

1463 Uppsatser om Rhetorical tools - Sida 52 av 98

Kan den svenska avkastningskurvan användas som indikator för den svenska inflationen?

Abstrakt The yield curve as a forecasting tool for inflation has been thoroughly investigated. However, most of these studies considered only the major economies, such as the U.S. economy or the major European economies and not a small open economy such as the Swedish. The Swedish economy should be much more affected by the world economy then the bigger economies. The purpose with this study is then to investigate whether the Swedish yield curve, or the Swedish interest rate, can be used as forecasting tools for the Swedish inflation.

?på digital drift i okända vatten? : ? En diskursanalys av debatten om e-boken ochfolkbiblioteket i svensk media 2011-2012

The question of the provision of electronic books in Swedish public libraries has lately evolved into a lively debate in Swedish media, where the public library?s identity and itsexpected role as a democratic institution is an underlying topic. The aim of this bachelorthesis is to examine the idea of the public library?s identity as expressed in newspaperand journal articles by writers connected to the library sector. The aim is achieved byexamining the language-use and identifying discourses in the debate.

ÄPPLEN OCH PÄRON: Varför PR och reklam inte kan mätas på samma sätt

Inspired by the current debate over the effectiveness of Public Relations (PR), the authors of the following thesis have sought to analyze how PR and advertising differ in terms of how they affect consumers. The subject of the thesis was chosen due to the lacking knowledge of how PR shapes consumer attitudes and intentions. The authors wish to upset the institutionalized myths which dominate in the PR-business. One example of such a myth is that the effectiveness of PR can be measured by the number of press releases an activity produces and that PR?s superiority over advertising is due to its higher trustworthiness.

Tidlös ensembleundervisning? : En kvalitativ studie om hur pedagoger undervisar Time i ensemble

Syftet med studien var att få en djupare inblick i hur ensemblepedagoger ser på Time samt hur de didaktiskt arbetade med detta. Vi avsåg att få djupare inblick i olika förhållningssätt som ensemblepedagoger kan ha till Time i en undervisningssituation, samt vad begreppet Time innebär. Studien har sin teoretiska utgångspunkt i ett sociokulturellt perspektiv med fokus på hur människor använder olika redskap för att kommunicera med sin omgivning.Vi anser att vi har fått en bredare ingång i ämnet genom att alla pedagoger spelar olika instrument. Den gemensamma faktorn är att de undervisar i ensemble på folkhögskola. I undersökningen använder vi oss av den kvalitativa forskningsintervjun för att söka svar på våra frågor.

Red Bull : En studie om hur word of mouth och buzzmarknadsföring påverkar konsumenters attityder.

Purpose: The aim of this thesis is to examine how word of mouth and buzz marketing affects Uppsala´s businessstudents attitudes towards Red Bull. To solve this purpose we intend to answer some underlying questions.Theory: We have used relevant theories within word of mouth, buzz marketing and consumer behaviour. Our thesis will bring up the essential parts within these three different theories that we believe are relevant to our purpose.Method: In this thesis we have used both quantitative and qualitative methods such as interviews and questionnaires. The questionnaires will be handed out at Economicum at Uppsala University.Empirical study: This part is based on our questionnaires handed out to business students at Economicum, but also on our interviews made with employees working for Red Bull.Conclusion: Our empirical study has given us a clear picture of how Red Bull works and use marketing tools to promote their product. Through our questionnaires we have also found out what attitudes consumers has against the brand and the product.

Att göra främlingar. Nation och sexualitet i dagens ryska homofobiska narrativ.

The topic of homosexuality was until recently a taboo in Russian public discussion, but has during the last years become a hotly debated issue. Analyzing what I call the new homophobic narrative I isolate and examine two ways of ?othering? homosexuals, constructing them as strangers, when sexual minorities are discussed in today´s Russia. Sexual deviants are portrayed as threats to the nation and are connected to the West and its influence. Using analytical tools from queer theory, security studies and postcolonial approaches I discuss different ways of configuring the relation between nation and sexuality, identities that are interwoven in the homophobic narrative.

Vad är viktigast i staden? : Utveckling av ett lokaliseringsverktyg för stadsplanering

This paper is part of the research programme ViSuCity, a programme with the goal of creating more sustainable urban planning through the development of better visual tools, which ultimately means better communication between various parties of public planning. The paper concerns the implementation of MCE into a 3D program for visualization. Multi criteria evaluation (MCE) is a technique that has been developed during the last 20 years. It merges GIS with AHP, forming a decision making tool for localization of, for example, new buildings.The result is an automated tool that enables advanced analysis of geographic areas.The tool has a very high potential due to the completely automated MCE and it is adapted for people without a technical background, let alone formal training in MCE. It provides great opportunities to test different scenarios, something that should be an important advantage.

Ett liv med figurer : En utställning om minnen och föremål

This thesis is based on an exhibition at the county museum Upplandsmuseet in Uppsala, Sweden. During an internship at this museum I got a chance to produce an exhibition, with some guidance from the museum staff. This exhibition was created with the purpose of teaching about agriculture in the late 19th century and also about the magnificent workmanship of Alrik Klingberg, who have carved these wooden objects for over 50 years. Each one of the objects possesses a story and a memory. The memories that Alrik Klingberg has incorporated into the objects are mainly from his childhood at a croft in northern Uppland.

Kvinnors roller i vikingatiden : utifrån exemplet Birka och skriftliga källor

This essay discusses the issue of the role of women and also whether they could obtain a strong social position during the Viking Age. Moreover, it does discuss the question of how frequent women were present in Viking Age scriptures, art and archaeological artefacts in comparison to our view of women and her position in the modern society. The archaeological material used is in majority that found in Birka, such as burial and habitational findings. These objects, as well as other comparable and similar findings from other places, when put together with written sources, show that women had different roles in the society. She was able to have a strong social role during the Viking Age not only becauseof the status her family had but also because of her own merit depending of her skills and ability.The archaeological findings found in female graves and other findings in the area, suggest a specializing within both textile production and trade for the women.

Läslust och arbetsglädje ? om läsfrämjande projekt på Uddevalla Stadsbibliotek

The aim of this thesis was to understand and illuminate how readingpromotion projects can be carried out, what sort of activities they mightcontain and what sort of lasting impressions they might make. We choseto examine reading promotion projects because we consider thepromotion of reading and literacy a vital and important part of thelibraries work. The study took place at the city library of Uddevalla andthe projects included in the study were all directed towards children andyouth.The theory used in the thesis was Aidan Chambers?s model of theReading Circle which consists of the four themes of selection,?reading?, response and the enabling adult. Methods used were semistructuredinterview, document studies and observation.The results show that reading promotion projects benefit from cooperationbetween the adults involved and that education of the adultsin order to indirectly target the children is an effective way of spreadingthe love of reading.

Montering av isolering på vattentank

One of today problem at IVT industries would be assembly of insulation on water cisterns. The element of assembly insulation on the cistern gets too elevated; hence one has to climb onto the stand the cistern is assembly on. This will increase the risk of work related injuries when there is a risk of falling down. It?s also rather strenuous on shoulders due to work with your arms high above your head.

Jätteuttrar och deras beteende när de tilldelas musslor i hägn

The giant otter (Pteronura brasiliensis) is listed as an endangered species and scientific litterature concerning its biology and behaviour is scarce. The current study observed a group of three giant otters in a Swedish zoo. First the otters normal behaviour was recorded. Then the aim of the study was to see if the otters behaviour changed when given blue mussels (Mytilus edulis). Furthermore the aim was to see if the otters displayed any tool-using behaviour when given mussels.

Skolsköterskans arbete utifrån ett salutogent förhållningssätt : en litteraturstudie

The objective of this literature study was to describe how the school nurse can adopt the salutogenic perspective in her health promoting work. The articles were examined in order to identify what was written about the school nurse?s work from the salutogenic perspective. In parallel, Eriksson?s, Orem?s, and Newman?s nursing theories were examined from the same perspective.

Prisskillnader mellan privata och publika bolag : En studie om illikviditetsrabatten och dess varierande storlek

The main objective of this study is to divide a number of colorectal cancer cases into subgroups based on their molecular features using cluster analysis. The data used is supplied by a research group at Pathology, the Department of Medical Biosciences, Umeå University, and consists, after some preparation, of 455 observations which is a larger data set than many similar studies. The molecular variables that the clustering is based on are CIMP (CpG Island Methylator Phenotype), MSI (Micro Satellite Instability), BRAF- and KRAS-mutations. These are categorical variables and consequently the clustering method used is PAM (Partitioning Around Medoids) which is particularly useful with data on diverse variable level. The final analysis results in four subgroups that are represented by different combinations of attributes on the aforementioned variables.

Kartläggning av energianvändning under byggfasen vid nyproduktion av flerbostadshus

The energy consumption in the sectors of residential and public buildings is 40 % of the total energy consumption in Sweden. The main part, 85 %, of the energy use in these sectors is for operation of the buildings. The rest is used in the building process. When energy-efficiency measures are taken the energy use during the operation time decreases and the fraction of energy consumption during the building time increases. This project is carried out in cooperation with JM AB and concerns the energy use during the building time of production of blocks of flats at the building site.The main part of the electricity that is used during the production of apartment buildings goes into the heating of portacabins and illumination of the building during the construction phase.

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