

640 Uppsatser om Second-parent adoption - Sida 9 av 43

Balansera Mera : Balanserad styrning i Vellinge kommun

AbstractDuring the last decade the public sector has been influenced by new ways of measuring performance and governing, taking inspiration from the private sector. The Swedish municipal community Vellinge has since 2004 adopted ?The Balanced Scorecard? by Kaplan & Norton, measuring not only the financial parts but also other, important factors. The adoption took place since the Swedish government applied new demands on county councils and municipal communities through ?God ekonomisk hushållning?.

Tvångsinlösenpris vid kontantbud efter Balken-målet

The purpose of this paper is to investigate what consequences the discussed Balken-case have had with regards to freeze-out prices decisions for cash bids. In order to evaluate this, a comparison with a previous study is made. Last but not least, the aim is also to see what kind of arguments the minority successfully can make use of in order to reach a higher freeze-out price nowadays. Underlying the results is basically an empirical survey based on arbitrations disclosing the tendencies after the Balken-case compared to before. The empirical investigation shows that practice has become more clear and uniform after the settlement of the Balken-case where a movement from theoretical values towards market prices is recommended.

Det står ?jävlig mamma? skrivet i pannan på mig" : En kvalitativ studie om föräldrar till barn med diagnos inom autismspektrumet och deras vardag

The purpose of the study isto,based on network theory, systems theory and development ecological systems theory,understand parent?sexperiences of having children with autismspectrum, as well as understand the importance of social networksfor the parents. All of the intervieweeswere mothers. The results showed that it is important to parentsto have contact with other parents who are in the same situation as them. Many of the interviewees had a small social network.

"Vi ses i Nangijala!" : En studie om hur döden framställs i ett urval barnböcker

The purpose of this paper was to study how the death is described in some books for children and how the books may affect the readers. I chose five books where the leading character was a child who lost a close relative like a parent or a sibling. I asked the book questions like you would do at an interwiew.The main questions were:· What do the children think about the death?· How does the child react when it finds out that a parent or a sibling is dead?· What does the child think about seeing the dead person and how does it react at the funeral?· From what or whom do they find the strength to move on?· What support does the child have from people in the surroundings?· How may the books affect the readers?The results showed that the books give you an image close to the reality. The children had different ways to mourn.

Änglabarn : Föräldrars upplevelser av att förlora ett barn i sjukdom

Background: When a parent loses its child life will change drastically and assume other conditions. The loss of a child affects the whole human existence, the grief can be very intense as well as in-depth and find expression both on an emotional, physical, mental and spiritual level. Aim: The aim is to describe parents? experiences of losing a child to illness. Method: Graneheim and Lundmans manifest content analysis method was used to the method based on qualitative raw material in forms of three Swedish autobiographies.

Förälder och pedagoger i samverkan -en fallstudie (Parent and teachers in cooperation - a case study

Persson, Maura & Salimi-Amlashi, Nasrin (2010). Förälder och pedagoger i samverkan ? en fallstudie. (Parent and teaachers in cooperation ? a case study).

Förstagångsföräldrars informationspraktik ? en kvalitativ studie

This thesis deals with information practices of first time parents. The term information practice covers topics ranging from the information a parent need and use, the information they actively seek for through to information attained through browsing, monitoring or simply being aware. Four problem areas have been formulated. What information do first time parents need? How do they get hold of information and how do they use it? What factors decide what sources they use? How do the first time parents validate the information they get? The following theoretical framework have been used; Marcia J Bates? model of information practice and Reijo Savolainen?s Mastery of Life theory.

Vad har en AD/HD-diagnos för betydelse för barnet i skolan? : Sett ur pedagogens, specialpedagogens, läkarens och förälderns perspektiv

The purpose of this research has been to study and find out if a diagnose AD/HD is of importance. Does a diagnostic significance matter for how to support and respond to children in school? Are diagnosed children with signs of AD/HD treated differently than children without diagnosis? My study is based on input from teachers, special educators, from two different schools and also one doctor and one parent.I have interviewed teachers, special educators, one physician and one parent. I have been using qualitative interviews with tape recorders and emailed them with open questions. I have been using literature; see bibliography.

Föräldraskap och neuropsykiatriskt funktionshinder : upplevelse och påverkan av diagnos

The aim in the study is to search for a deeper understanding of how parents experience a neurological diagnose of the child and how this affects the parenthood. Parenthood was seen in a systemtheoretical perspective as a social construction. The narrative method was used in two lifestory parentinterviews. The analysis was made from parenthood. The result formed stories about parenthood with children having neuropsyciatric functional disability who even came to be a woman?s struggle.

Hur integreras fosterhemsplacerade barn i fosterhem?

The purpose of this study is to better understand, from a foster parent perspective, how the integration process of the foster child is carried out in the foster family. The purpose is to identify the challenges and success factors in the process. The study is based on a qualitative method. The data consist of interviews with six foster families. The study?s theoretical framework is mostly based on system theory and also on the theory of ambivalence.The results show that most of our families considered five factors to be important in order to facilitate the integration process.

Privatägda bostadsbolag i jämförelse med allmännyttiga bostadsbolag : Finns det skillnader mellan allmännyttiga och vinstdrivande bostadsbolag?

The purpose of this research has been to study and find out if a diagnose AD/HD is of importance. Does a diagnostic significance matter for how to support and respond to children in school? Are diagnosed children with signs of AD/HD treated differently than children without diagnosis? My study is based on input from teachers, special educators, from two different schools and also one doctor and one parent.I have interviewed teachers, special educators, one physician and one parent. I have been using qualitative interviews with tape recorders and emailed them with open questions. I have been using literature; see bibliography.

Effektivitet i grundskolan - en studie om Leans applicerbarhet på processen utvecklingssamtal

Efficiency has become an important objective for many providers of welfare services. Among Swedish schools, both private and public, increased administrative demands seemingly influence operations, and affect teachers negatively through perceived stress. Simultaneously, Swedish students scored an all-time low in the latest PISA survey, and are now performing below the OECD-average in science, mathematics and reading. A central administrative task in the Swedish elementary school is the parent-teacher conference, which is an important activity in supporting the development of the student's knowledge and social skills. Lean is a well-established operations framework, which has proven successful in order to improve process efficiency.

?? det är inte bara hon som ska knyta an till oss, vi ska lära känna henne, lära oss vad det innebär att vara förälder?? ? En kvalitativ studie av adoptivföräldrars upplevelser av anknytnings? och omsorgsprocessen

Anknytningsbegreppet är aktuellt inom flertalet barn? och familjerelaterade områden. Mitt syfte med den här studien har varit att se hur föräldrar till internationellt adopterade barn har upplevt anknytnings? och omsorgsprocessen i förhållande till sitt/sina barn. Mina frågeställningar har varit: Hur har man som adoptivförälder upplevt anknytnings? och omsorgsprocessen mellan sig och barnet? Hur har man upplevt att barnet knutit an? Hur har man som adoptivförälder gått tillväga för att utforma en förälder?barn relation mellan sig och barnet? I vilken utsträckning upplever man att man har fått det stöd och den handledning man har behövt från myndigheter och andra aktörer? Hur mottog omgivningen beskedet att man skulle bli förälder genom internationell adoption? Har dessa eventuella reaktioner påverkat föräldrarna? Jag har intervjuat sex föräldrar som genom internationell adoption har fått barn under 1970?, 80?, 90? och/eller 2000?talet.

Adoptivföräldrars och biologiska föräldrars upplevelser av barnhälsovården

Barnhälsovården i Sverige ska vara en resurs för alla familjer med barn upp till skolåldern. Syftet med studien var att undersöka hur adoptivföräldrar respektive biologiska föräldrar upplevde kontakten med barnhälsovården, vilka förväntningar de hade på barnhälsovården samt vilka olika insatser de blivit erbjudna. Dessutom undersöktes om föräldragrupperna hade olika behov när det gällde kontakten med barnhälsovården och hur de upplevde att deras behov uppfyllts. Studien är av kvalitativ design och intervjuer har genomförts både individuellt och i grupp med biologiska föräldrar och adoptivföräldrar.Resultatet visar att adoptivföräldrar förväntade sig och erbjöds färre insatser från barnhälsovården än biologiska föräldrar. En stor skillnad mellan grupperna var hur snart de träffade distriktssköterskan efter hemkomst med sitt barn, och hur ofta de besökte barnavårdscentralen.

Att bli förälder till ett prematurt barn - Litteraturstudie/Becoming a parent when a child is born premature - Literature review

Background: Almost every 20th child is borne premature in Sweden, before the parents are ready to care for a new family member. The parents need to cope with the stress and anxiety of having their newborn child in the neonatal ward and influenced by nursing care of neonatal staff grow their parental role.Purpose: The aim of this study was to illustrate experiences of parenthood within the care of premature at the neonatal ward.Method: A review where 18 articles between 2000 and 2005 were chosen and examined. The articles were analysed according to VIPS, which facilitates the practical use of the result.Result: The study reveals that parenthood is experienced as a time dependent process with three phases, primary, secondary and tertiary, where the parent?s needs and experiences changed character. The parents experienced that they developed from passive to active in the care of the premature child when the neonatal staff guided their participation, gave information/education and support.

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