

10215 Uppsatser om Relation oriented leadership - Sida 44 av 681

Arbetsuppgifter och ledarskap hos en första linjens chef i kommunal äldremsorg : a single case study

?BAKGRUND: Antalet multisjuka äldre personer ökar och ett omfattande vårdbehov kan skönjas. Vårdens organisation och hur den fylls med innehåll påverkar relationen till patienten. Ledarskapsstilen påverkar upplevd arbetstillfredsställelse och den kultur som vårdpersonalen skapar tillsammans avgör livskvalitet och vårdandets kvalitet för patienten. SYFTE: Syftet med studien är att utifrån semistrukturerad observation beskriva arbetsinnehållet och ledarskap för en första linjens chef inom kommunal äldreomsorg.

Musikterapi med en gravt synskadad elev : Måste FMT-metoden anpassas?

I detta examensarbete presenteras olika inriktningar av musikterapi och FMT-metoden (Funktionsinriktad musikterapi) belyses ingående. Här beskrivs arbetssätt och arbetsmaterialet nämns. Ett historiskt perspektiv ges både på människor med funktionshinder genom tiderna och på musikterapins utveckling i världen och i Sverige. Olika musikterapidiscipliner presenteras liksom befintliga utbildningsmöjligheter. Två elever/adepter presenteras och terapin med dessa beskrivs detaljerat. Arbetet tar upp frågan om FMT-metoden måste ändras eller justeras för att kunna användas i terapin med en synskadad person? Kontentan är att det inte behövs några förändringar av metoden för att fungera för adepter med synskada..

Informationskompetens i praktiken -en fallstudie av informationskompetens och lärande hos en grupp fordonselever

This master's thesis sets out to explore information literacy in a contextualized learning environment with emphasis on students at a vocationally oriented program in the Swedish upper secondary school. The concept of information literacy is widely discussed and furthermore a common subject for research within the field of Library and Information Science. Information literacy can be described as a set of skills or a range of attributes defining an information literate person. The skills and/or attributes facilitating the development of critical thinking and problem-solving skills are often linked to knowledge about computers and libraries.Another view on the concept of information literacy has been developed by the Australian researcher Annemaree Lloyd. She stresses the importance of social and physical information sources and that these also should be included in the development of information literacy.

Bonus, engagemang och känslor : En studie om hur lojalitetsprogram kan främja kundlojalitet

The purpose of this study is to analyze how customer oriented businesses can use loyalty programs to create loyalty and how loyalty can be increased. We have in this study chosen to refer loyalty program to the loyalty program that belong to the company Jula AB. Our study is written in a qualitative method. In our method, we chose to interview people in Jula organization to get a business perspective to our study. We have also chosen to assemble a focus group of Jula-club members to also get a customer perspective on the subject.

I dansen förhåller sig min kropp och mitt beslut magiskt till varandra : En fenomenologiskt orienterad studie av danspedagogens praktik

This essay is an attempt to portray and explain my work as a dance pedagogue as well as an epistemological overview of the skills and knowledge I use when I teach. The study is phenomenologically oriented and the examples used are from the years when I was teaching at the University College of Dance in Stockholm. The primary objective of the study was to illustrate the practical knowledge of my teaching by examining what lies in the mind and gaze of the dance pedagogue while teaching.Having finished my essay I realize that it has come to be primarily about the body. How the knowledge that is imprinted in my body can only be conveyed when I have a student to teach and how I feel that the intermediary of knowledge occurs. Other recurrent themes are the relations of thought and consciousness to the body.

Service i privat sektor ? En kvalitativ studie om servicearbetarens upplevelse av sitt jobb

The aim of this qualitative study of service work in the private sector is to examine how the service worker experiences his/her work. There are three dimensions of the service workers experience in focus, and they are the base of my formulation of questions. The first dimension refers to how the service worker experiences the emotional labor demands from the employer. The second dimension concerns the relation between service worker and customer, from the view of the service worker. The third dimension problematizes how service workers experience efficiency.I have interviewed three call center customer workers and two hotel receptionists, using semi-structured interview technique.

Familjerna vid fyren : En jämförelse mellan Virginia Woolfs To the Lighthouse och Tove Janssons Pappan och havet med avseende på familjemönster och könsroller

Syftet med min undersökning var att ta reda på lärares syn på lärare-elev-relationen. I min rapport belyser jag vad som karaktäriserar en god lärare-elev-relation, hur en god relation etableras, vilken betydelse en god lärare-elev-relation har, samt vilka hinder och svårigheter som lärarna upplever sig ha för att kunna etablera goda elevrelationer. Jag genomförde en kvalitativ intervjustudie för att kunna belysa fenomenet mer nyanserat och djupgående. I studien ingick fem lärare från en gymnasieskola i Kalmar. Urvalet gjordes strategiskt för att garantera att det skulle finnas en spridning vad det gäller lärares kön, år som verksam lärare samt ämneskombinationer.

?Regissören ska behandlas med silkesvantar?: En diskursanalys av filmregissören som ledare och en fallstudie av en kortfilmsproduktion

Title: ?The director should be treated with silk gloves.? A discourse analysis of the film director as a leader and a case study of a short film Seminar date: 19 February 2008 Course: Master thesis in organizational studies, 20 Swedish credits Author: Johanna Ranes Advisor: Ph.D. Nanna Gillberg Key words: Film, the film director, discourse analysis, social constructionism, gender studies, creative leadership. Purpose: The purpose of this study is to illustrate and problemize the consequences of the traditional male domination in film creation for a female director by critically examining the construction of the film director. Methodology: The study is based on a qualitative case study which was conducted as a participant observation.

The importance of relationship for self-care capacity among young people with diabetes mellitus type 1 : Based on external factors in Orems model of self-care.

In Sweden approximately a half per cent of the population have diabetes mellitus type 1. Self-care responsibility is a part of the treatment. Orem?s self-care theory has been used as theoretical framework. The purpose was to describe what it means to be young and have diabetes mellitus type 1.

Organisationsförändring och attityder : En fallstudie i en offentlig myndighet

Purpose: The purpose of this thesis is to describe the change at Myndigheten and analyze its implementation to identify the employees' attitudes towards the change. The survey of attitudes is important to provide indicators of how they may affect the continued implementation of the process-oriented approach.Research methodology: This thesis is based on both quantitative and qualitative method. Surveys have been implemented on co-workers/employees and an interview has been implemented on a project participant.Theoretical framework: This thesis uses theories of organizations, organizational changes and attitudes.Conclusions: Both positive and negative attitudes are found for the employees and these attitudes are mainly weak. If Myndigheten makes interventions, it can help to minimize the negative consequences that the attitudes may lead to. By doing this the commitment for the change will increase, which is critical for the change to succeed..

Effektivisering av pulverlackeringslinje med inriktning på fixturer

The project has been oriented for development of fixtures to ateljé Lyktan to provide a more efficiency line. In the year 2012 the company invested in a new coating booth, which leads to opportunities to upgrading the fixtures and also new design. The request is to minimize the area for storage of fixtures, and therefore should fixtures be designed to apply as many articles as possible The priority of products that fixtures have development to has been products that are most frequently coated and new products that don?t have any fixtures. The product families that the project has been having focus on is TIME and FOVEA with RONDO.

Projektledning : En studie om en effektiviserad projektledningsmetod till TS Produktion

The term "Project" have become a growing work model that exist in almost all bransches. A project is a work effort made over a finite period of time with a start and a finish to create a unique product, service, or result. Science shows that time limitation has an impact on humans to perform under pressure, which challanges the contributor to deliver. This report contains an examination about project management, both coming from scientific results and an external business. The point of this study is to bring ideas of improvement, which can make the work method more effective in this company..

Ensamkommande unga flyktingar : en undersökning av behandling och dess förutsättningar inom HVB-hem

Syftet med studien är att undersöka om HVB-hem för ensamkommande unga flyktingar använder evidensbaserade behandlingsmetoder och om personalen tar hänsyn till förutsättningarna för behandling, trygghet och relation. Ensamma unga flyktingar som har flytt från krigsdrabbade länder kan ha svåra trauman bakom sig och kan vara i behov av behandling. Frågeställningarna lyder: Hur viktigt anser personalen på HVB-hem det vara med trygghet och relation som förutsättning för behandling? Vilka evidensbaserade metoder används i verksamheterna? Vilka inslag från evidensbaserade metoder används?Undersökningen genomfördes med en kvantitativ metod, med enkät som datainsamlingsinstrument. Urvalet bestod av 26 HVB-hem för ensamkommande barn.

Barn och sorg

The purpose of this study is to highlight some aspects of the increased usage of tablets in preschool environments by answering the questions: what does the tablet become in the preschool environment, how much freedom does the children have over its usage.To answer these questions a series of observations were made at two different preschools. The observations were then complemented by interviews with teachers at the same preschools.This qualitative study focuses on some of the didactic questions regarding the tablets, based on a theoretical framework that is within the design-oriented perspective; which addresses the children's? autonomy, the institutional framework and affordance.Our conclusion is that the tablet?s introduction in the preschool has helped the teachers in numerous parts of their documentation, but we can also see that the children's opportunities to make choices regarding the tablet are more limited than with any other resource on the preschool. In our results we also see that when the children get access to the tablet they receive a learning experience, which among other things, strengthens their language skills and their social interaction with each other..

Ledarskap och etik : En studie om Strukturellt etiskt klimat & Situationsbaserat etiskt beslutsfattande i fastighetsmäklarbranschen

AbstractTitle: Leadership and ethics in the Real estate agent-industry Level: Final assignment for Bachelor Degree in Business Administration Authors: Paula Massamiri & Therese Delmar Supervisor: Lars-Johan Åge, Jonas Molin & Jens Eklinder Frick Date: 2014 ? May Purpose of study: The aim of this study is to create an understanding of how leaders trough a Structural ethical climate can contribute to a Situation-based ethical decision-making of their employees. Method: We have used a qualitative method and conducted semi-structured interviews with respondents from real estate agent firms. When we studied our phenomenon, our overall research deign was qualitative interviews. Our data has been analyzed with an abductive method of analysis, influenced by Grounded theory. Results and conclusions: The study shows that leaders in the real estate agent-business trough a Structural ethical climate contributes to a Situation-based ethical decision-making of their employees by acting as role models, leads by example, highlighting the office values and rewards & punishes behaviors to control their employees? ethical decision making. Suggestions for further research: We believe that future studies can be conducted through observations to study both leaders and employees, to pay attention to employees? opinions and reflect on what affects them.

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