

21883 Uppsatser om Risk information - Sida 59 av 1459

Preoperativ information och dess påverkan på föräldrarnas oro : En litteraturstudie

Syftet med studien var att beskriva olika preoperativa informationssätt och hur de påverkar föräldrarnas oro i samband med att deras barn genomgår en operation i generell anestesi. Metoden har utgjorts av en litteraturstudie där datamaterialet har bestått av 15 studier, beskrivande preoperativa informationssätt. Fyra huvudgrupper av informationssätt bildades: skriftlig, visuell, verbal och preoperativa förberedelseprogram. Därefter bildades underkategorier med faktorer som påverkar informationens förutsättningar: operationer, föräldra- och/eller barnanpassad information, barnets ålder, tidpunkt för information, övrig information. Studierna visar att preoperativ information kan minska föräldrarnas oro.

Fritidsgårdar - risk eller skydd : Enkätstudie gällande fritidsgårdsbesökares och icke besökares tobaks-, alkohol- och drogvanor

AbstractTidigare studier har visat att fritidsgårdsbesökare löper ökad risk att utveckla antisociala beteenden, genom att börja använda tobak, alkohol och droger. Föreliggande syfte med undersökningen var att ta reda på om de kommunalt drivna fritidsgårdarna i Sandviken innebär risk eller skydd för unga besökare, vad gäller användning av tobak, alkohol och droger; samt att undersöka könsskillnader gällande bruk av dessa substanser, skillnader mellan tobaksbrukande och icke tobaksbrukande ungdomar vad gäller alkoholkonsumtion samt undersöka vilken inverkan föräldrars tobaksbruk har på ungas tobaks-, alkohol- och drogvanor. En enkätundersökning gjordes bland 163 ungdomar i årskurs 8. I denna framkom att fritidsgårdsbesökare snusar i högre utsträckning än icke besökare. I övrigt fanns inget som tyder på att fritidsgårdsbesökare skulle röka, dricka alkohol eller använda droger i högre grad än icke besökare.

Dokumenthantering i företag och organisationer: En fallstudie på Volvo Cars i Uddevalla

The aim of this thesis is to map the current internal information flow at Volvo Uddevalla, to detect obstacles in the flow and to find out how these obstacles can be avoided. The aim is also to describe how a corporation, in this particular case Volvo Uddevalla, creates knowledge and use information. The study is performed in order to create a base for the coming implementation of a new information standard. The method used is conducting an information audit investigating the current management of documentation according to the changes that have to be made to carry out the claims from the standard. The investigation is made by way of interviews with 16 of the employees at Volvo Uddevalla.

Informationssökning i elektroniska informationskällor Valmöjligheternas vånda

The purpose of this thesis is to examine which factors influence librarians selection of electronic information sources, and to investigate whether librarians use of search strategies and search tactics changes depending on which information source they use. The electronic information sources are: online databases, Online Public Access Catalogues OPAC, World Wide Web, and CD-ROM databases. The theoretical framework is based on step 3 Select a source and step 4 Formulate a Query in Marchioninis information seeking model. The search strategies are divided into two categories: analytical and browsing strategies. In order to supplement the theoretical framework with empirical facts, 8 librarians were interviewed.

Att se med samma ögon ? äldre synskadade och folkbibliotek

This Master thesis is about elderly visually impaired and their use of libraries. It poses the question how visually impaired elderly looks upon their local library. Their thoughts and opinions are mainly from two sides. One is what they think about the service that they get. The other is what they think about the information concerning this service.

Ungdomars kunskaper om dental erosion och deras konsumtionsvanor av sura drycker- en enkätstudie i åk 2 vid en gymnasieskolaAdolescents? knowledge of dental erosion and their consumption habits of soft drinks -a questionnaire study among secondary school

The aim of this study was to investigate the knowledge of dental erosion and the consumption habits of soft drinks among secondary school students. Differences between the sexes should also be investigated. The study consisted of 102 students, 60 women and 42 men, in the eleventh grade from a school in the south of Sweden. A questionnaire with 25 questions, divided in two parts with focus on knowledge respective consumption pattern and behaviour, was handed out and collected by the authors. The data showed that more than 50% of the participants had knowledge about dental erosion.

Biblioteks- och informationsvetenskap i praktiken? En studie av nio bibliotekariers förhållande till fackinformation

This Master thesis aims to illuminate nine librarians relation to professional information. This is accomplished by focusing on five questions: How do they communicate and acquire professional information, and how do they evaluate its relevance? What are their experiences of continuing professional education? What are their opinions on the academicalisation of the education? Is it possible to perceive something of the librarians professional project in the informants statements? What is their relation to the academic subject of library and information science and the research on the area? The analysis is based upon the interviews with nine librarians and carried out with profession theory in order to study the role of theoretic knowledge in our participants professionalisation processes. We also use different context oriented theories to study the contextual dimension of information need and seeking. The conclusions of this Master thesis reveal that the communication between the theory of library and information science and the practice need to be improved if we want to see more of an evidence-based librarianship.

Distriktssköterskors informationsanvändning - en studie av informationsanvändning i förhållande till arbetsuppgifters komplexitet

This study is an attempt to examine the information needs and use in everyday tasks inthe work environment of community health nurses. The purpose of this paper is double toexamine the information need and use of the community health nurses and to test and validatea method and a theory for the studying of information need and use in workers everydaytasks adapted from Byström and Järvelin (1995). Most of the data were collected throughdiaries kept by the informants in close relationship to the problem situations and were analysedqualitatively. Furthermore a literature survey was made in nursing infomatics and informationscience and it showed that there is no absolute common ground between the disciplinesin the way they use the information concept.The theory and method were validated in a broad outline and were very useful in the study ofcommunity health nurses' information needs and use. The study also shows that the contextof community health nurses plays an important role in the nurses information behaviour..

Tankar kring informationssökning: hur ser uppsatsstudenter på BHS på sin egen informationssökning?

The purpose of this thesis is to investigate how students writing their master thesis seek information, how they reason about their information seeking behaviour and how their studies in LIS could have affected their information seeking behaviour. The result was analysed with Roger Säljö?s theory about the sociocultural perspective about how individuals learn in relation to their context and the social practice that they act in. The following conclusions were drawn from analysing the result. The students didn?t really reflect over their information seeking behaviour.

Släktforskning på nätet : Onlinetjänsters påverkan på släktforskares informationsbeteende

With the technological development of the last decades, an increasing number of genealogists are carrying out their research online. The purpose of this master?s thesis is to examine how and why genealogists' information behavior has been influenced by the use of online services for genealogy. Using a conceptual model of genealogists' information behavior as theoretical basis for the study, I examine how the use of online services affect genealogists? search process, what information they are looking for and what information resources they use.

Intranät från ett användarperspektiv : riktlinjer att följa vid en implementering

Today, an Intranet is an important way for a company to share information. An Intranet has become a company?s way to communicate within the organisation. This communication is important, especially when the company is going through changes. In order for a project to succeed, the employees must support it.

Empirisk undersökning av aktieindexobligationer : Till vilken grad tar innehavaren del av underliggande index avkastning?

The purpose of this essay is to evaluate stock index bonds return to risk ratio in order to investigate to which degree an investor in a stock index bond take part of the underlying index return and what the investor must pay for the security of not losing his funds. In order to carry out this evaluation an average return per year and the Sharpe ratio will be calculated and a mean- standard deviation analysis will be made. All investigated stock index bonds are based on a Swedish underlying asset.The results show that the stock index bonds haven?t generated a higher risk adjusted return than its underlying asset. The stock index bonds took part of 57 % of the underlying assets return, and the loss of 10 percentage points per year for the stock index bonds compared to its underlying asset can be seen as the cost for the guarantee a stock index bond gives..

Dansundervisning på gymnasiet: En studie om idrottslärares syn på kreativ dans under idrottslektionerna

Varje år behandlas ungefär 8000 personer i slutenvård för malign tumör i bröstkörteln. Bröstcancer är idag en av de vanligaste dödsorsakerna hos medelålders kvinnor i Sverige. När kvinnor drabbas av bröstcancer är det viktigt att de får den information de behöver. Syftet med denna litteraturstudie var att beskriva upplevelsen av information i samband med undersökning och behandling hos kvinnor som drabbats av bröstcancer. Elva vetenskapliga artiklar analyserades med manifest kvalitativ innehållsanalys.

Saklighet, öppenhet och profilering : arbete med information och marknadsföring på Linköpings universitet

With this essay we have had the intention of observing Linköping University as an example of a public authority undergoing change. In the information society of today, the increasing competition and internationalization affects, not only companies and organizations, but also the public sector. After having been concerned with neutral information spread only, according to"the third mandate", employees at the Department of Information at Linköping University has also started dealing with marketing, so as to increase the recruitment of students. As a result of this, the work team has been divided into an editorial staff and a department with emphasis on market issues. To strengthen the trademark of Linköping University one has chosen to mediate certain values representative for the university - an interdisciplinary and innovative approach and an entrepreneurial spirit.

Prototyp av informationssystem för militärfordon

Computer based information systems play an important role in modern military combat vehicles. The crew needs to be able to quickly get information about both the vehicle and its outer surroundings in order to quickly make the correct decisions. In this report, we describe the development of a prototype new information system for the BvS10 vehicle, manufactured by BAE System Hägglunds AB in Örnsköldsvik.An important aspect of the system is the time it takes from the point that the information is generated by the vehicle sensors until it is presented to the user. The system must be able to ensure that it never displays information that is out of date. Thus, it is important to create a layer and component based architecture for the solution, making it possible to control, in detail, the information?s age as it moves through the system.

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