

10773 Uppsatser om Result control - Sida 30 av 719

Betydelse av självkänsla och locus of control för mobiltelefonanvändning

Mobiltelefoni och SMS (textmeddelanden) är ett intresseområde på frammarsch. Avsikten med studien var att undersöka om personlighetsegenskaper som självkänsla och locus of control har någon inverkan på vilket sätt människor använder sina mobiltelefoner. Tidigare studier har indikerat att de som föredrar textmeddelanden har lägre självkänsla än de som föredrar röstkommunikation. Ett internetbaserat frågeformulär användes för att undersöka mobiltelefonanvändningen hos studenter vid en högskola i södra Sverige, och då speciellt undersöka tal/text preferensen i relation till ålder, kön och personliga egenskaper. Överlag visade gruppen av studenter (n= 116) en preferens mot att tala (M = 4.5 med text och tala som ytterligheter på en femgradig skala).

Beröringens betydelse för patienters upplevelse av smärta, oro och känsla av välbefinnande

Touch that is performed in a sensitive and gentle way can be a good complement in caring. To be stricken with illness can involve that the individual feels powerlessness and to have no control over the own body. This could lead to both psychical and physical suffering. To strength health is one of the nurses' responsibilities and to touch can be one way. The aim of the study was to describe patients' experience of the effects of touch.

Det är osäkert vad det beror på : Multiprojektstyrning i forsknings- och utvecklingsenheter

BACKGROUND: Project based structures has become more and more common in the organizations of today. As the project based structures are given a more central role in the organizations the interdependencies between the projects are getting more attention. These structures need a new type of control to meet the unique challenges that arise. The researchthat has been done has been concentrated around the project form and the projects internal control, the area of multi-project management is therefore relatively unexplored. The few existing studies on the subject focus on projects in the construction industry why research inmore complex fields of business have been requested.PURPOSE: The purpose of this thesis is to explore and analyze how knowledge intense multi-project organizations manage their project activities, and to determine how different organizational characteristics affect the need for management control systems.METHODOLOGY: The empirical data has been collected through interviews with personnel in BT Products R&D, Gambro R&D and AstraZeneca Development.

Effekter av ett informationsintensivt material- och produktionsstyrningssystem

We were assigned to do this master thesis by Husqvarna AB who at the time for this thesis just had implemented a new material and production planning system called Replenishment system. Husqvarna AB wanted us to examine the effects of their new planning system to see if it was profitable or not. Husqvarna AB had for a time considered their delivery and supplier service to bee their biggest problem and they wanted to solve this problem by improving the communication with all involved actors in the logistic chain, which they hoped would result in a better mix of products in their warehouses. The aim of this report was therefor to analyze eventual effects for Husqvarna AB when changing from a traditional material- and production planing system to a more information intensive one. The result of this report showed effects on decreasing administrational routines and improved flexibility and lead-times.

Den formella och informella styrningens effekter på LKABs infrastukturavdelning: en utvärdering med utgångspunkt i Simons Levers of Control

LKABs infrastrukturavdelning är en sekundärproduktion och en stödjande funktion till primärproduktionen vilket gör att avdelningen utför många olika aktiviteter och är svårstyrd. Syftet med denna uppsats är att studera den formella och informella styrningen och dess styreffekter på LKABs infrastrukturavdelning med utgångspunkt i Simons Levers of Control Vid formell styrning såsom Simons levers of control, styrs företaget genom dokumenterade värderingar, gränser, interaktivt arbete och uppföljning. Informell styrning kan vara företagets kultur, ledarstilar, regler och normer som inte är dokumenterade utan informella. Både formell och informell styrning påverka en individs beteende det är därför viktigt att de som skapar formella styrsystem tar hänsyn till de informella faktorerna och att den informella styrningen är i linje med den formella styrningen och att det finns en balans mellan dessa på företaget för att nå önskade styreffekter. I denna studie har en kvalitativ forskningsmetod tillämpats med influenser av aktörssynsättet.

Strukturerat lärande genom Action Design Research. En studie om visualisering av behörigheter

As organizations are generating more business intelligence in their systems, more employees need access those systems. As a result some sort of permission management needs to be implemented to ensure the information remain safe. Access Control Matrix (ACM) is one way of managing permissions and is widely used among organizations. The issues that comes with ACM is that the matrix itself gets difficult to manage and overview as its complexity increases with the number of permissions. The study utilizes Action Design Research to develop a tool for visualizing permissions.

Värmestyrning I Handske

This rapport is result of a project. The purpose of which was to design a circuit that is used in a heat glove. The heat glove is the technical aid which provides heat inside a glove.It is specially suited for old people who have problems with cold hands because of decreased blood circulation.There already was an old circuit in the glove that gives a constant current which develops heat from battery to glove through a circuit. The temperature is between 32 and 34 degrees.The problem with the existing circuit was to regulate the temperature. There is only on/off switch and there is no way to adjust desirable value of the temperature.In order to solve the problem the old circuit was investigated.

Odour-mediated behaviour in codling moth, Cydia pomonella : do fermentation odours affect the attraction and oviposition behaviour in codling moth?

The codling moth, Cydia pomonella is a common pest in apple orchards and can be found worldwide. Feeding by codling moth larvae can cause a substantial decrease in apple yield. Control methods comprise for example the use of pesticides, viruses and pheromones. As a sustainable control method, pheromones have been successfully applied to disrupt moth mating behaviour. Other behaviours like foraging, search for mating sites or host finding could be potential targets for additional odour-mediated behavioural manipulation but need further investigations of the underlying odour stimuli and behavioural plasticity. Many insects are attracted to the smell of fermenting fruit and associated microorganisms.

En rörig historia : en fallstudie över Secorocs processflöde av DTH-rör

Abstract Title: A messy story ? a case study of Secorocs process flow of DTH-pipes Presentation date: 2010-06-02 Course: Bachelor thesis in businessAuthor: Kristoffer ForsmanAdvisor: Kjell GustafssonKeywords: Management control, process control, lean production, process flow analysisPurpose: The purpose of this bachelor thesis is to develop an overview of the process flow for a specific product, and with the help of this mapping based on a lean production philosophy show possible improvement proposals and how these can lead to a more efficient process flow.Methodology: I have used a case study of Secorocs DTH-pipes and my primary data are gathered through interviews and observations. I have used theoretical framework to establish a process flow analysis. This is to obtain data on process activities and whether they are creating value or not. This leads to a current mapping of the situation in Secoroc on DTH-pipes and then analyzed and suggestions for improvement are developed.Conclusions: That by using the above mentioned mapping of process flow of DTH-pipes, problem areas could be illustrated.

Mer än en snygg skylt på fasaden : Svenska lärosätens varumärkesarbete

Title: Management control of facility efficiency in municipalities - A case study of Halmstad municipalityLevel: BachelorSeminar date: 2012-05-31Authors: Markus Nilsson & Sara MattssonAdvisor: Sven-Ola CarlssonKey words: Control management in municipality, facility efficiency, management by objectives, internal rents and incentivesBackground: The public sector owns and manages a large property portfolio and in the municipalities, the properties are always a big cost item. Because of the outside world changes and the public interest, the properties should be used as efficiently as possible.Purpose: The purpose of this paper is to describe how control management of facilities looks like a municipality. The paper also seeks to explain how employees work to make the facilities more efficient in a municipality.Methodology: The authors use a qualitative method with open interviews.Theoretical perspectives: The choice of theory was made with the field of management control and facility efficiency in mind. The theory therefore includes management by objectives, internal rents and reward systems, motivation and communication within organizations.Empirical foundation: The organization has undergone a reorganization 2010/2011. There are no clear incentives to reduce facility costs.

Familjehemsutredningar : Socialtjänstens arbete med privata aktörer

This essay deals with the social services cooperation with the private sector relating to foster care. The aim was to examine whether and what the causes may be that the social service transfer tasks of authority to private actors. Furthermore, we have examined and discussed if such a working procedure can lead to consequences for the individual child and how / if the children's legal security is affected. Survey methodology is qualitative in nature where we conducted semi-structured interviews with three persons who work in different ways to be involved in work with a foster family. We have also made use of questionnaires sent to social workers around the country.The result has been interpreted on the basis inter alia, legal texts, legislative history, and two theories which have their origin in organization theory.

Balanserade styrkort i statliga organisationer - Om, hur och betydelse?

AbstractBachelor thesis G3 in Business Administration, Linnaeus University School of Businessand Economics, Financial Control, 2FE90E, Spring Semester 2010Authors: Kennerth Eriksson and Leo H KochAdvisor: Lars-Göran AidemarkTitle: Balanced Scorecard in governmental organizations ? About, how and its meaning.Background:  The Balanced Scorecard is a Control System that includes both financial andnon-financial measures which intend to link the short-term business management with the long term vision and strategy. Businesses in the public sectors are different fromthe private sector on several levels and they often seek to reach multiple targets.Therefore, their choice of Control System becomes interesting. According to the SwedishNational Financial Management Authority (Ekonomistyrningsverket) among others, thereis no clear knowledge of how widespread the Balanced Scorecard is in governmentalorganizations. The lack of that knowledge is one of the questions at issue with this thesis.Is it only a few organizations that are using the Balanced Scorecard or parts of the model?Another question at issue is about how the Balanced Scorecard is used in the point ofcontrolling in the organizations we chose to investigate further.Purpose: The purpose of this thesis is partly to investigate the existence and use of theBalanced Scorecard in governmental organizations and partly to describe the design ofthe Balanced Scorecard in the studied organizations and explain why they have chosen towork with the Balanced Scorecard and what impact it has on them.Demarcation: The first part of this study has been demarked to only look at the existenceof the Balanced Scorecard in governmental organizations.

Friskrivningsklausuler i kommersiella standardavtal : En detaljstudie angående harmoniseringen av avtalsrätten inom EU

During the later half of the 20th century standard form contracts began to be used more frequently in contract situations. This trend has been consistent and in today?s world numerous commercial parties employ such contracts in their business transactions. The reasons for the extended use of standard form contracts are the benefits that can be obtained for the parties such as time efficiency, effectiveness and price advantages. Standardised contracts often regulate certain issues of the contract for example the way of delivery, remedies and complaints.

Automobike: en cykel med aktiv balans

During spring 2012, six students at the Royal Institute of Technology in Stockholm carried out agroup project in the field of mechatronics as part of the thesis for the bachelor degree. The resultwas a robot with active balancing and the purpose of this report is to describe the development,manufacturing and problems that arose during the project. The finished robot has two wheelsmounted in line with each other, like a bicycle. Measurement data from an accelerometer and agyroscope are used together in a complementary filter for determining the angle from the verticalplane. For balancing, a PID controller was used to control the rotation of a reaction wheel, whenaccelerating causes a straightening torque.

Att förebygga hot och våld mot socialsekreterare

The aim of the study was to examine if and how the social service and the social welfare secretary provides against threat and violence in the encounter with clients. The study is qualitative and carried out with six semi-structured interviews with social welfare secretaries and participation observations at the social welfare offices in three municipalities. The theoretical starting points used were symbolic interactionism and strange loops. The result shows that social service and social welfare secretaries both use measures to prevent threat and violence to occur. The precautionary measures mainly used by social services are ; looked doors, alarm device, loose objects removes and interview rooms are furnish in purpose for the social welfare secretary to flee the room at urgent need.

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