

1463 Uppsatser om Rhetorical tools - Sida 35 av 98

Gradering av vindkraftslägen i Lerums kommun med hänsyn till infrastruktur och läge

The aim of this master thesis was to find and grade suitable sites for wind turbines in the rural district of Lerum at the reguest of Göteborg Energi. The rural district of Lerum consists of very complicated terrain which was the reason why we picked Lerum.The assignment was achieved by using the software program ArcGIS and its attendant tools. In step 1 an overall analysis was made in order to sort out the least suitable sites. Step 2 consisted of a 3D analysis in ArcScene together with a more precise analysis in ArcMap. As result we found two interesting sites, which met our demands and specific constraints.

Koden i ljuset av lagen : DRM, upphovsrätt och det digitala samhället

This is a qualitative case study of young womens? experiences of blogging about One Direction on the social media/microblogging platform Tumblr. The aim of this study was to find out what fan blogging is and why fans blog. We did this by creating an account on Tumblr where we invited young women between the ages of 16?29, who had active fan blogs dedicated to One Direction, to answer an open-ended questionnaire.

Blogg + Svenska = SANT? : Bloggande i undervisningen i svenska på gymnasiet

AbstractIn this text the attitudes towards and using of blogs in teaching Swedish toteenagers will be explored. The results are based on a survey made amongst 17teachers and 58 students from all over Sweden. The end results show that theusage of blog still hasn?t found a permanent way into the classrooms, but has anappeal to and is being used by predominantly younger teachers both, male andfemale, with a positive response from students regardless of gender. Theconclusion is that using web tools like the blog is an easy first step for schools toconnect to the digital society of the 21stcentury and take advantage of the perksavailable in the digital classroom.Svensk titel:Blogg + Svenska =Sant? ? Bloggande i undervisningen i svenska.Engelsk titel:Blog + Swedish =True? ? Blogging in teaching Swedish.Ämnesord: Blog, Web 2.0, digitalt klassrum, svenska, undervisning,kompetensutveckling.

Miljöhänsyn vid offentlig upphandling :

One of the biggest challenges in the human history is to prevent environmental pollution. Everybody has an indirect or direct influence on the environment through his or her consumption. The stakeholders are not just interested in price and quality, they are also interested in the circumstances of production and how this affects the environment. By taking environmental concern in public procurement it is possible to speed up the environmental adjustment of services and products. Environmental awareness has become more and more self evident in the environmental work.

Designteori i praktiken : En undersökande fallstudie om hur designteori manifesterar sig i praktiken

New technologies and new consumer behaviors are having a large impact on mediacompanies. The biggest change is in the behavior of the younger demographic whereold platforms like television are abandoned for new online platforms. In this newworld, media companies and organizations need new tools and business models tostay competitive. One such tool is Design Thinking, a term used to describe a cognitivedesign-specific set of activities used during a design process. It has been popularizedin commercial areas and there the term is used to describe an applicable workflowused to promote the skills required to use Design Thinking.

Ny strid, Ny svid : En fallstudie av Absolut Vodkas visuella kommunikation med avseende på målgruppspositionering.

Title: A new battle, the same bottle: A case study of the visual communication of Absolut Vodka and how it?s positioned towards different market segments.Author: Anna von Friedrichs Grängsjö & Niklas SvanlindhTutor: Jessica GustafssonPurpose: To overview the visual communication of Absolut Vodka and how it?s positioned towards different market segments. Absolut Vodka is a brand that reaches a vast range of consumers through a single consistent marketing strategy. The hypothesis was that one can reach many different market segments with the marketing of a product by constantly keeping some components of the communication the same while constantly changing others. Key questions to be answered are: How do Absolut Vodka address their target audiences in their visual communication? Which market segments does the visual communication of Absolut Vodka seem to address?Method/Material: The research was conducted through a qualitative research study in which four Youtube videos by Absolut Vodka were analyzed.

Byggnadsutformningens inverkan på energianalysen : En jämförande utvärdering av två energisimuleringsprogram

Since the demands from authorities regarding lower energy consumption havebecome increasingly strict, this puts new pressure on designers and builders, who notonly have to ensure an esthetically pleasing building, but also make sure it issufficiently efficient to pass under new laws and regulations.This thesis takes into consideration a wide range of various parameters and theireffect on a building?s energy consumption. For this evaluation a computer softwarecomparison between the two programs Autodesk Ecotect Analysis and AutodeskProject Vasari was performed.Autodesk Ecotect Analysis is better suited for studies made on individual factors whileAutodesk Project Vasari is better used in experiments regarding the geometricalshape of the stucture itself.The results from the two different software tools used, give us both differences andsimilarities. For instance, both software programs produced the same resultsregarding the importance of the windows of the buildings to ensure a highly energyefficient building, both when it comes to the windows size and their U-value..

Empirisk studie av den radiella förspänningskraftens variation i klassiska skärskruvförband

In this study, the pre-tension force in an insert screw connection are examined in order to establish a greater understanding of the system and to facilitate the process of making new metal cutting tools. Certain especially significant design variables such as the offset, the length of the contact thread and the shank length above the threaded hole, are selected to be closely examined. A comparison of the influence on the pre-tension force between threaded holes made with a worn, versus new, threading tool is also involved in the experiment. The study is limited to handling the screw sizes M2,5 and M3,5. The results show that a regression model, with good approximation, can be fitted to the measured values.

Smartphoneutveckling förflera plattformar

Marknaden för de allt populärare smarta telefonerna är splittrad. Detta innebär nya utmaningar för utvecklare. Vill man vara säker på att nå mer än hälften av sin målgrupp med en mobilapplikation så måste man utveckla för minst två plattformar, något som kostar både tid och pengar. Ett antal så kallade multiplattformsverktyg har tagits fram för att lösa detta problem. Dessa låter utvecklare använda en och samma kodbas för flera olika plattformar.

"They Don't Know About Us" : Fanbloggandets vad, hur och varför på Tumblr

This is a qualitative case study of young womens? experiences of blogging about One Direction on the social media/microblogging platform Tumblr. The aim of this study was to find out what fan blogging is and why fans blog. We did this by creating an account on Tumblr where we invited young women between the ages of 16?29, who had active fan blogs dedicated to One Direction, to answer an open-ended questionnaire.

En-till-en-skola : Pedagogernas synpunkter kring laptopanvändning i undervisning

Information and communication technology (ICT) is an important part of society. Learning occurs in all contexts and many students already use various digital media in their leisure time. This article, based on a case study in a One-to-One school. It describes how teachers perceive that their teaching is influenced when their pupils get a laptop. The purpose of this study is to investigate how the focus on one-to-one influence teachers' work in the classroom.

Alzheimers sjukdom : anhörigas känslor vid en förändrad livssituation

Alzheimer's disease is the most common form of dementia. The individual who fall ill can be in an age between 40-65 years old. When dementia affects individuals at this age, many relatives take their responsibility for taking care of them at home for a long time.The aim of this study was to illustrate emotions relatives experienced when a close family member's suffering from Alzheimer's disease. The study was intended to show relatives emotions, and therefor four self-biographies were chosen to read. The method used to analyze was a narrative literature review.

Att bli framgångsrik musikartist : De karaktäristiska dragen i marknadsföringen av artister

The research this report is based on aims to find out the characteristic features of the marketing tools that are essential for a music artist, and define a successful artist. The thesis arises and discusses how different medias can have an affect on an artists career and on his/hers achievement. To bee seen in the right medias can have an important influence on their career. To be able to answer our aim we have interviewed people who have a solid knowledge about music business, we have also used a qualitative method. The outcome of the research is that there are some indications that show important factors which are essential when it comes to marketing artists.

Bibliotekarien som distansarbetare? : förutsättningar för bibliotekarien att utföra sina funktioner på distans

We studied how librarians would adapt to telework, the performance of job responsibilitiesfrom home. We found'that all duties could be accomplished. but to varied extents.Computerbased searches, interlibrary loans, acquisitions, indexing and telephone referenceservices are the duties most likely to adapt to telework whereas cataloguing andclassification probably are best performed in the ordinary workplace.Most duties would demand access to technical means of assistance when performed fromhome. Connections to the library's local network, directly or via modem, are requiredbecause it is unrealistic to expect librarians to telework with fewer tools than theyordinarily have available. Although librarians generally believe that teleworking will nothave a large irnpact on the operation of the library, most would like to telework.Whether teleworking is a viable strategy depends on the characteristics of the duties, thelibrarian's desire to telework, but also on the size of the library, the size of its staff, thelibrary's activities, and how work is distributed between librarians..

småföretagens användning av Internet som en marknadsföringsstrategi : en fallstudie av tre företag i stockholmsregionen

This study is on how small companies can use the Internet as a part of their marketing strategy to gain a leverage on their competitors with small means to survive and expand in the global market. Many Swedish small companies still don?t have a sufficient knowledge on how to use the communication channel despite the various advantages the Internet offers.Case studies were conducted of how AdLibris, A-lotterierna AB and SF-bokhandeln perceived the importance of using the Internet as a part of their communications strategy.This new communication channel demand new ways of applying traditional marketing principals. Careful analysis of the interviews and how the answers relate to new and old marketing theories makes the bulk of this study. The conclusion is that the Internet solely is not enough, a combination with traditional marketing tools is the way to succeed in their marketing efforts.

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