

1763 Uppsatser om Scientific ground - Sida 6 av 118

Vakuumisolering ? Ekonomiskt försvarbart för småhus?

The number of people in the world and the urbanization increases. This leads to a bigger need of space for the built environment, space that soon doesn?t exist. A large portion of humanity?s energy disposal is used for heating of buildings.

Klarsynthet : om den filosofiska innebörden av "det närvarande och verkliga" i Clara - or, On Nature's Connection to the Spirit World av F. W. J. Schelling

This essay aims to explore the philosophical meaning of the expression ?present and real? in Clara ? or, On Nature?s Connection to the Spirit World by F. W. J. Schelling.

Estetiken i skolpolitiken En jämförande analys av forskning om estetiska ämnens betydelse för lärande, deras roll i gymnasiereformen Gy11 samt i läroplanen Lgy 11

The artistic subjects disappeared from the obligatory curriculum of the Swedish secondary school in 2011. The purpose of this work is to analyze to which extent the new curriculum Lgy11 is based on scientific results when it comes to the role the aesthetics were given. This paper analyzes the documents that preceded the reform, such as Government Reports and Interpellation Debates, for a start. It continues with an analysis of an interdisciplinary group of researchers, whose scientific work include research of impacts of art and art education in ordinary education and learning in a more holistic perspective. Finally an analysis of the curriculum itself is made.

Vaddå socialt arbete? : socialarbetare och den vetenskapliga diskursen om begreppet och praktiken socialt arbete

Social work is a social phenomenon, existing in most societies, that has given rise to a multitude of special organizations and professions. For that reason social work is dealing with a complex identity. The purpose of this study is to illustrate how social workers and the scientific discourse interpret the concept of social work. In addition to that the study intends to show similarities and differencies. The research process containes two studies, one based on qualitative interviews with five social workers and the other consisting a surway of academic litterature.

Mjuka Värden - Det humana kapitalet.

The purpose of this essay is to analyse and evaluate human relations within organisations in purpose to achieve higher productivity. Both research objects gained interest in this essay due to how their own result should be effected and their own values but the writers also detected a little curiosity on how the competition handled these questions. The essay have progressed in the following steps: first the authors have tried to find a problem definition and a Scientific ground to work from. After that an extensive literature study were done to be followed by an mapping of apparition on the human relations on Scania motorverkstads logistics department and Volvo Logistics by interviews of the people in charge in these organisations. To see whether there was a unanimous line of thoughts between the management and the employees the authors made questionnaires to the different department.

Tredimensionell fastighetsindelning : med fokus på tillbehörsproblem

Real estate is defined as ground, which is divided into property. Ground means every part of the surface, which is situated within the country. There is no legal definition of property to be found. Property is usually explained as every unit, which legally should be registered in the register of landed properties. To constitute a property the property must permanently be suited for its purpose.

Att få sätta spår : om medbestämmande och platstagande på gymnasieskolgården

Every place is a stage where people interact. The nature of the stage and its scenography to some extent shapes the interaction. Considered as a place, the school ground gives rise to many varying expectations. Lower school pupils often have clear ideas of how they are expected to behave and how they are expected to use the place. But as the pupils age, the purpose of the school ground grows less obvious.

Arkeologin i regimens tjänst : Ahnenerbes verksamhet, historiebruk och vetenskap under det Tredje riket

In order to study how science and archeology was exploited for political means during the Third Reich this thesis investigates the scientific institute Ahnenerbe, founded in 1935. The thesis is built up as a literature study combining literature sources from the time of the eventas well as research done around Ahnenerbe after the war.The purpose of the thesis is to examine the official and unofficial purposes of the organisation. It investigates how scholars viewed Ahnenerbe at the time, and after the war. It further examines the scientific value of the material published by the organisation, where there is a specific focus on the material covering Germanic Männerbunds..

Utbud, efterfrågan & jämviktskunskap : En kritisk prövning av ekonomiundervisningen i gymnasieskolan.

It has been roughly 86 years since Gunnar Myrdal?s book ?The Political Element in the Development of Economic Theory? was published, in which he declared economic thought and theory as being established by hidden ideological premises. As well as accusing modern economic theory of being the subject of a pseudo-scientific construct. As such, this study seeks to test Myrdal?s critical view on Swedish economic education in upper secondary school.

Kan Olikheter ena? En studie om sociala rörelsers potential att skapa dialog

In the process of globalization, identity has become one of the central factors.An understanding of the difference that makes up our society has made thequestion of weather is it possible to envision a society where difference is thecommon ground, one that has been up for contest. To answer this we need to seeif this kind of democracy is possible at all. For this I?m turning to the socialmovments who while they are working close to the reality also can give us somereal answers. Therefore I have looked at how social movements adress identity,difference and conflict and concluded that three things are crucial in organizing ongrounds of difference.

Ryskt luftmaktsanvändande i Georgien 2008 ? ett fall av Warden?

The Russian-Georgian war of 2008 drastically changed Europe´s and Sweden´s political climate.Russiashowed that it is capable of successfully completing complex campaigns including ground, naval and air assets. However, not much has been said about the theoretical framework and doctrine of the Russian military of today. Even less has been researched about Russian use of air power and applied air theory. Are air power assets still considered primarily as support of ground offensives or has the theoretical framework changed?John A.

Utvärdering av en FPGA för rymdbruk

A new FPGA suitable for space applications has just reached the market. To investigate whether there are any possible flaws or limitations similar to those previously seen on FPGAs, an evaluation has to be done. This master thesis contains the evaluation of this new radhard FPGA with focus on possible design limitations and package related electrical phenomena.Areas evaluated: Ground-/VDD bounce, Cross talk, Rise time sensitivit, Power cycling, Power consumption, Place and route tool, Radiation hardnessThis report contains all steps in the evaluation. From method to measurements, comparisons, theory, results and conclusions. In the evaluation work, special effort has been made to develop designs that really stress the FPGA to find potential problems.

Konfusion hos äldre : en litteraturstudie av patienters upplevelser i konfusion och sjuksköterskans omvårdnadsåtgärder vid tillståndet

Confusion can be a life threatening condition that is often missed by the nurses, thus it occurs in the same range as pain, fever or infections. Aim: The aim of this study was to describe the phenomenon of confusion among elderly patients, in order to establish a wider understanding of the patient's nursing needs. Method: Literature study based on scientific material. Results: The result showed the patient's ability to recollect and reconstruct episodes of confusion. During the confusion the stories contained a wide variety of experiences, such as threat, fear, suspicion, chaos and order, unreal experiences, a need to escape and a bad sleep.

Fakta genom fiktion? - En studie i framställningen av bronsåldern i skönlitteratur

This essay is dealing with the question of the possibility for a non archaeologist to learn something about the Scandinavian Bronze Age by reading novels taking place in the specific period. I have studied novels written by Scandinavian writers between 1980 and present. Before I started I constructed nine different categories that I was to look for in the novels. The categories were constructed in the aim to get as a complete picture as possible of the Bronze Age society. The results were then compared to archaeological evident and theories and discussed in terms of this connection.

Förbättring av U-värde i träkonstruktion för fönster med Aerogel

When constructing a building, a number of aspects must be harmonized in order for it to fulfill requirements ? a building must fulfill requirements such a load-bearing, conservation of energy and a good indoor environment by means of, among other things, moisture proofing .Moisture problems in buildings can affect health negatively. As we are increasingly staying in indoors, demands on a good indoor environment are higher.This work starts with examining moisture problems in slab-on-ground solutions, and then links the various scenarios to moisture problems in a concrete slab of a real building. The building with moisture problems is located in Årby by in Borlänge and moisture damage was found in the slab at an apartment adjoining wall.By reviewing literature written within the field of moisture problem, making hand calculations and modeling in the program Comsol Multiphysics, judgments are made to find explanations as to why the rise of moisture occurred in the building in Årby by.Generally, the following guidelines may be used to reduce the risk of moisture problems in slab-on-ground constructions:Drying of construction moisture before laying the floor material.Using draining layer beneath the slab, to prevent capillary suction.Using insulation under the slab, partly for comfort and to establish the temperature difference between the ground and the concrete slab.Avoid direct contact between the wood and concrete, due to degradation and fouling smells that normally occurs.If necessary, use additional vapor barrier.In addition to the above, there are various methods for moisture-proof and moisture-monitoring by design or by the method ByggaF suited for the entire construction process various events..

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