

1319 Uppsatser om Reject water - Sida 64 av 88

Lönsam energieffektivisering : Ett samarbete mellan ÅF och kund

This thesis project has focused on studying ÅF?s business concept Energy Collaboration, which is their way of selling energy efficiency services. Thereforeongoing projects have been analyzed. The purpose was to determine achieved energy efficiency, costs and profitability for the studied projects. It was concluded that the Energy Collaboration is a good way of selling energy efficiency services, since the customer takes no risk and energy savings of about 15-25 % can be achieved with simple measures.

Miljöutredning för Bräcke Diakoni

The environmental work in Sweden has developed a lot over the past fifty years. Today, most companies have some kind of environmental work. Environmental activities are regulated by the Environmental Code, which applies in parallel with other laws. This report is an environmental review for Bräcke Diakoni. The report aims to find out how much environmental impact Bräcke Diakoni has.

Animal welfare in Ethiopia : transport to and handling of cattle at markets in Addis Abeba and Ambo

Stressful routines for animal handling can reduce immune function and productivity of animals. If stakeholders are handling animals aversively, animals will show increased expressions of fear for humans and higher stress levels which lead to the compromise of animals? welfare. In Ethiopia, there are no legislations to protect animals from suffering or discomfort. The main objective of this study was therefore to analyse welfare of cattle on animal markets in Ethiopia and map out supply chains of animals to these markets.

Dimensionerande vattenförbrukning och dess variationer

I Sverige användes det år 2010 ca 907 miljoner kubikmeter dricksvatten från kommunala uttag. Allt detta vatten måste kunna transporteras, vilket görs genom vattenledningar. För att dimensionera dessa krävs att man vet hur mycket vatten som skall distribueras och hur det varierar bl.a. beroende på när under dygnet, veckan och året som uttag sker.Vid dagens tillvägagångssätt för dimensionering av vattenledningar till nya områden använder man bland annat typexempel på förbrukningsvariationer under dygnet för ett liknande område. Dessutom används erfarenhetsbaserade värden på maxtim- och maxdygnsfaktorer.Dagens dimensioneringsätt har ej kunnat säkerställas på grund av otillräcklig och bristfälligt detaljerad data över förbrukningsmängd.

Uppkomst av metaboliska rubbningar hos häst under tävling i distansritt ? omvårdnad och förbyggande åtgärder

During an endurance riding competition the onset of metabolic disorders leading up to elimination from the race are common. As many as 8,7 % of the horses participating in international endurance riding competitions are eliminated due to metabolic causes such as tachycardia, absence of borborygmi, hyperthermia and dehydration. To prevent the onset of metabolic disorders in the horse the rider must be able to determine the physiological and physical status of his or her horse. This requires good knowledge in nutrition, physiology and performance training. The risk of developing metabolic problems is reduced through the right feeding management and training.

Vätskebalansen hos arbetande hästar på olika dieter

Kunskapen om hur tränande hästar påverkas av olika dieter behöver bli större. Därför utfodrades 6 tränande travhästar med 3 olika typer av foderstater. Våra frågeställningar var:Hur påverkas hästens vattenintag och vätskebalans av olika foderstater? Hur vätskebalansen påverkas under arbete.Hypotesen var att hästens vattenintag och vätskebalans skulle påverkas och att vätskebalansen kommer att påverkas av de olika dieterna under arbete.Hästen får i sig vatten från tre källor, dricksvatten, vatten i foder och metaboliskt vatten. För att behålla vätskebalansen måste intaget av vatten täcka det hästen förlorar.

Framtidens kongresshus : Stadsbyggnadsvisionen i Jönköping

Since a couple of decades the community of Jönköping has worked out an urban vision of how the city should be appropriated expanded. The prospect extends to around year 2040 and deals with the area south of lake Munksjön in Jönköping, Sweden. Today there is a proposal of how this would look like and what main public functions that should be located there. One issue in the so-called urban vision 2.0 indicates a congressional building. This report describes how such an object can be designed according to the urban vision conditions.The work is focused on three main themes;* Architectural concept and a modern form of expression.* A functional attractive congress building in a new planned town centre.* General concept of a realistic structure system that meet the spatial and architectural possibilities.Various concepts in the meeting industry and in the architecture field are identified in order to understand the concepts and ideas with today´s congress buildings.

Optimization and validation of a triplex real-time PCR assay for thermotolerant Campylobacter species associated with foodborne disease

The genus Campylobacter is globally recognised as the leading bacterial cause of human foodborne gastroenteritis. Every year around 8000 Swedes are infected by Campylobacter. Most people are infected by thermotolerant Campylobacter species, commonly C. jejuni and C. coli.

Glukos och leucin som potentiellt hjälpmedel i återuppbyggandet av muskelglykogen efter hårt arbete hos travhästar

The aim of the project was to study the effect of oral administration of glucose and leucin on the resynthesis of muscle glycogen after intense exercise in Standardbred trotters. In a crossover design, 11 Standardbred trotters performed a standardized exercise test on two occasions in order to deplete muscle glycogen. The exercise test comprised a warm up period, 7 repeated bouts of exercise on an uphill 500 m slope, and a recovery period. After the exercise test horses received: 1) a solution of glucose and leucine via a nasogastric tube at 0 minutes and at 240 minutes post exercise and a single bout of glucose at 120 minutes post exercise or 2) water (placebo) at 0, 120 and 240 minutes. Blood samples for measurement of glucose and insulin concentrations were collected at rest, when the horses returned to the stables directly after exercise and throughout the 6 hour recovery phase. During the first recovery hour, samples were collected every 15 minutes and then every 30 minutes over the next 5 hours.

Bostadssektorns koldioxidutsläpp

Energy is an important issue in the current world which significantly affects sustainability and development. Energy generation and use are major sources of CO2 emissions which is one of the most important driving factors in global climate changes. The amount of energy used in house hold section can lead to estimation of the amount of CO2 emitted within this section which subsequently would be a ground to better management and maintaining a sustainable society. This study which is a bachelor?s project in sustainable energy, deals with estimation of CO2 emission from different types of residential houses in Sweden. An extensive literature review on energy use in Sweden by different residential sectors has been conducted.

Analys av dricksvattenrening med metoderna Mikrobiologisk riskanalys, MRA och God desinfeksjonspraksis, GDP

Vatten är ett livsmedel som vi kommer i kontakt med dagligen. För att inte råka ut för sjuk-domar och infektioner renas dricksvattnet på vattenverken, främst för att reducera antalet patogener, d.v.s. sjukdomsframkallande mikroorganismer. Man brukar prata om tre grupper mikroorganismer i vattenrening; bakterier, virus och parasiter. Dessa grupper är vitt skilda i många avseenden och reduceras därför olika bra av olika reningssteg.

Att fly sin kropp. En studie om gränsöverskridning i Sara Stridsbergs prosa

Sara Stridsberg?s novels Happy Sally, Drömfakulteten and Darling River are all brimming withliterary images of movement and becoming. The physical aspects of being a female subject inbecoming highlights the enfleshed body as important. Themes such as sexuality, power andviolence can be traced in the beautiful but most disturbing narratives of Stridsberg.The purpose of this study is to show the reader how the literary female characters aretranscending the physical borders of their bodies in order to become something more than what thehuman form allows them to be. Heteronormative sexuality, sickness, closeness to water andanimaling are bound together by the way they enact the female characters to stretch beyond thesurfaces of their skins.

Lämpliga områden för vindkraftsetablering på land i Norrbottens län

Wind power is becoming an increasingly important source of energy. There are several national and international goals set to increase to amount of renewable energy, and in order to meet these goals, the wind power production plays an important part and the establishment of new wind power farms are required. The Swedish national project Riksintresse Vindbruk has appointed areas in Sweden suitable for wind power, mainly when looking at the physical wind conditions of the area. In this study, I aim to define suitable areas for wind power establishment in Norrbottens län. In order to reach this goal, a critical regional method was developed and completed using GIS.

Vårlamm eller dikoproduktion i Dalarna : fallstudie

This study investigates a farm in Dalarna which includes 16 ha of farmland and 1, 7 ha of pasture. The purpose is to find out if it is possible to start an animal production in Dalarna. The study is set only to compare spring lamb production with nurse cow production. There are two buildings on the farm that can be used for this purpose. One is an old cowshed, and the other is an unused silo for silage with a roof on top. Both of the buildings are compared to every alternative in the calculations.

Sommargården - Hållbara uppvärmningsalternativ för stugbyn Sommargården, Finnhamn

Finnhamn is a group of islands that are located in the middle north part of Stockholm?s archipelagos. On the main island Stora Jolpan there is a camp called Sommargården, which consists of eleven different buildings in various sizes. The assignment given by the Archipelago foundation (Skärgårdsstiftelsen) is to analyze if it?s benefited to replace Sommargårdens current heating system that consists of electricity radiators, with a more energy efficient heating system. This research is done with help of the literature review and a visit to Finnhamn in order to map Sommargården?s current state and its energy usage.

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