

10215 Uppsatser om Relation oriented leadership - Sida 3 av 681

Uppfattningsskillnader om ledarskapet : En undersökning om hur ledarskapet uppfattas av medarbetare

Purpose: The purpose of this study is to analyze how employees perceive their leader / manager. How the leader / manager perceives himself in relation to employees and what differences exist.Research Method: The information was made through a qualitative approach. The study includes interviews with semi-structured questions and a subjective selection. The authors interviewed seven respondents from a service company. Based on the information the authors have attempted to draw parallels between the leader?s behaviour and theories involving different leadership styles and see how the employees perceive the leader.Conclusions: The employees and the leader have the same ideas about what is a good leadership.

Lärarstudenters lektionsplaneringar i svenska. : En diskursanalys om lärarstudenters didaktiska val.

This study is based on interviews with four managers in public elderly care and four managers in private elderly care. The aim of this paper is to examine how these managers are experiencing their leadership in relation to conflict management, and if the managers leadership differs depending on private or public elderly care. Leadership and conflict management are theories that have been used in order to analyze the empirical findings. Previous research that has been used in the study concerns ?leadership/leadership styles?, ?conflict management?, ?to be active in the private/public elderly care?.

Om relationer och maktstrukturer inom delat ledarskap : Lustfull relation eller obalanserad soppa?

The aim of this study is to create an increased understanding of shared leadership and how it takes shape in the relationship between first-line managers in human service organizations. Shared leadership is seen as a complement to the traditional one-man leadership and briefly means that two managers share the role that usually is held by a single leader. The study has a qualitative approach based on semi-structured interviews with managers in human service organizations. The interviews mention the mangers thoughts and experiences about shared leadership and gain approval in the hermeneutic science field. The study is analyzed based on symbolic interactionism where perspectives from the theoreticians Mead and Goffman are used.

Ledarskap på bibliotek En studie av tre högskole- och universitetsbibliotek

This essay is about leadership in libraries within the academic world, i.e. leadership in research libraries. To place our survey in a context we begin the theoretical review with a chapter about organisation theory. We dont think its possible to separate the leader from the organisation so we wanted to describe the organisation and its effect on the leadership. The next theoretical section is about leadership research.

Ledarskap och ideologi : En textanalys av ledarskapslitteratur för lärarstudenter

This thesis is about how ideology affects the way leadership literature measures good and bad leadership qualities. The paper argues that ideological influences in leadership literature, from a teacher perspective, complicate the understanding of leadership in its practice and theory. The methodological tool used in this thesis is an idea- and ideology analysis approach applied on leadership literature that is used in teacher education. A theoretical discussion about the definition of leadership and its possible ideological connotations sets a frame for measuring ideological influences in the texts. The analysis from the textbooks showed clear signs of ideological influences when talking about leadership.

Klimat för felhantering och Etiskt ledarskap : Felhantering i revision: En undersökning av ett tänkbart samband mellan etiskt ledarskap och felhanteringsklimat.

AbstractFor an audit organization, it is important to work toward maintaininga high error climate to handle errors in an efficient and propermanner. This means that it is important for accountants to worktowards high quality of work, reduce and manage errors that mayoccur in their daily work. Therefore, auditors must know how tohandle errors in order to improve efficiency, which can be affected byhow leadership is exercised in the workplace. The error climatemeans being able to act in a manner which will ensure a good jobtowards customers but also within the internal operations.The ethical leadership may thus have an impact on how auditorshandle the error environment both internally and externally. It is veryimportant for customers to have confidence in the business but also tomaintain the order and the general rules of society for accountingfirms.My study aims to show the thinkable relationship between ethicalleadership and the error climate.

Transformativt och transaktionellt ledarskap och dess samband med medarbetarnas va?lbefinnande

The purpose of the present study was to get further knowledge about the relationship between transformative and transactional leadership in the context of employee ?s well-being, as well as the relationship between the components of respectively leadership and employee?s well-being. The study also aims to gain knowledge about previous research on the transformational and transactional leadership and employee well-being and if it?s applicable in the Swedish culture. The few studies that studied the relationship between transactional leadership and the well-being of employees have found a negative relationship or found no relationship at all.

Återförsäljare vs. leverantör : påverkan och förväntningar

Through our study we have found that there are moresimilarities than differences in leadership styles. The dominant leadership style of managers in both private and public sector is the democratic leadership style, often in combination with other styles; most notably the authoritarian leadership style. The charismatic leadership style doesn't seem to be popular in neither private nor public sector.Title:                                                                              A study of leadership styles in public and private sector Course:                                                    Bachelor Dissertation - LeadershipAuthors:                                                  Milos Kostic and Rudina ShabaniAdvisor:                                                   Ingemar WictorKeyword:                                                Leadership style, public, private, leadershipProblem formulation:          What differences and similarities in leadership styles are there between managers in private companies and managers in public companies?Purpose:                                                  Our purpose has been to find which similarities and differences there are in leadership styles between managers in private sector and managers in public sector.Theoretical framework:       After studying the theory of leadership, we found four different leadership styles relevant to our study. In the theoretical framework we discuss theories of authoritarian leadership, democratic leadership, laissez-faire leadership and charismatic leadership.

Gapet mellan en ledares självuppfattning och medarbetarnas uppfattningar

Leadership is about synchronizing people into doing actions together to reach a common goal. To be able to do such thing you have to be a good leader. A mutual feature between good leaders is a good self awareness in order to be able to lead others. By letting others evaluate the features of a leader it can give a good self image of the leaders? leadership.

Human Resource: involvering av personal : "alla ska med"

Our surrounding world is constantly changing and to be able to keep up with the fast pace of change organizations need to be prepared to transform as well. If there is a need for an organization to undergo a change process, the people constituting the organization also need to be prepared to change their behavior. In order for the change process to turn out successful, it is of the utmost importance that all employees are given the chance to take part in the process. The challenge for leaders during a change process is, therefore, to ensure that their employees actively get involved.The purpose of this study is to apply Human Resource (HR) theories on to an organization in order to critically review how leaders in practice, can involve their employees, on the basis of a change process.The study is a qualitative case study, the empirical material has been collected at Falkenbergs Sparbank with the help of one unstructured interview with an employee at the marketing department and four semi structured interviews with the office managers.Relationship oriented leadership is beneficial to use during change since it advocates an open relationship between co-workers and exchange of information and knowledge. Relationship oriented leadership is considered to be a good leadership style if organizations wants to turn Human Resource theories in to practice.

Ledarskap och efterföljelse : relationen mellan ledare och anställda på Lycamobile

In this day of age there is no clear definition of what leadership is and exactly what it means. Though something that all existing definitions of leadership have in common is that, it is a process of influence where the leader exerts influence over their subordinates. The concept of leadership can at first glance be seen as a clear substance that is easy to understand. However, this is not the case when one delves into the subject and begins to realize that leadership is a complex concept which includes a variety of things. How to best exercise leadership is a divided perception that may be completely different, depending on whom you ask the leader or the follower.In this paper the aim is to explore the leadership within the company Lycamobile located in Sweden, with respect to management.

"Konflikter bidrar till en levande verksamhet" : En kvalitativ studie om ledarskapets inverkan vid konflikthantering i privat och offentlig äldreomsorg

This study is based on interviews with four managers in public elderly care and four managers in private elderly care. The aim of this paper is to examine how these managers are experiencing their leadership in relation to conflict management, and if the managers leadership differs depending on private or public elderly care. Leadership and conflict management are theories that have been used in order to analyze the empirical findings. Previous research that has been used in the study concerns ?leadership/leadership styles?, ?conflict management?, ?to be active in the private/public elderly care?.

Delat Ledarskap- En fallstudie om ett delat produktansvar på ledarskapsnivå

Leadership is essential for every company. Its strength or weakness of direction, clarity, and evaluation affects success or failure of its organization. With the complex structure of the big and global companies today leadership is more challenging. The traditional view of leadership, with the single individual possessing all the competences and skills, is therefore being challenged by an alternative way of leadership, a shared leadership. Existing research on the subject is still scarce, which makes further studies in this field important.

Ledarskap i klassrummet : En kvalitativ studie om hur fyra lärare förhåller sig till pedagogiskt ledarskap

The purpose of this study is to analyse the attitude of four teachers to leadership in the classroom. The main research questions asked were:What are the teachers` views on leadership in the classroom?What does good versus  bad leadership mean to the teachers? What factors influence the teachers' leadership in the classroom, according to themselves?The method used is the qualitative method and interviews, which is my empirical material, I relate to different theories and previous research of leadership.The curriculum for the compulsory school system, the pre-school class and the leisure-time centre, Lpo 94, says a lot about how both the school and the teacher must pursue a democratic activity; the teacher must have a democratic leadership in the classroom (Lpo 94, s. 5). At school, the pupils should be met with respect, they should feel safe and be motivated to learn.

Ledarskap - en social konstruktion och egenskap : en kvalitativ studie om ledarskap på en skola i Stockholms innerstad

This study of leadership is comprised of two parts. The first part presented in this study is a theoretical study of leadership and the second part is an empirical study. The empirical study is comprised of six qualitative interviews that examine the perception of leadership among educators working at a school in the inner city.The work is based on the following issues; Do educators think that there is a link between educational work and leadership? Do educators see a link between leadership and goals, and guidelines that are written in Lgr11 and the Education Act? Does the perception of leadership depend on what training the educators have?In this study I use a hermeneutical approach where I try to create an understanding of the interviewees by interpreting their responses, actions and opinions during the interviews.The material gained from the empirical study has been analyzed and interpreted and then related to the theoretical study. The results show that leadership is something that everyone in the school system is in need of whatever their education.

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