

17937 Uppsatser om Riktad information - Sida 23 av 1196

Intranät från ett användarperspektiv : riktlinjer att följa vid en implementering

Today, an Intranet is an important way for a company to share information. An Intranet has become a company?s way to communicate within the organisation. This communication is important, especially when the company is going through changes. In order for a project to succeed, the employees must support it.

Dansundervisning på gymnasiet: En studie om idrottslärares syn på kreativ dans under idrottslektionerna

Varje år behandlas ungefär 8000 personer i slutenvård för malign tumör i bröstkörteln. Bröstcancer är idag en av de vanligaste dödsorsakerna hos medelålders kvinnor i Sverige. När kvinnor drabbas av bröstcancer är det viktigt att de får den information de behöver. Syftet med denna litteraturstudie var att beskriva upplevelsen av information i samband med undersökning och behandling hos kvinnor som drabbats av bröstcancer. Elva vetenskapliga artiklar analyserades med manifest kvalitativ innehållsanalys.

Saklighet, öppenhet och profilering : arbete med information och marknadsföring på Linköpings universitet

With this essay we have had the intention of observing Linköping University as an example of a public authority undergoing change. In the information society of today, the increasing competition and internationalization affects, not only companies and organizations, but also the public sector. After having been concerned with neutral information spread only, according to"the third mandate", employees at the Department of Information at Linköping University has also started dealing with marketing, so as to increase the recruitment of students. As a result of this, the work team has been divided into an editorial staff and a department with emphasis on market issues. To strengthen the trademark of Linköping University one has chosen to mediate certain values representative for the university - an interdisciplinary and innovative approach and an entrepreneurial spirit.

Prototyp av informationssystem för militärfordon

Computer based information systems play an important role in modern military combat vehicles. The crew needs to be able to quickly get information about both the vehicle and its outer surroundings in order to quickly make the correct decisions. In this report, we describe the development of a prototype new information system for the BvS10 vehicle, manufactured by BAE System Hägglunds AB in Örnsköldsvik.An important aspect of the system is the time it takes from the point that the information is generated by the vehicle sensors until it is presented to the user. The system must be able to ensure that it never displays information that is out of date. Thus, it is important to create a layer and component based architecture for the solution, making it possible to control, in detail, the information?s age as it moves through the system.

Närståendes rättsliga ställning inom hälso- och sjukvården : enligt lex generalis

Tidigare forskning om skapande verksamhet i socialt arbete berör ofta bara en form av skapande, riktad till en specifik målgrupp som exempelvis konst eller trädgårdsodling för gruppen psykisk ohälsa eller teater för gruppen funktionshindrade. Denna studie syftar till att undersöka hur skapande verksamhet, oavsett form fungerar som metod i socialt arbete.Skapande verksamhet i socialt arbete, är en kvalitativ studie som bygger på deltagares upplevelser av att använda sig av skapande metoder, inom det sociala arbetets verksamhetsfält.Studiens teori utgår ifrån analysmetoden grounded theory och bygger på intervjumaterial ifrån fyra fokusgrupper som representerar olika sociala verksamheter i Sverige.Bättre självförtroende, identitetsskapande och lättare integration i samhället är några av slutsatserna som presenteras..

Varning! Ett tekniskt fel har uppstått : En undersökning kring hur turistbyråer hanterar informationsteknik.

This research is based on the observation that people in the service industry is being replaced by technology.  This insight formed a foundation for the presentation of the problem this essay is based upon. We began to speculate over how tourist information bureaus handle the changes, regarding information technology, in their surroundings when their main task is to inform and communicate with their market. Information technology has created new possibilities for organizations to reach their consumers and it has influenced all kinds of industries. We decided to examine organizations in the tourism sector because it is one of the biggest and fastest growing industries in the world. The entering of information technology in the tourism industry has changed its structure and we want to examine how tourist information bureaus succeed to deal with this phenomenon.The aim with this essay is to examine how and to what extent tourist information bureaus integrate with changes in their surroundings caused by information technology and which values that slip away/ is added by the adaption.

Forskningsfronten inom informationsvetenskap ? en bibliometrisk analys

The aim of this study is to analyze and describe the research front within information science. To reach this purpose we ask the following research question: Which research themes can be identified within the subject field of information science by using bibliographic coupling in combination with cluster analysis.The data for our study consists of articles from the journals Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology and Journal of Documentation throughout the years 2004-2006. The bibliographic information from the articles was analyzed with the combined methods of bibliographic coupling and cluster analysis. This gave fifteen clusters within which we identified research themes. When analyzing these results we found four main fields of research within the research front of information science: Information retrieval, bibliometrics, knowledge organization and information science as research discipline.

The Purchase Decision Process Revisited: The Role of the Internet on Swedish Consumer Behaviour

The aim of the thesis was to provide further understanding on how Swedish consumers use the Internet as an information source in their purchase decision process. The subject was investigated from different perspectives: gender, product type and information type. The authors used a quantitative approach, and a survey (n=120) was conducted. It was concluded that men and women are equally influenced by traditional word-of-mouth, but more men than women search for product information online and they are more likely to let their purchase decision to be influenced by it. Women tend more to trust commercial sources.

Organisera mera : En studie i att utforma riktlinjer fo?r organisering av information i ett specialutformat anva?ndargra?nssnitt

I have in this thesis studied how guidelines for organizing information in a custom- made user interface could be made. Teletal is service with a special designed user interface were information is stored. The purpose of this study is to encourage a consistent organization, and management of information in a user interface. The methods used in this study are as follows ? qualitative interviews and two card-sorting tests, of which one was closed and the other open.

Hållbarhetsredovisning : Med fokus på negativ information

To establish sustainability reports is an increasing trend for more and more companies. This has led to a spread of the international framework Global reporting initiative, GRI, guidelines to make a sustainability reports. This trend has got a lot of critics from various stakeholders who believe that companies in these reports communicate the information in a way of window dressing. Both negative and positive information has to be represented according to GRI: s principle of balance.  Window dressing is created by adding a greater emphasis on the positive information. The researchers review the context of the negative information to study the extent to which it is reported and whether there are patterns and variations in the reported information.

Bilden av muslimer i media - en innehållsanalys av tidningsmedia veckan efter 11 september 2001.

Studiens syfte är att studera vilken bild av muslimer som förmedlas i svensk tidningsmedia veckan efter terrorattacken mot World Trade Center i New York den 11 september 2001. Undersökningen tar sin teoretiska utgångspunkt i postkolonial teori och Saids ?orientalism?-begrepp. Jag har valt att använda mig av en riktad kvalitativ innehållsanalys för att undersöka vad källmaterialet förmedlar och har utifrån innehållet skapat kategorier som ska tydliggöra detta. Slutresultaten visar att den bild som tidningarna förmedlade av muslimer efter terrordådet den 11 september 2001 var präglad av stereotyper om Orienten, där muslimer bland annat beskrivs som känslostyrda, omoderna och religiösa.

Bibliotekarier i privat sektor

The aim of this thesis is to accomplish an understanding on how librarians experience their professional role at private companies. The study is based on qualitative interviews with persons who have a degree in Library and Information science, but does not work as an ordinary librarian. To answer why the respondents work at private companies, this thesis dwells on how the education in library and information science prepares their students to face an alternative career; why the respondents wants to work at private firms instead of a library; if the salary is a key factor in order to choose a career; if the respondents think the companies appreciate their qualifications, and finally, if the respondents think they intrude on other professions' territory? Working at a private company, with a degree in library- and information science, is not, according to the respondents, easy. Although appreciated by their knowledge in the field of information, the interviewees think that the title librarian is hard to cope with.

Attityd till att fullfölja nuvarande studier - En applikation av The Theory of Planned Behavior

För att förutsäga och förklara människors beteenden och intentioner har ?attityd? länge varit ett centralt begrepp inom socialpsykologin. En vanlig teori och modell för ändamålet är ?theory of planned behavior? (TpB), vilken säger att en individs beteende styrs av dess intention, som i sin tur är en funktion av den personliga attityden, det sociala trycket och den upplevda kontrollen att kunna genomföra aktuellt beteende. Syftet med föreliggande studie var att undersöka attityden och intentionen till att fullfölja nuvarande studier och göra en applikation av TpB-modellen via en Internetenkät riktad till studenter på Högskolan Dalarna (N = 1292).

Bevislättnadsregeln avseende identitet om släktskapsförhållandet kan styrkas med DNA-analys : en (o)möjlighet till familjeåterförening?

Tidigare forskning om skapande verksamhet i socialt arbete berör ofta bara en form av skapande, riktad till en specifik målgrupp som exempelvis konst eller trädgårdsodling för gruppen psykisk ohälsa eller teater för gruppen funktionshindrade. Denna studie syftar till att undersöka hur skapande verksamhet, oavsett form fungerar som metod i socialt arbete.Skapande verksamhet i socialt arbete, är en kvalitativ studie som bygger på deltagares upplevelser av att använda sig av skapande metoder, inom det sociala arbetets verksamhetsfält.Studiens teori utgår ifrån analysmetoden grounded theory och bygger på intervjumaterial ifrån fyra fokusgrupper som representerar olika sociala verksamheter i Sverige.Bättre självförtroende, identitetsskapande och lättare integration i samhället är några av slutsatserna som presenteras..

Business intelligence : Framgångsfaktorer vid användningen av ett BI system

The management of information is a significant competitiveness in companies. Companies stored and save information every day, and it is very common to save de information in different sources. This makes de management of information complex. To mange, monitor and analyze the information, companies can use a system called Business Intelligence. BI system is an analytical system that extracts and converts data into useful information that helps employees to make informed decisions.

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