

10342 Uppsatser om Self management support - Sida 13 av 690

BB vård i hemmet efter hemgång direkt från förlossningsenhet

A part of the midwife?s profession is to promote and support breastfeeding. The objective of this study was to describe the perception of the level of support and advice regarding breast-feeding given to women who have received postnatal care at maternity wards, and to present the opinions of the aforementioned women on how this support could be improved.Method: Women who have given birth at Uppsala University Hospital were routinely asked to fill in internet-based questionnaires regarding their views on the care that they have received. In this study, our data consists of the feedback from four questions in these questionnaires regarding breast-feeding. The answers to the closed questions were presented with descriptive statistics and the comments on two open questions have been analysed with content analysis.Results: Out of 622 women who were cared for at the hospital?s maternity ward after giving birth, 83% stated that they were very satisfied or satisfied with the information and support they received about breast-feeding, and 78% expressed the same views regarding the delivery ward.

Municipal decision support -About Swedish municipalities implementing the simultaneous offer of full-time employment and the introduction of an internal personnel pool

The starting point for this thesis has been the great process of change that Swedish municipalities now arefacing due to the political directive of offering full-time employment to all part-time employees. The aimof the research is to create a decision support model for Swedish municipalities, which simultaneouslyintroduce the offer of full-time employment and an internal personnel pool. The factors that mayinfluence the personnel?s choice of employment level and the quality of the outcome, thus the financial result,are we also aiming at explaining. The empirical observations were found through secondary data as well asobservations from the municipality of Göteborgs Stad.

Synen på och stödet till Göteborgs stadsbibliotek 1891-1961

This master's thesis asks two main questions concerning the history of the City and UniversityLibrary of Gothenburg: what was the prevailing view of the library and its role? Whateconomic support did the library receive and from whom?By critically examining extensive source material mainly from the library archives and cityand state records, these conclusions are drawn: the City and University Library was regardedas a purely scientific library by all involved except the state as early as the 1920s. The state didnot express this view until 1946. The support came almost exclusively from the city ofGothenburg, the state not extending support on a larger scale until 1946 and then onlysporadically. The widely-held view of the library as a scientific one was ignored by the statein its repeated refusals to grant the library support both before and after 1946.

Chatt i supportsyfte : En kvalitativ undersökning om hur chatt upplevs som supportkanal

Det blir alltmer vanligt fo?r fo?retag att erbjuda sina kunder support och hja?lp via en chatt. Chatt a?r en relativt ny kanal fo?r att hantera och erbjuda support till kunder. Ma?nga fo?retag va?ljer att anva?nda sig av en chatt, dock utan att ta?nka pa? de konsekvenser det medfo?r fo?r organisationen och de ansta?llda.

Kapitalstrukturens inverkan på Earnings Management i svenska börsföretag

Syftet med examensarbetet är att tillföra ny kunskap inom den svenska earnings management forskningen genom att undersöka kapitalstrukturens eventuella korrelation med earnings management. Uppsatsen har en kvantitativ metodansats, paneldata regressionsanalys används för att genomföra studien. Arbetet grundar sig i tidigare forskning på earnings management området. Vidare prövas Debt-to-Equity teorin mot den svenska marknaden. Den empiriska undersökningen utgår från 231 företag listade på den svenska börsen under tidsperioden 2003-2007 och en negativ korrelation konstateras mellan earnings management och kapitalstruktur.

Driftkostnadsanalys i väginvesteringsprojekt

During its lifetime, a road goes through a number of different stages; pre-study,inquiry of the road, work plan, documenting stage, building stage and operatingstage. The operating stage is the one that takes the longest time and costs themost. Those have a tendency of becoming unnecessarily high because the projectengineers don?t always take the management and maintenance prerequisites intoconditions.To decrease the management and maintenance costs, the Swedish RoadAdministration SouthEast has been in need of a work procedure that makes theroaddesign engineers take the management and maintenance of the road intoconsideration. This shall be achieved by a checklist where the most commondesigns that lead to increased management- and maintenance costs are compiledand listed.Through interviews with project leaders in management, the most commonproblems have been identified, analyzed and summarized under the headlineswinter-road, vegetation, road equipment and road designs.To elucidate the problem from several points of view, interviews wereimplemented with project leaders in investment and roaddesign engineers.

Att införa Balanced Scorecard : en studie av en implementeringsprocess

Background: In our case study we have been studying a company that during the last seven years have tried to implement the control system Balanced Scorecard. They have during this period made three attempts. According to Kaplan and Norton, the creators of Balanced Scorecard, it should take about 16 weeks to implement a Balanced Scorecard. Purpose: Our purpose is to investigate which factors that influence the possibility to implement Balanced Scorecard. Method: We have conducted a case study where we have studied implementation at three levels in a company.

Barn och ungdomars upplevelser och behov av stöd då de kommer i kontakt med mobbning

AbstractThe aim of this study was to investigate the reason why students contact adults if they are involved in any kind of bullying, what support they had received and wished for, as well as to investigate why student don?t contact adults. About of 150 students, 50 girls and 56 boys (70%) had experienced bullying of different kinds; some had more than one kind of experience. The students expressed that they had contacted adults when they ?felt unwell? and to ?stop bullying?.

Vilka kunskaper om smärta beskriver litteraturen att sjuksköterskor har : En litteraturstudie

The aim of this study was to describe nurses? knowledge of pain. The method used was a systematic literature study. Information was gathered from the databases Blackwell Synergy, Academic Search Elite and Medline, and the keywords used in the search were: pain, knowledge, nurses and nurses.The result was divided into three subgroups; Insignificant documentation and evaluation. More education is necessary.

Event Management

en small case studie av event med olika karaktär föregås av en kartläggning av begreppet event. vidare identifieras kritiska faktorer för framgång och huruvida den arbetsprocess i vilken eventen växer fram överensstämmer på de olika eventen. vilka likheter respektive skillnader kan identifieras..

Arkiverande studenter : Om arkivhanteringen vid studentnationerna i Uppsala

The purpose of this study has been to examine the archival management at the 14 Student Nations in Uppsala. This may be relevant to study to extend the research in the field that Berndt Frediksson calls ?empirical archival science?. Another reason is that the Student Nations hold a unique position as organisations and their archivists holds a unique position from a professional point of view as they mostly consist of students without professional archivist training. I have mainly focused on why the archival management at the Nations looked as they did.

I vilkas intressen förs den nya svenska biståndspolitiken? En textanalytisk studie i vilkas intresse den svenska biståndspolitiken har förändrats och vilkas intressen som återspeglas i den nya biståndspolitiken.

Introduction: The health for individuals with intellectual disabilities is asubject that is prioritized by the Swedish Institute for Public Health. Socialsupport has been proven to be important for health and quality of life. Despitethis fact there is no research available regarding the influence social support hason health and quality of life for people with intellectual disabilities in Sweden.Aim: To describe social support and the consequence of social support forhealth and quality of life for individuals with intellectual disabilities. Method:A litterature review of research in a defined area with a descriptive design.Systematic searches for articles were done in several databases and ultimately16 articles were chosen. Themes and categories were created with respect to theaim of this study during the analysis of the articles.

Management - våra reflektioner och lärdomar

Uppsatsens titel: Management ? våra lärdomar och reflektioner Seminariedatum: 14 januari, 2004 Ämne/kurs: Management FEK 261, 20 poäng, magisternivå Författare: Emelie Bischoff, Staffan Cederwall, Christoffer Ekström och Daniel Lindström Handledare: Heléne Tjärnemo Företag: Sekretessbelagt Fem nyckelord: Management, lärdomar, reflektion, grupputveckling, självinsikt Syfte: Vårt syfte med denna rapport är att presentera våra lärdomar utifrån de områdena inom management, vi skaffat oss insikt i. Metod: 20 poäng projektarbete med en kvalitativ ansats. Teoretiska perspektiv: Management, grupprocess, team, ledare, chef, strateg, projektledning Empiri: Djupintervjuer med ledningsgrupp, gruppövningar, självinsikts- och personlighetstest, intervjuer med professorer och lärare vid EHL. Slutsatser: Vi svarar på vårt syfte genom att presentera våra viktigaste lärdomar utifrån oss själva, både som individer och som grupp, samt kommunikation och projekt..

Införande av IT Service Management med hjälp av IT Infrastructure Library

I en allt mer krympande värld, måste organisationer lära sig att snabbt reagera på marknadsförändringar. Medan organisationer blir bättre på att införa nya affärsprocesser, kvarstår problemet med en tungrodd och svårföränderlig IT?miljö. Det hela görs inte bättre av att organisationer blir mer och mer beroende av sin IT?infrastruktur.

Auditsystem - intressenter och medvärden

This report aims to identify and categorize suitable audit users and furthermore establish with values these users experience. The aim of the report has been fulfilled by analyzing interviews carried out with several companies using audits as a part of their risk management process. In addition to this, theories concerning management have been studied..

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