

599 Uppsatser om Risks. - Sida 23 av 40

Vetenskap och erfarenhet: en analys av kunskapsrepertoarer i gravidforum på webben.

The aim of this Master?s thesis is to examine how health information is integrated into knowledge in an everyday health related context on the web. The more specific aim is, from a LIS point of view, to map knowledge related discourses with the focus on pregnancy, in discussion forums on Swedish health related web sites. The following main questions in this paper are: (1) a) What discourses on pregnancy knowledge can be found and b) how are they expressed? (2) What are the functions of the recognised discourses? and (3) what are the relations between the identified discourses? The theoretical and methodological starting-point is discourse theory with the main focus on discursive psychology according to Wetherell?s and Potter?s theoretical and empirical work.

Släktforskning på nätet : Onlinetjänsters påverkan på släktforskares informationsbeteende

With the technological development of the last decades, an increasing number of genealogists are carrying out their research online. The purpose of this master?s thesis is to examine how and why genealogists' information behavior has been influenced by the use of online services for genealogy. Using a conceptual model of genealogists' information behavior as theoretical basis for the study, I examine how the use of online services affect genealogists? search process, what information they are looking for and what information resources they use.

Modebloggarnas dolda budskap?

The accounting scandals that have attracted attention in recent years have led to internal control becoming a more central part of business activity. Doubts about what firms actually do have increased, all caused by the attention of accounting scandals. To counter this, frameworks and laws evolved and gained a significant role in the organization and its surroundings. The aim of the present study is to find out how four companies in the Kristianstad region are working to ensure its internal control and how they work to minimize risk and reduce uncertainty. We have used a qualitative method and interviewed a person in a senior position in each company.

Bitcoin : En jämförande studie om risk och avkastning på europamarknaden

This study is about the potential advantages as an investment option in a portfolio. The study shows that the incorporation of bitcoins in a portfolio, even to a small degree, gives significant increases of both risk and return. The different studied portfolios sharpe ratio rises, which in turn shows that the risk reducing return increases when bitcoins is used as an investment option.This study is based on Virtual Currency, Tangible Return: Portfolio Diversification with Bitcoins by Brière, Oosterlinck and Szafarz. The authors of this study have compared their own results with the study mentioned and seen its similarities and differences. The study investigated a total of eleven different assets percentage return over 192 weeks ranging from July 2010 to March 2014.

Hur kan bra bli ännu bättre? : Hur lärare jobbar med att leda och motivera högpresterande elever.

The purpose of this paper was to investigate how teachers work to lead and motivate high-performing students, and how these students were defined. The method used was qualitative, more specifically an interview, which was then analyzed with a thematic analysis. Six teachers participated in the survey, and what emerged was that high-performing students were often ambitious, structured and social students. High performing students were also characterized by the fact that they needed challenges, attention and positive feedback on their performances, otherwise they ran a risk of not performing. Structure was also important for the teachers themselves, that they had a goal when teaching and a way of achieving that goal.

Implementation av Network Admission Control

This examination work is about implementation of Cisco Systems Network Admission Control (NAC) within a leading IT-company in region of Jönköping. NAC is a technique that is used for securing the internal network from the inside. NAC can verify that the client who connects to the network has the latest antivirus updates and latest operative system hotfixes. Clients who don?t meet the criteria can be placed in quarantine VLAN where they only have access to the update servers.

Brandmäns arbetsmiljö.Upplevelser av hälsorisker

Arbetsmiljön är en av de viktigaste bestämningsfaktorerna för vår hälsa. Fysiskt ansträngande arbete så som tunga lyft, monotona rörelser samt exponeringar för olika kemiska ämnen kan leda till ökad risk för ohälsa. Brandmän har jämfört med många andra yrkesgrupper annorlunda förutsättningar i sitt arbete, förutom att bekämpa bränder rycker de ut även ut vid exempelvis vid bil- och kemikalieolyckor samt vid djurräddning. I deras arbetsmiljö blir de utsätta för bland annat psykiska, fysiska och kemiska hälsorisker exempelvis genom bränder, bil- och kemikalieolyckor, som kan leda till olika former av cancer och andra fysiska skador/sjukdomar. Syftet med denna studie var att undersöka hur brandmän upplever de hälsorisker som kan förekomma i deras arbetsmiljö.

Högre risk ger högre avkastning : Bankers tillvägagångssätt vid riskklassificering av fonder

Uppsatsen kommer att beskriva hur Handelsbanken, Skandiabanken och Swedbank går tillväga när de ska riskklassificera sina fondportföljer. Intervjuer har genomförts med respektive bank för att få en klarare bild på hur dessa använder olika teorier och räknesätt för att fastställa en risknivå på en specifik fond och även material från bankernas hemsidor har använts för att komplettera ämnet. Bankerna använder sig av olika riskskalor vid kategorisering av olika fondportföljer och standardavvikelsen samt value at risk ger svar på den faktorn som dessa tar mest hänsyn till vid kategoriseringen utav aktiefonder, räntefonder, blandfonder samt hedgefonder. Standardavvikelsen som majoriteten av bankerna använde sig som det väsentliga måttet för rikklassificering som beräknas på historiska värden från en tidsperiod på för det mesta 3 år men beräkningar på 5 år kan även förekomma. Detta mått gör det möjligt för investerare att förstå hur hög risk en fond har för desto högre standardavvikelse desto högre risk.

Gratis pengar? - om sponsring av kultur

The purpose of this master thesis is to study sponsoring of culture. The questions asked are: What are the reasons for sponsoring? What are the advantages of sponsoring? What are the disadvantages of sponsoring? What is the relation between public grants and sponsoring? The thesis is based upon studies of literature and a case study in Malmoe. Malmoe Public Library received about a million SEK over a period of three years from the foundation of Foreningssparbanken Skane. The money finances two projects, one with new books, Nyhetstorget, and one with strengthened information for small companies, Projekt Förstärkt Näringslivsinformation.

Public WLAN - The interaction between venues and WISPs

Purpose: The purpose is to research different co-operations between venue owners and WISPs, when WLAN is deployed in a public space. The aim is to establish viable business models for the interaction between the two vital actors in the public WLAN industry. In this work, the advantages and disadvantages of revenue and cost sharing will be defined, along with technical and commercial issues that need to be resolved. Methodology: A number of case studies of the current situation have been conducted in the most attractive venues for WLAN, airports. As the public WLAN market had most widespread adoption and is most mature in the USA, case airports were chosen both there and in Scandinavia.

Sociala Intranät : Dess användning, möjligheter och risker

Organizations over the world increasingly start to realize the possibilities of the use of a social intranet, also known as Enterprise 2.0. The social intranets can be used to collaborate and communicate with colleagues in the workplace. Both Cook (2008) and Coope (Barnett, 2011) say that Enterprise 2.0 is about to fundamentally change the way organizations communicate. But do companies know how these tools can be used?The study emanates from three questions:How can social intranets be used in business?How can internal communication and collaboration get easier through the use of a social intranet?What are the possible risks with the use of social intranets?In this study we have in a qualitative manner been interviewing two companies that currently use social intranets in their daily activities ? Securitas and Skåneme-jerier.

Pliktleverans under förändring: en diskursanalys av E-pliktutredningen samt diskussion kring dokumentbegrepp som uttrycks däri.

Sweden has a long tradition of collecting documents by way of a process of legal deposit of copies. Its aim is to ensure the availability of material for research, cultural preservation and citizens? right to free information. New forms of publications, made possible by technical advances, are not accommodated in the traditional deposit submission criteria. Certain information accordingly risks being lost.

Granskning av en ridskolas hästkunskapsmaterial

Equestrianism is a big sport in Sweden with many practitioners. It is a dangerous sport and it is important for the rider to be aware of the risks, to study equine ethology and know how to handle the horse, to avoid accidents. Today most people have their first contact with a horse through a horseback riding school. Ölmstad rid- och körsällskap is a riding school that provides their pupils with a different kind of lessons. The lessons are 90 minutes long and contain both riding and horse-knowledge education.

En nypa socker : En kvantitativ analys av hur socker framställs i Aftonbladet 1995 och 2013

The subject for our bachelor thesis is how sugar is portrayed in Aftonbladet. By analyzing newspapers from 1995 and 2013 we wanted to research if the portrayal of sugar has changed during the years. We have noticed that there is a trend of being healthy and fit today. ?Strong is the new skinny? is a quote we can see in social media and on blogs today.

Kampen om ett föränderligt Arktis : En jämförande studie av Rysslands och Kanadas agerande i Arktis och Arktiska rådet.

The Arctic region is rich in natural resources such as oil, gas, minerals and fish. Climate change causes the Arctic ice melt, making resource extraction possible as well as opening up new transport routes through the Northwest Passage and the Northeast Passage. This has led to competition and cross-border strife among the Arctic States. The two largest states in the Arctic are Russia and Canada, which are also members of the Arctic Council. Russia and Canada are at the moment involved in several disputes regarding the Arctic territory where the ownership of the North Pole is one example.

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