

21883 Uppsatser om Risk information - Sida 24 av 1459

A proactive health, safety & environment risk management strategy : what are the incentives?

In a business environment where the stakeholder perspective is evolving and sustainable development is receiving increased attention, it is of importance for companies to adjust. The demand and pressure is exerted from several stakeholders who force companies to take action and live up to the expectations because if failing to do so, negative consequences will most likely be the case. The attention of this study is on ABB Power Products (ABB PP) and their environment and working environment risk management. The aim of this thesis is to identify and describe how perceived environmental risks are managed and what the incentives are to work proactively to minimize the risks. The incentives for a proactive risk management strategy are researched through both a strategic and operational perspective.

Narrare humanum est (Att berätta är mänskligt) : En kvalitativ intervjustudie om berättande som undervisningsstrategi i historia

The purpose of this essay has been to do a study on narration as a strategy in history education. By taking a starting point in the perspective that Shulman calls ?wisdom of practice? and other studies I interviewed three teachers that were all experts in narration. This to have an insight in how they looked at the oral narration and on its role in history education. Is there a common view among the interviewed techers and to what extent are the traits and qualities of story telling described in litterature linked to the teachers? answers?My results show that the oral narration is not a straight and exclusive teaching strategy; it differs from teacher to teacher.

Test av icke-kurssäkrad ränteparitet med fokus på riskpremien och möjliga förklarande faktorer

This thesis aims to evaluate the concept of Uncovered Interest Parity. The parity states that the logarithmic difference between domestic and foreign interest rate equals the logarithmic difference between expected future spot exchange rate and the spot exchange rate, . In defining the exchange rate it is often presumed that the parity relation prevails even though several studies suggest the opposite. Numerous economists maintain that the theory?s shortcomings can be explained through the existence of a Risk Premium.

Utvärdering av taxonomi och systemstöd för riskbaserad analys inom den svenska Luftfartsinspektionen

The Swedish Aviation Safety Authority has decided to standardise a classification system for reporting deviations found in inspections. The purpose of a classification system is that similar deviations always should be reported in the same way since this will enable better decisions regarding different risk areas. The inspectors are therefore constrained to use a standardised classification system and are not free to use their own words when reporting deviations. A hierarchal classification system with predefined phrases is in aviation referred to as taxonomy. Taxonomy is already in use when reporting accidents and incidents but not when reporting deviations found in inspections.

Kommunfullmäktigeledamöters sociala representation -en fallstudie i tre svenska kommuner av kön, ålder och etnicitet

The purpose of the thesis has been to explore the use of hedge fund styles when constructing portfolios of hedge funds (i.e. funds of hedge funds). The central question is if the use of hedge fund styles can significantly explain and improve risk adjusted returns (characterized by Sharpe ratios). The study has been done in collaboration with Optimized Portfolio Management AB who desire further knowledge and evaluation of hedge fund styles for their fund of hedge funds.To be able to create successful ex ante portfolios we have explored various prediction models for both risk and return. Our findings indicate that return prediction is problematic using simple models such as regression since the risk exposure of the indices appear to change significantly over time.

Hur ser samspelet ut mellan informationsgivare och beslutsfattare? : En fallstudie om internredovisning inom Swedbank

AbstractTitle:                           What is the interaction between information providers and decision makers like? A case study on management accounting in Swedbank.Course:                              Master?s thesis in Business economics, 15 ECTS.Date:                                                        2009-06-01Authors:                            Daoud Ghorbandi and George TekmenSupervisor:                        Paula LiukkonenLanguage:                         SwedishPurpose:        The purpose of the paper is to study the relationship between information providers and decision makers regarding the quality of information for economic decision-making in companies.Method:                     The authors use the qualitative method approach. The essay's primary data consists of data collected through interviews, while the literature that the authors have made use of for the interpretation and analysis of the paper form the essay?s secondary data.Theory:                      It includes a main theory and four other theories supporting the paper. The main theory is the agent theory, while theories on information quality, the theory of outsourcing of management accounting, theories of calculation methods and regulations on management accounting is to support the analysis and conclusions made in the paper.Empirical base:          Interview Responses forming the essay?s primary data is presented in its entirety in this chapter.Conclusions:              The authors conclude that there are no major problems or obstacles in terms of internal management accounting in Swedbank, at least not in the departments such as the HR and the GF.

ICD-patienters livskvalitet efter en ICD-implantation

En implanterbar defibrillator (ICD) är nuförtiden en väl beprövad behandlingsmetod för patienter som överlevt ett hjärtstopp eller har en avancerad hjärtsjukdom och därmed har ökad risk för ventrikulära arytmier. Syftet med vårt arbete var att beskriva ICD-patienters livskvalitet och de livsomställningar som en ICD-implantation medförde. Studien genomfördes som en litteraturöversikt enligt Willman et al. Resultat visade att livet med en ICD innebar omställningar och förändringar som många patienter inte var helt förberedda på. En defibrilleringschock visade sig inverka negativt på livskvaliteten.

Skolans och familjens betydelse för ungdomars cannabisbruk - en kvantitativ studie om skolelevers drogvanor i Göteborg 2010

SyfteSyftet med studien har varit att ta reda på hur ungdomars drogvanor när det gällercannabisanvändning ser ut, och ställa detta mot risk- och skyddsfaktorer som kan finnas i skolmiljön samt inom familjen för att utröna om det finns några samband mellan cannabisanvändning och ovan nämnda faktorer. Frågeställningarna är: Hur ser cannabis- användandet ut i förhållande till kön, årskurs och stadsdelsområde i Göteborg år 2010? Vilka samband kan vi se när det gäller cannabisanvändning i relation till de risk- och skyddsfaktorer kring skola (skolk, trivsel, betyg) och familj (positiv uppskattning, gränssättning, föräldra- relation), som vi kan finna i materialet?UrvalUrvalet grundar sig på enkätsvar från 7 602 elever i årskurs 9 och gymnasiets år 2 i Göteborgsstad.MetodUndersökningen som ligger till grund för studien är gjord av Göteborgs stad och baseras på en omfattande enkät innehållande 76 frågor kring alkohol, narkotika, tobak och spel, där vi förvår studie har plockat ut svaren som berör narkotika och cannabis. Studien är av kvantitativ art och har bearbetats i statistikprogrammet SPSS. Resultatet har analyserats med hjälp av det utvecklingsekologiska perspektivet, teorin om sociala band samt utifrån ett risk- och skyddsperspektiv.ResultatVår studie visar att det finns samband mellan ett cannabisbruk och de risk- och skyddsfaktorersom rör skolan och familjen.

Ung och gay ? Informationsbehovet som ung och homo- eller bisexuell i komma-ut-processen

The aim of this Master?s thesis is to examine the information needs of gay, lesbian and bisexual adolescents? when they are coming out. I also examine what kind of information they seek and where they might find this information. The purpose is also to examine what role the public or school library plays. The study is conducted through qualitative interviews with gay, lesbian and bisexual adolescents?.

Skogsfastigheter i Jämtland : är det en intressant kapitalplacering i jämförelse med aktier?

Forest as an investment alternative has become more and more popular over the last few years. Between the years 2004 and 2007 increased the price level on forest land with 70 percent in Jämtland. In this thesis a comparison has been conducted between forest in Jämtland and an investment in the stock market. The risk in the two investment alternatives has been included in the comparison. The thesis includes two different studies between the two alternatives.

Lokalbefolkningens betydelse för turism attraktioner : En studie om turismutvecklingen i Karlstads skärgård

Purpose: The study examines the risk a rising from the acquisition of shares, and its relation to the expected return. We would like to see how a high-risk portfolio is related to a low-risk portfolio. Although studying the portfolios annual performance.Theory: The theories that have been used in the study are, Capital asset pricing model, CAPM and portfolio theory.Method: The study is based on a quantitative method, the time interval is from 2008 to 2010.The annual reports, historical stock prices for companies and the index are used to perform calculations based on the essay theories.Conclusion: The beta value has positive liner correlation with the expected return. When there are bad times in the world, the companies are negatively affected regardless of industry. The Portfolios developed in the same direction during the time period..

Finnes: flata. Sökes: information. Om lesbiska, informationsbehov och ämnesbestämning av skönlitteratur.

The aim of this Masters thesis is, partly, to examine the information needs of lesbians: what discernable information needs they have, how they seek information and which information sources they use. The purpose is also to examine what part fiction plays regarding the information needs mentioned above and how fiction indexing could improve retrieval. The study is conducted through ten qualitative interviews with lesbians as well as through textual analysis. The theoretical framework includes queer theory and theory concerning information needs and uses. The results indicate that lesbians have evident information needs that mostly concern identity.

Varför är det viktigt att ta hänsyn till landsrisker på aktiemarknaden?

I dagens globaliserade samhälle är det enkelt att placera sitt kapital på olika marknader. Dock kan det innebära både risker och möjligheter för investeraren. Vilket betyder att det satsade kapitalet antingen kan bli en lönsam investering eller gå förlorat. Bör hänsyn tas till landsrisker på aktiemarknaden för att kunna bedöma investeringens lönsamhet?Syftet med studien är att ta reda på vilken betydelse landsrisker har för avkastningen i industri- respektive tillväxtländer.

Credit Risk Assessments of Swedish RealEstate Companies

The real estate industry is a sector where the companies generally have a capital structure which is high leveraged. The financing? with the related terms ? is therefore specifically of high importance for the companies in the sector. Traditionally, the way of obtain financing is by borrowing from the bank. Lately, due to new bank regulations, the banks have become more restrictive in their lending which have lead to a growth of other financing alternatives.

Hur kan ungdomar tycka att cannabis är farligt? : En studie om vad som påverkar ungdomars riskperception avseende cannabisbruk

Andelen ungdomar som inte uppfattar några större risker med cannabisbruk har ökat de senaste åren. Ungdomarnas uppfattning av riskerna med cannabisbruk påverkar huruvida de kommer att välja att avstå från eller bruka drogen. Syftet med denna uppsats har varit att se vilka risk- och skyddsfaktorer som påverkar ungdomars riskperception avseende cannabisbruk. Frågeställningarna har varit hur föräldrarna, skolan och vännerna påverkar riskperceptionen. Uppsatsen utgår från en subjektiv syn på riskperception som innebär att inte en faktor ensamt kan förklara om ungdomarna har en låg eller hög riskperception.

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