

640 Uppsatser om Second-parent adoption - Sida 8 av 43

Samband mellan ungdomars föräldra- och kompisrelationer

During adolescence the teenager tries to become an independent individual, something that for many individuals can be experienced as"a hard time". In early childhood the individual was closely connected to the parents, but during adolescence friends and new contacts become more important. Studies in developmental psychology have most often adopted a parent-perspective, which is why a child-perspective is required. The aim of this study is therefore to measure the teenager's relationship with parents and friends and to look for possible correlations between these. As a means of measuring quality in the relationships, the IPPA, the Inventory of Parent and Peer Attachment, was used.

Marte meo-metoden på behandlingshem : en kvalitativ studie utifrån föräldrars och behandlares perspektiv

This study aims to explore parents and treatment personnels experiences of the Marte meo methodat a family treatment home. Three retrospective interviews were made with parents whoexperienced Marte meo treatment, as well as four interviews with treatment personnel. The purposeof the Marte meo method is to develop the interaction between parent and child. Previous resultsfrom studies show that treatment with the Marte meo method could provide positive effects to theparent child relationship. The results in this study have been analyzed by using parts of attachmenttheory, the salutogenic perspective and the term intersubjectivity.

Synen på personer med autism

Personer med autism behöver ha människor runt omkring sig som förstår dem, vilket kräver kunskap både om autism och om den specifika individen. För att kunna uppnå detta behövs ett fungerande samarbete mellan föräldrar och personal. Syftet med denna studie var att jämföra personal och föräldrars syn på personer med autism. För att undersöka detta genomfördes 10 intervjuer som analyserades med meningskoncentrering som analysmetod. Resultatet visade att föräldrar och personal betonade olika delar av störningen.

Utrikespolitiskt beslutsfattande : En studie om hur en militär intervention kunde godkännas av FN

This study in political science examines the UN adopted resolution 1970 (2011) andresolution 1973 (2011) on the basis of foreign policy decision-making. The study aims toexplain how the UN principle of Responsibility to Protect came to be legitimized for the firsttime by the UN Security Council in the Libya conflict in 2011. By a poliheuristic perspectivethe study attempt to explain Russia and China?s acting in the voting of resolution 1970 andresolution 1973. The background to the conflict in Libya 2011 is presented in the study aswell as the Security Council?s actions during the conflict, from the beginning of the conflictuntil the adoption of resolution 1973.

Synd och styggelse eller Gud är kärlek? : Svenska Kyrkans syn på homosexualitet

Syftet med denna uppsats är att undersöka vilken syn några företrädare för Svenska Kyrkan har på homosexualitet. Uppsatsen behandlar följande områden inom frågan om homosexualitet: Intervjupersonernas inställning till homosexualitet, Det bör finnas plats för flera åsikter inom kyrkan, En bibeltolkningsfråga, Homosexualitet är inte naturligt, Registrerat partnerskap, Partnerskap är inte ett äktenskap, Intervjupersonernas inställning till homosexuellas rätt att ansöka om adoption, Har alla rätt till allt?, Konsekvenser i verkligheten, Inga problem med homosexuella präster, Konflikt att vara kristen och homosexuell?, Frågan om homosexualitet är ett problem inom kyrkan. Diskussion och slutsatser kring dessa kategorier återges under varje kategori. Det breda spektra av åsikter inom området som min undersökning givit, speglar, med största sannolikhet, desamma som finns bland övriga företrädare för Svenska Kyrkan, dock bara en bråkdel av dem..

Ungdomars kännedom om sina föräldrars livsvärden

Do youths know what life values their parents have? Does this knowledge have a connection with the youth?s attachment to their parents? Do the youth?s life values differ from their parents? And could the youth?s life values affect how they estimate their parent?s life values? To answer these questions data from a survey were used. The respondents were 13-15 years old youths and their parents. The results show that youths do not know what life values their parents have, irrespective of if the attachment to them is good or bad. The results also show that the youth?s own life values to a high extend affect how they estimate their parent?s life values.

Beslut om adoption av ekonomistyrningsinnovationer -Hur utvärderas det balanserade styrkortets egenskaper?

Bakgrund och problemdiskussion: I samband med att nya administrativa innovationer introducerats har intressetför hur innovationerna sprids och vad det är som motiverar organisationer till att adoptera innovationerna ökat. Fokus har dock endast varit att besvara vad det är som påverkar organisationers adoptionsbenägenhet, men inte hur och med vilka beslutsunderlag organisationer avgör vilka egenskaper hos innovationen som är avgörande för beslut om adoption. Med ovanstående redogörelse som bakgrund ämnar denna uppsats att svara på följande problemformulering;- Hurutvärderas ekonomistyrningsinnovationers egenskaper vid beslut om adoption?Syfte: Syftet med uppsatsen är att öka kunskapen om vad som driver förändring i organisationers ekonomistyrning. Med fokus på ekonomistyrningsmodellers egenskaper ämnar författarna att öka förståelsen för förändringars drivkrafter i fallet med ekonomistyrningsmodeller.

Internationellt erkännande : En studie utifrån Syd Sudan och Somalilands självständighetssökande

The intention of this study is to investigate why some regions, which choose to secede from their parent country, are internationally recognized and others are not. The case studies of this study are South Sudan and Somaliland. South Sudan is as of now the world?s newest state, and Somaliland is a break-away state that is considered a part of Somalia by the International community. There are conditions that have to be fulfilled, before existing nations recognize the break-away state, such as an agreement between the seceded state and the parent country, which was the case for South Sudan and Sudan.

Att vara förälder till ett barn med medfött hjärtfel : en litteraturstudie

Introduction : Structural cardiac malformations affects 0.8-1% of children born worldwide, in Sweden 800-1000 children per year. Most children with congenital heart disease and their families will have frequent and lifelong contact with highly specialized care. Awareness of the parents experience is crucial in order to improve the nursing care. These experiences will be illustrated using a theoretical model of family-based nursing. Aim: The aim of this study was to describe experiences of being a parent to a child with a congenital heart disease.

Att ha en förälder med cancer : En litteraturstudie om ungdomars reaktioner. / To have a parent with cancer: A literature review about adolescents reactions

För ungdomar som är mitt uppe i frigörelseprocessen från föräldrarna kan det vara en känslomässig balansgång när en förälder insjuknar i cancer. Det är viktigt att denna oro uppmärksammas och bekräftas för att inte ge långsiktiga negativa konsekvenser. Syftet med litteraturstudien var att belysa ungdomars reaktioner när en förälder har cancer. Studien genomfördes som en allmän litteraturstudie. Nio vetenskapliga studier inkluderades i resultatet.

Det värsta har hänt- mitt barn har drabbats av cancer : En litteraturbaserad studie om föräldrars upplevelser under sjukdomstiden

Background:About 250 000 children develops cancer every year. Most of them has a parent and a family who also is getting affected. During this time the parents go through a crisis and the nurse had a central role to help them through the hard time. Aim: The aim of this study was to illuminate parent´s experiences of living with a child with a cancer diagnose during the illness. Method: A literature -based study, qualitative content analysis of 14 qualitative articles.

Kommunikation mellan hem och förskola : En studie om samarbete mellan pedagoger och föräldrar i två förskolor belägna i ett mångkulturellt område

The purpose of this study is to examine how teachers and parents are communicating with each other in a foreign area. In case of obstacles in the communication, this study will examine how the preschools create opportunities to solve the problem. This study will also look closely at this relationship from an intercultural communication.This study is based on interviews. My informants are four teachers and four parents, one of the parents is Swedish and the other three have different ethnic and culture backgrounds.This study has reached to several results. The interviews with the teachers have shown that they are unsatisfied with their relationship with the parents because there are two factors that result to their communication difficulties.

Intervjuer med sju föräldrar och en pedagog

The aim of this study is to widen our knowledge about the basic idea about having an open preschool for adopted children as understood by parents of adopted children and a preschool teacher. Sweden has a large number of international adoptions, in an international comparison among the highest numbers of adoptions per capita. Interviews were carried out with seven adoptive parents and one preschool teacher teaching at a special preschool for adopted children. It was found that adoptive parents had no particular problems with placing their children in an "ordinary" preschool. However, they choose to place the children in an open preschool solely for adopted children because of the possibility of sharing similar experiences as parents and children as well.

Barns röster i vårdnadsutredningar : Barn som talar eller omtalade barn?

There is an ongoing discussion in Sweden about child perspective and child?s perspective.The municipalities? family law units are required to include these perspectives in their investigations. But how do they affect the outcome of custody investigations? This essay addresses that issue. I have looked at how much say children have and how much they participate in their custody investigations.

Barns upplevelse av psykosvårdens barngrupp : en undersökning av en grupp för barn till psykiskt sjuka föräldrar

The aim of this essay was to study children?s experiences of their participation in a programme for children who have a parent with a mental illness. The study was written at the request of the Psychosis care in Örebro and was accomplished by qualitative interviews with five children at the ages of 11 to 16 years old. Previous research concerning children who have a parent with a mental illness and programmes for these children is accounted for. Antonovsky´s conception KASAM together with the conceptions of guilt and shame were used as the theoretical frame, from which the results of the interviews were analysed.

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