

1197 Uppsatser om Saving forms - Sida 2 av 80

Skrivdiskurser i kursplanen för Svenska A i gymnasieskolan

The title of this monography is Discourses of Writing in the Curriculum of the A-course in Swedish. The aim of this monograph is to find wich forms and discourses of writing that are emphasized and premiered in the curriculum for the first course in Swedish during secondary education in Sweden, grades 10-12. What kind of writing are presented to the students and what potentially miss due to the selection? Is any form of writing presented more thoroughly or as more important than any other in the curriculum?The professor of linguistics, Roz Ivanic, has formed different discourses of writing that she has found being used in education of writing. With these discourses of writing  I have applied them on the curriculum and then been able to see wich forms of writing that are premiered.

Energikartläggning av ett 1970-tals lägenhetshus på Skarpövägen i Nacka kommun : Simulering av energibesparande åtgärder i ?IDA Indoor Climate and Energy?

This study has been carried out in the spring of 2014 on behalf of PQR Consult AB in Stockholm. The aim of the study has been to analyse the energy usage of the building Skarpövägen 1 in order to explore the possibilites of saving energy by using appropriate equipment. These possible solutions have been simulated by using the programe IDA Indoor Climate and Energy, combined with a life cycle cost analysis. The laundry building, Skarövägen 23, has also been analysed due to its high amount of energy usage. The result of the energy analysis showed that the energy usage was much higher than the energy declaration.

Kroppens Kultur : Fysisk teater som begrepp, dess diskurs och status på teaterfältet.

This master?s thesis discusses the term physical theatre from a discourse point of view. It also focuses on aspects of power from a field theory perspective. The main theory used is Pierre Bourdieu?s field theory, and I try to apply this onto critical discourse analysis, mainly taken from Michel Foucault.

Transporter på väg - En studie över Sveriges lastbilscentralers metoder för att möta ökande drivmedelspriser

Background and problem: In the last few years the threat against the environment and especially the emissions of carbon dioxide has become increasingly debated. The government have set up a goal to lower the emissions of carbon dioxide with 40 percent until 2020 compared to the level in 1990. The emissions in the transportation sector have, in contrast to the total emissions, increased since 1990 and will continue to increase unless powerful control measures are implemented. The lorry centres have to use strategies to answer to these external threats which lead us to the two questions of this thesis: - What methods do the lorry centres use actively and which do they consider as the most important methods for fuel saving? - Are there any differences which methods small, medium and large centres considers as important? Purpose: The main purpose of this thesis is to examine which methods lorry centres use actively and which they consider as important for fuel saving.

Energikartläggning och driftoptimering genom behovsstyrning i befintlig fastighet

Energy supply in Sweden year 2011 amounted to 577 TWh. The final energy consumption for industrial, residential and service was 379 TWh. Sweden has energy policy goals to reduce energy use in buildings. One of these goals is to reduce the energy use by 20 % in 2020 compared to the year 1995. An important step to achieve this goal is to target energy efficiency measures in existing buildings.

Machoideal och/eller meningslös underhållning? : Om fem mäns berättelser kring krigsfilmen Saving Private Ryan med fokus på maskulinitet och publiken som meningsskapare.

Uppsatsen undersöker fem mäns berättelser kring krigsfilmen Saving Private Ryan, med fokus på maskulinitet. Föreställningarna och bilderna kring maskulinitet som kan urskiljas i intervjupersonernas berättelser, knyts till R.W. Connells teoretiska ramverk kring hegemonisk maskulinitet och de hierarkiska relationerna mellan olika maskuliniteter. Vidare resoneras det kring hur berättelserna exemplifierar en syn på mediepublik som aktiva meningsskapare, då intervjupersonerna tar fasta på olika aspekter i filmen samt ger den olika mening och betydelse. Slutligen belyses hur genus- och andra identiteter är något som kontinuerligt skapas i mötet med en mängd olika diskurser varje dag, samt hur själva handlingen att se på krigsfilm i sig kan ses som konstruerande av maskulinitet..

"Man får det intrycket av dig" : En samtalsanalytisk studie i journalisters användande av det indefinita pronomenet man i partiledarintervjuer.

This essay examines the communication value of music in television advertising. It studies different forms of music and whether these forms contribute positively or negatively to how television advertising is perceived and remembered. The forms are jingle, familiar song and unfamiliar song. 100 high school students participated in the study through a questionnaire.                      The study shows that music is an important tool that complements television advertisings visual aspects. Music creates feelings, emphasizes aspects of the image and clarifies the advertised message.

Svensk delnominering av Lundamaterialet och en undersökning av prepositioner och komparationsformer hos barn i åldrarna 3:0-5:11 år

The main purpose of the study was to collect normative data for Lundamaterialet,revised version, divided into phonology and grammar, for childrenaged 4:6-5:11. Another aim was to explore how children aged 3:0-5:11 had acquiredprepositions and different forms of comparison. 195 children with typicallanguage development participated. The children were divided into six groups,116 children from the three oldest groups participated in the normative data. Theresults showed an increasing mean value with age for both phonology and grammar.The older children had acquired the prepositions and the forms of comparisonbetter than the younger ones.

Tro och vetande : om evolution och kreationism i skolans biologiundervisning

The purpose of this essay is to study the public debate on the subject of creationism, the belief that there is a creator of all life on earth. The study is focused on creationism in different forms in schools and the more general discussion of creationism as an alternative to the theory of evolution. The overall question is what should be taught as the origin of life: Evolution or creationism in various shapes and forms? The essay consists of an overview of previous research in both the USA and Sweden, and an analysis of argumentation on the issue in newspapers. A comparison is made between the USA and Sweden.The analysis of newspapers shows that there are some arguments for different forms of creationism but there are considerably more arguments against creationism.

The battle of the forms

När två parter sänt varandra sina respektive standardavtal, utan att någon av parterna protesterat mot innehållet och det i efterhand visar sig att dessa standardavtal strider mot varandra, uppstår konflikten the battle of the forms. Det är denna situation som vårt arbete behandlar. Vårt syfte har varit att med hjälp av olika utländska lösningsmodeller visa hur konflikten kan lösas eftersom det i Sverige varken finns lagstiftning eller klar och tydlig rättspraxis att använda sig av. En inblick i hur konflikten behandlas i England och USA har gett oss mer material att jobba med. Vi har använt oss av en deskriptiv metod.

Musikens betydelse i TV-reklam : En analys av jingel, bekant och obekant musik

This essay examines the communication value of music in television advertising. It studies different forms of music and whether these forms contribute positively or negatively to how television advertising is perceived and remembered. The forms are jingle, familiar song and unfamiliar song. 100 high school students participated in the study through a questionnaire.                      The study shows that music is an important tool that complements television advertisings visual aspects. Music creates feelings, emphasizes aspects of the image and clarifies the advertised message.

Det andliga i vården i ett sekulärt samhälle : Vårdforskarens uppfattning och patientens upplevelse

Aim: The purpose of this study was to highlight in what forms and manifestations spirituality emerges in medical patients whether they consider themselves believers or not. The other aim was to analyse spiritual ideas of nursing scientists ? authors of the patients? oriented studies to come to the better understanding of the situation with spirituality in caring. Method: Descriptive meta-synthesis was chosen, in which 12 nursing studies were analyzed and compiled in a new integrity. Results: The analysis shows that caregivers must be ready to meet and confirm the spiritual dimension consisting of Faith, Meaning, Relationship and Questions without answers in the various forms and expressions they emerge in patient?s experience.

Avblås för torkning av kabel

This report is written on the assignment by Nexans IKO Sweden AB in Grimsås which is a cable manufacturing company. Nexans IKO Sweden AB was in need of help to examine possibilities for saving energy by saving compressed air, in first place by using the compressed air more efficient. The task was to determine the present situation, making the airwipe stations more efficient by reducing the consumption of the compressed air and in turn save money. Even the aspects of the working environment were discussed as the noise levels from the pneumatic systems and engines are usually high. A schedule over the airflow in the factory and the inventory over current airwipessituation was made.

Manuell indexering av webbresurser: en undersökning av indexeringskonsistens vid social indexering

Social indexing is an approach to manual indexing of web content. The purpose of this master thesis has been to investigate terminological and conceptual consistency in social indexing of web content. Conceptual consistency was investigated/measured focusing on synonyms and (the use of) singular and plural forms of words. In order to measure consistency in social indexing data were obtained from the Delicious website. The data set consists of five indexed objects, 3001 tags and 239 users.

Investmentbolag eller sverigefonder som Sparform? : En analys om vilken som är den bästa sparformen med avseende på risk och avkastning åren 2002-2010

There are various investments to suit different investors, what affects the investor is the risk he/she takes with the investment and also the awareness  the investor has. According to different theories a higher risk gives even a higher yield to compensate for the extra risk the investor takes.In this paper, we discuss and compare two different forms of savings, Swedish closed-end funds and Swedish mutual funds to examine what alternative that generates highest returns in relation to the risk.To help, we use different evaluation measures that adjusts the different investments risk so that you can compare how well the investments have performed regardless of the risk they have. This will give us an answer about what investment form that have performed the best between 2002.01.01-20010.12.31. Five Sweden mutual funds and five closed-end funds have been selected to participate in the survey.To evaluate this, it is primarily quantitative data, analyzed in the evaluation measures. The results obtained in the survey show that Swedish closed-end funds have performed far better during the selected time period.

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