

110 Uppsatser om Religionsämne - Sida 2 av 8

?Vi vet ju inte vad de kristna egentligen tror pÄ.? En studie om elevers syn pÄ sin undervisning om kristendom i religionskunskap

Johanna Petrén, a prospective teacher of religion, has examined how a couple of students view Christianity as it is presented in a Religious Education classroom. Furthermore, how this image matches their experience of Christianity outside of school. The key questions of this essay are: How do the students generally describe Christianity and what it means to be a Christian based on the image they have acquired from outside of school, or from Christian friends, confirmation or their own faith? How do the students describe Christianity according to what they learn in Religious education at school? What potential differences do the students perceive between the image of Christianity conveyed by the school and the image they have of Christianity from outside of school? Does the school's teaching influence the credibility and interest in Christianity? The questions have been discussed in focus group interviews, in which the students way of reasoning and talking about religious matters were analysed based on previous research. References used in the analysis includes research on topics such as science of religious history, religion in multicultural and postcolonial rooms, secularism and discourse analysis have.

Elevinflytande i undervisning inom religion och livsfrÄgor

Mitt examensarbete har varit inriktat pÄ elevinflytandet, och dÄ i synnerhet pÄ elevinflytande inom Àmnet religion och livsfrÄgor. Arbetets syfte har varit att undersöka pÄ vilket sÀtt elevinflytandet styr val av metod och det didaktiska urvalet i religionsundervisning och lÀrande i religion och livsfrÄgor. Om eleverna ansÄg att de hade ett sÄdant inflytande som gav dem möjlighet att pÄverka och om de upplevde att deras Äsikter respekterades i livsfrÄgediskussioner. Jag har studerat litteratur om elevinflytande och om religions- och livsfrÄgeundervisning, och dessutom de aktuella styrdokumenten. Som informationshÀmtande metod har jag anvÀnt mig av kvalitativ intervju av Ätta elever i Ärskurs nio i en skola belÀgen i en smÄstad i Norrbotten.

Reproduceras genus i religionsÀmnets lÀroböcker? : En diskursanalys över tvÄ valda lÀroböcker för religionskunskap pÄ gymnasieskolan

Teaching materials are a constant matter of discussion as they represent the school curriculum and what the students are reading in the classroom. Within religious studies in upper secondary school, a new approach emerged since the new curriculum from 2011, which is to interpret religion in relation to gender. This study aimed to see which gender performances two selected teaching materials represented, in both their texts and images. This study was performed using both discourse analysis for the texts and content analysis of the images. The study showed that traditional gender performances appear both in the chapters that touched human identity and also ethics and morals, and also in the chapters that touched the world religions.

Religionens mÄnga ansikten : En undersökning av skillnaderna i undervisningarna av kristendom inom syrisk-ortodoxa kyrkor och svenska skolor samt hur skillnaderna pÄverkar de syrisk-ortodoxa ungdomarna.

Religious education in Swedish schools aims to be as objective and non-confessional as possible. This sort of education can lead to that the different religions are presented in a way which is unfamiliar to the followers of the different religions. This problem is what I have focused on in this essay since I myself was a victim of a similar situation. As a syriac-orthodox youth I felt that my Christianity was not the same as the one presented in school. I felt that it had nothing in common with what I learned in my church, therefore I asked myself the question: Whose Christianity is being represented? Therefore I have focused on the syriac-orthodox church in this research.The purpose of my essay was to enlighten the differences between religious education in syriac-orthodox churches and Swedish community schools.

NÀr Sanningar Möts. Unga i interreligiös dialog

This study centres on the question of how interfaith dialogue can function as a meeting place for young people from different social and cultural backgrounds. The study is based on qualitative interviews with five young participants in an interfaith project taking place in Sweden in 2013 and 2014. For reading the material through a lens of late modern religiosity, Heelas and Woodheads thesis of a spiritual revolution was used. To be able to conclude whether the religiousness of the participants functions as a social resource, Hammack and Cohlers term narrative engagement is used. Lastly Knitters models of theologies of religions was used in the analysis of how the participants reads and understands their own and the others faiths.The study shows that the participants meet in the common aim of defining a religious identity in a late modern and pluralistic society.

Staten, religionen och kapitalet : en analys av den europeiska skuldkrisen utifrÄn Max Webers ?Den protestantiska etiken och kapitalismens anda?.

Previous research regarding the European debt crisis has mostly focused on the purely economic aspects of the crisis. However, there is a strong ?Protestant-Catholic? dimension in Europe, where historically Protestant countries are more prosperous than their Catholic and Orthodox counterparts. This has especially been a fact since early 2010, when several countries within the European Union had their credit ratings downgraded. Is this phenomenon merely a coincidence? Or could the roots of the recent troubles in Europe have a basis in historic religions? To tackle this question, Max Webers ?s 110 year old study The Protestant Ethic and the Spirit of Capitalism is brought back into light and used as a tool for analysis of the crisis.The results show that not only are Protestant countries in general more prosperous, but they also have lower corruption and their citizens have a higher level of trust towards the government.

Kristendomen i den svenska skolans religionskunskap : En analys av debatten kring utformningen av den nya kursplanen i religionskunskap

The purpose of this essay is to describe and analyze the debate surrounding the construction of the 2011 years curriculum of the Swedish schools` religious studies. The debate is concerning whether or not Christianity should have a unique position in the curriculum against other religions. The method is to analyze the arguments by an argument analysis. The purpose is also to analyze the argumentation to see how secularization and pluralism have influenced the debate and the different standpoints. The essays material consists of debate articles from the four largest news sites on the internet.The most common argument for Christianity?s unique position is that Christianity has had an important role in the development of the Swedish society, culture and literature and is therefore important knowledge for understanding the Swedish society.

Invandrares upplevelser av hÀlso- och sjukvÄrden i Sverige. En litteraturstudie om invandrares möte med den svenska vÄrden.

The purpose of this study to examine and compile qualitative articles to receive knowledge about the cultural and religious cognizance and also the understanding a nurse ought to have, when she meets and nurses dying patients from other cultures and religions than her own. We also had intention to find out which outlook Jews, Muslims and Buddhists have on dying and death associated with their own or death within family..

Under samma himmel: en fallstudie om den kristna kyrkan i
Turkiet - religionsfrihet i praktiken?

Syftet med denna uppsats Àr att undersöka huruvida det i praktiken rÄder religionsfrihet i Turkiet. Metoden som jag anvÀnt mig av Àr det kvalitativa fallstudiet. Intervjuer har skett med tvÄ företrÀdare frÄn den kristna minoritetskyrkan i Turkiet. Fallstudiet Àr deskriptivt. Djupintervjuerna tolkas fenomenologiskt.

Det Àr skillnad pÄ muslimer och muslimer : hur tar lÀrare upp konflikterna i Afghanistan och Irak i religionsundervisningen?

MÄnga undersökningar har behandlat hur islamundervisning gÄr till i gymnasieskolan, bland annat Kjell HÀrenstams bok Skolboksislam. Ingen jag har kommit i kontakt med hittills har tagit upp frÄgan om hur lÀrare i religion tar upp religions- och kulturmöten, dÄ i synnerhet krigen i Afghanistan och Irak. Mina frÄgestÀllningar Àr sÄledes följande:Hur har lÀrare i religion pÄ gymnasiet tagit upp krigen i Afghanistan och Irak?Var har de hÀmtat sin information och hur har de bedömt den kÀllkritiskt?.

Livets skola : Religionsundervisningens bidrag till gymnasieungdomars bearbetning av livsfrÄgor och livstolkning

Denna kvalitativa studie berör religionsundervisningen betydelse för gymnasieungdomars bearbetning av livsfrÄgor och deras livstolkning. Till grund för empirin ligger intervjuer med sex gymnasieelever samt deras lÀrare i Religionskunskap B.Religionsundervisningens betydelse för att vÀcka livsfrÄgor fÄr stÄ tillbaka till förmÄn för andra bidragande faktorer, till exempel mognad, uppvÀxtförhÄllanden och ett eget intresse. LivsfrÄgorna bearbetas framför allt genom religionsundervisningen dÄ ungdomarna tar del av andras Äsikter, bÄde kamraters och olika livsÄskÄdningars, samt att de fÄr uttrycka sig sjÀlva och sÀtta ord pÄ sina tankar. Detta lyfts fram av sÄvÀl eleverna som lÀraren. Eleverna finner inte direkta svar pÄ livsfrÄgorna genom undervisningen, vilket inte heller Àr lÀrarens syfte med undervisningen, men upplever att de fÄr ta del av olika Äsikter och flera menar att de kan plocka olika tankar frÄn olika livsÄskÄdningar.Religionsundervisningen ger ett unikt tillfÀlle till möten med oliktÀnkande.

InstÀllning till utstÀllning : hur förkristna religiösa förestÀllningar och tidig kristendom framstÀlls i museiutstÀllningar

This thesis is a study of how Norse religion and early Christianization is presented in three Swedish museum contexts. Empirical studies of the exhibitions relating to religion have been conducted at The Historical Museum in Stockholm, The Museum of Gotland and Östergötlands Museum and interviews with the museum staff compliment the empirical data. The concept of religion has been problematized to facilitate the analysis. The result of the study is that there are tendencies to make a hierarchical order between the different religions and that Christianity is an organized religion while the Norse religion is semi-organized..

Den poetiska (religions)kunskapen

Detta examensarbete behandlar den sufiska poeten Jalal Ud-din Rumis dikter som lÀromedel inom Àmnet religionskunskap. Genom att föra samman de tvÄ fenomenen religion och poesi undersöker jag pÄ vilket sÀtt de förhÄller sig till varandra i frÄga om kunskap om och förstÄelse inför livet och vÀrlden. Vidare behandlar jag sedan hur dessa kopplingar, mellan poesin och religionen, i sÄ fall skulle kunna anvÀndas inom religionsundervisningen. Studien Àr i huvudsak teoretisk med ett religionsdidaktiskt fokus och kretsar kring tolkningen av tvÄ dikter..

VÀgen till Valhall : Begravningsriter och eskatologiska förestÀllningar i GÀstrikland under yngre jÀrnÄldern

The purpose of this investigation is to scrutinise archaeological finds in funeral contexts in the province of GÀstrikland, Sweden, and categorize them into one of the three phases in the phenomenological model of ?rites de passage?. This method has been applied by the archaeologist Tore Artelius on finds discovered at a grave field in Halland; SannagÄrd. Following questions are addressed: What happened to the deceased person? Where did he/she go? Which God came to meet him/her? Or did he/she perhaps stay in the grave? To answer these questionst I have used Old Norse written sources and ideas produced in the field of history of religions..

Islam och hinduism ur ett genusperspektiv : En granskning av ett urval religions lÀroböcker pÄ grundskole- och gymnasienivÄ

Syftet med vĂ„rat examensarbete har varit att göra en lĂ€romedelsanalys ur ett genusperspektiv i Ă€mnet religion. Vi har studerat tvĂ„ lĂ€romedel som riktar sig till grundskolans senare Ă„r och tvĂ„ lĂ€romedel som riktar sig till gymnasiet. I analyserna har vi kommit fram till att det i lĂ€romedlen för grundskolan finns en stor avsaknad av genusmedvetenhet. Även om genusmedvetenheten Ă€r större i lĂ€romedlen för gymnasiet uppnĂ„r det inte den genusmedvetenhet som vore önskvĂ€rt..

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