

5950 Uppsatser om Science teaching - Sida 5 av 397

Undervisning i NO för alla

Cvetanovski, Daniela (2010). Undervisning i NO för alla. Kartläggning av NO-undervisningen på fyra institutioner inom Statens institutionsstyrelse i Södra Regionen (Teaching science subjects for all. Identification of science subjects teaching at four institutions in the Statens Institutionsstyrelse in Southern Region). Skolutveckling och ledarskap, Specialpedagogik, Lärarutbildningen, Malmö högskola. Syftet med examensarbetet är att få en ökad kunskap om hur NO-undervisningen på institutioner inom Statens institutionsstyrelse, SiS, bedrivs samt att kunna ge förslag på hur man kan utveckla NO-undervisningen på institutionerna.

Informationssökning och vidareutveckling ? Gymnasielärares informationsbeteende i yrkespraktiken

Resource-based learning or problem-oriented learning are teaching methods that are becoming more and more common in schools today. In order to make these teaching methods work there is a demand to make students information literate. The aim of this thesis is to find out how six teachers at six senior high schools apprehend their professional role of seeking, preparing and developing the course in history of literature. I have used phenomenography which is both a set of theoretical assumptions and a methodology. This means that by doing a limited number of qualitative interviews one is able to describe the variations of the conceptions that have emerged.

Myndigheter i samverkan inom e-förvaltning.

Human rights have been added to the new curriculum which came into force the 1st of July 2011 in the Swedish Upper Secondary school. The purpose with this master thesis is to compare the old and the new curriculum as part of an examination of what way they affect the Social Science education. Further the analysis focus on what is affecting discourses in the Social Science about human rights, as well as its communication and incorporation in its education. The empirical material consists of the schools steering documents and interviews with Social Science teachers. The theoretical framework is based on human rights education (HRE) and curriculum theory.

Lärares förhållningssätt till demokratisk undervisning och sin egen maktposition i undervisningsarbetet

The aim of this paper is to examine how teachers experience their possibilities to develop democratic teaching in high school and how they reflect upon their position of power within the teaching situation. Four professional high school teachers have been interviewed for the study. The theoretical perspective of the study is an intersectional view on power and a view on democratic teaching which is partly built on the high school curriculum, but mainly defined by deliberative conversations, anti-oppressive education and norm-critical education. The result of the study is focused on three themes, which were shown in the analysis of the interviews. These themes are: choices of teaching content,  authority of the teacher and democratic teaching.

Grafritande räknare ? hur påverkar de undervisningen i matematik?

The purpose of the study is to examine how teachers and students believe that graphing calculators affect the teaching of high school mathematics courses. By becoming aware of this, teachers and teacher students have the opportunity to reflect on the use of graphing calculators in their teaching. The empirical base consists of interviews with teachers and a survey among students at two high schools in southern Sweden. The results show that teachers especially consider the graphing calculator as a tool, much like paper and pencil. They use it if and when it is deemed able to contribute in a significant way in their teaching, either to save time and/or to help deepen the understanding of various mathematical concepts and methods.

Att läsa skönlitteratur : Gymnasieelevers arbete med att utveckla litterär kompetens

This study is based on my work as a teacher of Swedish language and literature to upper secondary school students, and my interest in developing the teaching of literature by using both new criticism theories and theories of literary perception focusing on reader response. The purpose of the study is to examine the learning process in trying to develop literary competence and to find out how to describe the competence shown by the students. My starting-point is a discussion about literary competence and the theory and model of literary competence by Örjan Torell. In examining literary competence, by how students use their constitutional competence as well as performance and literary transfer competences, Torell´s model shows the possibility and the need for both knowledge of literature and personal reception by focusing on the dialogue between author and reader.The method is qualitative and the empirics are material collected in one senior high school class in the Social Science programme during their second and third year. The material contains written reading logs, written answers to tasks and transcribed recordings of discussions of literature.The analysis shows a variety among the literary competence shown and developed by the students and points to the complexity of understanding the concept of literary competence.

Lärmiljöer och lärare - En studie av hur lärares undervisningsfilosofi präglar arbetet och elevers lärande vid en Musikskola

Title: Teaching environment and teachers. A study of how music education philosophies influence instrumental teaching and learning at a community music school. Question of the research: Which Music philosophical ideas can be traced in the instrumental teaching of a community music school? Two teachers and their students have been videotaped. Data from the tapes and from interviews with the teachers and students have been analyzed by means of a category system, which grew out of the theoretical overview.

Nationella proven i matematik? en tillgång för läraren? : Hur några lärare använder sig av resultaten på de nationella proven i matematik

The purpose of this qualitative study is to investigate how some teachers make use of the results of the national tests in mathematics to plan their teaching. The questions are how they plan their teaching in mathematics and if they use the results of the national tests to compare with their own teaching.   Five teachers in mathematics has been interviewed. I have used unstructured interviews with open-ended questions, and I have been able to ask follow-up questions based on their answers. The analysis of the survey is made from a systems theory approach.  The result of the survey shows that teachers make use of student performance to look at their own teaching of the current group of students. However, there is not enough time to rehearse and repair the deficiencies discovered in the national tests, which for some is perceived as a stress factor.

Att sudda bort skillnaden mellan arbete och nöje : Om ämnesinteggrerad undervisning i praktiken i grundskolan

Regarding school-teaching most people have had the traditional idea that the teacher is the owner of all knowledge and the student is the receiver of that knowledge. Tradition tells us that the way the student receives the knowledge has been by listening, repeating, reading and memorizing what the teacher has taught. Research about teaching from the last decades show that there are other strategies, ways, and qualitys for helping students in learning. One of those ways is by integration of different school subjects.According to research every human being creates her own knowledge based on personal experiences. Johan Krantz and Pelle Persson (2001) wrote that learning is a process with experiences, ideas and opinions.

Mänskliga rättigheter i samhällskunskapen: Utifrån ett lärarperspektiv

Human rights have been added to the new curriculum which came into force the 1st of July 2011 in the Swedish Upper Secondary school. The purpose with this master thesis is to compare the old and the new curriculum as part of an examination of what way they affect the Social Science education. Further the analysis focus on what is affecting discourses in the Social Science about human rights, as well as its communication and incorporation in its education. The empirical material consists of the schools steering documents and interviews with Social Science teachers. The theoretical framework is based on human rights education (HRE) and curriculum theory.

Att leda utan leda : En studie av ledarskap i klassrummet

In Sweden the latest curriculum, Lpo 94 was released in 1994. This document revolutionized the teaching profession. The school system was changed from a governmental control into a communal control. The earlier curriculums were controlled by rules; Lpo 94 is controlled by aims. This has led to a big spectrum of teaching styles which all of them agrees with the Lpo 94.Our purpose with this report is to illustrate two different leadershipstyles regarding the subject Swedish.

Film i undervisningen ? i egen rätt eller bara komplement? : En kvalitativ studie av tre lärares syn på spelfilm iundervisningen

The aim of this paper is to examine which attitudes and experiences teachers have around the wide text concept, which is found in the course plan for the Swedish subject, and to find out which function films have in their teaching. The starting point of the paper?s theoretical part is the Swedish subject?s course plans and current research concerning the wide text concept and film in teaching. In order to achieve the formulated aim, qualitative interviews have been performed with three Swedish teachers active in the later years of compulsory-school.The result shows that there are divided opinions of the actual meaning of the concept. However the three teachers agree that film has something to enrich the teaching of the Swedish language and they are for most part positive to using film in their teaching.

Delaktighet i samtal inkluderar elever med särskilda behov : en jämförande studie mellan ordinarie undervisning och specialundervisning

This study is about how the dialog can help students with special needs to feel participation and inclusion in the class and the teaching. My purpose with this study was to look for how the students with special needs interact with other students and teachers through the dialogue. I also wanted to know if there is any positive and negative effects to teaching students with special need in the classroom compared with the teaching at the special teacher.I have taking purpose of the sociocultural theory in my study because it says that children learn together when they communicate with each other. The theory central words are dialog and scaffolding in the zone of proximal development. I also describe central words like participation, inclusion and students with special needs in the special teaching.I have investigated in four interviews, two of them were with a teacher and a special aids teacher, and two of them were students with special needs.

Läromedel i Samhällskunskap - En textanalys ur ett mångkulturellt samt interkulturellt perspektiv

This survey is a text analysis of 4 teaching books during a ten years period in Social studies from a multicultural and intercultural perspective. Taking as a starting point that society and the school in today?s Sweden are multicultural and in need of more intercultural teaching I explore teaching books in social science to se how they relate to Sweden as a multicultural society and their way of relating to intercultural teachings and compare them. The questions asked are: How do the different books describe the multicultural society in Sweden? What kind of intercultural tools are found in the books? And are there any similarities or differences among these books? The theories used as a starting point are reformulated by the author after theories of Von Wright and Lahdenperä to fit in to the context of a text analysis of teaching books and the method used is a content analysis with its purpose of describing how the books are constructed.

Att använda ett undersökande arbetssätt i NO-undervisningen : En jämförelse mellan kommunal- och resursskola

The purpose of this study is to compare an inquiry-based teaching method for natural sciences in municipal schools and special education and to find out if this way of teaching may be helpful when working with students with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD).The Swedish national curriculum of 2011 states that teaching methods should be fitted to every student?s needs and preconditions. The implication of this is very important for all students, especially for children with special needs. The theoretical framework that has been applied as a foundation for this study is Vygotskijs "Zone of Proximal Development" and Deweys "Learning by Doing". The method applied for the study is a semi structured interview and five teachers where interviewed.The result of the study shows that teachers with a higher education in natural sciences are more confident with regards to teaching natural sciences and the application of the inquiry-based way of teaching.

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