

1017 Uppsatser om Remote usability testing - Sida 22 av 68

Analys av leksaksrobot, skapande av monster

During spring 2009 a three meter tall and laughing robot was developed in collaboration between Royal Institute of Technology and Royal University College of Fine Arts. The robots function and esthetics is based on an existing toy robot called Elmo. Elmo is 30 cm tall but now the goal was to make it 1000 times bigger in order to present it on the spring exhibition of Royal University College of Fine Arts. Due to only four months of developing and building time a demand of fast determination and good planning was required. In order to make a good structure for the project it is divided into five phases: Analysis of Elmo, planning, concept development, detail construction and finally product development and testing.In the first phase valuable knowledge is obtained according to the movements and geometry of Elmo.

Designlösningar i ett affärssystem ur ett kognitionsvetenskapligt förhållningssätt

The purpose of this thesis was to examine if there where fallacies in the design solutions for the business system IFS Applications from a user perspective, and if so, correct these from a cognitive science approach.Data collection consisted of three main portions. These where; workshop, individual interviews and observations. The collected data was analyzed and resulted in identification of two main areas in the application that where found lacking.The result of the study showed that the usability for processing large amounts of data and the lack of customization where the main flaws in the application. Two low fidelity prototypes where created with the purpose of rectifying the underlying flawed design solutions that where identified from the collected data..

Kök.Ett i ettor och nollor

Jag har gjort en webbsajt åt företaget Kök.Ett i Älmhult. Kök.Ett är en köksbutik som bland annat ritar och säljer kök. Jag har byggt upp den allra största delen av hemsidan i Flash, och kompletterat med PHP och kopplat till en databas (MySQL). Sidan är komplett med ett eget administrationssystem. Sidan har en dynamisk känsla som inriktar sig på att inspirera besökaren, och föra besökaren/kunden ett steg närmare Kök.Ett och dess anställda.

Polisens kunskap ? allmänhetens trygghet En utvärdering av polisområde Älvsborgs trygghetsmätning

Aim is to investigate from a criminological perspective how the safety questionnaire in Älvsborg police district can be improved theoretically and methodologically, in order for the questionnaire to effectively measure criminal victimisation, concern about crime, safety and confidence in the police.1. What should a good questionnaire contain?- Which methodological problems are related to measuring criminal victimisation, concern about crime and confidence in the police?- Which criminological theories are interesting in this context and how can questions be designed from these theories?2. How will the themes now represented in the questionnaire be measured in the best possible way? Are there any reasons to remove, The material consists of questions from the safety questionnaire, the total analysis report and individual reports for the local authorities, as well the results and technical information from Mind Research.

Kilhus i plast : Omläggning av stålprodukt till produkt i plast

AbstractOur bachelor degree thesis was carried out in collaboration with Ivar Petterssons Järnmanufaktur AB in Smålandsstenar. We were asked to replace their wedge housing, used to fasten the wires to the power lines, with a similar structure in a plastic material. The idea for this project started with Ivar Petterssons Järnmanufaktur AB having problems with the casting quality that forced them to perform expensive tests on each of the wedge houses to ensure the quality. They are currently produced in China which is also a major drawback because it requires expensive long delivery times.The method we used is Fredy Olsson's Princip- and Primärkonstuktion (1995). We have consistently been in the project on so-called "broad front", which means that you create several sketches, ideas and changes in parallel, and then evaluates all.

Diesel Dubbelbränsle Teknologi

The work covered in this report includes a literature study of the diesel dual fuel technology(hereinafter referred to as DDF). The literature study covers earlier work that has been doneregarding the use of compressed natural gas (CNG) and diesel in a DDF system. Moreover a onecylinder research diesel engine was fitted with a CNG fuel system for experimental testing. Theinstallation of the engine and the test cell is described. Results from the tests are presentedcovering emissions, heat release and pressure traces from the DDF-concept.During the literature study it was found that most research was related to heavy duty dieselengines.

Användbarhet för webben

Detta kandidatarbete ämnar till att ta reda på om eller hur det går att applicera teorier om användbarhet på en webbplats. För att ta reda på detta togs ett koncept på en dynamisk webbplats fram, i form av wireframes, under tre iterationer med hjälp av en iterativ designprocess. Varje iteration avslutades med en heuristisk utvärdering baserad på ett antal riktlinjer som framställts genom en genomgång av litteratur om användbarhetsprinciper. I undersökningen framkommer det att med ett bra urval av riktlinjer samt en förståelse för de användbarhetsproblem som riktlinjerna visar på, kan teorier om användbarhet appliceras på en webbplats för att göra den användbar..

Varumärkessamarbeten mellan LVM och EVM vid kategoriutvidgningar: En Fungerande Strategi?

This thesis examines the possible beneficial effects of a temporary cooperation between a national brand and a private brand. The main hypothesis suggests that if a national brand wants to make a category extension to a remote product category, it should be able to decrease its risk by affiliating itself with a private brand. The national brand should through such a brand alliance be able to borrow some of the flexible characteristics that a private brand possesses to increase its associations with the new category. The survey consisted of 800 questionnaires with different cooperations between a private brand (ICA) and two national brands (Tropicana and Bravo). These were handed out to students in the universities of Stockholm.

Ungdomars förhållningssätt till cannabis - En kvalitativ studie med fokusgruppsintervjuer i en västsvensk kommun

Introduction: The current research shows that cannabis use is increasing, while alcohol use is decreasing in many countries. The reason for the increase is considered to be the increased availability and that adolescents attitudes towards cannabis has become more liberal. Aim: This qualitative study aimed to examine adolescents attitudes and knowledge about cannabis. Methods: Data has been collected from focus group interviews with adolescents aged 15-18 years, in a west Swedish municipality. Participants were recruited through visits to secondary and upper secondary schools.

Nya metoder för vibrationsmätning på vindkraftverk

This project has revolved around finding better ways of overseeing vibrations of the gearbox at a wind power station. The gearbox has been a huge problem at the stations located at Gässlingen and the sooner the warning of an incoming breakdown is at hand the more money you can save from preparations. The work has been carried out together with Askalon AB in cooperation with consults from ÅF. Askalon is a company with a department focused on overseeing vibrations and it is in collaboration with that department the work has been carried out. During this work, new positions for the sensors and new methods of gathering and analyzing data have been worked out. This was then implemented at a wind power station to be tried out on site.

Glowtest Fixture

The project, Glowtest Fixture, has been carried out to and in collaboration with MSA SordinLtd. MSA Sordin Ltd produces and sells ear protector and is at present a supplier on theworld market. Glowtest Fixture is a product for glow testing off detailed components in oneear protector. MSA Sordin Ltd sends today away your products for testing what is anexpensive aspect in their development. The project's aim is to take forward a test equipmentthat copes with those high nonplussed requirements and wishes that are required for anapproved physical execution.Glowtest Fixture is a physical equipment that comes used stem glow physical off all detailedcomponents in one ear protector.

GIS och statistik vid dräneringsområdesvis kväveläckagebeskrivning i Halland

The last decades have shown increased nitrogen leeching from soil to water recipients. This is inSweden mainly due to over-manuring of agriculture land, effectivization of drainage systems and thedeclining extent of wetlands. The accumulated amount of nitrogen in water doesn?t only make itunsuitable for use by humans and cattle, but also decreases the biological diversity as well as negativelyaffect tourism and fish industry. In the most severe cases shallow maritime grounds can be completelydepleted of oxygen due to decomposition of the increased amount algae and plankton growth.This study have the aim to describe and quantify the nitrogen leeching from the Genevad drainagebasin, located in southern Halland, Sweden.

Upplevelser av fysisk aktivitet i ett slättlandskap :

Title: Experiences of physical activity in a flat country Regular physical activity provides many chronic diseases and is an important contributor to health promotion. According to Swedish goals for public health, community planning ought to provide opportunities for exercise in all groups of the population and exercise in daily life should be uncomplicated, even in rural areas. The purpose of this study was to explore how individuals living in a flat country experienced their opportunities for exercise on a regular basis. Four semi-structured interviews were carried out with a phenomenological approach and for the analysis a phenomenological-hermeneutic method was used, resulting in two main themes and nine sub themes. The first main theme ?The reciprocal relation between physical activity and the landscape? showed that the informants experienced that they had good opportunities in the landscape for physical activity, it was easy to exercise on a regular basis, provided there was motivation.

Automatisk detektering av skillnader av Androidenhetersanvändargränssnitt

Android-applikationers användargränssnitt kan se annorlunda ut på olika Android-enheteroch det är svårt att anpassa en applikation efter alla enheter då det finns så många unikamodeller. Målet med arbetet var att framställa ett verktyg som kunde med hjälp av ett korrektdefinierat gränssnitt, upptäcka skillnader i gränssnittet mellan olika Android-enheter.Ett egenutvecklat verktyg framställdes och hade en hög precision. Verktyget kunde bådaupptäcka skillnader och rapportera hur stor skillnaden var mellan gränssnitten..

I Have a Dream...: En studie om ideologiföring

Due to the highly competitive and busy marketplace of today, companies are forced to take unforeseen measures in defending and developing their brands. Key elements like opinion leadership and lifestyle marketing are commonplace and aim to deliver values that are more difficult to define compared to quality, price, looks and usability. This paper aims to develop what should be considered most fundamental to all commercial branding. By investigating the ideologies that are the core of many successful companies, we hope to clarify the importance of communicating these ideologies. The topic is examined by method of quantitative analysis and the main purpose is to determine; what do the companies think of their ideologies, and how do their consumers recieve them? A secondary purpose is also to investigate whether different kinds of consumers recieve the ideologies in different ways..

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