

21883 Uppsatser om Risk information - Sida 23 av 1459

Att förebygga undernäring hos äldre patienter på sjukhus : En litteraturstudie

Äldre patienter som har risk för undernäring eller är undernärda är vanligt förekommande på svenska sjukhus. Syftet med denna litteraturstudie var att beskriva vad sjuksköterskan kan göra för att förebygga undernäring hos äldre patienter (65+) på sjukhus. En beskrivande litteraturstudie genomfördes där författarna granskade elva vetenskapliga artiklar. Artiklarna söktes i databaserna PubMed och Mosby´s index. Resultatet i studien visade att det finns flera olika mätmetoder för att upptäcka undernäring eller risk för undernäring hos äldre patienter inneliggande på sjukhus.

Byggdamm : Vad krävs för att minimera spridningen på ROT-projekt under produktionsskedet

Dust that arises during the construction process is called ?construction dust?.People who are exposed for construction dust for a long period of time are atrisk to develop several forms of lung problems, allergies and cancer. Todayconstruction dust is a huge problem during the production in Skanska´srenovation projects. Every day workers are exposed of the unhealthyconstruction dust and it can cause lung problems and diseases after 10-30years. This is a problem that must be taken into account to obtain a betterworking environment on Skanska´s building sites.Skanska Sweden AB has given two students the task to investigate possibleproblems about the spreading of construction dust.

Hästens, Equus caballus, termiska komfort - hur kan djurskyddskontrollanter bedöma hästens välfärd?

This review paper summaries scientific research about horse thermoregulation and the consequences of using a blanket. Horse owners put blankets on their horses to protect them when they are clipped, to protect them from bugs, to keep them clean and so on. This can have consequences for the horse which their owners might be unaware of. I have tried to answer following questions by searching the available scientific literature; ? How can the horse maintain thermoregulation? ? Is there a risk of suffering when horses wear a blanket? ? Is there a risk of suffering when horses do not wear a blanket? ? How can animal inspectors estimate the welfare of horses when they wear or do not wear a blanket? My result shows that horses who wear a blanket have an increased risk of becoming overheated, develop a chafing, have an increased exposure hazard and have a restrained natural behaviour.

Informationsbeteende i en industriell miljö

Dagens monteringsarbete skiljer sig nämnvärt från det monteringsarbetet som utfördes för 50 år sedan. En stor skillnad är dels att produktionssystemet skiljer sig men även att en montör i dag måste ha ett sätt att förhålla sig till den information som finns om monteringsarbetet. Om inte montörer har ett informationsbeteende som är anpassat till det produktionssystem som är aktivt så föreligger det stor risk att kassaktioner uppstår. För att undersöka hur montörers informationsbeteende ser ut så har en observation genomförts i form av en fallstudie på Volvo Powertrain i Skövde. Observationen gick ut på att studera de montörer som arbetar på en arbetsstation och undersöka hur de förhåller sig till den information som finns tillgänglig om deras arbetsuppgifter.

Hot, våld och trakasserier mot lärare - en fenomenografiskt inspirerad studie vad gäller rektorers och lärares uppfattningar

The aim of this study is to describe what teachers and principals experience in schools regarding threats, violence and harassment towards teachers. A phenomenographical inspired approach has been used to describe and analyse the conceptions of five teachers and five principals. The findings of the study indicate that there is no impending risk for teachers to suffer from violence, threats or harassment. However, it does occasionally happen, and the findings of the study indicate that there are some factors that increase the risk. The major three factors are: fear, personality and inexperience.

Vem bär kostnaden för regeländringar inom finansiella marknader? : en kvantitativ studie ur aktieägarnas perspektiv

As a consequence of a turbulent financial market with recurring recessions, the Basel regime was developed, an institutional change with the purpose to create enhanced financial stability through increased capital requirements and increased scrutiny of internal procedures. The Basel regime is an often recurring element in social debates where various aspects are discussed, one of which is whether it maintains its purpose to secure financial stability or whether it is cost effective, and if not, who gets affected by these potential costs.The majority of previously conducted research within this area agrees with the opinion that changes in the regulatory framework within the financial markets, such as the Basel regime, has led to reduced risk of bankruptcy for the banks which has contributed to increased global financial stability. However, research illustrates that these types of changes in the regulatory framework impose a financial burden leading to contradictions in the division of these costs between costumers and shareholders. This dissertation has been conducted from a shareholders perspective, out of which the study ?s three hypothesis has been created from.The data in this study is built upon the stock price from the three largest available banks? shares (based on total assets), in the 26 countries which are represented in the Basel committee from (2007) to (2013).

Uttorkning av Betong

This Thesis aims to explore how to integrate an IT-system for facilitating anorganizations work with Continous Impprovements.This is done here by examining and analyzing the process within a handful ofcompanies who seem to have been successful with their own implementations. Thestudy is focused on the implementation of one particular system, "System C2".Simliarities and differences between the companies, and the established rule of thumbfor these kind of activities are focused upon. This to emphasis how another actormight emulate some of the apparent success.Part of the core question is found in the title, since Continous Improvement is oftenseen as a relativly low-risk activity, is it then also possible to take a low-risk slow pathto the implementation of such a system in the entire organization?.

Förutsättningar för småskalig solelproduktion i Australien

The study aims to investigate the feasibility of small-scale electricity production with solar electricity systems, also known as PV (photovoltaic) systems, in Australia. Due to the global warming, sustainable energy has in recent years become an increasingly important issue, both internationally and in Australia. With one of the largest dependencies on fossil energy sources in the world, the country's abundant solar radiation is a possible solution to this issue.Both the technical and the economic feasibility of small-scale PV systems were investigated. On the technological side, the electricity generation, distribution and consumption systems were studied. On the economical side, the parameters that drive the profitability of a PV investment were investigated.

Informationskompetensen i användarundervisningen

This master thesis investigates the user education. Christine Bruce has presented a theory of information literacy in her research which has resulted in seven different aspects of information literacy. In this study I wanted to investigate what aspects there were and what they looked like in a practical educational situation. The methods used for this study were observation and a questionnaire. I analysed the observations by using Bruces aspects of information literacy to group the observed activities into the different aspects.

Samverkansavtal, medbestämmande eller kringgående av MBL?!

AbstractIn this study, then collaboration agreement impact of the work on 11 and 19 § § MBL are studied. The employer and collective agreements bearing employee union are often involved in collaborative agreements to facilitate cooperation between them. Issues addressed to collaboration areoften questions related to employee participation. The purpose of this study is to investigate two local employers and related collective bearing employee unionsview of the cooperation agreement related to the MBL. The purpose leads to these questions:?How can co-operation agreements affect 11 and 19 § § MBL??What are theadvantages and disadvantages cooperation agreementscan lead to, regardingemployer disclosure and negotiation duty?To try to sort out these issues are interviews conducted to create a greater understanding of the work of the Cooperation Agreement between organizations and how it affects them.Results of the study suggest that collaboration agreement leads to simplifications in the work of the employer's information and bargaining duty.

Föredra att förebygga - En litteraturstudie om sjuksköterskans preventiva insatser mot trycksår.

Pressure ulcers cause a lot of patients unnecessary suffering. This suffering could be decreased through improved knowledge about prevention, so that pressure ulcer will not appear. The purpose with this review was to study how nurses assess risk and prevent pressure ulcer, and to study how nurses use available knowledge. The method consisted of searches in databases and searching trough references. Our result is based on ten articles, qualitative, quantitative and reviews.

Ekonomistyrningens användning och betydelse vid strategiska beslutsprocesser - En fallstudie vid Scancem AB

Strategiska beslut är komplexa och innebär ofta en stor risk för företaget. Det finns många faktorer som ligger till grund för beslutsunderlaget och många faktorer som påverkar en strategisk beslutsprocess. Vi har valt att titta närmare på en av dessa aspekter; den information som hämtas från ekonomistyrningen. Vi fann det mest intressant att fördjupa oss i ekonomistyrningens användning och betydelse. Hur ekonomistyrsystemet är utformat bör rimligtvis påverka hur det används och vi frågar oss därför om det finns några krav på ekonomistyrsystemets utformning? Vilka andra faktorer påverkar användningen av informationen? Syftet med denna uppsats är att utreda hur ekonomistyrningen används då strategiska beslut fattas samt vilken betydelse ekonomistyrningen får för det strategiska beslutet.

En studie av fysiska, organisatoriska och individuella riskfaktorer hos arbetstagare med datorarbete

Musculoskeletal disorders (MSD) are common in individuals with computer based work. Thecurrently known risk factors for these disorders is in the literature derived to physical,organizational and individual factors. A recent survey of three working groups at a companyin Stockholm explored that more than 50% of the employees had neck and shoulder problems.Aim: The study aims to create a better understanding for the current musculoskeletalproblems at the company. Such an understanding is created by examining the physical,organizational and individual risk factors in the workplace and the result can provide a goodbasis for intervention proposals.Method: In order to answer the aim of the study the authors chosed to use both qualitativeand quantitative methods of data collection through interviews and questionnaire survey. Theinterview and questionnaire was designed to create both a specific and comprehensive pictureof the physical, organizational and individual risk factors having a bearing effect on theexisting MSD problem.Result: Seven categories were compiled from interviews, which largely deals with the factthat high demands can lead to behaviors that may pose a significant risk for the occurrence ofMSD.

Energi- och näringsintag hos 1 år gamla barn : En tvärsnittsstudie genomförd på 1 år gamla barn med hög respektive låg risk för utveckling av övervikt och fetma med fokus på energi- och näringsintag

Obesity is a growing problem worldwide among children and adolescents. Previous research has shown that food habits and weight in order children with high and low risk of developing obesity (based on parental BMI) differs between the two groups. It has also been shown that the mother affects the child´s food habits and weight..

Med ryktet som insats: - En fallstudie i tre svenska storföretags ryktesarbete

The purpose of this thesis is to gain understanding of how companies proactively can manage their reputation. The thesis analyzes three multinational companies in Sweden and uses two theoretical approaches - the reputation risk view and the reputation strengthening view - to gain an overall perspective of how companies work with their reputation. It focuses on investigating which key areas of reputation risk the focal companies identify and how they manage the reputation risks within these areas. Moreover, it examines which stakeholders the companies believe are most critical from a reputation point of view and in what ways the companies work with strengthening their reputation among those stakeholders. In order to find a general approach, the thesis investigates the similarities and differences that exist between the respective companies in the study.

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