolverine, in Västerbotten County. The data for this study were derived from a survey that was sent out to 150 randomly selected persons in every commune in following counties: Norrbotten, Västerbotten, Jämtland, Västernorrland, Dalarna, Gävleborg and Stockholm.

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