

4620 Uppsatser om Resistance towards organizational change - Sida 2 av 308

Förändringen av en organisation : Lean i Växjö kommun

Is it possible to conduct a joint organizational change despite different circumstances and different starting points, and still talk about the same organizational change? Can all the work that leads to more efficient operations fall into the same category? How can such concept gain legitimacy? The result shows that by talking about a concept, in this case, Lean, as something that leads to a better and more efficient organization, without for that matter have to set a defined content of the concept you still can present the process as one concept. Tough the concept will be practically blank. But there is still a rhetorical value in the concept of Lean. The organization institutionalizes the concept and obtains in this way legitimacy from its surroundings.

Svenska Basketbollförbundets Regionsutvecklingsprojekt U15 : En studie av förändringsprocessen för regionsutvecklingsprojektet och regionsledarnas attityder till organisationsförändringen

In 2009, the Swedish Basketball Federation started a Region U15 development project in order to change the structure of the regional organization to get into a more transparent and similar operations throughout the country. My purpose is to study the attitudes to the change among the region leaders in the regional operations and evaluate the change from an organizational perspective. The study is primarily based on the following questions: What are the experiences of the change process among the region leaders in the regional organization? How involved have region leaders been in the changing process? Which are the positive and negative aspects with the regional operation today? What can be done further to develop the regional operation and to what extent do the organizational change follow general organizational theories? In my study, a qualitative method was used in terms of interviews with 8 regional leaders to understand their attitude to the project and the changing process. To analyze the results of the region leaders ?responses, a transcription have been made.

Inre motstånd : En okänd fiende på vägen tillbaka från utanförskapet?

 Inner resistanceThe aim of this study was to investigate the existence of an internal resistance to a work-related change in people who are long-term sick, and if this is related to an identification as ?long-term sick?. A second purpose to the study was to research in which way this internal resistance to a work-related change manifests and point to possible solutions. A qualitative study was conducted with interviews of experts and people on sick leave to illuminate the subject. The main result was divided into interviewed groups.

Förändringskommunikation i organisationer : En studie som jämför hur uppfattningar skiljer sig mellan chefer och medarbetare i en förändringsprocess

Title: Change Communication within organizations ? How perceptions differ between managers and employees in an organizational changeAuthor: Emma Ender & Fanny TeschTutor: Anne-Marie MorhedPurpose: The purpose of this thesis was to study and compare different perceptions of change communication between managers and employees within two smaller organizations. We wanted to examine how the communication process within the change was carried out. We also aimed to compare the results with change communication models of Johansson & Heide (2008) and Lewin (1951), and also existing concepts, to see if our result differed from earlier research. Our key questions to answer were: How do managers communicate a change to the employees in two smaller companies? How do the managers think that the employees perceive the information about the change? How do the employees perceive the information about the change? How does change models from previous research correspond to, or differ from the change process?Method/Material: The material used in this thesis consists of a total of twelve interviews with both managers and employees at two small companies.Main results: The main results shows that communicating a change is complex, and that it is difficult to create models and theories for the phenomenon, as each change is unique.

?Införandet av ett nytt ledningssystem : En undersökning över vilka faktorer som kan ha betydelse vid förändringar

AbstractThe dynamic environment means that organizations always faces new challenges. There are various factors which could affect the process of change thus the purpose of this investigation is to research into the key values of organizational changes. We have done an in-depth research about a planned and ongoing process of change in the organization HEM. The aim is to investigate how knowledge and learning are spread among the staff in the company before and during changes. Also further investigation has been made to study the communication between management and employees through the changes. This report includes seven individuals with different working positions within the organization.

Myndigheter i förändring - En analys av organisationsförändringar i Skatteverket och Statistiska centralbyrån

The aim of this thesis is to study why Swedish authorities do organizational changes. Two organizations are analyzed; The Swedish Tax Agency (Skatteverket) and the National Statistics Office of Sweden (Statistiska centralbyrån). A qualitative method, consisting mainly of interviews with key officials, is employed to study two aspects of organizational change: first, the main reasons for changing the organization and, second, how the process that preceded the actual change was carried out. Furthermore, two different theoretical perspectives are used to construct a basis for the analysis. One of the perspectives assumes a social constructivist approach, while the other is rationalistic inspired.

Med skrivandet som vapen: Strategier för motstånd i Buchi Emechetas författarskap

The purpose of this Master?s thesis is to examine the relationship between fiction and resistance from a postcolonial and feminist perspective. More specifically, the study is an examination of this relationship in ten novels by the Nigerian writer Buchi Emecheta. The resistance is studied by examining the way it is depicted in the texts, as well as whether the texts can be seen as a form of opposition. Both the resistance and its context are studied.

Arbetsmotivation och välbefinnande under en organisationsförändring

In an organizational change process, motivated employees are considered an asset. Work motivation can both be seen as situational and as a stable individual characteristic. The present study attempts to investigate how the employees at the Social Insurance Office in Scania experience the present organizational change by focusing on work motivation and well-being. Both questionnaires and interviews were adopted to examine the area of interest. Findings indicate that the organizational change is considered chaotic but necessary by the employees.

Att leda - N?r juridiska krav kolliderar med personliga v?rderingar

This study aims to analyze the effects of the proposal regarding mandatory reporting for undocumented individuals within the Swedish public sector and how this potentially affects leaders in their efforts to motivate their employees to comply with this requirement, which is considered ethically charged. The primary focus is to understand how these leaders can motivate their employees considering legal requirements that are both legally binding and ethically sensitive. By interviewing leaders from various sectors within the public domain in multiple Swedish municipalities, this case study seeks to highlight the challenges arising from the amalgamation of legal mandates and ethical dilemmas. Its goal is to provide insights that can support these leaders in their complex decision-making regarding such issues. The study addresses theoretical aspects such as change management and critical organizational theory. The study's findings indicate that political decisions play a pivotal role in the processes of change within public operations. Resistance to change varies and takes various forms.

Förbättrad resistansmätning för grova aluminiumledare

The goal with this master thesis has been to evaluate and to examine the stationary resistance bridge. The resistance bridge uses a 4-point measuring to determinate the resistance, which is used in the manufacturing of the conductor. It is then used when the resistance is to be decided for coarser aluminium conductors. A conductor has to fulfil certain demands to be able to move forward in the process. One of these demands is the resistance in ohm/km, which has demands that the measure values of the resistance bridge are as true and precise as possible.

Förbättrad resistansmätning för grova aluminiumledare

The goal with this master thesis has been to evaluate and to examine the stationary resistance bridge. The resistance bridge uses a 4-point measuring to determinate the resistance, which is used in the manufacturing of the conductor. It is then used when the resistance is to be decided for coarser aluminium conductors. A conductor has to fulfil certain demands to be able to move forward in the process. One of these demands is the resistance in ohm/km, which has demands that the measure values of the resistance bridge are as true and precise as possible. The stationary resistance bridge had been examined through various kinds of measurements to be able to see how stable the system is and how to obtain a measure value as optimized as possible.

Mot en lärande multiprojektorganisation

How can a multi project organisation use Wiki to support improvement of knowledge management and project evaluation to become a learning organisation? The main purpose of this thesis is to give management and employees a better understanding of how Wiki supports knowledge management and project evaluation. The second purpose is to illustrate possible difficulties and pit falls that comes with the implementation of Wiki based learning. The theoretical framework initiates by explaining multi project organizations, then describes Argyris and Schöns theories about organizational learning and learning organizations. The second half of the theory chapter brings up theories about important areas for a learning organization.

Radikala ändringar av marknadsförhållanden och strategiska förändringar

There is much literature covering strategic change under different circumstances but very little concerning how companies act strategically under sudden and radical changes to market conditions. Based on three different events (the terrorist attack in the USA September 11th 2001, the Tjernobyl accident April 26th 1986 and the Islamic revolution in Iran 1979) with such radical changes as a result we chose three companies that were affected (SAS, Asea Atom and Atlas Copco). The result of the events that were studied in this thesis is extremely unusual to their character. The events themselves were sudden and of a temporary nature but the results were long term changes of market conditions. Through personal interviews the authors have tried to establish how the companies have perceived the events and how the top management has strategically handled the situation.

Att arbeta med förebyggande förändring på producerande företag

En förändring är ett tillstånd som vi upplever under hela vår livstid, både privat och i arbetslivet. Företag måste förändras för att kunna bevara sin konkurrens-kraft. Motstånd till förändring kan anses som det största enskilda hotet mot ett framgångsrikt införande av en strategi på ett företag. Ett sätt att hantera detta motstånd är att använda sig av den delaktiga förändringsmodellen samt stävja rädslor och osäkerhet. Syftet med detta examensarbete var att vi ville få en ökad förståelse för hur företag arbetar med produktionsförbättringar och om de känner av något motstånd vid dessa förändringar. De intervjuade företagen anger som sin absolut största förändring deras införande av ett eget produktionssystem med stort fokus på Kaizen ? Ständiga förbättringar. Under arbetets gång stötte vi på en psykologisk och vetenskaplig teori om Förändringens fyra rum som anses vara ett kraftfullt hjälpmedel vid alla förändringar..

Organisatoriska mellanrum - En övergripande förklaring till ägarlägenhetens dåliga genomslag?

In year 2009, a new housing form (here referred to as "owned apartments", in Swedish called "ägarlägenheter") was introduced in Sweden. Owned apartments are in many countries the dominating form of housing tenure, but in Stockholm, to where this thesis is delimited, only four have been established in four years. There are many possible reasons for this low establishment, but the thesis writers believe the main reason to be that the owned apartment is situated in an organizational gap. With the hypothesis that the owned apartment is situated in an organizational gap and that there are opportunities to overcome this gap through interorganizational collaboration of the players on the market, this thesis strives towards examining if this is the case.By using Burt's theory of structural holes the concept of organizational gaps are elaborated to fit this context, since this area is previously unexplored.The data has mainly been gathered through in-depth interviews but also through secondary sources such as previous theses and newspaper articles. It has appeared that the majority of the central players are characterized by conservatism.

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