

5950 Uppsatser om Science teaching - Sida 6 av 397

Hitta estetiken i språkundervisningen : Hur pedagoger kan arbetar med språket i grundskolans årskurs etta

AbstractThis examination is about how pedagogue can teach language in junior school first year with element of the arts of learning. The purpose of the examination is to take a piece of how pedagogues in two classes in junior school first grade can use the arts for a way of working with the language teaching. The observation of Swedish- and English language training in two classes have give a insight in how two teacher work with the language teaching in first grade. The class teachers who were interview received questions about the observation and what they think about language teaching. The questions were about their basic view on language teaching and arts of learning.

Bagaren och biblioteket : Skolbibliotekets roll i undervisningen i karaktärsämnena på ett yrkesinriktat gymnasieprogram

In Swedish school library research, the role of the school library has seldom been studied in a subject-specific context. When it has been, the subject has usually been a theoretical subject such as Swedish or Social studies. The purpose of this master's thesis is to study what role or roles the school library can play in a different context, in the program-specific subjects at a trade oriented program in the Swedish upper secondary school, and to determine what factors affect the possibility for the school library to play a role in such a context. The Food Programme was selected as the specific program to be studied. In this program, the students learn a trade, in this case bakery, and the teaching in the program-specific subjects can be expected to be practical in nature.

?Det är ju troligen inte en overheadapparat de kommer att använda sig av i framtiden?? : Om skolans tekniksprång, en undersökning om datorns användning på gymnasiet

The aim of this qualitative respondent investigation is to delve into the various views that teachers have concerning the ?One-to-One project?, as well as the use of computers as an aid in teaching. One-to-One means that teachers and students will be equipped with a laptop they can use at home and at school.This essay looks at how several factors have changed as a result of this. These factors are threefold: the role of the teacher, the teaching experience, and the student´s learning process. In order to answer the mentioned questions, four interviews have been conducted at two different high schools in southern Norrland.

Hur bra är kulturskolans lokaler? : En undersökning om vad musik- och kulturskolans lärare anser om sina undervisningslokaler

The purpose of this dissertation is to examine how teachers in the municipal Music schools Schools of arts (kulturskolor) estimate the quality of their teaching rooms, which factors that are significant for their opinion, and if they have experienced any tendencies of improvement in the quality of their teaching rooms. The examination is built on a questionnaire, which was sent to a number of music- and ?culture schools? in Sweden. From the answers you can read that the majority (66%) of the teachers are satisfied with their teaching rooms, even if a relatively large part (33%) seems to be unsatisfied. The single factor that are of most importance for their opinion are how much of their teaching they spend in rooms that doesn?t belong to the music- or ?culture school? and also are used for other kinds of education.

Undervisning i naturkunskap, demokratiuppdraget och interkulturell pedagogik : Kan en interkulturell pedagogik öka intresset och motivationen för ämnet naturkunskap bland elever på samhällsprogrammet?

Since studies points out declining interest in science among students in Swedish schools, I have in this paper chosen to examine how some students at the Social Science Programme are experiencing the lessons in Natural Science and how to make lessons more interesting according to these students.The purpose of this study was to gain a greater understanding of how teachers would develop new perspectives and tools to make lessons in Natural Science more interesting. I also wanted to investigate whether an intercultural perspective could be a possible tool to increase students? interest and motivation.As a theoretical framework, I have assumed Vygotskij's sociocultural perspective, Habermas's theory of deliberative conversations and an intercultural perspective. Through a qualitative approach, I conducted interviews with students and teachers. The main results showed that students felt that natural Science lessons were too theoretical and undemocratic and that they wanted to have more student interactions, such as discussions and group works.

Efter Energiutmaningen : Vad hände med undervisningen i fysik?

The purpose of this thesis is to try to find out what effect subject oriented projects like Energiutmaningen has on the teachers, with a focus on teachers? physics education. What was the experience for the teachers who participated and what effects did the project have on them. Four teachers were interviewed through qualitative interviews. From the result it showed that the most experienced teachers, who have been teaching physics for many years, gained a new perspective of their teaching, through their participation a development showed in their education.

Undervisningsmetodens påverkan på skolbiblioteksanvändningen: exemplet problemorienterad undervisningsmetod

This thesis is an attempt to study whether if problem-oriented teaching implies a moreadvanced use of school libraries than other teaching methods.Teachers have been interviewed about what kind of information they and their pupils need,and where they find their information. Another question is whether the problem-orientedteaching method makes it easier for the pupils to find information in school libraries thanother teaching methods do.The result of the study is that a problem-oriented teaching method creates opportunitiesfor the school library to become an important place for information retrieval. This teachingmethod is a major, but not the only determinal factor. Other contributing factors could beteamwork between teachers and school librarians and the existence of learning aids..

Matematikundervisning i Waldorfskola respektive kommunal skola : En kvalitativ undersökning av två olika grundskolor

The purpose of this study has been to compare teachers' differing methods of teaching mathematics and their perspectives on the learning process in a municipal school to a Waldorf school. The study has examined which approach best promotes student engagement and learning in mathematics in the first three years of schooling. The study is based on four interviews. The informants? accounts are interpreted using theories from previous research.

Entreprenörskapscenter eller takeaway pasta? : Bilden av Science Park Jönköping bland studenter

Aim: The aim of this essay is to study the external communication of Science Park Jönköping, how they want students in Jönköping to perceive them. Further we would like to compare thatinformation with how students in Jönköping actually perceive Science Park Jönköping. Do the both pictures agree?Method/Material: Together with literature studies, a qualitive method has been used.Two interviews with the managers of Science Park, and five focusgroups with students havebeen conducted.Main Results: The main result from the focusgroup interviews shows that the students perceived image of Science Park correlates in many ways with Science Parks profile. But the study also shows that Science Park do not apply many of the relevant theories that would benefit their marketing..

Idrottsämnet och ämnessamverkan : Idrottslärares attityder och förutsättningar till ämnessamverkan

Our interest about interdisciplinary teaching has grown during our time at Högskolan Dalarna and especially during the subject physical education. It became clear that people learn in different ways. The theoretical education in school benefits the visual and auditory strong learners but the kinesthetic strong learners find it more difficult to absorb the information. We argue that integrating subjects is a good way to mix theory and practice and thus gives more students an opportunity to learn the content of the subject. The intention of this examination paper is to investigate the relationship between the attitudes of the teachers regarding interdisciplinary teaching, the practical restrains, possibilities and the presence of interdisciplinary teaching at three different schools.

Metodval i matematikundervisningen : Hur kan det påverka elevernas förståelse i matematikämnet?

The aim of this study is to examine how students and teachers experience full class lectures in contrast to working individually in mathematics education. Furthermore, the study explores how different ideas of individualization influence the teaching practice.The investigation uses qualitative interviews and the survey analysis is based on the phenomenographic method. The interviews took place in two senior level compulsory schools and both teachers and students were interviewed. The ambition has been to explore the teachers? perspectives regarding their choice of method in the teaching of mathematics.

Ett effektivt verktyg? Om explicit läsförståelseundervisning

Syftet med denna studie var att undersöka vilka effekter två olika läsförståelsemodeller, Reciprocal Teaching och Transactional Strategies Instruction, har på elevers läsförståelse. Den metod som användes i studien var kvalitativ textanalys som applicerades på 7 forskningsartiklar. Resultatet visar att modellerna gett effekt, i olika åldrar, länder och grupper. Detta resultat visar att Reciprocal Teaching och Transactional Strategies Instruction är effektiva modeller att arbeta med för läsförståelseutveckling..

Läsundervisning- att följa en metod eller ej? : En jämförande studie om lärares val av metod i arbetet med den tidiga läsinlärningen

This is a study of how four teachers work with pupils? early literacy learning. Interviews were conducted with two teachers who chose to use a specific method, Writing to Read (WTR), for teaching pupils to read, and with two teachers who had not chosen a specific method. The aim of the study was to compare how the teachers worked, their motives for their choice of method, and the ideas the teachers have about early literacy learning. To see whether the teachers? choice of method was related to the individualization of the teaching and their views of pupils? learning in interaction, Vygotsky?s theories about children?s learning have been used.

?Läser science fiction utan att skämmas?: Om kvinnors läsning av science fiction

The purpose of this Master?s thesis is to investigate the female reader of science fiction literature, a genre by tradition dominated by men. Through qualitative interviews with seven female science fiction readers, the relation between the reading and the readers? lives, as well as their concepts of the science fiction genre and the community of science fiction readers, was examined. The main theoretical framework used for the analysis was Yvonne Hirdman?s gender theory, Judith Butler?s concept of identity and Louise M.

Anpassad undervisning till sent anlända elever : Hur ämneslärare på högstadiet anpassar undervisningen till sent anländna elever

This research paper has examined how three teachers in a Swedish state secondary school adapt their teaching to immigrant pupils aged 13 to16 who have recently arrived in the country. The study is based on observation in the classroom and interviews with the teachers. The study showed that all the teachers adapted their teaching methods in the different subjects by actively working with language development during their lessons. The methods employed included explaining words and definitions, using visual methods of teaching and setting frequent written exercises. In this way the pupils developed their language skills whilst covering the subject coursework.

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