

521 Uppsatser om Retail display - Sida 16 av 35

Lysande belysning? En komparativ sutdie mellan belysningsmöjligheter och rekommendationer

One part of preventive conservation is controlling the lighting in the exhibitions. As a first step we have to accept the fact that the very act of displaying objects is causing them damage, and because the trend is for everything to be open to the public view all the time, the aim is to minimize light exposure of exhibits.This essay will present lighting options and relate them to the current recommendations. I have put the emphasis upon describing which methods one can use to minimize the degradation of exhibits on display by eliminating UV- and IR-radiation and reducing the visible light. The intention with this essay is to investigate the current lighting options and compare these to the recommendations on lighting exhibitions.The selections of different lighting options such as LED-, halogen- and energysaving lamps were made based on avaibility. Thereafter I did two types of investigations.

Lånta fjädrar - en fallstudie av Sparbanken Finn -

De fyra svenska storbankerna; Nordea, Föreningssparbanken, Handelsbanken och SEB agerar och värderas internationellt. Värderingarna grundas på bankernas kompetens, resurser och finansiella produkter och framförallt värderas bankernas marknadsandel och befintliga kundrelationer. Den svenska bankmarknaden påverkas av den växande internationella konkurrensen och bankerna måste därför skapa egna eller anskaffa internationellt konkurrenskraftiga finansiella produkter. Syftet med denna artikel är att utifrån den resursbaserade teoriansatsen analysera fallföretaget Sparbanken Finn. Framförallt skall vi applicera ett modulärt angreppssätt på produktion av finansiella produkter; detta för att avgöra den modulära teorins eventuella tillämpbarhet.

Har storleken någon betydelse En kvantitativ studie rörande butiksformatets påverkan på prisperceptionen och associationerna till olika varumärken

The retailing landscape has become even more competitive with an increasing number of store formats. One result of this can be seen within different retail-chains as they launch different formats that operate under the same name. Thus, consumers now have many alternatives and substitutes when it comes to choosing which format to shop from. This phenomenon has led consumes to shop across stores for the same brand. The objective of this study is to explain how consumers respond to various offers in different store formats and to determine whether the results differ if we compare a familiar brand with an unfamiliar brand.

Förenklad felinformation på trafikinformationsutrustning

This thesis lays the foundation of the future routines of effective error repotring fortraffic devices in the raiway sector.If a device, for example a timetable display, stops working it is vital that the device isfixed as fast as possible so that the travelers dont miss any important information.The methods that are used today are old and not very effective. It can take time forthe repairmen to find the right device or locating the broken component. At the sametime he is supposed to maintain telephone contact with central control throughoutthe whole session.The need for a new, more effective, system is vital to make the whole repair pfocessmore effective and let the repairmen work without having to contact the centralcontrol by phone.I started this work by examining the possibilities of assigning every object with aunique identifier (ID tag) that could be accessed by a manual scan device. The ideawas that the ID tag could holw information about the object and be obtained byscanning the ID and get the information presented on a mobile device.The work also included building a internet application that enabled the reader to seeand change the information on the ID tag.The result was a database that stored information of different objects which could beobtained by scanning the ID tag and presented by a internet application..

Persontäthet vid utrymningsberäkningar : Köpcentrums persontätheter

The aim of this study is to evaluate whether the value of occupant load is over or under estimated when the Swedish general value for department stores, 0,5 person/m2, is used for dimensioning shopping centers. The data that was analyzed derives from seven shopping centers and one department store. A conservative method was used to calculate the occupant load factor. The analysis shows that two groups can be discerned: one group that is characterized by a lower occupant load factor that does not exceed 0,3 person/m2, and one group with a higher occupant load factor. Shopping centers with a higher occupant load factor are located centrally in large urban areas.

Hur stor areal äldre skog lämplig för trakthyggesbruk finns det på Gotland 2013?

The degree project at hand investigates how large areas of older forest (80 plus years) suitable for clear cutting there is on the Swedish island of Gotland. Large areas of older forest on Gotland are situated on land with shallow soil depths which are economically uninteresting and often unsuitable for clear cutting forestry. Other forests hold big nature conservation values and should not, or cannot, be used for forestry purposes. The survey is made as a GIS analysis based on the old but carefully made ?Brief forest inventory? (ÖSI) made in the 1980s and early 1990s. A sample from the inventory is combined with studies of orthophotos, satellite photos and other GIS layers that display estimated soil depth and nature conservation values. Partly contrary to common belief, the survey shows that there are still large areas of older forest suitable for clear cutting forestry on the island.

Snöoväder i Sverige 2004-2014 : En statistisk sammanställning samt en utvärdering av tidningsartiklar som källa

Transport is an important aspect to take account in efforts to achieve sustainable tourism development. If we do not change our behavior regarding travel, the consequences will be significant for the environment. This study examines the various transport operators on the two Swedish ski resorts if their websites and marketing are different from each other in the mode selection. The destinations are Åre and Hemavan Tärnaby. They studied modes are two Swedish airlines, two train companies, three bus companies and three taxi companies.These corporate websites are studied with a content analysis in which the results of the keywords that have been developed are scored according to different categories.

OS i Kina, oberoende idrott eller politisk propaganda? : A Study of the Chinese Regime?s Political involvement, in the Beijing 2008 Olympic Games

The aim of this paper is to describe which view the Chinese government in connection with the Olympics wants to display for the natural world and analyze if this view coincide with China?s foreign-policy goals. A qualitative content analysis is used. By using the theory of rational choice and a model with three different political approaches I want to examine whether or not the foreign-policy goals of the Chinese regime comport with the view that displays in two major newspapers in China. Since the runoff voting in Moscow in 2001 for the 2008 Olympics the Chinese government has been able to act rational and to compose different strategies to use the Games in Beijing for political propaganda.

Bibliotek och bokhandel som litteraturförmedlare: En användarundersökning på ett bibliotek och i en bokhandel

The purpose of this study is to examine what readers of fiction literature are influenced by when they choose books. What libraries and bookstores do to influence readers in their choice of literature and how readers perceive the librarys and the bookstores influence on them in their choice of fiction literature. We have also studied which factors outside the library and the bookstore that readers are influenced by when borrowing or buying a certain book and to what extent readers are influenced by the books appearance. To answer our questions we chose a public library and a bookstore, where we interviewed six persons in each place. We have interviewed a librarian and a bookstore manager for information about how these two cultural institutions work with marketing of their fiction literature.

Ekonomisk utveckling : Nigeria och FN:s millennieutvecklingsmål

In which ways have composing processes in music appeared over the past 300 years? How may composing processes work today? What does new technology do to this processes?The key purpose of this study is to investigate various composing processes. A further purpose is also to gain an awareness of how we use modern technology by computers and their notation programmes.The research design of this thesis includes a display of literature related to composing processes. along with an analysis of the writer?s own experiences in the area.

Bättre service och de senaste modetrenderna till ett lågt pris - är en personal shopper tjänst bra att införa på Gina Tricot?

I denna rapport undersöker vi om en personal shopper tjänst är bra att införa i en modekedja med en bred målgrupp inom lågprissegmentet. Vi samarbetar med Gina Tricots huvudkontor där vi ska utveckla tjänsten tillsammans med Fredrik Appelqvist, retail ansvarig på Gina Tricot. I rapporten tar vi reda på om målgruppen är intresserad av tjänsten och hur de i så fall vill att den ska vara utformad. Detta för att se om det är ett strategiskt val för modekedjan Gina Tricot att starta upp en personal shopper tjänst ute i butik.I detta arbete har vi tillämpat några modeller för att undersöka på vilket sätt kunderna tar sina köpbeslut. Modellerna används för att se vart personal shoppern kan komma in och påverka kundens köpbeslut, för att kunden ska bli nöjd och sprida en positivitet om företaget.

Musikens oanade effekter - En studie om musik i dagligvarubutiker

The retail industry is complex and when it comes to the in-store environment conventional marketing tools seldom find their way. The impacts of in-store atmospherics on customers and the psychological impact the store environment has on their decision-making are rather remarkable. An in-store atmospheric that often is used in order to affect customers is music, in fact it is one of the in-store elements that has been investigated more carefully. Nevertheless, in spite several studies on music and its impact as an in-store atmospheric on customers, it is not yet obvious what applies. To bring some clarity on the subject this study is aspiring to explain what applies when it comes to playing music in grocery stores.

ARM i inbyggt system - med prototyp

Inbyggda system blir allt vanligare i dagens samhälle. De inbyggda systemen finns i nästan allt nuförtiden, från diverse fordon till leksaker för barn.Dagens teknik innebär bland annat att gårdagens lösningar kan realiseras på en bråkdel av den tidigare ytan. Allt mer blir ytmonterat med mindre och mer komplexa kretsar. Detta är inte alltid till utvecklarnas fördel då montering av prototypkort blir en svår och/eller dyr process.Målet är att ta fram ett inbyggt system med en ARM-processor. Systemet ska innehålla USB-OTG, ethernet, minne av olika slag som FRAM och microSD samt en display med pekskärm för användargränssnitt.

Etableringsproblem på den ryska marknaden : Svenska företag i Moskva och Sankt Petersburg

In this essay we map and evaluate obstacles and problems that can occur during the establishment of international companies in Russia. This is done by investigating Swedish companies, which are established in Moscow and Saint Petersburg. We used secondary and primary data from books, previous surveys, reports, articles and the Internet. We also interviewed the following companies: Alfa Laval, Kockum Sonics AB, Höganäs Keramik, Skanska, Assa Abloy, Advakom, AnoxKaldnes, Lindab, Delovoj Peterburg, HL-Display and also a journalist from the Swedish Radio.Most of the problems named by the interviewees were similar, but some differences were also found. The differences were primarily found in the ranking of importance between the different problems.

Ljuslyktan Ballongen :  

During my final examination project, I have been working with a design process to develop a new set of candle lanterns for the company Sagaform AB. This company has a large and significant role on the Swedish interior design and retail market. The assignment was developed when the company stated that they would like to supplement and expand its existing range of products. The research and surveys I have done have helped me to create eight different concepts and one of them ready to compete with the existing candle lanterns on the market. The result of my concept proposal expected to be included in Sagaform?s 2013 spring catalogue. During the project I have developed 3D-rendered images, a physical model, and a solid foundation for making prototypes. The Balloon has an attractive design language that fits both every day and more festive events.

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