
Studentsupport en studie om dyslexi, hjälp till dyslektiska studenter och deras upplevelse av hjälpen

The aim of this thesis was to describe the services offered to students with dyslexia, and from a service- and quality perspective describe how the consumers of these services experienced the supplied services. Dyslexia refers to certain problems with the written language. With the demand for students in higher education to accumulate much knowledge through reading, this becomes a question of vital importance. A qualitative descriptive approach was used, and a case study was conducted. The case study covered 'Student support' at the University of Borås and how dyslectic students at the university experienced the help from 'Student support'. Interviews with dyslectic students, as well as the coordinator of 'Student support', were carried out. As a theoretical foundation a model for experienced service quality was used. The models main components was related to: people, process and physical quality. The informants of the study experienced a sense of release when diagnosed, as it made earlier school problems understandable, indicating the importance of early diagnosis. The informants experienced their dyslexia to be an obstacle in their studies. Time to read literature was one significant problem. The result indicates the importance of different kind of help for dyslectic students. Help from classmates and family proved to be essential. 'Student support' was seen as vital to be successful in the studies, especially with providing talking books. All informants was not familiar with the help 'Student support' could offer, indicating the importance of information about help offering. The result also indicates the importance of librarians attitude to service and understanding for dyslectic students needs.


Jenny Hansemark

Lärosäte och institution

Högskolan i Borås/Institutionen Biblioteks- och informationsvetenskap (BHS)


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