1780 Uppsatser om Safety and welfare. - Sida 66 av 119
Att leva med missbrukare : En studie om medberoende kvinnor från Sydostasien
The purpose of this essay was to examine female immigrants of South East Asia who have lived together with a drug addict and how they were affected and let themselves be influenced by that, and to study their reactions to such situations.The main questions were:· How do the women describe their personal relationship matters with their husbands with focus on abuse / co-dependency?· How do they show their co-dependency in actions?· How do the women handle their co-dependency?I chose a qualitative method because my purpose was to get a comprehension and hopefully find a pattern in the life situation in this specific target group. Regarding the collection of dataI used both primary data in the frame of interviews with persons connected to the problem, and secondary data in the form of earlier studies in that field.As the main result I found that these women lived in a severe stress. They were affected both psychically and physically by the abuse of their partners. They developed different strategies of survival to stand the reality and to save the family.
Sjuksköterskors uppfattning om triagebedömning på en barnakutmottagning
Triage, which means "to sort", determine the priority of the patients need of care. The aim of the present study was to describe nurses? perception of triage at a pediatric emergency department. A questionnaire with open- and closed-ended questions were distributed to all 25 nurses that worked at a pediatric emergency department. The answer frequency was 48 % (n=12).
Att komma ut: en studie av hur unga vuxna har upplevt utvecklingen till en homosexuell identitet
The purpose of this study was to explore experiences of the process of developing a homosexual identity during childhood. We wanted to examine the experiences, feelings and thoughts that young adults, identifying themselves as homosexuals, had growing up in Sweden.For the study a qualitative method was used and nine interviews were made with young adults in the ages of 18 - 30. They answered our questions about their process of developing a homosexual identity, about their friends, family and school and about the society in general. We analysed the material from the interviews using the theory of the coming-out-process as presented by mainly Månsson and Hilte (1990).The main result from the study was that there were some difficulties for our respondents to become aware of their homosexuality and reveal their homosexuality to others. Most of our respondents experienced anxiety and/or fear as they were becoming aware of their sexuality but did become conscious about their homosexuality and accepted it before turning 21 years old.
Olika kommuner: olika eftervård? En jämförande studie av hur tre kommuner definierar och arbetar med eftervård efter LVM.
Aftercare is an important condition for the Care of Alcoholics and Drug Abuse Act (LVM) to be successful. According to the law, the municipals are responsible for the aftercare. We compared how three municipal in Skåne, Sweden, define and work with the aftercare after treatment under LVM. The study was based on nine qualitative interviews with social workers, division managers and politicians from each municipal. As a theoretical reference the theory of total institutions and empowerment theory were used.
Guds lilla barnaskara - barn och ungdomar inom Jehovas vittnen
My intention was to explore the childhood of children and adolescents within the religious organization of Jehovah´s Witnesses, in Sweden. I used a technique where I interviewed three active witnesses and four former members. The former members either had left the religion freely or had been excluded by the movement. I wanted to know more from those two different perspectives, because they often seem to conflict. First of all, I wanted to learn about the persons own upbringing.
Hälsa och välfärdsteknologi i tredje åldern : En explorativ marknadsundersökning kring teknik och hälsa inom äldreomsorgen
This report is a market research for the company 4 Body and Mind, a start-upcompany that works with personal training online. They wanted to know if themarket for elderly care could be interesting for them to enter. This report is hence aresearch of the market for health and welfare technology in elderly care within thepublic sector in Sweden. A general fact is that the world's population is getting older.This combined with rapid growth of individuals in the age 65+ changes the demandson the elderly care in Sweden?s municipalities.
Instrumentbordets sterilitet
Background: Postoperative infections are a serious patient safety problem and affects about 3 % of all patients undergoing surgery. The consequences are prolonged hospital stays, high social costs, increased use of antibiotics and impaired quality of life for the patient. It has been shown that postoperative infections may be caused by contamination already in the operating room. Today we know that there is growth of microorganisms on the instrument table´s top, but there is a research gap about the instrument table's edges.Aim: To examine if the sterile drape on the instrument table´s edges are sterile after finished surgery.Method: Contact plates are printed on strategically selected areas on the sterile drapes top and edges. In the pilot study, a total of 51 cultures were taken at the end of three operations which lasted over three hours.Results: Growth on the top surface and the edges of the sterile drape were detected.
Långtidsarbetslöshet - En förändring i livet : En socialpsykologisk studie av hur långtidsarbetslösas liv förändras efter en arbetslöshet med fokus på socialt välbefinnande, roll & identitet
Tidigare forskning visar att långtidsarbetslöshet har betydelse för individens livskvalité och att människor utan ett arbete lätt blir till någon som får stå utanför gemenskapen i samhället. Vi önskar i vår C-uppsats att lyfta fram vad som sker i individens liv vid långtidsarbetslöshet, med fokus på hur arbetslösheten ändrat individens sätt att se på sig själv och hur det sociala och arbetsplatsanknutna nätverket förändrats.Vi använde oss av en kvalitativ metod, där vi med en hermeneutisk vetenskaplig ansats genomfört nio stycken semistrukturerade livsvärldsintervjuer. Vi sökte inte efter en absolut sanning, vi intresserade oss av informanternas egna känslor och upplevelser. Deras uttryckta känslor och erfarenheter använde vi sedan för att tolka och analysera vårt material. Resultatet visade att informanternas syn på sig själva drastiskt förändrades efter ett par månader som arbetslösa, de upplevde sig som misslyckade och skämdes över sin situation.
CSR och företagsstrategier : En kvalitativ studie om den paradoxala strävan efter CSR och vinst
From a historical perspective, Sweden is a classic example of a social democratic state in view ofits early development of labor movements, democracy and focus on the welfare state. Today, as amember state of the EU, Sweden has however come to be influenced by America?s neoliberalpolities, where companies need to deliver more and better products/services while the consumerawareness and sensitivity has increased about company?s way to invest. Research shows thatScandinavian companies, primarily in Denmark and Sweden, has a leading position when it comesto responsible corporate behavior which has been the reason to our choice of studying howSwedish companies do to achieve success in CSR. To carry out this study, we have usedqualitative analysis, using semi-structures to interview companies in different industry sectors.
Blatte - en etnicitet? Om ungdomars med utländsk bakgrund syn på sin etnicitet
Immigrants and children of immigrants are statistically lumped together into a category of "person with foreign background". Blatte is a degrading and violating word when directed at immigrants by Swedes. The aim of my essay was to test to what extent the Swedish term "blatte" could be qualified as an ethnicity in the sense that young people with foreign background born between 1981 and 1984 living in a neighborhood with a high population of people with foreign backgrounds have another ethnicity, besides the Swedish and the "home country ethnicity" to find themselves and their identity in.My method consisted of interviewing six people between the ages of 21 and 24 with different ethnic backgrounds living in a limited area of Malmö, Sweden´s third biggest city. I tested my hypothesis of these people having a third ethnicity to relate to against three schools and from two out of three schools defending my hypothesis, my result is that blatte can not fully be seen as an ethnicity but definitely shows tendencies of becoming one in the future..
Faktorer som påverkar kvaliteten i omvårdnadsarbetet : ett sjuksköterskeperspektiv
Background: Earlier studies show that nurses work environment is a factor that may affect the quality in nursing care negatively. Other factors are: number of employees, working hours, work structure and planning and working relationships between colleagues. Work relationships are particularly important for nurses as they can affect patient safety. Nurses are prone to stressrelated illnesses and high stress levels prove to have a negative affect on the quality of nursing care. To develop and assure the quality demands effort from every employee.
Intensivvårdssjuksköterskors uppfattningar om överrapportering av intensivvårdspatienter
Bakgrund: Att ge information muntligt och skriftligt innebär informationsöverföring och detta ses inom sjukvården som en överrapportering där fokus är informationsutbytet. Att använda sig av en struktur vid överrapportering kan leda till att patientsäkerheten stärks. Syfte: Syftet är att redogöra för intensivvårdssjuksköterskors uppfattningar om överrapporteringar av intensivvårdspatienter mellan varandra. Metod: Studien är en pilotstudie och har en utforskande och beskrivande ansats. Intervjuerna genomfördes i fokusgrupper med åtta intensivvårdssjuksköterskor fördelat på två grupper vid två olika tillfällen.
Passagerarnas attityder till säkerhet och risker på en finlandsfärja : -en fortsättningsstudie över attityder om säkerhet när turisten färdas på världens vackraste motorväg, utan att ens hålla i ratten
Det finns vissa risker förenat med att vara resenär ombord på en färja. Att resa med ett passagerarfartyg har mer och mer utvecklats till en fritidsaktivitet där själva resandet ofta är av underordnad betydelse. Tidigare forskning visar att cirka 13 procent av passagerarna inte tar till sig den allra viktigaste säkerhetsinformationen. Attityden bland passagerare verkar vara en något likgiltig inställning till säkerhetsinformation, trots tidigare olyckor. Syftet är att studera passagerarnas attityder till säkerhetsinformation ombord på en nattfärja som trafikerar Sverige-Finland.
Levande fäbodbruk på 2000-talet : -svårigheter respektive möjligheter
Mountain holding in the 21st century ? difficulties and possibilities This study examines the difficulties and possibilities that mountain holding farmers have today. The following questions were considered: i) Who is cultivating mountain holdings today? ii) Which is the most important reason to keep animals there? iii) What kind of subsidies are most common? iv) What kinds of animals and what breeds are the most common? v) For how long period of time are the animals kept at the mountain holdings every season? vi) How are the fundamental regulations in the animal welfare law being followed, and are there any problems/conflicts in keeping animals at the mountain holdings? vii) What meaning do the animals have for the farmers and what are the farmer?s thoughts about the future? A survey based on these issues was sent out to 107 mountain holdings farmers with animals on grazing land, where 59 % submitted a response. The results showed that knowledge on how to keep animals at the mountain holdings was overall good.
Missbruk i familjen : - behandlares uppfattningar och erfarenheter av hjälpbehov och påverkan av anknytning mellan barn och föräldrar
Studien syftar till att belysa behandlares erfarenheter av vilka hjälpbehov barn och föräldrar i familjer med missbruk kan ha, samt undersöka behandlares uppfattning om hur missbruk kan påverka anknytning mellan barn och förälder. Studien är kvalitativ med hermeneutisk utgångspunkt och semistrukturerade intervjuer användes vid insamling av data. Dataanalysen gjordes enligt meningskoncentrering där resultatet delades in i olika kategorier och kvaliteter.Resultatet antyder att barn och föräldrar i familjer med missbruk har olika hjälpbehov och behöver struktur och stabilitet. Signaler på en otrygg hemmiljö kan vara att barnen blir introverta, ansvarstagande, utåtagerande eller övertar föräldrarollen. Barnet kan känna skuld och skam och behöver kunskap om missbruk för att förstå förälderns beteende.