

10773 Uppsatser om Result control - Sida 43 av 719

Energibolagens framtida datainsamling

The Swedish energy companies have several different systems for data collection of the energy consumption of their clients. Often computerized remote meter readers are put in practice in order to register the energy consumption of large companies. The majority of household clients, however, are read off by the assistance of manual methods. Household power consumption is read off once a year. As a result, these clients are not debited for their actual consumption; their invoices during the year are the result of estimations. At times when the electricity supply system is highly loaded, electricity is more expensive.

On-line uppdragsplanering baserad på prediktionsreglering

Modern air battles are very dynamic and fast, and put extreme pressure on pilots. In some unpredictable situations, like new discovered threats or mission plan deviation because of enemy aircraft, the pilots might need to replan their predefined flight route. This is very difficult, if not impossible, to do since numerous factors affect it. A system that can help the pilots to do such a thing is needed. Previous work in this field has involved methods from artificial intelligence like A*-search.

Familjelycka? : En litteraturstudie om föräldrars upplevelser av Postnatal depression.

Postnatal depression (PND) is a condition which affects about 8-15% of recent parents. The cause of PND is unknown but several underlying factors have been purposed through different studies. This descriptive literature review aims to illuminate the parent?s situation when the mother is affected with PND. In search of literature, the databases Medline (via PubMed), Academic Search Elite, Cinahl, PsycINFO, PsycARTICLES and SweMed+ were used.

Socialt stöd, krav och kontroll den psykosociala arbetsmiljön på ett bemanningsföretag

AbstractComing to new job is not that easy, sometimes the feeling of insecurity appears. Working for recruitment agencies includes constant changes of colleagues and places of work and at the same time one has two different managers. Who does the individual turn to when problems occur and who do the employed see as his/her manager? Why do people search for work in recruitment agencies? How does it feel not having a fixed place of work or colleagues and how do the aspects of this affect the employed psychosocial work environment? This is a few questions asked when we tried to find answers on the employed feelings about his/hers psychosocial work environment in a recruitment agency. The purpose of this study was to find a deeper understanding on employees working in a recruitment agency experiences their psychosocial work environment on the basis of social support, demands and control.

Människan som resurs

In the recent years auditing scandals all around the world, deficient internal control has attracted a lot of attention. This has contributed to further requirements on insight and internal control. Those scandals have seriously damaged the auditor?s profession and contributed to a reduced trust among the public. Therefore an extensive work to recover and stringed the trust was started all around the world.

Läsinlärning och självförtroende : Hur kan barns självförtroende påverkas vid läsinlärning?

In what French philosopher Gilles Deleuze labelled Control Societies, mechanisms reminiscent of censorship ? that is, restriction of information that administrators of power wish to regulate the spreading of ? are present in the concept of copyright. This kind of censorship has theadvantage of not being scrutinized by public eyes in the way that the work of institutionalized censorship agencies such as the Swedish Statens Biografbyrå was. It is not unlikely that expanded possibilities for punishing anyone who spreads copyrighted material will result in larger and larger areas that may not be accessed, as the avoiding of conflict and repressive actions will emphasize the behaviour to take detours around information that is deemed taboo and therefore suspicious and dangerous.The ACTA trade agreement is one proposed tool for such extended possibilities for punishment. This essay does not however claim that copyright and censorship are the same ? but rather that the institutional execution of power that was previously a matter of state censorship has a lot of similarities with current and prognosticated application of copyright laws by corporations.While claiming to protect the individual, the disciplinary power executed actually aims to protect the one executing it; the purpose of the power structure is to replicate itself..

Balanced Scorecard i svenska kommuner

Purpose: The purpose with our study is to accomplish a quantitative research of all municipalities in Sweden and see why they apply Balanced Scorecard. The study will also investigate the spread of Balanced Scorecard, even the benefits and how they use it. Method: In our study we have chosen a quantitative research. The study has been accomplished with a questionnaire survey which we sent to all of the Swedish municipalities. We have also done a literature study to get more knowledge about relevant theories.

Pulsed inhaled Nitric Oxide - a possible way to treat hypoxemia in colic horses during abdominal surgery

The aim of the present study was to evaluate if pulsed inhaled nitric oxide (PiNO) could be used as a treatment for hypoxemia during general anaesthesia in colic horses. Previous studies have shown a positive response in horses receiving PiNO in comparison to controls, but these studies have only included healthy individuals. A total of 30 horses were included in this present study, they all underwent abdominal surgery because of acute colic that could not be medically treated. Fifteen of the horses received PiNO and 15 horses served as a control group. Arterial oxygenation was improved in all horses receiving PiNO.

Energikartläggning och driftoptimering genom behovsstyrning i befintlig fastighet

Energy supply in Sweden year 2011 amounted to 577 TWh. The final energy consumption for industrial, residential and service was 379 TWh. Sweden has energy policy goals to reduce energy use in buildings. One of these goals is to reduce the energy use by 20 % in 2020 compared to the year 1995. An important step to achieve this goal is to target energy efficiency measures in existing buildings.

Agentrelationer och styrning i familjeföretag

The purpose of this thesis is to examine how the competitiveness of family firms is affected by governance mechanisms. The thesis addresses four governance mechanisms: inefficient labor markets, inefficient capital markets, self control and altruism. We have conducted an abductive method to be able to perform a qualitative research study. In this study two family firms have been examined, ROL and Indiska Magasinet. We conclude that the presence of inefficient labor and capital markets within the studied family firms give rise to negative effects in terms of difficulties of hiring talented employees.

Planering och Målstyrning : En nulägesanalys av ett markdistrikt inom Skanska

This report is a result of a diplomawork in construction engineering.The goal of this thesis is to highlighthow the work with planning andperformance management is done in theprojects at the Swedish buildingcontractor Skanska Väg & anläggning,region Stockholm/Mälardalen, districtMark Stockholm North, compared toSkanska?s policies.The comparison was made with focus onfive tools for productivity. The toolsare as follow: broken-down schedule,work sets, visual control, performancemanagement/progress monitoring and bestpractice.The study showed that the usage of thedifferent tools varied both within andbetween the different projects.Practically none of the projects whereusing the tools progress monitoring andbest practice, mostly due to fewoperations being applicable. The worksets are now mostly documented, but theyare rarely followed up. Performancemanagement is somewhat inconsequentialfor the moment, but during 2011 targetsheets will be introduced, withtemplates for setting up targets.Scheduling is one of the most importantworks regarding planning.

Gröngödslingens roll i odlingssystemet : en jämförelse mellan Mälarregionen och Östergötland

Green manuring is a way of creating an organic fertilizer by growing a crop that is mowed down. Besides the fertilizing effect this method has been shown to have a positive influ-ence on soil organic matter as well as weed flora, and green manure is an important me-thod of weed control in organic farming in parts of Sweden. However, the release of nu-trients from the green manure varies and can therefore be difficult to control. Risks for losses of nutrients are also present. Although the area of organic farmland is increasing in Sweden, the use of green manure is decreasing.This report contains a literature study which compiles research on the functions of green manure in a cropping system and also how the crop can be used if harvested, for example to produce biogas.

Musiklärares möjligheter att uppfylla kraven i Lgr11 : En enkätstudie om musikämnets förutsättningar i år 4-6 i grundskolan

This study, a document analysis with a qualitative approach, explores children, under 18years, who have been subject to measures of child welfare in the city of Malmö during theyears 1935-1937. It also explores the school's role in this context. The questions that the studyis guided by is: How was children described in the Child Welfare documents in Malmö duringthe years 1935-1937? And what role did the school have in Child Welfare work and whatmotivated this? The theoretical approaches are Foucaults theories of power, control anddisciplining.It appears from the study that the school and child welfare authorities had a close cooperationwith the purpose to control the upbringing and disciplining of the children. It was through theupbringing that the deviant child would become a "normal", docile and good, industriouscitizen.

An evaluation of a reward system as a "controlinstrument".

Genom kvantitativ såväl som kvalitativ metodteori utvärdera om ett belöningssystem fungerar som ett styrinstrument..

Bidrar nationella prov i svenska till likvärdiga betyg?

The purpose of this essay has been to investigate if the national test results, in the subject of Swedish B at upper secondary school, are affecting a student?s final grade in varied degree among different teachers. The purpose has also been to investigate if the assessment of these tests is equivalent among different teachers. This particular investigation showed that there are big differences between how teachers grade, in relation to achieved results on the national test. According to the Swedish National Agency for Education, the teacher should take all performance information available into consideration for each particular student.

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