

10215 Uppsatser om Relation oriented leadership - Sida 43 av 681

UGL -kursdeltagares upplevda nytta av kursen. : En jämförande studie mellan två utbildningsanordnare

UGL-courses (Understanding Group and Leader), given in Sweden since the beginning of 1980, are a frequently used leadership course in all sectors of the working life. This essay purpose was to compare course members experienced benefit between two educational organizers. No earlier studies in the subject where to be found. The method chosen was quantitative. A questionnaire was sent to participants in Swedish Defence Forces and The Swedish Confederation of Professional Employees.

En jämförande studie av metadatascheman vid två statliga myndigheter

The purpose of this case study has been to investigate the development and implementation of metadataschemas in two swedish governmental agencies. The interest of metadata in relation to records managment has been significant lately due to the challenges posed by the digital environment. This has been manifesteted in international standards such as TS/ISO 23081 Metadata for records and the MoReq 2 metadata specification issued by the DLM-forum. The extent to which these standard has influenced practice seems less overt however which has been one main motivation for this study.   The research questions adressed are: What has been the main purposes for the development of the metadataschemas? Which standards and role-models have influenced the metadataschemas? How has the implementation of the schemas been carried out? The case study has been conducted using a qualitative research method.

I en ny allmänhets tjänst : - En studie om Public Service i ett förändrat medielandskap

ABSTRACT Title: The new Public ServiceAuthors: Hanna Haeggström, Sara Marklund, Madeleine OlssonLevel: Bachelor thesis in Media and Communications Studies Supervisor: Olof HulténLocation: School of Communication and Design, University of Kalmar, spring 2008Language: SwedishNumber of pages: 55There is an ongoing change of the media industry where new types of media emerge as a result of technological advancements. The audience and their use of the media have changed where available range has expanded while the size of the audience has remained the same. For media companies this implies a fight for the audience, where the right approach is vital for keeping as well as attracting new customers. Public service is an issue under current debate and its future role in the media industry has been brought into question. This survey investigates the roll of public service in Scandinavia in a new and changing media industry and how they should act to be important for their audience.

Ekonomistyrning inom individ- och familjeomsorg : "Sen om himlen ramlat ner och alla har blivit funktionshindrade, det spelar ingen roll, för det ni hade innan ? det får ni nästa år ändå."

The purpose of the study is to describe how financial management functions within the individual and family care services in three mid-sized municipalities.27 interviews with managers and key personnel at three management levels in Örebro, Växjö and Jönkö-ping were conducted using a descriptive approach and qualitative method. In addition governing docu-ments and delineations in regards to these municipalities have been studied.The combined findings show that all municipalities have separate visions and control systems/models for their municipality with focus on management by objectives and politically determined goals, which in-clude economical measurements and requirements for the departments. Moreover, are also tracking sys-tems, which are described as following up on the results thru indicators and/or measurable goals. The municipalities utilize framework financials and budget processing on a high level and its timings appears similar in each municipality.Additionally the study has shown that there is a desire and aspiration to implement central economic goals in all three municipalities. The interviewees describe how they use their leadership to anchor, follow up and create participation in economic objectives and results thru instrumental and institutional leadership.

Riskfyllda relationer, en kartläggning av riskfaktorer för dödligt våld i nära relation

Syftet med föreliggande kandidatuppsats har varit att utifrån forskning om riskfaktorer, redogöra för vilka riskfaktorer gärningsmän har som utövar dödligt våld mot en kvinna i en nära relation. En nationell och internationell forskningsöversikt genomfördes samt en kvantitativ innehållsanalys av tio domslut från olika Tingsrätter i Sverige. Sammantaget så visar nationell och internationell forskning att de vanligaste riskfaktorerna för dödligt våld är separationsproblematik hos gärningsmannen, drog/alkoholmissbruk, tidigare utsatt offret för partnervåld, samt arbetslöshet. Innehållsanalysen av domsluten bekräftar den vetenskapliga forskningen där de vanligaste riskfaktorerna för brottet är en problemfylld relation, utsatt offret för tidigare hot om våld, kontrollbehov, separationsproblematik samt sexuell svartsjuka. Mer forskning efterfrågas kring depression hos gärningsmannen vid brottet, som både litteraturgenomgången och innehållsanalysen visade vara en riskfaktor. Ytterligare forskning efterfrågas också om styvbarn och hög åldersskillnad mellan offer och gärningsman, som den internationella forskningen visade verka som riskfaktorer.

Kvinnor och deras karriäravancemang på managementkonsultföretag - en fallstudie om varför det är svårare för kvinnor att avancera på managementkonsultföretag

The purpose of the thesis is to examine why women face greater difficulties than men in the management consulting industry when advancing as well as to identify potential success factors that enable women to overcome the existing difficulties. In order to fulfil the purpose, a theoretical framework including gender and organisational theory has been applied to a qualitative case study of two Swedish management consulting firms. A number of difficulties have been identified related to women's career advancement, which are the following: the male leader and the stereotypical male leadership, firms having higher expectations on women's performance, women's reluctance to self-promotion and to play "the organizational game", women's preference of social networks, men's tendency to promote other men, and the choice and conflict between a career and family life. The identified success factors that enable women to overcome these difficulties are: adapting the male leadership style, having an extrovert behaviour, becoming more active in professional networks, promoting one self, actively seeking to gain more attention, and prioritising one's career. These success factors can be summarised as women adapting a more male-like behaviour.

Arbetslaget tar mark : En studie av förändringsarbetes komplexitet

Under vår tidigare studie med titel ?Utveckling eller förveckling; En interaktiv studie om en förändringsprocess på en gymnasieskola.? (Alexandersson & Carlén, 2007) uppmärksammade vi förändringsarbetes komplexitet. Tillsammans med lärarna och skolledningen togs beslutet att följa upp deras utvecklingsprocess genom denna studie av fördjupande karaktär. Studiens syfte var att förstå vad som sker i en arbetslagspraktik i samband med ett utvecklingsarbete med fokus på de kritiska aspekter som kan uppstå i en sådan process. Vi antog en hermeneutisk ansats och valde aktionsforskning som metod där vi använde reflexiva intervjuer som erbjuder flexibilitet vid intervjutillfällena. Analysarbetet präglades av att tolka, och reflektera över, den insamlade datan i relation till vår förförståelse som inom hermeneutiken ses som grundläggande. Resultatet visar på hur flera olika faktorer inverkar på, och samverkar i, förändringsarbete.


Based on an analysis of the Swedish laws in the field of healthcare, the purpose of this essay in jurisprudence is to examine whether Sweden has a need to implement the new EU-resolution on abortion. The study is based upon legal sources such as official government reports (SOU) as well as words of an Act. The subject also deals with ethical standards and more community-oriented material, and texts from both these areas are also included. The Swedish laws in health care are extensive, but still put the patient first. Care givers are able to delegate their responsibility if it means good health care which is also a key word in the Swedish health care.

Man är som en hamburgare: man har stora krav både uppe- och nerifrån. : En kvalitativ studie om mellanchefers upplevelser av sin roll som mellanchef i olika former av människobehandlande organisationer i offentlig sektor.

The aim of this study was to explore and gain understanding of the situation between managers in different forms of human service organizations. I chose to use a qualitative method and conducted semi-structured interviews with five professional middle managers in the public sector. To accomplish my purpose, I worked on the basis of several questions. The questions dealt with the role of middle management and what it involves, how it is perceived and what the middle managers think of the specific requirements for them and their leadership in organizations that provide services relating to people.  As a result of the analysis I have used the theory of social roles that describes the meaning of the different roles and role conflicts that arise in connection with various and conflicting expectations. The review of the results shows that middle managers in human service organizations experience to have to deal with a complex leadership role.

?Om jag kan, kan vem som helst? : En kvalitativ studie om olika vägar ut ur missbruket

The purpose with this studie was to examine how individuals with experience of a long-term drugabuse describe their transformationprocess, and if this process has contributed to a change in their selfdescription. The studie was delimit to examine the transformationprocess, not in relation to what sort of abuse the informants had, or in relation to gender. The studie anwered questions concerning motivation to stop abusing, how the informants started the drugcareer, and how life as an abuser is described. In the studie qualitative method was used, five semi-structured interviewes were made with individuals who had a long-term addiction in the past. Symbolic Interactionism was the theoretical frame of referense that was used for analyse.

Entreprenörskap i skolan : en studie av lärarroll och entreprenöriella förmågor på gymnasiekurser med konceptet Ung Företagsamhet

During the recent years the interest in entrepreneurial education has increased both in terms of research being made in the subject, but also in the extent of entrepreneurial courses in Swedish secondary schools, where as the concept Junior Achievement (JA) is particularly being used. A common goal of the entrepreneurial education is apart from teaching the students how to start and run a business, to develop the students? entrepreneurial skills and competences. The main purpose of the essay is to describe and illustrate the role of the teacher in the entrepreneurial pedagogy being used in courses with the JA concept and to investigate which entrepreneurial skills are being developed by the students participating in these courses. There is also the purpose of investigate what the characteristics are of this entrepreneurial pedagogy being used in the courses using the JA concept.

HRM i Mikrotjänsteföretag

The purpose of this essay was to find out how leaders in micro service firms practice HRM and identify which HRM related problems they experience in their leadership. A case study consisting two cases was carried out. The study has shown that leaders in micro service firms use a highly personalised, informal management and involve their employees in the firm?s development. The findings were that leaders of micro service firms do not have any theoretical knowledge of HRM practises because of lack of education.

MAKT, EN FÖRUTSÄTTNING FÖR HJÄLP? : prykiatrihandläggares maktposition gentemot klienten

AbstractAuthor: Ellinor Carlsson and Renate HöjdTitle: "When you can make a difference and when you can´t" the power relation between psychiatricdisability social worker and client [translated title]Supervisor: Eva SkogmanAssessor: Norma MontesinoOne branch of the social works field of research is the relation between social worker andclient. Research has shown that the power and inequality in the relation between helper andperson being helped is needed for the helper to provide help. Power is often mentioned undernegative circumstances such as social workers abuse of their power position, violating theperson being helped. However, Michel Foucault suggests that power is something neutral thatexists in every social interaction. The negative aspects of power are effects of the parties notreaching agreement.

BIM förändrar produktionen

Because society?s demand for quality, efficiency at low cost is constantly increasing, companies are increasingly choosing to invest new methods to achieve these points. Those who manage to find ways to improve their processes are often the companies that have the greatest chance of becoming a winning player in the market. BIM is a new method that can reduce the internal costs while increasing communications between different parties. However there is disagreement about what BIM is and its purpose.

Sjuksköterskans arbetsledande funktion

Att arbetsleda omvårdnaden är en av sjuksköterskans viktigaste uppgifter. Syftet med studien är att undersöka hur sjuksköterskan uppfattar sitt ledarskap i omvårdnaden. Metoden är en empirisk studie, där en enkät lämnades ut till 89 sjuksköterskor på en klinik vid UMAS. Enkäten besvarades av 68 (76,4 %) sjuksköterskor, vilket betyder att bortfallet var litet och därmed ökar studiens tyngd. I resultatet visade det sig att svaren följer Socialstyrelsens kompetensbeskrivning för sjuksköterskor, dock kan vissa andra tendenser skönjas i vissa variabler..

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