

10773 Uppsatser om Result control - Sida 42 av 719

Trafikverket : Kritiska faktorer i projekt inom avdelningen Nationella Projekt

This study has been made on behalf of the Swedish Transport Administration to study the work of the department National Projects. The Swedish construction industry has for many years been characterized by low productivity. By being the largest purchaser of contracts in the industry the Swedish Transport Administration has a unique opportunity to influence the productivity. In order to improve in productivity The Swedish Transport Administration is adopting a new role in which they will order more turnkey projects. In our study, we will focus on how one department within the Swedish Transport Administration, National Projects, can perform successful turnkey projects.To clarify how the department National Projects can perform successful projects, this study identifies critical factors for projects and their links to different phases of the project.

Politiskt självförtroende och samhällsdeltagande : En kvalitativ studie av begreppet politiskt självförtroende i kombination med en kvantitativ analys av dess effekter på europeiska ungdomars deltagande i samhället.

This thesis is about the effect of political efficacy on societal participation among youths aged 15 to 29. It takes a starting point in the gloomy view of the decline of political participation among citizens in the western world, especially pointing out youths as a threat to democracy. This is a broad subject to take on so my aim becomes a bit more specific. The aim of the thesis is therefore to investigate if belief in ones own capacity and in the responsiveness of the political system affects the actual participation among youths in Europe, independent of a set of alternative predictors. Moreover the thesis is divided into two sub-investigations, one qualitative and one quantitative.

Balanserat styrkort i offentlig verksamhet - balansering av svårförenliga mål

Title:Balanced scorecard in the public sector - the balancing of conflicting objectives.Level:Final assignment for Bachelor of Science in Business Administration.Authors:Erika Sundström and Lisette Lundstedt.Tutor:Stig Sörling and Tomas Källquist.Date:2014-05-20.Purpose:The purpose of our study, from a management perspective, is to increase understanding of how the public sector can develop and use the balanced scorecard to balance conflicting objectives.Method:Hermeneutic approach, Literature review, Qualitative case study.Result and conclusion:Under certain conditions, the balanced scorecard can help to deal with conflicting objectives in a public organization. Stakeholders and objectives are important factors for a balanced control. This is due to the fact that many different stakeholders often leads to the creation of conflicting objectives. Numerous and unclear objectives lead to both conflict and uncertainty. The organization?s structure and culture are other factors that also influence.

Transportsfordon för rullstolsburna

A vehicle that carries a person sitting in a wheelchair has been rebuilt. The original vehicle was provided with a petrol engine, hydrostatic drive and a mechanical steering rod, making it noisy and hard to maneuver. The purpose with this project was to convert the vehicle to make it more environmental and easier to drive.A new design has been proposed where an electrical drive has replaced the noisy combustion engine and an electrical motor with joystick control has replaced the manual steering.The project was divided into two parts. One mechanical part where the construction of the drive and steering were to be decided. The other part involved programming the microprocessor and implementation of all the necessary electrical for the control system of the vehicle.

Site preparation, planting position and planting stock effects on long-term survival, growth and stem form properties of Pinus contorta on southern Iceland

In order to evaluate different afforestation methods for exposed heath lands a field experiment was established in Mosfell on southern Iceland in 1989. The trial comprised six different site preparation methods (control, herbicide application, tree shelters, patch scarification, TTS trenching and mounding). In total 960 container seedlings (1+0) and 960 Nisula roll transplants (2+1) of lodgepole pine were planted. Various planting positions (furrow, hinge, no site preparation (control) and on top of mounds) were tested within the site preparation treatments. This study involves renewed measurements and analyses of the trial.After 19 years the overall survival was 51,7 %.

Effekter av 20 minutrs daglig fysisk träning av kondition, styrka, rörlighet och balans. : En 10 veckors interventionsstudie av kvinnliga lokalvårdare

Public health focuses on interventions related to physical activity during leisure and at work under conditions where health care is offered during working hours. Increased physical activity offers many positive effects on health in general and reduces the risk for most injuries and illnesses. Female cleaners represent a profession that is largely composed of women at high risk of overload injury and rarely participate in wellness initiatives offered at workplace. The purpose of this study was to investigate the effects of 20 minutes of daily physical exercise for 10 weeks of intervention for healthy female cleaners. A total of 40 female cleaners in a larger organization participated in the study and were divided in into an intervention group and a control group.

Pilotstudie för att utvärdera effekten av L-Mesitran : honungsbaserad sårsalva : vid behandling av yt-pyodermi hos hund.

Green manuring is a way of creating an organic fertilizer by growing a crop that is mowed down. Besides the fertilizing effect this method has been shown to have a positive influ-ence on soil organic matter as well as weed flora, and green manure is an important me-thod of weed control in organic farming in parts of Sweden. However, the release of nu-trients from the green manure varies and can therefore be difficult to control. Risks for losses of nutrients are also present. Although the area of organic farmland is increasing in Sweden, the use of green manure is decreasing.This report contains a literature study which compiles research on the functions of green manure in a cropping system and also how the crop can be used if harvested, for example to produce biogas.

Att få rätt stöd vid rätt tidpunkt : En observationsstudie av två barn med AD/HD-diagnos

The purpose of the study is to examine different situations and behaviors for students diagnosed with AD / HD and see if there are times where their diagnosis will be extra visible. This will ultimately see how and where these children may need support in their daily lives, and about the support they receive is relevant to their needs. Questions I intend to examine: Are there situations for students throughout the school day in which ADHD diagnosis becomes extra visible? If so, what situations? How is the diagnosis in these situations?It is estimated that about 3-6 percent of school children have AD/HD. It causes difficulties with concentration as well as impulse and activity control.

Bara, bara vara "vänner" : En explorativ studie av den professionella socialarbetarens användande av sociala medier inom socialtjänsten

The aim of this study was to enlighten social workers experiences of social networks direct influence in Swedish social services, and in which ways those influences are manifested. Some of the issues that are being explored in this study are: The separation of the private sphere and professional duties; boundaries and dual relationships that occurs inside social networks; the use of social networks as a control-instrument in authority exercise towards clients; and social networks arising impact on social work. The empirical material was collected with nine qualitative interviews with social workers stationed at different social service departments in a Swedish municipality. Also one qualitative e-survey was sent out to, and answered by four social workers with a managerial position in the same municipality.The results reveal that several informants have experienced different problematic situations involving clients within the social networks. This study shows that the informants are very restrictive with what information (text and pictures) they publish on their facebook-profiles, because of their position of authority and the awareness of the possibility of always being watched.

Bilden av spelaren : En diskursanalys om att göra "problem"

The purpose of this study has been to examine how the image of the gambler is described by studying a report published by Folkhälsoinstituet [FHI] and a number of chosen articles from the Swedish Evening Press. Discourse theory has been used both as theory, together with social constructionism, and as a research method. The main conclusions of the study are that three different discourses can be identified: the normal gambler, the professional gambler and the problem gambler. The image of the problem gambler is described as a deviant and problematic minority characterized by loss of control, irrational thoughts and dissociative behaviour. The construction of the problem gambler fills three possible purposes for the state: As a solvable problem to handle criticism against negative consequences of gambling, as an argument to avoid competition on the market and as an individual characterized by loss of control in order to legitimize and make the construction of the normal gambler possible..

Obalans mellan rot och krona skapar omplanteringschock i Prunus avium :

In this investigation has an attempt to find out whether so called transplanting shock depends on the moving and transplanting of trees, to other conditions, or if it is due to the imbalance between the root to shoot ratio. Seventy trees of Prunus avium have been part of the investigation and these trees have been divided into four different groups depending on methods of production, untouched on the field, trees still on the field but with root pruning, trees moved and planted into Root-Control-Bag, trees moved and planted into Spring-rings. To be able to answer the question, measurements of the length of the terminal shoots and the lateral shoots and the dimension of the stem growth have been done and also has a visual judgment of the trees vitality been performed. The result shows that it is not only the move of the trees that gives them transplanting shock, but rather the loss of roots which gives an imbalance between the root and crown..

Standardisering av funktionsblock for PLC

Automationscenter & Bråvalla Elteknik AB is a company that offers the market completed total solutions where the customer can operate and monitor their production from the terminal. In these total solutions they lack standard circuit which are developed by the company and which could manoeuvre/control/monitor controlled process objects. This report defines the work of developing the most common standard circuits.The report is initiated by a short theoretical part about PLC and the PLC system, with a connected terminal, which has been used. Thereafter, the turnout of the demands of specification is reported, after discussing with the supervisor in the course of the project. The report concludes with a disclosure of how the programming, the documentation and the testing have proceeded and a final discussion concerning the project and proposals on continuation.The result is a CD with the documentation of standard circuits and how they are implemented in a new project.

Hur myndigheter definierar sina prestationer i förhållande till sina mål och hur dessa följs upp

SAMMANFATTNING/SUMMARY Titel/Title: Hur myndigheter definierar sina prestationer i förhållande till sina mål och hur dessa följs upp./ How government authorities define their performance indicators and measure them up in relationship to the goals. Författare/Author Almaliki, Rayya; Hulaj, Anita; Nepola, Fisnik Handledare/Supervisor: Gyllberg, Henrick Sektion/Section: Sektionen för Management, Blekinge Tekniska Högskola./ The Section of Management, Blekinge Institute of Technology. Kurs/Course: Kandidatarbete i företagsekonomi (FEC007), 10 poäng./Bachelor?s thesis in Business Administration (FEC007), 10 credits. Syfte/Purpose: Syftet med denna uppsats är att studera hur statliga myndigheter definierar och följer upp sina prestationer, i förhållande till uppsatta mål för verksamheten./ The main purpose with this thesis is to research how government agencies define their performance indicators and measure them up in relationship to the goals. Metod/Method: Vi har genomfört en kvalitativ fallstudie, där vi har utfört sex semistandardiserade intervjuer på Blekinge Tekniska Högskola och Boverket. Det material som vi har fått från intervjuerna samt annat sekundärt material, utgör grunden för vår analys och slutsats./ We have done a qualitative case study, where we did six semi standard interviews at Blekinge Institute of Technology and Boverket. The material we got from the interviews and other secondary material make up the ground, for our analysis and conclusion.

Gå in och ut och vända "ut och in" : En kvalitativ studie om hur omsorgspersonal inom hemtjänsten arbetar för att de äldre ska få ett värdigt liv

The aim of this study was to increase the knowledge about if and how the National Value System?s goal of a life with dignity for the elderly pervades the work in home care organisations. The study was based on a qualitative research method and was conducted through interviews with professional care givers in home care organisations, there were five individual interviews and one pair interview. The background for this study was the National Value System for the eldercare that was introduced in 2011. The theory of New Public Management and the concept of Rationality of Caring were used to analyse the result.

Environment simulation of track-based systems

Simulation means running a model of a system with suitable input and observing the corresponding output. Real-time environment simulation is a special kind of simulation used to simulate a control system's environment in real-time. This is done to test the control system before it is used in its real environment. In this project, computer simulation of a certain kind of environments, called track-based systems, is studied and a general model for track-based systems is developed. In this model, track layouts are represented by graphs, which is a flexible and extensible representation and a method for visualizing these layouts is presented.

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