

599 Uppsatser om Risks. - Sida 24 av 40

Sjuksköterskors upplevelse av att utföra omvårdnad av patienter med blodsmitta : En kvalitativ intervjustudie

Background: Earlier research describes patients with blood-bourne pathogens experiences from the healthcare system. Aim: The aim of this study was to describe how registered nurses experience taking care of patients with blood-bourne pathogens. Method: This study had a descriptive design with a qualitative method. Eight interviews where performed and analyzed with manifest content analyze. Three categories ?Comfort in their profession?, ?Support from the organization?and ?Fear of being contaminated?, and five subcategories ?Support from hygiene guidelines?, ? Thoughtfulness?, ?The own responsibility?, ?Feelings of fear and concern?and ?To meet preconceptions?, emerged.

Människans suveränitet över andra arter : En studie om två miljöorganisationers resonemang angående förlusten av biologisk mångfald

The purpose of this study is to exam how two environmental organizations reason about the loss of biodiversity. The research questions are; what is the view in these organizations regarding biodiversity? What are the underlying environmental discourses behind their reasoning, and how do they reason about the risks associated with the loss of biodiversity? As a first part of this thesis a thorough review of existing literature and online resources about the actions of environmental organizations was conducted. Two organizations were interviewed, World Wildlife Fund (WWF) and Naturskyddsforeningen. The questions for the study were analyzed in light of Dryzek´s (1997) reasoning about environmental discourses and using the concept of risk by Beck (1998).

Mobbningens andra ansikte : En kvalitativ studie om hur mobbning och kränkande behandling uppstår bland pedagoger i förskolemiljön

Very often we are likely to hear how important it is as adults to help small children and pupils out of bullying situations, both for the bullied one and the bully. What we often tend to forget is that bullying situations among adults are as common as the ones children put up with. The only difference is that the ones adults go through is a much more silent one, and the bullies often have a better strategy on how to beat down their victims slowly. Some of the cases also show that the bullying that is happening among adults is similar to the one between children. The risks in the bullying that occurs in the work environment are such as: bad self-esteem, doubting in their roles as professionals, anger, depression, anxiety and in some cases can be so dangerous that the suffered one eventually commits suicide.

Effekter av skendräktighet och kastration på tikens beteende

Pseudopregnancy is a condition that is estimated to affect 40 % of all female dogs. Common symptoms are decreased activity level, weight gain, mammary enlargement, milk production, nesting behavior, anorexia and maternal behavior. The symptoms are displayed during metoestrus. Prolactin is one of the causes behind pseudopregnancy, but the full process is not yet known. Due to the fact that the condition affects that many bitches and often is recurrent, it is relevant to examine how the condition affects the bitch?s behavior and performance.

Hur skall patienter med metastaser till skelettet förhålla sig till fysisk aktivitet? : en litteraturstudie

Background: Many cancer patients who get bone metastases live longer thanks to the successful research and development of medicines during recent years. Many studies show general health benefits from physical activity. For patients with bone metastases the possibility of physical activity perhaps should limit? Nurses at oncological units are often in lifelong contact with this group of patients. It´s therefore important to have knowledge about the bone metastases and how it influence the patient´s possibility of performing physical activity in order to support and encourage the patient to safely physical activity.Aim: To describe the patient´s possibility of physical activity with metastases to the bone.Method: A literature study.Results: The extension of the bone metastases shall be verified through X-ray.

Erfarenheter av utedrift med köttdjur i Sverige och Kanada :

Beef cattle wintering outdoors should be provided a shelter, e.g. a type of barn or corresponding. This type of production requires appropriate soil types and secured animal welfare. For example, a clean and dry resting place needs to be provided to the animals. To receive an exemption for buildings the farmer has to have something equivalent that provides an adequate shelter.

Klimatanpassning och lantbruket i Värmland : Klimatförändringarnas upplevda effekter på lantbruket och olika aktörers åsikter om klimatanpassning

Climate change is a global and slow process that affects humans all over the world. Climate adaption within agriculture is important to reduce the risks that agricultures are exposed to because of climate change.  Through climate adaption you can improve the positive effects and take advantage of them optimally. How the climate change affects agricultures varies depending on regions and societies. The purposes of the study are to examine how different actors experience the impacts of climate change on the agriculture in Värmland.

Rattfylleri : Varför kör alkoholister rattfulla?

This essay is about the consequences of alcohol and driving. The topic was chosen because of all the accidents that have taken place during the last couple of years, where the drivers have been under the influence of alcohol. A number of these accidents have had severe consequences, and in some cases the outcome has been deadly. The author has interviewed members of Länkarna; a non-profit organisation that helps people with alcohol related problems.The purpose of writing this essay was to find a reason why alcoholics drive while being intoxicated. Is there really a reason? It is important to look at this because a drunk driver is hazardous to himself and to other drivers.

Operatörernas attityder till säkerhet på finlandsfärjorna

Passagerarna behöver mera tid än säkerhetsinformation eftersom passagerarna har så bråttom att komma ombord, boka bord och handla tax-free. Därmed missar passagerarna viktig säkerhetsinformation som alltid ges vid avgång via fartygets högtalarsystem. Det finns klar och tydlig säkerhetsinformation ombord. Det viktiga är sättet att ge information än att ge mera information. Idag informeras passagerarna via videoskärmar, utrymningskartor på hyttdörrar, via högtalarsystemet ombord, säkerhetsbroschyrer i hytter och information, välutbildad besättning och det är väl skyltat ombord.

Förekomsten av systematiskt säkerhetsarbete och riskhantering i skolan : En studie av respektive utbildningsplaner för lärare och rektorer

AbstractThe Swedish school is the biggest place of work in the country. Statistics about the Swedish school shows that both students and teachers work in an environment who has elements of violations, threats and violence, and study environments where many students do not feel they have a study environment during class. The purpose with this study has been to investigate if teachers and principals is given the right conditions in their respective educations to pursue their professional profession to achieve the objectives of the goals with the systematic safety and work environment of the school's safety concerns. The study has been designed as an investigation about respective educations syllabus and has been examined by the presence about systematic safety and knowledge about work environment law in respective courses. The examination about respective educations syllabus has been done by a qualitative content analysis.

Miljöhänseende vid kreditgivning : en fallstudie av Swedbank

Background: Last year (2006) has been a year when the environmental issues figured more often in the media, and the environmental awareness among common people increased. Environmental climate reports have lately been on the headline all over the world. As a result of the increasing population in the world, it?s becoming more important to be aware of the environment. To do that, it is important to maximize the efficiency in the work with the environment.

Den svenska lapphunden - en ras i behov av förändring?

Many pedigree dogs are suffering from inherited diseases or personality disorders caused by selective breeding. The Swedish lapphund is a breed that has been suffering from some loss of genetic variation due to the heavy use of only a few males. Concerns have arisen and crossbreeding has been discussed as a way to manage gene loss. Four breeds has been taken into consideration for this purpose; schipperke, finish lapphund, Norwegian buhund and Norwegian elkhound, black. These breeds has been tested theoretical by a comparison of mentality and health.

Magnetfält alstrade kring nätstationer i samband med lokaldistribution av elkraft : Magnetic fields generated by electrical substations during distribution of electric power

Abstract: This report covers primarily the work of documenting electromagnetic fields generated by one of the later parts in the electrical power distribution chain: The electrical substation, wherein 10 kV is transformed to 400 V for use by private consumers. Thus it is one of the most widespread and frequently occurring parts in the Swedish power grid and of particular interest, as electrical substations are found everywhere in populated areas, often in close vicinity to people and animals.The report deals with a number of formulated questions and/or hypothesis? stated at the onset of the work undertaken, theory that is relevant for the topics the report covers, the details of the field work undertaken and the following analysis of the readings, which in term provide answers for the questions stated in the beginning. It also covers what is the currently known short term and long term risks associated with electromagnetic fields in the power frequent spectrum and of varying intensity in the vicinity of humans.The analysis also provides recommendations and identifies several points to carefully consider when planning for new installations or replacements of some parts of existing installations.For enhanced reading comprehension there is, aside from sections with pictures and attached explanatory texts and templates, several graphs, one-line diagram and maps of the power grid among the appendixes to the rapport..

Vårdhundens effekter på äldres hälsa och välbefinnande : -En litteraturöversikt

Background: With increasing age follows higher risks of conditions and illnesses which can cause a decrease in health and wellbeing. A meaningful social environment can positively impact the physical health of older people. Dogs are increasingly being used for different purposes within health care and animal assisted therapy aims to improve people?s physical, social, emotional and cognitive function.Aim: The purpose of this study was to determine the effects of animal assisted therapy on older people?s health and wellbeing.Methods: A literature review where searches for academic articles in databases PubMed, Cinahl and PsychInfo were performed. The searches resulted in 14 articles which were selected for further review.

Perioperativ trycksårsprevention - en litteraturstudie om operationssjuksköterskans skyddande åtgärder

ABSTRACTPressure ulcers are a serious health damage that causes great suffering, prolonged hospital stays and increased health care costs. Patients undergoing surgery are at high risk of developing pressure ulcers and it is the operating theatre nurse responsibility to protect against health damage through nursing. There are little research made in the area of perioperative pressure ulcer prevention. In order to investigate perioperative pressure ulcer preventive care measures that are described in the litterature and to answer the question how the operating theater nurse can protect the patient, a pilot study of a systematic literature review was carried out. Data base searches were conducted in PubMed and Cinahl from where ten articles were selected and examined for their quality and content.

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