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Hur kommunicerar etablerade företag med sina befintliga kunder?
AbstractTitel:How do established companies communicate with their existing customers? Level:C-level in the Business Administration Author:Jessica Axelsson and Trang Nguyen Thi Thu Supervisor:Per-Arne Wikström Date:2012-05 Aim:Our aim with this essay is to describe how an established company communicates with its existing customers. We want to explore which communication strategy the company applies to reach their customers. We also want to see what kind of communication the company applies to get to market more effectively and remain on the market longer. Method:The study is a qualitative case study where we have conducted a personal interview with the company president.
Lågdosprotokoll vid datortomografiundersökningar av misstänkt njursten : en litteraturstudie
Type 2 diabetes is a growing disease in the population which includes that older people are a risk group. With the disease grows even cost?s. A lifestyle change is a major part of the treatment for type 2 diabetes. There are several factors that suggest positive effects on prevention among the elderly where, among other things, economic and health benefits are presented.
Bushadministrationens syn på internationellt samarbete och internationell rätt samt politisk-teoretiska tanketraditioners inverkan på administrationens utrikespolitik
Essay in Political Science, Advanced Course, by Christoffer Hagström?The Bush Administration´s view on international cooperation and internationallaw and political-theoretical traditions influence on the administration´s foreignpolicy?Supervisor: Jan OlssonThe purpose of this paper is to analyze the American foreign policy, particularly with regard tointernational cooperation and international law. The two following research-questions are used inorder to fulfil the purpose: (1) what is the Bush-administrations´s view of of the place forinternational cooperation and international law in American foreign policy?, and (2) how does theadministration´s foreign policy correspond to dominant political-theoretical thought-traditions? Thetraditions used are: liberalism, realism and neoconservatism. The sources of the study mostlyinclude literature and policy-documents.
Hur kan mikroföretag bygga upp varumärken? : En studie av vilka faktorer ett mikroföretag kan använda vid uppbyggandet av sitt varumärke.
The purpose with this essay is to study how a micro enterprise builds a brand. This because the current situation makes it difficult to stand out from the vast amount of marketing messages available in the market without having an extensive marketing campaign. Small companies do not have the opportunity to put a lot of recourses as money into marketing as the large companies do. Neither do they afford to repair a brand failure.Brand building is a process that constantly is in progress in a company, large or small. To make this process concrete we have chosen to study the four factors; brand awareness, perceived quality, brand associations and brand loyalty.
En jämförelse mellan fyra olika energisystemlösningar : För ett hus byggt efter passivhusstandard i Karlstad
AbstractWork to develop the Eurocodes started in 1975 by the European Commission adopted a program to eliminate trade barriers within the construction area. The goal was to create common European design standards that would replace the member countries' own rules. Eurocodes will replace The National Board of Housing Building and Planning, National Rail, The National Road Administration and other agencies' calculation rules for the buildings structures. The transition to the use of Eurocodes looks like this:Eurocodes set to Swedish standards between 2002 ? 2007They can be used parallel with national standards 2006 - 2009 The total transition is at the end of 2010/2011.Right now is going on a lot of work for replacement of the existing standards to Eurocodes. The transition to the new calculations` standards, many construction companies and consulting firms facing a big changes and competitions.
Pedagogers användning av tecken som stöd i förskolan : En studie av fem pedagogers användning av tecken som stöd i verksamheten på förskolan
Performance appraisals- a study of the performance appraisals significance as a tool for development in the public sector.Anders Larsson and Åsalill OlssonPerformance appraisals have been given a central role in leading businesses in the public sector and are seen as a tool to create development opportunities and achieve better results. This has resulted that performance appraisal in many organizations takes up capacity and time. This was the starting point of our interest to study whether the time spent on performance appraisals effectively pays for itself in the organization, in other words whether the effects expected actually are achieved. The paper examines first line managers` views on staff appraisal purposes and effects of a function within the Landstinget. The survey design, methodology and transaction are of qualitative and quantitative method with three different sources: literature review of previous research, interviews with first line managers in Landstinget Västmanland and the results from an employee satisfaction survey conducted on behalf of Landstinget Västmanland.
Film som kommunikation : En studie av gymnasieungdomars filmarbete
The starting point for this work was a discussion between my supervisor and myself during my teaching training. The discussion concerned the appropriateness of allowing students make films with sexual content. Film gives young people the opportunity to express their feelings and broaden their views. If the film then disseminates to unknown people via in-ternet, which it most likely will do, maybe it is no longer so positive. The aim of this study is to shed light on various aspects of identity and ethics that are important to keep in mind when young people in school make films.
Jag vill ju bara vara lycklig! En studie av hur unga vuxna ser på sig själva och sin livssituation i förhållande till det senmoderna samhället.
The purpose of this study was to examine and illustrate how young adults look at themselves and their lifesituation in relation to the late modern society. More specifically its aim was to find out if the respondents have been affected by the ideals and norms of the late modern society in their lifechoises and their view of happiness. This study was based on interviews with eight young adults in the ages between 25 - 33. Out of the eight three were singles, two were married with children and three were in relationships. During the process four themes were identified: The importance and developement of an identity, fullfillment in the respondents lifesituations, the experience of happiness in the respondents lives and how the late modern society have influenced the respondents in their lives.
Banking systems in India is quite popular and it needs some more changes to reach all the customers. Lack of the service is main problem in Indian baking system. If the common person wants to open the account, it take?s little bit high cost and banks are not near the people location. Due to the Lack of service, people do not want to be a customer of the bank.
May I help you SIIR? -Ett experiment om hur personlig service i en pop up-butik med e-handel påverkar kundnöjdhet och graden av närmande
The main purpose of this thesis is to investigate how the societysystem in Austria has influenced the library system. The aim is toanalyse in what way these influences have changed during thegrowth and development of the public library system and how it isdisplayed in each separate library branch. The focus of myinvestigation has been the municipality public libraries in Vienna,and mainly the three libraries in the third district of the city. Themethod I have used is literature studies, examining and analysingsource material from the internal archive of the public libraries inVienna. I have also used the qualitative interview method in orderto examine the situation in the selected libraries Rabengasse,Erdbergstraße and Fasangasse.As there is no common library law, there are significantdifferences in the library structure in different parts of Austria andeach municipality decides how they want to prioritize the libraries.Since the public libraries of Vienna are well organized together inBüchereien Wien, the library structure in the separate librarybranches is coordinated.
"Ja men barn kan inte växa upp så. De kan ju bli likadana." : -Familjehemssekreterares resonemang gällande familjesammansättningar våren 2009
Author: Moa di Zazzo EilertsenTitle: ?Children should not grow up like that. They may turn out the same?: Social workers, working with foster care investigations, reasoning about family and family structures of foster homes. [translated title]Supervisor: Annika StaafAssessor: Norma MontesinoThere has been a change in family structure which shows that the nuclear family, which is still the main form of family pattern, is becoming less frequent nowadays.
Utvärdering av kognitiv beteendeterapis (KBT) effektivitet : En systematisk replikation
AbstractA systematic replication study was conducted at the training site at the University of Karlstad. Student therapists performed cognitive-behavioural therapy (CBT) as a part of their master?s degree in psychology. The systematic replication that took place was based on the work of Hiltunen et al. (2013), who evaluated the efficacy of CBT treatment conducted at the training site previously mentioned.
Crowdsourcing : Vad motiverar studenter till att delta?
AbstractTitle: Crowdsourcing ? What motivates students to participate? Level: Bachelor thesis, 15 credits. Authors: Sara O?ra?s & Tomas PetterssonSupervisor: Martin AmsteusDate: June 2013 Introduction: More and more companies realize the importance of using external resources to generate the best possible developmental outcomes for their particular business. The probability that all the smart people work for your company is not very big, therefore it is wise to use the public and take advantage knowledge, ideas and expertise of the public. Crowdsourcing is when a group of people is challenged to solve a problem for a company or to generate solutions and innovative ideas in exchange for compensation. A key issue is the question of what motivates individuals to participate in crowdsourcing.
Blockbaserad provning : Utveckling av en ny testrigg för utloppsmodulen
Alfa Laval?s strategy is to focus on modularized product platforms. Several benefits areforeseen, reduced lead-time, less costs, shorter Time To Market and better quality.Development and verifying will be carried out on block level. Today the separators arebeing tested as a complete unit. A number of factors affect the test results and problemsthat are encountered can be hard to identify.
Konsten att behålla och värna om nyckelkompetensen : En studie genomförd inom Landstinget Halland
När vi kom i kontakt med Landstinget Halland uttryckte de behovet av att kunna attrahera och behålla personal. Då personer med nyckelkompetens har stor påverkan på organisationens framgång har vi valt att genomföra en studie med syfte att undersöka vilka förhållanden personer med nyckelkompetens inom Landstinget Halland upplever som centrala för sin specifika arbetssituation. Med hjälp av olika teorier och modeller analyserar vi och tar reda på hur sådana förhållanden kan påverka arbetsgivarens förmåga att behålla dessa personer. Vi har valt att undersöka på vilket sätt de förhållanden som framkommer är centrala för individens arbetstillfredsställelse och motivation samt för deras vilja att stanna kvar på eller lämna sitt arbete. Utifrån uppsatsens syfte och frågeställningar har vi genomfört sex stycken kvalitativa intervjuer med nyckelindivider och personalledning på en av verksamheterna inom Landstinget Halland. Vårt resultat visar att förhållanden som har att göra med arbetstillfredsställelse och motivation påverkar och påverkas av upplevt organisatoriskt stöd vilket i sin tur påverkar arbetsgivarens förmåga att behålla individer med nyckelkompetens. Hela analysen utmynnar slutligen i vår egen AFBN-modell (arbetsgivarens förmåga att behålla nyckelkompetens) som visar dessa samband..