

8623 Uppsatser om Research awareness - Sida 66 av 575

Mobbning : Fyra pedagogers förebyggande arbete mot mobbning

Bullying is a big problem in schools and many children are afraid of go to school. There are many methods and measures to prevent bullying, but bullying is still remains. This study is about the differences and similarities between methods to prevent bullying at two classes. The purpose of my essay is to research measure that uses by four teachers to prevent bullying and to get description of their work against bullying.My question is: How is the prevention of bullying in the two classes where informants working?This study is focuses on prevent bullying at two classes on two multicultural schools in Stockholm.

Friluftsliv och miljömedvetenhet bland ungdomar

Att vara ute i naturen medför inte bara rekreation utan kan kanske även bidra till en ökad miljömedvetenhet. Dock visar forskning skilda resultat i frågan. En ökad miljömedvetenhet är är viktigt för att främja en hållbar utveckling, därför är det intressant att undersöka hur ungdomar ställer sig till miljöfrågor. Syftet med denna studie var att undersöka om det finns ett samband mellan olika friluftsaktiviteter och miljömedvetenhet hos ungdomar. I studien inkluderades enkäter (n=433) från högstadie- och gymnasieungdomar i en medelstor kommun i södra Sverige.


Stockholm is constantly growing and changing. Despite this, for various reasons, it is difficult to execute large building projects. With starting-point in decision making theories we have tried to investigate these difficulties. More specifically we have chosen to study why it has not been possible to rebuilt Slussen in Stockholm. To help us structure our study we have based our research on another large comparable building project, the Globen City project.

MASSFLYKTSDIREKTIVET I SVERIGE OCH FINLAND En kvalitativ studie om Sveriges och Finlands implementering av massflyktsdirektivet: Likheter och skillnader.

The aim of the thesis is to study the differences in Sweden?s and Finland?s implementation of Temporary Protection Directive (TDP) and the deficiencies in Sweden?s and Finland?s implementation of TDP. To answer the aim two questions are formed: What similarities and deficiency can be found in Sweden and Finland implementation of Temporary Protection Directive? What deficiencies can be found in Sweden?s and Finland?s implementation of Temporary Protection Directive? The previous research has focused on why the directive was not activated in the events of 2015 and why it was activated 2022. The previous research has also shown that there is just research on the implementation of TDP in three countries, Poland, the Netherlands and Estonia.

Assessing attachment models using the implicit association test

Internal working models of attachment are claimed to be unconscious structures operating outside the conscious awareness. Existing measures of attachment are almost exclusively explicit, either self-reports or interviews and it is questionable whether these instruments are able to tap into unconscious attachment attitudes. The main purpose of the present study is to develop Implicit Association Test (IAT) tools for assessing adult attachment and to examine their construct validity. Two sets of implicit attachment measures, based on the two-dimensional attachment model (Bartholomew & Horowitz, 1991), were developed. Convergent validity was assessed by examining (1) the relationship between implicit model of self and implicit self-esteem and (2) the relationship between the implicit model of other and implicit sociability.

Don't be blinded by the words : En uppsats om att kommunicera med hjälp av fotografier

Following study is about the anorexic behavior and the pro-ana movement, which is a web-based subculture where the followers of this, stands for anorexia as an identity position and lifestyle, rather than a disease. The purpose of this study was that, from a sociological perspective give possible interpretations of the anorexic behavior, and interpret why some anorexics choose to be a part of and identify oneself with the pro-ana movement. The reason has been to conduce more knowledge and understanding of the topics, but also to contribute with a deeper perspective and sociological approach to the former research that is already available.To conduct the study, qualitative research has been used, and the chosen methodology was document analysis/text analysis. The collected empirical data consisted material from two pro-ana forums, four blogs and six twitter accounts, where all the users of those claimed to be supporters of the pro-ana. The empirical data has been interpreted by Howard S.


Our purpose with this research has been to obtain a deeper insight and understanding for the phenomenon and term ?weekday-luxury.?Through our research, we have found a link between value, service, brands and consumer behaviour into a relationship that we termed ?weekday-luxury.? This link of values is particularly interesting to us and we are curious about the underlying motivation to ?weekday-luxury? and the driving forces underlying the phenomenon. We have noticed in society that people need something extra in their daily lives and we attempt to speculate where their perceived value lies through the concept of ?weekday-luxury." Our goal is to determine a deeper understanding and insight into this phenomenon and how it meets our needs through an identifiable pattern. We also analyze the nature of ?weekday-luxury? and its meaning.

Alternativ tvistlösning : En rättshistorisk tillbakablick på skiljeförfarande och medling

Abstract______________________________________________________________________Title:A study about creating understanding for different kinds of empowermentLevel:Bachelors thesis in Business Administration, 15 creditsAuthor:Fredrik LegovicSupervisor:Tomas KällquistDate:2014 - JuneAim:The main purpose of this study is to increase the understanding for different kinds of empowerment and how it affects the staff in the public sector.Method:The choice of method was based on the research aim. The method used to meet the objective was qualitative. The qualitative study was conducted with a hermeneutic basis, where individuals were asked to describe their experience of empowerment and how they feel affected of it. This thesis has a deductive approach, where existing theories dealing empowerment formed the basis for the design of interview substrate, which is then paired with the empirical evidence, based on this the conclusions was drawn.Result & Conclusion:What separates the different kinds of empowerment and how it affect the staff depends most of all on how the management chooses to communicate and share information with their staff.Suggestions for future research:A study regarding managers that works with different kinds of empowerment, and how that affects them, could be regarded as an interesting future research.Contribution of thesis:It shows that different kinds of empowerment affect the staff in different ways, which I made clear to the readers.Keywords:empowerment, thinking skills, relations and organizational - structure and theory.

A Scenario Analysis of Nissan Diesel?s Purchasing Department Integration into Volvo 3P

Problem Discussion: Nissan Diesel became a part of the Volvo Group in the end of March, 2007. A year has passed and the integration process is making progress but it is perceived to lack some momentum. Our sponsor would like to understand if there are any potential barriers to the integration process. (Haspeslagh, et al., 1991) and (Pablo, 1994) presents two different sets of determinants that can be used to decide the level of integration; ?difference in organizational culture? and ?strategic task? (Pablo, 1994) and ?Need for Organizational Autonomy? and ?Need for Strategic Interdependence? (Haspeslagh, et al., 1991).

Kan evidensbaserad design användas i upprustningen av miljonprogrammet?

Between 1965 and 1975 a major housing project was carried out in Sweden to resolve a major housing crisis, the so-called one million housing program (Swedish: miljonprogrammet). To raise the standards and create a more attractive housing in these areas is currently a very relevant topic in Sweden.Evidence-based design is the process of basing decisions of the built environment on credible research and studies to achieve the best possible outcome. This method is primarily used in the healthcare sector to improve quality of care and reduce costs by creating healthy environments.The possibility of refurbish apartment buildings from miljonprogrammet using evidence-based design has been studied by means of an extensive literature review and a closer examination of the residential area, Husby in Stockholm, which has been chosen to represent the miljonprogrammet in its entirety. Furthermore, the evidence-based research has been limited to seven fields; nature, noise, color, wayfinding, safe environment, daylight and thermal comfort which has been assessed to be applicable on housing. In order to obtain a comprehensive overview of the different fields, four different subjects were chosen to investigate further within each field; research and studies, laws and regulations, constructional aspect and Husby.

Kommersiella spel som plattform för ledningssystem : En jämförande studie mellan klanledare och kompanichefers situationsmedvetenhet i form av riskbedömning.

Denna rapport syftar till att undersöka i vilken utsträckning stridsvagnskompanichefer skiljer och/eller liknar ?commanders? (i spelet ?Battlefield 2?) i sitt sätt att skapa och upprätthålla situationsmedvetenhet med avseende på riskbedömning kopplat till fiendens position i slagfältet. Studien grundar sig på en tanke om att utnyttja positiva effekter från datorspelande, i morgondagens ledningssystem genom att bygga ledningssystem grundade på en kommersiell spelplattform. Resultaten pekar bland annat på skillnader mellan de båda aktörernas metoder för att uppnå full situationsmedvetenhet, men även på vissa likheter som till exempel att se på en situation med fiendens ögon för att bedöma hur denna kommer att agera..

Upplevelse av stöd och hjälp : Föräldrar till barn & ungdomar med Aspergers syndrom

AbstractIn this survey the authors studied how having a child with Aspergers syndrome affects theparents. The purpose of this survey was getting a glimpse of the parent?s experiences ofsupport from governmental instances as well as from their own network. This survey has beenexecuted from a qualitative point of view. The authors have completed interviews with sixparents of children with Aspergers syndrome.

Forskningscirkeln och dess påverkan på historieundervisning i en mångkulturell miljö

Under två terminer har vi medverkat i en forskningscirkel på en grundskola som behandlat historieundervisning i en mångkulturell miljö. Forskningscirkeln startades i samband med att den aktuella skolan fick ett stort tillskott av elever med invandrarbakgrund. Det ena syftet med detta examensarbete är att synliggöra lärarnas syn på rollfördelningen inom den aktuella forskningscirkeln. Den rollfördelning vi syftar på är framförallt den mellan forskarna och lärarna, inte lärarna emellan. Det andra syftet är att se hur lärarna upplever att de påverkats av att medverka i forskningscirkeln, och då med fokus på historieundervisning i en mångkulturell miljö.

Industriforskning och informationssökning: en användarstudie av en grupp forskare vid ABB Corporate Research

The thesis aims at, from a user perspective, examining how a group of industrial researchers understand the information seeking in their every day work. A qualitative method is employed. The empirical material consists of open-ended interviews with in all ten researchers. All of them work at the Swiss-Swedish Technology Company ABB's research laboratory in Västerås. The thesis is based on the opinion that the scientific knowledge production has become commercialised and that the scientific communication is going through certain changes.

?Ett beslut taget med hjärtat eller hjärnan??  : En beskrivande studie om donationsbeslut och processen bakom.

Throughout the years more and more charitable organisations have appeared and the competition between them has increased. This has forced the charities to use more marketing strategies in their work in order to strengthen their competitiveness. Research in philanthropy in terms of economy and marketing has been neglected in Sweden and the research that is done today is mainly focused on why individuals donate to charity. A donation, according to the writers of this thesis, has been seen as an economical activity and can therefore be explained and understood through economical models and theories. This thesis aims to see how a contributor to charity makes the decision to donate money, consequently see how the donation decision process actually works from a theoretical model of a buying decision process from marketing literature. The purpose of this thesis is therefore to from a buying decision process concerning products describe the donation decision process for contributors to charity. By achieving this purpose the writers aim to compare if a donation decision process go through certain steps similar to a buying decision process.

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