

521 Uppsatser om Retail display - Sida 15 av 35

Hållbara transporter i Hemavan Tärnaby och Åre : En innehållsanalys av 13 Svenska turistaktörers hemsidor

Transport is an important aspect to take account in efforts to achieve sustainable tourism development. If we do not change our behavior regarding travel, the consequences will be significant for the environment. This study examines the various transport operators on the two Swedish ski resorts if their websites and marketing are different from each other in the mode selection. The destinations are Åre and Hemavan Tärnaby. They studied modes are two Swedish airlines, two train companies, three bus companies and three taxi companies.These corporate websites are studied with a content analysis in which the results of the keywords that have been developed are scored according to different categories.

Uppföljningsverktyg för analys av användarloggar

In order to understand user behaviour and navigation patterns, user logging is today widely used in analysis and development of user interfaces. These user logs tend to be quite many and can contain a lot of different data. A big issue is how to process and display this data in a perspicuous way to the stakeholder. This study is about how to develop a prototype to handle this issue. It was solved by various methods from human-computer interaction.

Myten om det mångkulturella samhället. En diskursanalys av mångfaldsrelaterade begrepp och etnicitet i svensk kulturpolitik

The purpose of this Masters thesis is to examine the discourses of concepts related to diversity and ethnicity in Swedish cultural policy. It focuses on how the society is presented in different contexts and how people with a different ethnic origin than the majority, are represented in the cultural policy of the Swedish State. The study is restricted to concern immigrants. Six governmental cultural policy documents, reaching over a time period of eight years 1995-2003 are examined as follows: Which key terms are used in the presentations? Which contexts and discourses can be distinguished? Have the discourses changed over the time period examined, and if so, how? The theoretical starting point in the thesis is the discourse perspective of Laclau and Mouffe.

Att fånga konsumentens blick, uppmärksamhet och plånbok: tv-reklam i dagligvarubutik

Forskning visar att 65 procent av konsumenternas köpbeslut av dagligvaror fattas i butikerna. Denna studie syftade till att studera konsumenters medvetenhet om tv-reklam i dagligvarubutik, hur deras köpbeteende påverkas, och i vilken grad kognitiva och perceptuella faktorer inverkar på om tv-reklam medvetet uppfattas av konsumenten eller inte. Endast fyra av 120 konsumenter upptäckte den tv-skärm som de stått intill och ingen mindes vad tv-skärmen visat, en stark indikation på att konsumentens uppmärksamhet kan vara mycket svårfångad. Huruvida visad reklamfilm var försedd med ljud och prisuppgift eller inte tycktes inte ha någon effekt på konsumenternas medvetenhet och ingen försäljningseffekt kunde påvisas men generella slutsatser kräver ytterligare forskning. Fortsatt forskning kan även undersöka konsumentens mottaglighet för tv-reklam på olika platser i butiken..

Ett Excel-baserat informationssystem för IKEAs personalavdelningar

IKEA HaparandaTornio employ some two-hundred people in its furniture retail store.Keeping track of staff statistics and employee information has previously been achievedthrough the use of a basic Microsoft Office Excel spreadsheet. The store?s human resourcesdepartment requested an upgrade to this system with the hope of speeding up andsimplifying the administrative process, as well as to make it easier to monitor HR-relatedtarget statistics. The following report documents the development process of that upgrade ascarried out by the author. The project draws on research in usability design and cognitivepsychology to develop a user-friendly interface.

Framgång i det kreativa företaget

From a management point of view, enabling organizational creativity is often referred to as reducing immediate control, increasing autonomy and enhancing the access to slack resources. At the same time, the business environment of today is fiercer than it was only a decade ago, and this renders a quest for more efficient approaches to competitively run a business. This paper aims to examine creative industries and more specifically try to identify a set of elements that are common for successful companies. As this industry has not been subject to any considerable array of studies, this thesis seeks to establish a structure for how to take both organizational models and leadership theories into account when developing an understanding for the process, organization and leadership of the creative business. By studying six separate creative companies, our findings suggest that conventional theories on organizational creativity do not adequately account for all factors that contribute to these companies' creative success.

Ä lskade Patient - En studie av Public Service Motivations roll för motivationen hos vårdanställda

A tough working climate and the lack of extrinsic motivation at workplaces within health care raise the question of what instead drives employees within this industry. A possible answer to this is Public Service Motivation (PSM) - a type of motivation that is based on the desire to do good for society and its individuals. In order to investigate this further we have performed a qualitative study consisting of ten interviews with people working with institutional care, where the purpose has been to identify the sources of motivation and determine the impact of PSM. The results show that the compassion dimension of PSM appears to be one of the most salient motivational factors. While the rest of the PSM dimensions fail to explain the level of motivation to the same extent as compassion, other factors are recognized, such as relatedness and aspects of the nature of the work itself.

Lika butiker leker bäst! Vikten av enhetlighet i en butikskedjas butikslayout

The market for fashion and interior consists of a large amount of retail chains, which together creates high competition. To be able to compete and to be the most obvious choice for the customers, retailers must review their activities that exist in the company and improve them. This concerns store chains since it is so important that the stores communicate the retailers strategy and it is very critical because of the impact that the stores have on the communication with customers. It is after all in the stores that the buying decision is made. With this information, it is important to strive for uniformity through the chain and especially the stores.

En studie i informationsgrafik : Designstrategier och principer för det animerade formatet

In the media richness of everyday life, the encounter with information graphics ishappening on a daily basis, whether we are aware or not. With the development andeasy access of technologies, new ways to create and display information graphics hasemerged. Among them, the animated information graphics, which in the few pastyears appears to have increased in popularity on video sharing websites such asVimeo and Youtube. In the genre of animated information graphics, there seems to bean inherent diversity regarding the design characteristics. In this study we exploredliterature and research on information graphics and related subjects.

Läsförståelsekompetens. : En kvalitativ studie av några pojkars läsförståelse

AbstractThis essay concerns a qualitative case study seeking to understand six boys? reading habits and to investigate why it is that some boys who do not like reading nevertheless display good reading comprehension according to the results achieved for that skill in national tests. The study shows that the boys? perception of reading has a lot to do with the contact they have with books when they are small. Whether or not there are adult role models in the home and whether the early encounter with texts in school is a positive or negative experience is significant for the boys? later attitude to reading.

Copingstrategiers och det sociala stödets samband med upplevd stress hos vårdpersonal

IKEA HaparandaTornio employ some two-hundred people in its furniture retail store.Keeping track of staff statistics and employee information has previously been achievedthrough the use of a basic Microsoft Office Excel spreadsheet. The store?s human resourcesdepartment requested an upgrade to this system with the hope of speeding up andsimplifying the administrative process, as well as to make it easier to monitor HR-relatedtarget statistics. The following report documents the development process of that upgrade ascarried out by the author. The project draws on research in usability design and cognitivepsychology to develop a user-friendly interface.

Enskild väg till Tolleredsskog

This report is a bachelor thesis presented at the department of Computer Science andEngineering at Chalmers University of Technology. The aim for the project is to find a simplemethod to measure and display physical quantities in a three dimensional room.The report describes a method to construct a system for measuring differentphysical quantities via sensors. The system must be built in a modular and expandable way tobe adaptable to different tasks.The system explained in the report consists of two parts;A physical scanner with moveable probes for carrying sensors and a microcontroller forcontrolling the probes and communicating with the next part.An application written in Java for storing the measured values and presenting them in a lucidperspective.It is possible to construct the scanner with different designs and circuitry, with multiplexers andflip-flops, to ensure that an unspecified number of probes can be added to the system and thatthey can be operated simultaneously.The Java application is written in a modular way, using a design pattern that separates eachindividual part of the application. It contains exceptions and interfaces that ensure a safe andexpandable application..

Self-organizing maps ? en atlas över informationsrymden

The purpose of this thesis is to examine how semantic relations in a document collection can be visualized with a Kohonen self-organizing map. It can be seen as a map of the information space which can be used to support information retrieval. The study makes a comparison of the possible differences between a map that is based on morphologically unprocessed text and a map where the text has been lemmatized. The text that is being processed is the definitions of all the existing instances in WordNet of a random selection of indexing terms from the Times-collection. The purpose is to see if morphological processing somehow can show different semantic connections between term instances based on their definitions.

Att smöra för EMV kan smälta kategorin

Private labels have been increasing a lot during the last 30 years. The reason is great margins and it also works as an aid to build a store's brand. The problem is that private labels take market shares from national brands. Retailers need to have a good mix between these products and adopting category management without being influenced by opportunism, which can lower the profitability of a category. The purpose of this study is to examine and describe how private labels are prioritized in the category edible fat.

Naturlig haptisk kraftåterkoppling från volymdata

As the volumes are entering the world of computer graphics the pure volume visualisation becomes a more important tool in for example research and medical applications. But the advance in haptics --- force feedback from the computer --- is behind. In volume haptics no equal to the proxy method so popular in surface haptics has yet emerged. Some implementations of volume haptics even use surfaces as intermediate representations so that surface haptics can be used.The intention of this work was to create natural feeling haptic feedback from volumetric density data using pure volume haptics. The haptic algorithm would be implemented in Reachin API for the Reachin Desktop Display, together with other parts to build up a usable volume visualisation environment.To achieve the feeling of stiffness and friction dependent on tissue type, a proxy based method was developed.

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