

4780 Uppsatser om Safe care and nursing - Sida 66 av 319

Patienters upplevelser av det akuta omhändertagandet

Alla människor kan drabbas av en akut sjukdom eller skada. Hur de drabbade hanterar händelsen är mycket varierande. Känslor som rädsla, oro och smärta kan öka risken för mer eller mindre långdragna psykiska reaktioner. Om det akuta vårdteamet har kunskap om den intima kopplingen mellan människans kropp och psyke kan de ge ett korrekt stöd och bemötande redan i ett tidigt skede och därmed kanske minska patientens psykiska lidande. Trots att traumavården gör stora tekniska framsteg finns endast liten kunskap om hur det är att vara traumapatient.

Omhändertagande samt bemötande av suicidnära och självskadande patienter i det akuta skedet i somatisk vård : En litteraturstudie

The aim of this literature review was to elucidate how suicidal and self-harming patients should be treated and cared for, mainly in the acute phase in somatic care. Searches were conducted in databases with relevant keywords. Qualitative and quantitative articles were included, would not be more than 20 years, be written in Swedish or English, and match the aim of the study. Results showed that nurses and patients felt that the treatment would be respectful, non-judgmental and characterized by active listening and clear communication. Poor care was described as disrespect and lack of understanding.

Upplevelse av möten mellan flyktingar och den svenska vården - En litteraturstudie ur både sjuksköterskans och flyktingens perspektiv

Bakgrund: Allt fler personer kommer till Sverige från länder där kulturen skiljer sig från den svenska. Många av dessa personer har genomgått svåra trauman och det är en utmaning för den svenska vården att möta och hjälpa dessa personer. Flyktingar och sjuksköterskor har oftast olika förväntningar på möten i vården. Syftet med studien var att belysa upplevelser av möten mellan flyktingar och sjuksköterskor i den svenska vården. Metod: Innehållsanalys baserad på åtta artiklar med kvalitativ ansats.

Individuell utprovning av inkontinenshjälpmedel i kommunala särskilda boenden

The purpose of this study was to examine the extent to which incontinence aids, used in local authority/municipal nursing homes, were adapted to the resident?s urine-leakage volume and to find out how nurses perceived the current situation concerning individual testing of incontinence aids in municipal nursing homes. The study method was a quantitative empirical study and was carried out in two phases. The first phase was a weighing test, carried out in three nursing homes, whereby the incontinence aids used by 25 residents during a 48 hour period were weighed. The second phase was the completion of a questionnaire by the municipal nurses working in the same local authority.

Arbetsuppgifter och ledarskap hos en första linjens chef i kommunal äldremsorg : a single case study

?BAKGRUND: Antalet multisjuka äldre personer ökar och ett omfattande vårdbehov kan skönjas. Vårdens organisation och hur den fylls med innehåll påverkar relationen till patienten. Ledarskapsstilen påverkar upplevd arbetstillfredsställelse och den kultur som vårdpersonalen skapar tillsammans avgör livskvalitet och vårdandets kvalitet för patienten. SYFTE: Syftet med studien är att utifrån semistrukturerad observation beskriva arbetsinnehållet och ledarskap för en första linjens chef inom kommunal äldreomsorg.

Omvårdnad vid blodprovstagning och venpunktion på fåglar

Blood sampling is one of the most important diagnostic tools in veterinary medicine, and this is also true for avian medicine. A properly collected and handled venous sample can be used for serology, biochemistry and electrolyte analysis, as well as for blood smears, packed cell volume and cell differentiation. Caring for sick birds is a challenge for all veterinary staff. Many birds are easily stressed individuals, and to a very ill bird a big increase in stress level can even be fatal. Avian patients who are presented in a veterinary clinic are often in a poor condition, and blood sampling is an invasive procedure that can cause stress to the patient.

Det systematiska kvalitetsledningssystemet i praktiken : - En studie om implementering av det systematiska kvalitetsledningssystemet inom hemvårdsförvaltningen i Halmstad kommun

AimThe aim of this study is to through managers in eldercares deskriptions of the systematic qualityleadingsystem examine the implementation process of this system in the eldercare in the municipality of Halmstad.  BackgroundIn this paper the background explains elderly care and social work context, leadership in change and implementation processes. The theoretical frame illustrates Vedungs implementation theory and Webers model of bureaucracy MethodTo collect empirical data for this study, a qualitative research design was used in which eleven managers within Halmstads municipality home care management stood as respondents. ResultThe respondents highlighted a variety in the use of the systematic quality management system tool. The result describes that several obstacles were experienced in the use of the systematic quality system. ConclusionBased on the descriptions the respondents gives of the implementation process of the systematic quality management of Halmstad municipality home care management, the conclusion can be drawn that the implementation process has not resulted in the employees making use of systematic quality management in practice. The systematic quality management system that will ensure the quality of the care work is thus used to a limited extent..

Från hemtjänst till eHemtjänst

The number of elderly continues to increase in Sweden which puts pressure on the elderly care. Aproposed solution is to increase the use of information and communication technologies (ICT) inhome care to both streamline care and enable older people to manage on their own to a greaterextent. So far Västerås is the only municipality that has made a decision on an ICT solution, whichthey have chosen to call ?eHemtjänst? (eHomecare). The purpose of this paper was to investigatethe specific prerequisites and requirements for Gothenburg city regarding the potentialimplementation of eHemtjänst.

Undernäring hos äldre personer med fokus på könsskillnader- En kvantitativ studie

Introduction: Malnutrition leads to loss of health and coexists with disease and loss of function. A good nutritional status becomes more important the older you get to maintain a good health. Studies show that it is important to identify and prevent malnutrition in its early stages. Men and women recieve different medical treatment in a number of different medical diseases. There are few studies in nursing from av gender perspective.Aim: The aim of this study is to examine the prevalence of malnutrition in the elderly in Västra Götaland with focus on gender differences when it comes to prevalence and nursing interventionsMethod: A register study with av quantitative approach is conducted to answer the aim.

Sjuksköterskors upplevelser av att vårda i livets slutskede: en litteraturstudie

Aim: To describe nurses' experiences providing end of life care to patients. Method Descriptive literature study, 15 articles were included. The search was made in PubMed, CINAHL and by manual search. The articles were reviewed, analyzed and summarized. Results: For newly graduated nurses? experience in end of life care proved to be something new, developing, difficult to manage and frightening, but expected in the profession.

Hur kan personer med hja?rtsvikt testa va?rden i hemmet, fo?r en snabbare behandling och korrigering av medicinering?

- To be trapped in a roller-coaster That ?s how some of the patients are describing the situa- tion of living with heart failure. To be stuck in their home not knowing if they will have to seek care today and not knowing if they will have the energy to attend that birth- day party later this week.Each year 2-3% of the Swedish population are diagnosed with heart failure, which results in 30,000 new individu- als with the disorder. Cardiovascular disease is rapidly in- creasing in the world and before 2030, people with heart failure will increased by 100%. Our improved living condi- tions and better health have allowed us to grow older and made us more dependent on other types of care, care at home.Today the patients are only looking for changes in weight and if they have excessive water in their body.

Feromonterapi för hund ? en kvalificerad stressreducent inom djursjukvård?

Numerous dogs are stressed during a stay at a veterinary clinic. Stress has an impact physically as well as mentally, and may influence animal care. There are different ways to prevent and handle animal stress. Dog Appeasing Pheromones (DAP) is sometimes used to reduce stress. The aim of this study was to investigate the potential need for stressreducers, explore the use of DAP and evaluate pheromonatherapy for dogs as a potential stressreducer within veterinary health care.

Nasal smärtbehandling av barn med akuta smärttillstånd inom akutsjukvård och prehospitalt

The aim of thie literature review was to study the advantages and disadventages of the intranasal medication, treating children with acute pain in  prehsopital settings and in emergency care. Searches were performed in databases PubMed and Cinahl. The intranasal method of administrating drugs could be a acceptable compliment to todays's traditional metods. Unnecessary pain is avoided as there is no need for skin penetration. Further studies are necessary in order to integrate this metod both in prehospital settings and in emeregncy care..

Vem de vill att du ska vara : Enhetschefer om brukares önskemål gällande kön och etnicitet hos hemtjänstpersonal

The purpose of this study was to assess which basic principles collide when home care service users have requests about how their help is going to be performed. The requests involve gender and ethnicity of the personnel. The study is based on the experiences and reflections of the managers regarding this issue.As the study is focused on the reflections of the managers, I have used a qualitative research method based on interviews. I have also used two case examples as a compliment (vignettes).I was interested to explore how the managers reasoned and argued about gender and ethnicity of the personnel, and their importance in home care situations. I have investigated whether it is considered to be appropriate that the service users chose if a man or a woman helps them in intimate situations (such as showers), and if they are entitled to refuse to receive home care services from people with a different ethnic background.

Padre versus Pappa - en kvalitativ komparativ studie om mäns erfarenheter och attityder till faderskapet i Spanien och Sverige

Different institutional and culture contexts are argued to create differences in fathers practices and attitudes toward fatherhood. By in-depth interviews with swedish and spanish fathers, this Bachelor thesis aims to describe fathers experiences and attitudes toward fatherhood and how they relate to the institutional and culture context. The selection of swedish and spanish fathers aims to illustrate differences and similarities in two welfaremodels that differ. The main difference was how social policy provoces differences in the distribution between paid and non-paid work, where the spanish fathers remain as the main breadwinner. Differences also appeared in attitudes toward formal care.

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