

25 Uppsatser om Rothstein - Sida 2 av 2

Vem har makten över kulturarvet? En fallstudie av urvalskriterier vid digitalisering på Kungl. Biblioteket.

This thesis is performed as a case study, and has had the aim to study who has the power over cultural heritage, by studying the digitization selection criteria at KB and what influences there can be on the digitization selection process. The theory of the arm?s length principle, (Mangset, Kunst og makt, 2013) the professional model, (Rothstein, 2010), that digitization re-shape and re-contextualize cultural heritage material, (Dahlström et al. 2013), and different concepts will influence the digitization selection process has been used in this study. A qualitative research with document study and informant interview and e-mail interview has been conducted.

Dynamisk kunskapsorganisation: teoretisk ansats och implementering

Knowledge organization is perceived as a central, constituting activity defining the notion of libraries. Critique calling for a new theoretical foundation voiced by active researchers within library and information science concerning the current knowledge organization has been utilized as a point of departure. Specifications concerning a new theoretical foundation implied by these critiques are considered within this thesis and theory found in The Order of Things by Michel Foucault proposed as an alternative theory for understanding knowledge organization as a human science where meaning, value and representation, by which the ordering of things is possible, is acknowledged as a result of human activity and history. Thus meaning, value and representation must be perceived as dynamic. An example of implementation of the proposed theory has been achieved by the use of bibliometrics.

En plattform för det fria ordet En studie om hanteringen av extremism vid fyra svenska universitet

This master thesis? purpose is to examine the role of Swedish universities in the prevention of extremism and terrorism. Depending on how the universities look upon their role in preventing extremism and promoting democracy among their students, extremism can either flourish or be restrained in the higher learning environment. An unclear standpoint against extremism from the universities side could make it possible for extremism to prosper at the universities, and students with extremist opinions may be radicalized and recruited to extremist organizations and terrorism. What are the universities standpoints in the matter whether universities should promote democracy and prevent and restrain extremism and the recruitment of students to extremist organizations? During the study I have mainly been using primary material in the shape of semi structured interviews with predecessors of four Swedish universities.

Att uppfylla miljökvalitetsmålen, ett omöjligt mål? : Styrmedel och hinder på vägen för att nå målen Begränsad klimatpåverkan, Bara naturlig försurning, och Skyddande ozonskikt

Purpose: The purpose is to examine more closely why the achievement of the environmental goals is so low. To within the thesis work to make this as interesting and with as good quality as possible, especially the environmental quality goal Reduced climate impact, but also Natural acidification and Protective ozone layer, has been chosen to be studied further. Method: A qualitative method and text analysis has been applied. Intervention theory, as Vedung 2009 describes, is used as an intellectual backbone and as a help to structure the essay. The three environmental quality goals correspond cases, or units of analysis. Analysis: The fulfillment of the respective environmental quality goals is analyzed according to its goal, policy instruments, implementation and its effects. To this some of the problems are analyzed that exist on the path to achieve the goals.

Det sociala området i EU, sett genom dokumenttexterna Romfördraget, Lissabonstrategin, den socialpolitiska agendan och Sveriges strategirapport.

The social dimension in the EU, explored through the document texts of the Treaty of Rome, the Lisbon Strategy, the Social Policy Agenda and the Swedish Strategy ReportThis paper explores the social dimension of EU social policy, except the aspects of the economic and labour market. The EU documents reveal an underlying line of thought stemming from the alignment of the six founding countries, spearheaded by France, with the conservative corporatist welfare model. As one of four European welfare models, the conservative corporatist model emphasises labour market issues, corporate social responsibility and the subsidiarity principle in EU social policy. It also influences how the texts define the terms social, social policy and social exclusion. The definitions determine how policymakers combat problems such as social exclusion and identify the policy issues to be included in EU social policy.The Swedish Strategy shows how the country is responding to the objectives that it has been assigned by the EU and how it plans to attain them.

Förtroendet till samhällets institutioner : En komparativ studie mellan Sverige och Portugal

This study is about trust for public institutions and what the foundation is that builds this confidence. For this study I have used three dependent variables to define different aspects of public institutions. These are trust in the legal system, trust in political parties and state of health services nowadays.  The method that is used in the study is based on a comparative study between two countries, Sweden and Portugal.  The actual result is made up by comparing means and regressions by using 13 independent variables. Many of the independent variables that has been used is deriving from institutional theories of Putnam and Rothstein These theories points out the importance of strong traditions of civic engagement and that the success of the trust of the institutions depends in large part on the horizontal bonds that make up social capital.

Stannar du hemma med barnen, älskling? : En kvantitativ studie över hur åldersskillander i parrelationer påverkar uttaget av föräldraledigheten

Jämställdhet har länge varit ett omtalat ämne. Trots att Sverige tidigare blivit utnämnt till världens mest jämställda land finns det fortfarande mycket att göra för att uppnå fullständig jämställdhet (SOU 1998:6). Uttaget av föräldraledigheten är starkt snedfördelat där kvinnan tenderar att ta ut den största delen av ledigheten. Syftet med denna uppsats är att undersöka om åldersskillnaden inom parrelationer har någon påverkan på fördelningen av föräldraledigheten. Utifrån syftet har tre frågeställningar formulerats som uppsatsen ämnar studera; Hur ser fördelningen av föräldraledigheten ut då mannen är äldre, yngre respektive jämngammal med kvinnan?Uppsatsen baserar på levnadsnivåundersökningarnas (LNU) datamaterial som samlades in år 2000.

Socialt kapital bland organiserade ungdomar

I ungdomsåren skapar vi grunden för de värderingar vi bär med oss resten av livet. För att fylla ett samhälle med deltagande, kunniga och tillitskännande medborgare är det med andra ord viktigt att introducera dessa värden redan i ungdomsåren. I Putnams teorier om socialt kapital har ideella organisationer en central roll I skapandet av en fungerande demokrati. Uppsatsen syftar till att svara på huruvida svenska ungdomar engagerade i organisationer visar större tecken på socialt kapital än oengagerade. Socialt kapital definieras som ?inslag i samhällsorganisationen, till exempel förtroende, normer och nätverk, som kan förbättra samhällseffektiviteten genom att underlätta samordnade operationer? (Putnam 1996, s 201).

En förvaltningsanalys av ramverket som styr Landstinget

Den traditionella arbetsmiljöforskningen består i stor utsträckning av forskning som berör de yttre faktorerna på arbetsplatsen. Stora resurser läggs på att kartlägga belastningsergonomin på arbetsplatsen, samt vad exponering av kemikalier har för inverkan på arbetstagarna1. Jag har valt en annan inriktning att studera faktorer inom arbetsmiljön. Jag vill genom denna studie visa på hur landstingets professionella struktur i kombination med de formella och informella reglerna påverkar arbetsfördelningen/ arbetsförutsättningen hos de anställda. Enligt forskning som bland annat Douglas North presenterar skall alla organisationer till viss del präglas av såväl formella som informella regler.

Björnkram eller björntjänst? Möjligheter för personer med neuropsykiatriska funktionshinder att känna och uttrycka inflytande i insatser med avsikt att bidra till deras delaktighet i samhället.

In Sweden there are laws and recommendations from The National Board of Health and Welfare about the importance of a user's involvement in and possibility of influencing services directed at them. Even with such good intentions the same board reports that it is hard to know if people experience that they do. The purpose of my study was to examine how professionals can use their knowledge to help users increase their sense of influence in services that they use. My focus has been on adults with neuropsychiatric disabilities within the autistic spectra, such as Asperger syndrome, and on the professionals working with them. The specific problem among people with neuropsychiatric disabilities is a lack of social skills.

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