

2700 Uppsatser om Revit content - Sida 3 av 180

Föräldrasamarbete i förskolan

Syftet med en integrerad projekteringsprocess är att information tidigt skall tas fram och att projektörer skall kunna arbeta parallellt, exempelvis genom en gemensam BIM-modell. Revit och IDA Indoor climate an energy, även kallat IDA ICE, har i denna rapport visat sig vara två mycket effektiva verktyg som tillåter att information både kan tas fram, i form av energianalyser, men även kommuniceras digitalt med hjälp av så kallade IFC-exporter. Då projektörer får möjlighet att jobba i en gemensam modell kan de arbeta parallellt vilket innebär att information kan tillföras både tidigare och snabbare i projekteringsprocessen. I Revit kan arkitekten enkelt skapa olika utformningsförslag och jämföra dessa med avseende på energianvändning. Analyser från denna studie har visat att energisimuleringar i Revit kan användas för att utforska olika utformningsalternativ och därmed finna optimeringsmöjligheter med avseende på energi och inomhusmiljö.

Utvärdering av energiberäkningsprogram : Att användas i tidigt planeringsstadium för byggnader

The regulations for energy consumption are consistently getting more and morestrict. This leads to a higher customer demand for energy analysis early in the buildingdesign process. Many building planners and architects use powerful modeling softwareto visualize their projects. These digital models contain sufficient information aboutthe building?s physical characteristics for reliable energy analysis.

Is content king? : En studie om reklambranschens utveckling i och med content marketing

I dagens samhälle syns reklambudskap överallt men allt färre tar emot dessa budskap. För att försöka komma under den så kallade reklamgarden har fokus inom marknadsföring på senare tid skiftats mot innehållet i budskapen. Denna typ av marknadsföring kallas content marketing och det finns idag begränsad forskning inom området. Syftet med studien är att undersöka hur och varför reklambranschen påverkas och eventuellt förändras i och med content marketing som marknadsföringsmetod. Detta undersöks genom intervjuer med fyra personer som jobbar på contentbyråer.

Analys av felkällor vid mängdavtagning av ventilationssystem ur BIM-modeller

De senaste åren har det skett stora framsteg i byggbranschen från sedvanlig byggprojektering till avancerad BIM-projektering. Resultatet av denna studie visar att trots den hastiga utvecklingen så utförs det fortfarande mängdavtagningar ur 2D-ritningar. Detta på grund av problem som uppstår vid mängdavtagningar ur objektbaserade 3D-modeller. Mängdlistorna ur objektbaserade 3D-modeller stämmer inte alltid överens med mängdlistorna ur 2D-ritningar. Detta leder i sin tur till nödvändiga och tidskrävande manuella mängdavtagningskontroller ur pappersritningar.

Granskning av Solibri Model Checker - En Svenskanpassning : Ja?mfo?relse av tva? egenkontrollsystem

The building industry are currently going through a huge alteration. The introduction of BIM (Building Information Modeling). Which also implements a lot of new ways of solving problems that building modeling can cause. This report is written for Uppsala University in cooperation with Temagruppen in Uppsala. However, it contains a comparison between two different systems that checks building models.

Berätta med form : om innehåll i utställningar

Shaping visual stories - content in exhibitions is an essay on how content has been shaped in the two exhibitions "Memento mori" and "Hästen - tyglad, piskad, älskad". The study focuses on how exhibitions can be defined through their content as well as how the exhibitors'different intentions towards the exhibition affect the working process as well as the result. This is put in relation to theoretical models and discussions on ideals in the field of exhibition and what impels these to find an answer to the question: What makes an exhibition?.

Prestandabaserad design genomkonceptuell energianalys : Performance-based design through conceptual energy analysis

This degree project aims to investigate the potential and possibilities for conceptual energyanalyses in the early stages of the design process. Many key decisions are made in theearly stages of a project regarding the shape and orientation of the building. Conceptualenergy analyses can provide the architects with insight regarding different design option?srelative energy performance.As the demands for more sustainable buildings increases, so does the need for earlyenergy analyses. Performing analyses in the early stage requires many assumptions andguesswork which could lead to a large margin of error.The offering from Autodesk is a module in Revit Architecture/MEP and the stand aloneprogram Project Vasari (under development).

Användbarheten av Tekla i Betongkonstruktioner : En jämförelsestudie mellan två modelleringsprogram

This thesis has examined the Tekla Structures modeling software and answered the question of whether it could act as a suitable modeling program for the design department at Bjerking AB in Uppsala. The method used in this work is a case study of a previous project with existing basis to work form. The demarcation of the study was to examine only the usability of the foundations of in situ concrete. The work examined three main areas within the design process. The first was to model the concrete elements then to model the reinforcing and ultimately production of the drawings. Because Autodesk Revit was the existing modeling program in the Department conducted the evaluation as a comparison between the two programs.

Variationer av klor, svavel och aska i havrekärna : odlingsfaktorernas inverkan på havrens bränsleegenskaper

The increasing oil prices during the last years have made it profitable to use cereal grains as a fuel. When compared with wood, cereals contain higher amounts of Cl, S and ash. The Cl and S content makes the gases from cereal combustion more corrosive than gases from wood combustion. The goal of this master thesis was to find out the variation of Cl, S and ash content for oat grain grown under different conditions. Oats was chosen because in Sweden it's considered as the cereal with the best fuel qualities.

Teknologi, Pedagogik och Ämne : En policystudie om hur nationella mål för IT i skolan transformeras till kommunala IT-strategier

Today there is a large consensus about the importance of Swedish schools providingconditions enabling students to develop the ability to manage and learn through information technologies (IT). The goal of this study was to describe and examine how national education goals for the use of IT transformed into municipal IT-strategies for the school. A content analysis was conducted of thirty-eight municipal IT-strategies collected from Swedish municipal websites on the Internet. The content in the municipal IT-strategies was compared with the content in both the Swedish education act and the national curriculum. The results showed that the content in the Swedish education act and the national curriculum in fact was translated into municipal IT strategies, but that the range of strategies concerning technology, pedagogy and content in relation to IT was broad.

Limträstomme till hallbyggnader : Utformning och dimensionering av momentstyva ramhörn och 3D-modell framtagning

Industrial buildings are increasing all over Sweden. Farmers are building new modern facilities and the government chooses to build new halls to invest i youth sports. Glulam is the most common framework but there are limitations because of the transport. Therefore, there is a need to develop new solutions to increase the use of glulam.The maximum torque in the eaves was found in the frame with a roof pitch of 18 degrees and a wingspan of 25 meters. Using hand calculations according to Eurocode and comparison with the computer software StatCon, the maximum torque, shear force and utilization rate is calculated.

Hur lidande nyttjas för att producera effekt : En kvalitativ textanalys av reklamfilm vars huvudsakliga innehåll är djur

For the sender of television advertising, it is important to utilize content that gives effect, especially to get the receiver?s attention and then maintain it (Hägg, 1998). What is the content of a commercial that creates effect? Previous research focused on the impact that commercials have on the receivers. A discussion of which content that produced effect in commercials does not occur.

Miljövärdering av resurssnål betong med införande i BIM

This thesis aims to illustrate how environmental impact can be reduced, through the use of lean concrete. It also illustrates how environmental data can be applied to a house through implementation with BIM. In this study a unique concrete structure developed by Swedish Cement and Concrete Research Institute is assessed for environmental impact, by calculating the carbon dioxide equivalents using LCA methodology. The construction is a sandwich element where the concrete is made ??up of three layers.

The Digital Content Era

In order to become even more competitive, a partnering with other niche players is essential in achieving a competitive advantage and it enables opportunities for reintermediation. From an intermediate perspective, there are great possibilities for those who become content coordinators to enter the market. By becoming a bundler of services and products, the content coordinators will become the actors that will capture the most profit in the value web. The value creating drivers that have been identified in the business landscape of intermediates concern owning the content or owning the customer relationship. We find the possibilities of an intermediate actor, such as a content coordinator to achieve competitive advantage through strategic fit is subject to the context and the ability of creating more innovative and co-creative distribution systems.

Hur mycket "mjölk" ska det vara i mjölken, och hur styr vi det?

In most countries, the dairy industry focuses on the volume of milk produced instead of its composition. This results in a high content of water and a lower proportion of fat and protein. A high proportion of water is not desirable when processing the milk into various dairy products like cheese, cream and milk powder. High water content also increases the costs for transport and storage, and also an unnecessary, albeit marginal, strains on the world?s water reservoir.

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