

10342 Uppsatser om Self management support - Sida 41 av 690

Patientens upplevelser under pågående behandling av ätstörningar : En litteraturstudie

The aim of this descriptive literature study was to describe the patients? experience of the need for social support and the choice of coping strategies during treatment for eating disorders. Further, the authors wanted to describe the relationship with the parents and also to highlight the caring relationship between nurse and patient. Results that came to light, concerning the patients? experience, were that patients with eating disorders, in a majority of studies, indicated a deficient social network.

Föräldrars upplevelser av att ha barn med övervikt och deras behov av support. : En litteraturstudie

Övervikt och fetma är ett stort problem både globalt och nationellt och drabbar både vuxna och barn. Överviktiga barn löper risk för medicinska, psykiska och sociala problem. Föräldrar spelar en nyckelroll i barnets liv och utveckling men även i behandlingen av barn med övervikt. Syftet var att undersöka föräldrars upplevelser av att ha ett barn med övervikt. Ett annat syfte var att undersöka deras behov av support.

Riskkapitalbolags påverkan på styrning i sina portföljbolag: En studie om utveckling av styrsystem i svenska Venture Capital finansierade företag.

The aim of this study is to investigate which management control mechanisms evolve in companies that receive funding from Venture Capital companies and why the management control systems evolve in the way that they do. A case study was performed on three Swedish high technology companies, that all received funding from Venture Capital companies for the first time in 2006. Merchant?s framework, defining all management control mechanisms as either, results control, action control or personnel control, was used to structure the study. Results show that the companies that received Venture Capital all increased the use of management control mechanisms within results control, action control and personnel control.

Adoption: professionellas och ideellt engagerades tankar kring samhällets beredskap för adoptivfamiljer

The Swedish legislation (Socialtjänstlagen, SoL 5 kap 1§ 6 st.) state that the social welfare committee is particularly responsible for those children whom are in need of support and help after an adoption or custody matter has been decided. "Adoption - but at what price?" SOU 2003:49 is a state report with the purpose to investigate different aspects around international adoptions, which brings up and discusses what supports there is for adoptive families in Sweden. With this background and a special attention towards adoptive children's health conditions when arriving to their new country we decided to study the subject adoption. By interviewing different professionals and volunteers that work with adoptive families in Sweden the aim with this study was to acknowledge how they look upon the support the Swedish community offers for adoptive parents and also how they consider the knowledge about adoption among those who in their line of work can meet adoptive children is.

Modersmålsstöd på mitt vilkor? : En studie av pedagogers upplevelse av möjligheter och begränsningar gällande modersmålsstöd på förskolan.

It is common today that many children in Sweden  grow up in families that speak two or several languages. Language and identity building is connected to each other. So is also Languages and learning (Becknert m. fl. 2008:13).

EKONOMISTYRNING I EN MOTORVERKSTAD: En analys av centralt ställda krav ur ett operationellt perspektiv

The purpose of this thesis is to analyze the design and function of an engine production management?s control system and its intended function, and to contrast it with the present management control systems in use on an operational level. Interviews conducted with employees from all levels of the engine production are the main source of this study?s empirical foundation. Information has also been gathered from relevant written material such as annual reports, internal documents etc.

Att leva nära en döende närstående : En litteratursammanställning om anhörigas behov av stöd inom hemsjukvården

Background: Several patients wish to die at home and relatives often become thecaregivers. This task can be a burden and the opportunity for the patient to die at homecan be overshadowed by obligations and responsibilities. Participation of relatives isoften the prerequisite to offer palliative care in the home environment. The purpose: The purpose of the study was to illuminate relatives? need of support during palliativecare in the home based care.

Anhörigstöd : Betydelsen av stöd och hjälp till anhöriga som vårdar en person med demenssjukdom

The purpose of this qualitative study was to examine how family members perceive family support, and to gain a deeper understanding of how the relatives' part is affected by the dementia ill person. The result has been produced by semi-structured interviews with five respondents interviewed individually. The respondents who participated in the study, care for the dementia sufferer husband / wife at home, or the husband / wife has moved to a special housing. The result includes the perception of being a relative of a person with dementia, how they experience support from various parties, if there are any differences between men and women as well as the importance of communication and attitude. Overall it was shown that relatives often felt a sense of security and that they were satisfied with the support they received from the various parties.

Behovsstudie för implementering av ett informationshanteringssystem i el-utvecklingen på Volvo Car Corporation

VSEM project and the need for a more efficient way of handling requirements andinformation are highly apparent.The overall objective of this thesis is divided into two parts:1. To identify criteria/factors leading to a successful introduction of an informationmanagement system.2. To develop an implementation process for a requirement management system ?the first step towards a PLM system in EE development at VCC.This will be done through interviews with employees, a literature review and an analysisof studies of three earlier projects within VCC.The conclusion of this study shows the great need for change in work methods fordesigners handling information and requirements. An implementation process has beenidentified with guidelines on how to handle different phases of the process.

Studentsupport en studie om dyslexi, hjälp till dyslektiska studenter och deras upplevelse av hjälpen

The aim of this thesis was to describe the services offered to students with dyslexia, and from a service- and quality perspective describe how the consumers of these services experienced the supplied services. Dyslexia refers to certain problems with the written language. With the demand for students in higher education to accumulate much knowledge through reading, this becomes a question of vital importance. A qualitative descriptive approach was used, and a case study was conducted. The case study covered 'Student support' at the University of Borås and how dyslectic students at the university experienced the help from 'Student support'.

Talent Management : En studie om rekryteringsstrategier inom Talent Management

Inledning: När företag genomgår rekryteringsprocesser så finns där flera olika strategier attanvända sig utav. Denna studie kommer att skapa en förståelse för rekryteringsstrategiernasom ett specifikt företag som uppger sig jobba enligt Talent Management använder sig av.Syfte: Syftet med denna undersökning är att skapa en förståelse för hur ett företag somuppger sig jobba med Talent Management utformar sin rekryteringsstrategi och därigenomkunna uppfylla ett kunskapstomrum angående rekryteringsstrategierna inomforskningsområdet Talent Management.Forskningsfrågor:Hur definieras talang vid rekrytering i ett företag som jobbar med Talent Management?Hur väljer företag vilka rekryteringsstrategier som är lämpliga?Vilka rekryteringsstrategier använder sig företaget utav?Metod: Denna studie har genomförts med en kvalitativ forskningsmetod som har innefattatsemistrukturerade intervjuer för materialinsamlingen. Intervjuerna och det empiriskamaterialet är insamlat från ett ledande företag inom sin branchen.Slutsats: Denna studie kunde påvisa att de centrala rekryteringsstrategierna i ett företag somuppger sig använda sig utav Talent Management är Head Hunting, Employer Branding,profilering samt talangpooler. Vi kunde även dra slutsatser att samtliga rekryteringsstrategiersom förekommer inom ett företag inte nödvändigtvis behöver tillhöra den rådande uttalademanagementstilen.

Talent Management inom den svenska banksektorn : Hur den svenska banksektorn använder talent management processen som en del av sitt HR-arbete

SammanfattningTitel:                                   Talent Management inom den svenska banksektorn.Författare:                         Martin Eriksson och Oscar Alfelt Handledare:                      Timurs UmansNivå:                                  Kandidatuppsats 15 hp, Ledarskap, VT 2012 Frågeställning:                  Hur använder svenska banker talent management processen som en del av sitt HR-arbete? Syfte:                                  Syftet med denna uppsats är att undersöka hur banker använder talent management processen som en del av sitt HR-arbete och på så sätt öka sin konkurrenskraft och effektivisera sitt arbete. Vi ämnar undersöka hur processen kan anpassas till en specifik sektor vilket i vårt fall är den svenska banksektorn.Metod:                               Studien gjordes med ett beskrivande angreppssätt. Vi använde en kvalitativ ansatts med individuella öppna intervjuer. Intervjuerna gjordes över telefon med fem stycken respondenter från svenska banker. Teoretisk referensram:    Den teoretiska referensramen består av tre delar där första delen handlar om att förklara vad talent management är för att sedan presentera två talent management processer samt att beskriva HR inom banksektorn.

Arbetsrelaterad stress bland socialsekreterare : En kvalitativ studie om socialsekreterarnas upplevelse av stress samt hantering av den.

The purpose of our study is to examine whether stress among social workers is present, and if so, what strategies they and their supervisors use to manage work-related stress. The study is based on a qualitative method. The data consist of interviews, with six social workers and three supervisors. The study?s theoretical framework is based on KASAM, SOC-sense of coherence by Antonovsky, demand- control- support model by Karasek & Theorell, stress theory by Hans Selye and coping strategies by Lazarus.

Faktorer som påverkar hyresnvån för butikslokaler

Att försöka identifiera och analysera faktorer som påverkar hyresnivån för butikslokaler i Lunds centum..

Föräldrars upplevelser då barnet har ADHD liknande symtombild

The aim of this essay is to examine how parents to children with large undiagnosed behaviour problems experience the parent role and the support they can obtain in their role as parents.To get a deeper description of the parent?s situation a qualitative method is used for the study. The interview carried out through a personal meeting and a question schedule with opened questions where used.The answers of the interview show that parents experience lot of problems. The children don?t get the support in school that the parent think they need because the child don?t have diagnose.

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