

1763 Uppsatser om Scientific ground - Sida 7 av 118

Effekten av frukostens glykemiska index på energiintag hos barn och ungdomar

Sahlgrenska Academyat University of GothenburgDepartment of Internal Medicine and Clinical NutritionTitle: The effect of the glycemic index of breakfasts in energy intake inchildren and adolescentsAuthor: Charlotte Olofsson, Cornelia Johansson and Maria NordbeckSupervisor: Fredrik BertzExaminer: Ingrid LarssonProgramme: Dietician study programme, 180/240 ECTSType of paper: Examination paper, 15 hpDate: May 16, 2013Background: The glycemic index (GI) and it´s effect on energy intake is a debated subject.Research has been done whether food with lower GI decreases hunger and lowers energyintake, which could be an effective tool to prevent overweight in children and adolescents.Breakfast eating is successful for maintaining a healthy weight and it´s therefore interesting tosee if the quality of the carbohydrates matters.Objective: To evaluate the scientific evidence regarding the effect of GI of breakfasts inchildren?s and adolescents energy intake.Search strategy: To find relevant articles, a systematic literature search was made in thedatabases PubMed, Scopus and Cochrane. Search terms that were used were: breakfast,breakfast quality, children, glycemic index, energy intake, obesity.Selection criteria: Randomized controlled trials and cohort trials, breakfast eatingindividuals, children and adolescents under 18 years old, reported glycemic index. Outcomemeasurements: Energy intake.Data collection and analysis: Six original articles met the inclusion criteria and werereviewed by the SBU audit template for randomized and controlled studies. There after onearticle was excluded because of very low quality of the study.

Elever i behov av särskillt stöd : En kvalitativ studie i definitionen av begreppets användning i styr- och policydokument

The purpose of this paper is to examine how the term "pupils in need of special support" is defined in Swedish central policy documents. The essay is based on a social constructive contribute knowledge about the term?s definition and interpretation with support in a range of scientific texts. The method for achieving the purpose based on qualitative textual analysis of Skollagen 2010:800, Läroplan för grundskolan, förskoleklassen och fritidshemmet- Lgr 11, Salamancadeklarationen and analysis of the result of three scientific studies.Neither Skollagen 2010:800 nor Lgr 11 gives a clear definition of the term ?pupils in need of special support?.

Den värdefulla insidan : en fallstudie av Swedbank Stadion

The purpose of this essay is to look at the Swedbank Stadion, which is a modern stadium in the south of Sweden. Swedbank Stadion is the home ground of Malmö FF, one of the largest football team in Sweden, and the goal is to create value for the team. The stadium owners have to get companies to hire premises inside of the stadium so they can pay for the home ground of Malmö FF. Therefore we have focused on the servicescape in the stadium and how it can create value for the companies that act on Swedbank Stadion on a daily basis.This study of the Swedbank Stadion is based on a qualitative approach. The qualitative approach is chosen because we wanted to establish deeper understanding for the case itself.

Normalvetenskapen och dess förutsättningar : Två grader av relativism? - En jämförelse av Thomas Kuhns och Richard Rortys kunskapsteori.

All since Thomas Kuhn?s strongly influential The Structure of Scientific Revolutions the Philosophy of Science and ?even more so ?the Social Sciences have contained a greater amount of theories that could be described as more or less relativistic, meaning that the standards of justification or truth thereafter more often were said to be relative to language, culture, or biological makeup. One of the more elaborate ways of developing Thomas Kuhn?s theories in a more relativistic direction ismade by the philosopher Richard Rorty. Rorty, mainly a supporter of Thomas Kuhn, is also a philosopher who has been seen as a main exponent of a so called Postmodern philosophy.My intention in this thesis is to evaluate whether Kuhn's and Rorty's theories of science and knowledge could be regarded as relativism, in respects of their view of incommensurability, rational argumentation, and of their position vis-á-vis the more conventional picture of scientific knowledge and truth.

Markering och risning av basvägar inom slutavverkningstrakter : en intervjustudie hos maskinförare och planerare

In an attempt to prevent ground damage and to reduce harvesting costs, StoraEnso's districts Värmbodal and Fryken, selected a number of final felling areas where the base roads have been marked by planners in the districts. The parties involved in the experiment are mainly planners, harvester operators and forwarder operators. The purpose of this paper is to determine the findings of this trial and to find cost savings or lost revenue. This has been done with a sample of interviews from the involved parties who logged the chosen felling areas. Literature about the interview process has been used to facilitate data collection, interpretation and analysis of the material. If we look at profitability based on assumed income and expenditure, revenue per MWh would be 63 SEK.

Utveckling av en dynamisk Simuleringsmodell av en skotare

The predominant forestry harvesting method is based on the harvester-forwarder method, theharvester folds, branches and cuts trees, and sorts the logs into piles, while a forwarder transportsthe logs to a landing area.This master thesis work is about realization of a dynamic forwarder simulation model, and itspurpose is to provide an integrated forwarder simulation model in MATLAB/SimMechanicswhere the forwarder is based on a concept using pendulum arms to connect wheels and chassis.Active suspension control is developed and implemented into the simulation model, and finallycompared in simulation with passive suspension.In a first step, an integrated forwarder simulation model is developed, containing a simplifiedforwarder model, a tire-to-ground interaction model and a test track model. The simplifiedforwarder model is based a rigid multi-body system with a spring-damper suspension of thependulum arms. The tire-to-ground interaction model calculates the reaction forces, friction fromthe ground and applies the propulsion force. The test track model is a simplified version of thereal test track in Skogforsk. The propulsion wheel torque control is used to regulate theforwarder speed.

Aslan som en bild av treenigheten Går det att använda lejonet Aslan i Narnia som en bild av treenigheten?

"Children's book is the best style means if you have something to say" is a quote by CSLewis that I focused on in this essay. As a future priest, I am aware of the problems thatexplain some of the Christian church pillars. In this essay I treat the Trinity in relation toteaching children in a future profession. Research in child and adolescent spirituality is onrampage, books with religious messages and ambitions to teach children about Christianethics and morals have been around since Sunday school introduction in Sweden. What arethe tools that can be used to explain even for scholars and theologians difficult concepts? Isit possible to meet kids on their own ground? I see an opportunity for this through theliterature, and the characters they already know outside the ecclesiastical sphere,In this bachelor thesis I have used perhaps one of the major works of children's literatureduring the 1900s, The chronicles of Narnia.

Förnybar energi i läroböcker : en granskning av utvalda läroböcker inom Fysik i grundskolans senare år samt Naturkunskap A i gymnasiet

När Energimyndigheten 2008 frågade ungdomar om förnybar energi kunde 40 % av de tillfrågade inte namnge en enda förnybar energikälla. Användandet av förnybar energi är en del av den strategi som Förenta Nationerna [FN] har lagt fram för att nå en hållbar utveckling i framtiden. FN framhäver även vikten och behovet av att undervisa om hållbar utveckling och förnybar energi.Vi ville studera vilka förnybara energikällor som förekom i läroböcker för grundskolans senare år och gymnasiet. Detta för att få en uppfattning om hur lärare kan använda läroböckerna i framtida undervisning om förnybar energi.Vi har gjort en kvantitativ innehållsanalys av energikapitlet i olika läroböcker där vi har studerat hur området förnybar energi presenterades, bland annat utifrån perspektivet scientific literacy.Våra resultat visar signifikanta skillnader mellan läroböckerna för gymnasiet och grundskolans senare år. Bland annat presenteras många fler energikällor i läroböckerna på gymnasiet, och de presenteras även på ett sådant sätt att de ingriper flera områden av perspektivet scientific literacy.

Vetenskap och makt. En analys av två vetenskapliga paradigms skilda maktlogiker.

This essay analyse the relationships between scientific paradigms and different logics of power in the field of psychiatry, primarily in the fields of attention disorders of children and schizophrenia. In these two fields of psychiatric research and treatment, there exist two scientific paradigms, a biological/neuropsychiatric and a socialpsychological, working from different standpoints regarding questions of ontology, epistemology and theories of value. Drawing from Thomas Kuhns paradigmatic theory of science, and Michel Foucaults concept of power, this essay proposes that different paradigmatic standpoints gives rise to different logics of power. Relying on the concept of power/knowledge and different paradigmatic standpoints, the essay states that the biological/neuropsychiatric paradigm produces a biological individualising logic of power that fixes the individual to his/hers biological condition. This in contrast to the socialpsychological paradigm, which on the basis of its paradigmatic standpoints produces a social-group related logic of power.

Fuktproblematik i platta på mark : En analys av uppkomsten till fuktproblem

When constructing a building, a number of aspects must be harmonized in order for it to fulfill requirements ? a building must fulfill requirements such a load-bearing, conservation of energy and a good indoor environment by means of, among other things, moisture proofing .Moisture problems in buildings can affect health negatively. As we are increasingly staying in indoors, demands on a good indoor environment are higher.This work starts with examining moisture problems in slab-on-ground solutions, and then links the various scenarios to moisture problems in a concrete slab of a real building. The building with moisture problems is located in Årby by in Borlänge and moisture damage was found in the slab at an apartment adjoining wall.By reviewing literature written within the field of moisture problem, making hand calculations and modeling in the program Comsol Multiphysics, judgments are made to find explanations as to why the rise of moisture occurred in the building in Årby by.Generally, the following guidelines may be used to reduce the risk of moisture problems in slab-on-ground constructions:Drying of construction moisture before laying the floor material.Using draining layer beneath the slab, to prevent capillary suction.Using insulation under the slab, partly for comfort and to establish the temperature difference between the ground and the concrete slab.Avoid direct contact between the wood and concrete, due to degradation and fouling smells that normally occurs.If necessary, use additional vapor barrier.In addition to the above, there are various methods for moisture-proof and moisture-monitoring by design or by the method ByggaF suited for the entire construction process various events..

Hur uppgiftstyrning påverkar konsumentens impulsköp.

The aim of this study is to examine physical education teachers? and students? views on the thesis and its part in the physical teacher education program at The Swedish School of Sport and Health Sciences.Does the view on the thesis differ between techers/students and the program with its curriculum and other policy documents?What does students/teachers value in a thesis?Does teachers/students have a mutual habitus concerning the thesis in the form of essay writing and how is this expressed?The study is based on a qualitative survey in which the respondents mainly answered open-ended questions with written answers. These answers have been categorized and analyzed with the aims of the study and the previous research in mind. The views on the purpose of the thesis differ, both within the group teachers/students and to a certain degree in relation to policy documents. The value of the thesis differs within the group.

Tvärvetenskaplig undersökning av textil Broderiet från Tämta kyrka

There are several objects of age whose provenance and history has disappeared with time. The purpose of this thesis is to find out which analyzing methods that gives results and how the different methods can be combined and /or established in each other. The investigations centers around an embroidery, belonging to Tämta church, with unknown origin, use and age. The embroidery is long and narrow with applications in the form of dragons and eagles on a ground of velvet cloth. The dragons and eagles are covered with metal threads.

Att plocka russinen från kakorna : En studie om hur kuratorn inom hälso- och sjukvården arbetar med och utvecklar sin kunskap inom krisstöd.

This thesis aims to explore how medical social workers/counselors perform their workwith people during crisis and how they accumulate and practice scientific crisisknowledge. This study is an empirical research paper based on qualitative interviewsconducted with eight medical social workers. The data was analysed with Kvalesmodel for categorization, which constitutes the basis of the research. The results ofthe research was then analysed with the use of Cullbergs crisis theory and a model ofevidence based practice which is described by Topor and Denhov. The results showthat the medical social workers practice the evidence based practice model, describedby Topor and Denhov, in combination with Cullbergs crisis theory.

Decision making and the role of empathy in animal ethics committees (AECs)

Ethical evaluation of scientific studies carried out using animals is legally mandated in many countries and has been so in Sweden for over three decades. The animal ethics committees (AECs) responsible for the task have however been subjected to criticism; common critique being that the wrong issues are discussed and that the ethical evaluation is thus incomplete, that there is a lack of coherence across committees and that the committees are not as democratic as they might appear. This study investigates the view of Swedish AEC members on a number of issues in order to shed some light on the mandate and functioning of the committees, and on the grounds for ongoing criticism. In a survey and interviews AEC members and other persons connected to the committees gave their views on the AEC task in relation to their roles, the ethical evaluation per se and whether or not emotions such as empathy play any part in it. There were significant differences found between AEC member categories and several issues were encountered, many of which have been stressed in previous studies.

Biovetare, bibliotek och bioinformatiska resurser

Bioinformatics is an interdisciplinary scientific subject which connects biology, biomedicine and information science. Bioinformatics generates new biological knowledge by using computer methods and biological databases and can thereby play an important role for the understanding of diseases and be used for development of new medicines. The appearance of bioinformatics has thereby had a big impact on biomedical research.In this study, I have examined bioscientists' use of bibliographical databases, bioinformatic databases/web sites and bioinformatic tools and their needs of support concerning these resources. I have also examined which support the scientific libraries offer their users concerning bibliographical databases, bioinformatic databases/web sites and bioinformatic tools and have compared it with the needs the libraries think that the users have and the needs the users state that they have.The results from the study show that there is a wish for library support concerning bibliographical databases, bioinformatic databases/web sites and bioinformatic tools. The wishes of the respondents are in contrast to the libraries' view about bioscientists interest concerning bioinformatic databases/web sites and bioinformatic tools.

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