

599 Uppsatser om Risks. - Sida 22 av 40

Vårdnadshavares attityd, beteende och upplevda kunskap om ljudexponering och dess risker

Background: From a public health perspective it is of great interest to prevent the risk of noise induced hearing loss, because in addition to hearing loss, tinnitus and sound sensitivity also may lead to other health problems. About 1,4 million people in Sweden live with some form of hearing loss and 25000 of them are children under the age of 16. Studies have shown that hearing loss among adolescents is increasing and it is often associated with sound environments in their leisure time. Lectures in hearing prevention has been conducted in schools for adolescents but have not reached the desired results. Objective: To enquire caregivers? attitude, behaviour and perceived knowledge about sound exposure and its Risks.

Intern kontroll och riskhantering

The accounting scandals that have attracted attention in recent years have led to internal control becoming a more central part of business activity. Doubts about what firms actually do have increased, all caused by the attention of accounting scandals. To counter this, frameworks and laws evolved and gained a significant role in the organization and its surroundings. The aim of the present study is to find out how four companies in the Kristianstad region are working to ensure its internal control and how they work to minimize risk and reduce uncertainty. We have used a qualitative method and interviewed a person in a senior position in each company.

Hantering av negativ eWOM på Twitter - Ett sätt att skapa kundrelationer

Consumers are facing a wide selection of brands trying to get their attention. An increasing amount of corporations are incorporating non-traditional media in their marketing strategies as an attempt to build relationships with their customers. However, along with the new opportunities to enhance consumer emotions about the brand, social media has brought along new risks for corporations to face. This paper investigates the consequences of different ways of handling such electronic word-of-mouth (eWOM) crisis on Twitter. Furthermore, we investigate potential differences depending on the credibility of the source that sent the message.

Sjuknärvaro i Skandinavien

Background: Research on presenteeism has been performed mainly during the last 15 years, where several consequences on health such as cardiovascular disease and mortality have been identified. Studies have shown a relation between sickness absenteeism and presenteeism, where presenteeism could lead to long-term sickness absence. Aim: The aim of the present study was to investigate work-related and personal causes of sickness presenteeism. The study also aimed to identify the overall prevalence of sickness presence in Scandinavia, including potential occupational sectors with higher prevalence. Method: The study was literature based and consisted of 15 peer-reviewed scientific articles that were found by a systematic search in PubMed and Scopus.

Mobil-TV - en fråga om innehåll och kundrelation? : Fyra framtidsscenarier för den svenska marknaden

Mobile TV ? is the introduction on the Swedish market about content and customer relationship? This study explores and defines key factors of decisive importance for the introduction of mobile TV in Sweden, using the TAIDA model. In order to summarize and analyze the factors, four interviews with key actors have been carried out. The answers have been compared to generate the two different criteria that are used for presenting four different scenarios. The purpose of the study is to constitute data in the decision making process.

Det moderna risksamhället: En studie om klimatrisker inom kommunal krisberedskap

Klimatförändringarna är numera ett fenomen vi inte kan bortse ifrån. De sker här och nu och det råder mer eller mindre gemensam vetenskaplig konsensus om att så är fallet. Med klimatförändringarna kommer risker vi i nuläget har väldigt svårt att förutse och förhålla oss till och därmed påverkas integrationen av dessa i den kommunala krisberedskapen. Syftet med studien är att undersöka vilka faktorer det är som påverkar integrationen av klimatrisker inom den kommunala krisberedskapen. Resultatet är baserat på ett antal intervjuer som har genomförts med personer inom kommun och kommunfullmäktige.

Bland figurer, gubbar och mutanter : En kvalitativ studie om pedagogers syn på populärkultur i förskolan

The purpose of the study is to investigate educators? attitudes and didactic positions on popular culture as a form and a means of children?s learning in preschool. The questions posed in the study are:? How do the educators define popular culture, which examples of popular culture do the educators give?? How do the educators describe the spoken and unspoken rules and positions regarding popular culture in preschool practice?? What are the risks and benefits when including popular culture in preschool, according to the educators?In this qualitative study four educators from different preschools have been interviewed. The preschools take as a starting point different educational philosofies.

Kickstarting a Kickstarter : Kommunikativa komponenter i lyckade & misslyckade crowdfundingkampanjer

Crowdfunding is described as a facilitator for creative entrepreneurs in their gathering of funds for projects. This bachelor?s thesis  aims at finding differences in communication components found between successful and unsuccessful crowdfunding campaigns on one of the most popular platforms, Kickstarter. Through a quantitative content analysis and a rhetorical analysis of literary topoi this study suggests that there are apparent differences in usage of titles, text, visual expressions, rewards and in themes of preparation, humility as well as quality. The findings we present conclude that a campaign with a title consisting of eight words and one punctuation are more likely to succeed than other.

Småbolagsfonder eller Sverigefonder? : En empirisk studie av svenska småbolagsfonder

The ?good girl? is today an accepted and widespread notion. It is delimited to young girls and women who are characterised to be, for example, ambitious, high performing, working too much and risks developing mental illnesses. In today?s society women are assumed to pursue their career alongside maintaining the main responsibility for the household and family.

Försäkringsplikt i kommersiella entreprenadavtal

Construction projects are generally designed as a general contract or a complete contract. In a general contract the commercial contract that is being used is AB 04 and related advice and instructions, AMA AF 07. In AB 04 there is an insurance requirement that stipulates that the contractor shall take all risks and liability insurance for the contract where the client must be co-insured.Construction law is almost exclusively regulated by the various standard contracts, one of those is AB 04. The Construction Contracts Committe is an organization that has published the standard contracts in this area of law and also the advice and instructions to help the parties to understand the agreements. The insurance requirement occurs in an area of law that is complex and the meaning of the concept is not entirely clear, nor which of the parties? interests and responsibilities that are covered by the types of insurances that are provided by the insurance requirement.

Implementering och kommunikation av ekologisk h?llbarhet. En fallstudie om utmaningar och strategier i fordonsindustrin

The purpose of the study is to explore the internal implementation and communication of ecological sustainability within an organization and to identify obstacles and challenges that may arise. To address the study's purpose and research questions, a qualitative methodology and semi-structured interviews were used. Respondents were selected from two different units within a large global organization operating in the automotive industry. The study's findings indicate that the organization's sustainability efforts are extensive and integrated across several departments. It is also evident that sustainability initiatives are primarily driven by upper management within the organization, although there is room for lower hierarchical levels to provide some feedback.

Utveckling av ett användbart IT-stöd : för att stödja operativa arbetsrutiner

Nuclear power production carries potential risks both for the environment and for the work force. Different safety measures are employed and they stem from local rules as well as from regulatory authorities. This work describes the development of a safety promoting tool at Forsmark Power Plant, one of Sweden?s three Nuclear power plants. We describe the development of a computer based system for Pre-Job Briefing and Post-Job Debriefing.

Hålla rågången : En kvalitativ studie av relationen mellan lokalpolitiker i Kalmar och journalister

This study focused on how local politicians in Kalmar perceive journalists and their intertwined relationship. We based our study on the theoretical understanding of today?s media-centric democratic society. The ?adversary model? offered an understanding of the intricate relations between politicians and journalists.

Doing Business in China - A Best-practice Model for Foreign Invested Small and Medium-sized Enterprises (SMEs)

Foreign invested SMEs have recently become increasingly interested in China. The enterprises are in this report categorized as second wave companies since they follow the footsteps of previous pioneers, of which mostly were larger companies. The ambitions of the SMEs are either to sell products on the ever expanding Chinese market or to utilize the potential of low cost production for global markets. The existing literature is fragmented and solely based on the experience of larger companies. We believe that SMEs are facing new and different challenges, and thus a new generic theoretical frame work is desirable.

Ett varumärke för varje behov: Balansering och differentiering av varumärken i multi-brand portföljer

Multi-brand portfolios are characterized by comprising many brands in the same product category. Companies that have chosen to organize their products according to this strategy are facing both possibilities, such as expanding the accessible market size, and challenges such as how to organize the brands, their individual roles and their relation and position to the other brands in the category to maximize revenues. To address these aspects of multi-brand portfolios, I have investigated four product categories where multiple brands are represented at Mölnlycke Health Care, Unilever, Fagerhult and L?Oréal; how the multi-brand portfolios are organized, how the segmentation, positioning and product differentiation are done and what advantages and disadvantages that are associated with this strategy. My conclusions are that multi-brand portfolios can be organized in many different ways and to become successful, they have to be set in relation to the company?s whole brand architecture.

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