

10215 Uppsatser om Relation oriented leadership - Sida 4 av 681

Den situationsanpassade ledarskapsmodellen som verktyg i lärarskapet

In the 1960?s, Paul Hersey and Ken Blanchard developed a theory called Situational Leadership. Situational Leadership is a model where the leader analyses the needs of the situation and the needs of the people to be led. After analysing the situation, decision is made on what leadership style to adopt. The Situational Leadership model was developed in a company environment.

Kvinnors ledarskapsförhållanden i Afghanistan (Women?s leadership in Afghanistan)

The purpose of this study is examine how Afghan women experience leadership in Afghanistan and how they perceive their existence and involvement in the country?s development?s process. The study is limited to the women leadership and its diffculties in the afghan culture, tradition and religion. Based on men?s and women?s perspective, I want to examine how they look at women?s leadership and its different problem in the afghan society.

Att erbjuda största möjliga lycka: en kvalitativ studie av ett parledarskap på en somatisk vårdavdelning

The aim of this study was to investigate leadership in public health care. The methods used were shadowing and semi-structured interviews. The shadowing involved observing the shared leadership of two head nurses in an administrative management position of a ward in their daily work during two weeks. The observation was supplemented by ten semi-structured interviews. A thematic analysis of the data was carried out and the result indicated that shared leadership is a form of leadership well suited for an organisation as big and complex as the clinic where the study took place.

Ledarutveckling : Vägen till Totalt Ledarskap

In today?s tough business environment the need for good and efficient leaders are becoming more and more important. The businesses are in constant change, the world is more unpredictable and the competences of the employees are much greater today, which also calls for a new type of leader, a leader who not only is authoritarian, but also possesses soft skills. In this environment where there is this greater focus on leaders, leadership developments have emerged and increased in number over the last ten to twenty years. They try to develop leaders in all domains of their life, both professional and personal and the model we work with in this paper is Total Leadership, this model implies that you try to accomplish being a better leader throughout your whole life as a leader, to be whole, genuine and innovative, no matter career or position in life.

En studie av ledarskapsstilar inom offentlig och privat sektor

Through our study we have found that there are moresimilarities than differences in leadership styles. The dominant leadership style of managers in both private and public sector is the democratic leadership style, often in combination with other styles; most notably the authoritarian leadership style. The charismatic leadership style doesn't seem to be popular in neither private nor public sector.Title:                                                                              A study of leadership styles in public and private sector Course:                                                    Bachelor Dissertation - LeadershipAuthors:                                                  Milos Kostic and Rudina ShabaniAdvisor:                                                   Ingemar WictorKeyword:                                                Leadership style, public, private, leadershipProblem formulation:          What differences and similarities in leadership styles are there between managers in private companies and managers in public companies?Purpose:                                                  Our purpose has been to find which similarities and differences there are in leadership styles between managers in private sector and managers in public sector.Theoretical framework:       After studying the theory of leadership, we found four different leadership styles relevant to our study. In the theoretical framework we discuss theories of authoritarian leadership, democratic leadership, laissez-faire leadership and charismatic leadership.

Kvinnorna vid makten : En fallstudie om skillnader och likheter mellan svenska och amerikanska kvinnliga ledare.

 The purpose of this case study was to view if there were any differences and similarities between Swedish and American female leaders, with focus on the Swedish female leaders. We also wanted to find out if the American female leaders had problem whit the classcelling.Our case study is a quality method, because we wanted to reach the dep't that quality methods can reach. We interviewed four Swedish female leaders and tried to get in touch whit American female leaders but whit out any success. So instead we analyzed already existing research about the American female leadership. Our result showed that there were some differences between the two countries; in the same time we also found similarities. The classcelling tends to exist more in Sweden than in the US.   .

Maktens påverkan i en coachingrelation : En kritisk diskursanalys

The use of coaching is fairly up to date in the business world although it?s relatively new.Despite this, there?s a lack of clarity about what coaching is and what it signifies. Our point ishowever not to define coaching. Based on the normative coaching literature, the purpose is,from a critical discourse analysis to explore the power relations that affect the coach andcoached in their relation to each other, so as to be able to criticize managerial coachingrelationship as presented in the literature. This will contribute to enabling for a more opendiscourse.The theoretical image of managerial coaching described by the literature as a democraticexercised leadership by a certain type of behavior and attitudes, will lead to improvedorganizational performance.

Chefers och medarbetares uppfattning om ett gott ledarskap

Leadership is a well-known phenomenon in today?s world and researchers have developed multitudes of theories with different assumptions about what leadership is and what implications it has. Models of different kinds of leadership have been presented and researchers are constantly working on trying to find a definition of great leadership. Our thought was however that because every human being is unique it would be naïve to presume that all people hold the same perception about what constitutes good leadership. Although we believed that every person defines good leadership in his/her own way we also believed that there could be similarities to be found between illustrations generated from people with comparable organizational positions.

Kvinnliga avdelningschefers erfrenheter av sitt ledarskap inom vården

Literature describes what it is like to be a leader in the healthcare and what is looked upon as the most characteristic quality for female leadership. Women often use a leadership technique that motivates the employee and they allow themselves to develop a humanitarian leadership. The aim of this study was to describe female head nurses? experience of their leadership in healthcare. The collection of data has been carried out from interviews.

Sambandet mellan bransch och ledarskap : En studie av den amerikanska och svenska TV-produktionsbranschen

AbstractAs a result of globalisation, there are indications that national cultural differences between countries are becoming increasingly vague. Research shows that industries develop similarities, as a result of the integration between corporations that has followed the internationalisation. The aim of this study was thus to investigate whether different countries in the same industry can develop similar perceptions regarding what is considered effective leadership. The study also aimed to investigate whether these perceptions can influence how leadership is exercised. The leader qualities that were identified were categorised based on the leadership attributes that were formulated in Project GLOBE.

Ledarskapstilar i klassrummet : Utifrån lärarperspektiv

The purpose of this study was to see how teachers experience their own leadership style and how they did to get their leadership to work in the classroom. The purpose was also to understand the teachers? actions, what they think is best for the students? development and how they describe the leadership in the classroom. I interviewed six female teachers and they all have had many experiences since this is their profession. My research was based on Stensmo (2000).

Implementering av verksamhetsbaserad arkivredovisning i statliga museimyndigheter

The  change that has occurred during the past few decades concerning the development of electronic records, information technology and the constantly increasing quantity of information, have confronted the archival discipline with new challenges. In the digital world, the concept of ?record? has changed from representing something lasting and physical to something much more abstract and transient. The way to approach archival description has also changed, from focusing on the static preservation of archival records, to documenting the transactions of organisations, and to clarify operational processes. The discussion about the general purpose of the archival discipline, and its place in a changing world, has led to a new approach to archival description.

Pedagogistans pedagogiska ledarskap

The pedagogista is a new professional role in Swedish preschools. Some people question the role, which originates from Italy, since it is believed to carry out a pedagogical leadership that belongs to the head of the preschool according to the curriculum and the Education Act. Consequently, there is cause for examining what pedagogical leadership means in an organization with a pedagogista. However, re- search has shown the success of distributed leadership within schools. Hence, it ?s interesting to find out whether the pedagogical leadership of the pedagogista could be understood as distributed leadership and what that would implicate.The purpose of this thesis is to explain and understand the pedagogical leadership of the pedagogista.

"Watchman and reporter" : En kvalitativ studie om rektorers inställning till ledarskap

Aim The aim of the study is to, from a comparative perspective, examine principals? view of leadership in successful schools. Questions: How do the principals describe their own leadership? What subject positions do the principals take? Method Three principals were interviewed in the study. The interviews lasted for about 60 minutes.

Larmrutiner och samverkan vid hot om suicid : -i Karlstadregionen

Literature describes what it is like to be a leader in the healthcare and what is looked upon as the most characteristic quality for female leadership. Women often use a leadership technique that motivates the employee and they allow themselves to develop a humanitarian leadership. The aim of this study was to describe female head nurses? experience of their leadership in healthcare. The collection of data has been carried out from interviews.

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